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How to teach memristors in school

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2017 Phys. Educ. 52 033008


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Phys. Educ. 52 (2017) 033008 (6pp)

How to teach memristors

in school
Stavros G Stavrinides
Computer Science Department, University of Thessaly, Lamia, Greece


A memristor is the fourth fundamental electrical element, next to resistor,
capacitor and inductor. This element has attracted the interest of the
scientific and engineering communities during the last few years, due to the
construction of such a device by the HP-Labs in 2008. Thus, theoretical,
technological, as well as practical issues about memristors have emerged.
One of the practical issues is the way that memristors will be introduced in
the education procedure. In this frontline an initial approach of introducing
memristor teaching in schools is proposed. This course proposal is based on
lab inquiring activities and utilizes the simplest device exhibiting memristive
characteristics, a light bulb.

1. Introduction a great deal of effort has been put in building

The concept of a fourth fundamental electrical devices which can either operate as memristors or
element, due to a relation symmetry necessity, at least demonstrate memristive features.
belongs to Leon Chua, who in 1971 axiomati- All the above militate in favour of the fact
cally introduced the memristor [1]. This device that teaching memristors seems to become a
was placed next to a resistor, capacitor and induc- necessity in the years to come, while it is a chal-
tor, with its basic equation linking charge q with lenging issue since it involves the modification of
flux ϕ (figure 1). He labelled this missing link the presently taught theory of electricity and elec-
as ‘memristor’—short for memory-resistor. A tric circuits. To this direction, there have already
memristor device becomes more or less resistive been a couple of attempts in designing courses
according to the charge that has flowed through it; on memristors, mainly in the frame of under-
this way the history of its state of operation can be graduate electrical engineering curricula [4, 5]. It
represented and saved. This property allows for is apparent, that this necessity will soon appear
memristors to operate both as a computing and in the frame of High School science or STEM
storage element [2]. The latter even without any curriculum, as well. To this direction, K Atkins
power supply in the case of non-volatile memris- has alerted school education on this new circuit
tors. These features highlight the potential of the comp­onent, in the paper appearing in [6].
advance that this kind of device could bring to In this brief, the design of an elementary
sciences and electronics [2]. approach, aiming to bring school students in
The noteworthy result, achieved by the touch with some of the fundamental proper-
HP-Labs in 2008, when the team of Williams ties of memristors, is presented. This approach
recognized and realized the first memristor nano- avoids any complicated mathematics. On the con-
device, revived the interest of the scientific and trary, it tries to highlight some of the properties
engineering communities [3]. As a consequence, of memristors from a practical point of view.

1361-6552/17/033008+6$33.00 1 © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd

S G Stavrinides


q ϕ 4
M = dϕ/dq
= 0

C = dq/dV



L = dϕ/dI
t –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2

–4 I increasing
I decreasing
V R = dV/dI I

Figure 2. A Type II memristive pinched hysteresis

loop I(A)–V(V), demonstrated by a torch light bulb.

where M(I, x→ is the memristance, in the

Figure 1. Symmetrical relations between the four sense of a nonlinear resistor with memory, dem-
fundamental electric magnitudes. The theoretical
onstrating its own dynamics, though.
existence of a fourth element (the memristor) is
apparent. The unique features characterizing memris-
tors arise from the relevant dynamics emerging,
The proposed approach is based on blended learn- and include an I–V characteristic, exhibiting either
ing, since both the classic axiomatic teaching an intersecting at the origin of the axes (pinched)
method and the inquiring one are utilized. Finally, hysteresis loop (Type I), when it is driven by an
it is noted that a torch light-bulb serves as a vola- ac current or voltage, or a non-intersecting but
tile memristor device, according to the demon- still pinched one (Type II) [11]. This feature is
strated memristive behaviour reported in [7]. the well-known fingerprint of memristive behav-
iour; as Leon Chua stated: if it’s pinched it’s a
2.  Theoretical elements ­memristor [10]. This was proved vice-versa by
Biolek et al in [11].
As mentioned above and illustrated in figure  1, In [7], the demonstrated memristive hyster-
the original defining relation of memristors is one etic behaviour of a device, namely a torch light
linking charge q with flux ϕ, as in equation (1): bulb, was experimentally investigated. Light bulbs
ϕ = M (q, x→) ⋅ q
(1) behave as typical volatile, non-ideal memristors.
Although they do not maintain their resistive situ-
In this generalized version, memristance M is a
ation when they are turned off, they demonstrate
function not only of charge (q) but also of a vec-
a pinched hysteresis loop for frequencies up to 10
tor x→ representing a number of physical quanti-
Hz. A thermal model, according to equation (2),
ties (not only electrical ones), which influence its
defining memristance as a function of the bulb
value [8]. Thus, the proper domain for studying
current and the filament temperature M(I,Tf),
and characterizing memristors is the q–ϕ domain.
was proposed in [12]. Finally, in figure 2, a typi-
In order to make things more appropriate for
cal memristive pinched hysteresis loop, demon-
a school audience, one can study memristors and
strated by a 6 V light bulb driven by an ac-current
their properties in the I–V domain, taking into
of 0.5 Hz, is illustrated [7].
account the diagonal relations of figure 1, i.e. the
fact that flux is the integral of the applied voltage
and charge the integral of the current through it, 3.  Motivation, objectives and
both holding in all cases [9]. Consequently, the methodology
original definition of equation (1) could finally be
interpreted into: Although one can find numerous examples,
tutorials and simulations about resistors, capaci-
V = M (I , x→) ⋅ I
(2) tors and inductors in textbooks and companion

