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❖ Presumptive Signs
➢ These are signs and symptoms or sensations that
while possible indicating pr egnancy could also be a
cause by any number of conditions.
➢ Amenorrhea, nausea and vomiting, frequent
urination, breast tenderness, quickening or the fetal
movement, skin changes, and fatigue.
❖ Probable Signs
➢ Most of the time, this indicates pregnancy but in
certain cases, they might be false or caused by
another condition.
➢ Abdominal enlargement, Hegar sign, Goodell sign,
Chadwick’s sign, Braxton Hick’s contraction, a
positive pregnancy test, and ballotement.
❖ Positive Signs
➢ This indicates that the woman is already pregnant.
➢ Fetal heartbeat and visualization of the fetus.

❖ Uterine Changes
➢ Increase in the size of the uterus
➢ Fundal height changes
■ At 12 weeks, it should be above the symphysis
pubis. At 20th week to 22nd week, it could be at
the umbilicus. At 36th week, it could be at the
xyphoid process.
➢ Hegar’s Sign
■ Softening of the cervix
■ A non-specific indication of pregnancy that is
characterized by the compressibility and
softening of the cervical isthmus.
➢ Ballotement
■ A technique in palpating to check for pregnancy
■ A sharp upward pushing against the uterine wall
with a finger inserted into the vagina for
diagnosing pregnancy by feeling the return
impact of the displaced fetus.
➢ Braxton Hicks Contractions
■ A false labor contraction
■ These are irregular uterine contractions that
might begin in your second or third trimester.
➢ Ammenorhia
■ Absence of menses
❖ Cervical Changes
➢ Operculum
■ It feels and seals the cervical canal during
■ It is formed by a small amount of cervical mucus.
➢ Goodell’s Sign
■ A significant softening of the vaginal portion of
the cervix
❖ Vaginal Changes
➢ Chadwick’s Sign
■ There is bluish discoloration of the cervix,
vagina, and labia which is most likely observed
as early as 6 to 8 weeks after conception
❖ Changes in the Breasts
➢ Feeling of fullness
➢ Tingling and tenderness
➢ At 16th week of pregnancy, colostrum (milk) may
already be excreted from the breast.

❖ Integumentary System
➢ Striae gravidarum
■ Stretchmarks
➢ Diastasis recti
■ The partial or complete separation of the rectus
abdominus to accomodate the growing fetus
➢ Linea nigra
■ Linea alba
■ A line that extends from the symphysis pubis to
the umbilicus
➢ Melasma
■ Chloasma or mask of pregnancy
■ This is a brownish hyperpigmentation of the skin
over the cheeks, nose and your forehead.
➢ Vascular spiders
➢ Palmar erythema
■ These are pinkish red diffused mottling (marked
with spots) on the palms of the hands
❖ Respiratory Changes
➢ Most likely the mother will experience toughening of
the nasopharynx or shortness of breath
❖ Cardiovascular Changes
➢ Blood loss for normal vaginal birth is around 300mL
to 400mL while cesarian birth would be
➢ The fetus requires a total amount of 350mL-400mL of
iron to grow
➢ Encourage women to eat foods that are high in follic
❖ Gastrointestinal Changes
➢ The first sensation a woman may experience during
pregnancy is nausea and vomiting.
❖ Urinary Changes
➢ Increase urinary frequency during the first three
months of pregnancy and at the end of pregnancy is
❖ Skeletal Changes
➢ The pride of pregnancy or the lordosis
➢ There is gradual softening of the a woman’s pelvic
ligaments and joints to create pliability and to
facilitate passage of the baby throughout the pelvis.
❖ Endocrine Changes
➢ The placenta is an additional endocrine hormone
during pregnancy.

❖ First Trimester
➢ It is expected that the mother will gain 2-4 pounds
during the first trimester.
❖ Second Trimester
➢ The mother gains 11-12 pounds during the second
❖ Third Trimester
➢ The mother 11-12 pounds during the third trimester.
➢ A total of 25 to 35 pounds during the span of
➢ A double in weight gain in every month could indicate
that the mother is having multiple pregnancy or other

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