May 2017 2 Phys. Educ. 52 (2017) 033008

How to teach memristors in school

(a) (b)

I 4

– 2

0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16

Figure 3. (a) A simple bulb circuit (the power supply could be either a voltage or a current one). (b) The
experimental I(A)–V(V) graph of the bulb connected to a dc-power supply.

material of all levels, it is not so in the case of the need to familiarize students with them and by
memristors. In addition to this, no lab exercises extension with ac-current, before getting students
or any kind of proposed procedures on teaching to discover memristive behaviour features.
memristive devices exist [4, 5], as no standard It is well-known that light bulbs are devices
memristor devices are available, with the excep- where Ohm’s law does not hold, although it holds
tion of a handful of scientific laboratory devices. for the case of the metal filament. This is due to
In the meantime the importance of the memristor the fact that a mechanism of thermal emission
seems to increase, as already explained in previ- and absorption exists. Thus, its nonlinear nature
ous sections. emerges. This feature has already been utilized
Motivated by this situation and under the and discussed in order to explain the limits within
prism of the reported memristive behaviour of which Ohm’s law holds [13].
simple light bulbs [7, 12], even low voltage torch Considering the audience to which this short
bulbs, an introductory course for High School course is addressed, a methodology based on the
students on the properties of memristors is pro- utilization of the exhibited memristive behaviour
posed and described in the following section. by simple torch light bulbs is hereby proposed.
The objectives of this course are: This is the simplest way to get school students in
touch with memristors and their features through
• to make students understand the extent of the
a qualitative confrontation. It also demonstrates
validity of Ohm’s law, since memristance
the advantage of exploiting school science labs
behaves like a nonlinear resistance;
by employing a blended approach of both con-
• to lead students to discover memristor’s
frontational teaching and the inquiring approach.
­fingerprint, i.e. its typical hysteretic loop.
This way school students have the opportunity to
These objectives are judged to be reasonable discover unexpected elementary electric behav-
for High School students and they will provide iours and through them basic qualitative features
basic practical knowledge of memristor character- of memristors.
istics while the students will acquire an elemen-
tary insight into the behaviour of such a device.
At this level, students have been taught basic 4.  Course proposal
electricity and elementary electric circuits, while The blended approach proposed in the previous
they possess the skills needed for using school lab section is unavoidable since school students, even
equipment. Although the ideas of oscillations and if they have heard about memristors, do not have
waves are in the High School curriculum in most any solid knowledge about them. Consequently,
countries worldwide, in some cases there maybe in order to use a systematic initial approach to the

May 2017 3 Phys. Educ. 52 (2017) 033008

S G Stavrinides

(a) (b)

V (Volts)
AC V –0.7
–0.13 –0.08 –0.03 0.03 0.08 0.13
I (mA)

0.13 3.6
0.08 I 2.2

V (Volts)
0.03 0.7
I (mA)

–0.03 –0.7
–0.08 –2.2
–0.03 –3.6
0 60 120

Figure 4. (a) The bulb-based real memristive circuit (upper) and its equivalent memristive one (lower) is
presented. (b) A snapshot of the custom-made, real-time monitoring and data acquisition system, in the case of an
ac-current of 120 mVp–p, 0.01 Hz.

issue it is judged that a short introduction, ranging Although the expected result for a metal fila-
from the memristor symbol to relating memris- ment is a linear relation between current and volt­
tors to the other three fundamental electrical ele- age, it is apparent that this is not the case for the
ments, is necessary; figure 1 could be helpful, in bulb. A discussion on the extent of Ohm’s law,
such a case. However, out of the three elements, according to the comments appearing in [13],
the one that requires discussion in relation to could take place. However, the most important
memristors is the resistor. This is because Ohm’s notion is to stress the fact that the bulb is a non-
law and memristor’s defining relation in the I–V linear element, due to the emitting-absorbing
domain, i.e. equation (2), appear to be the same. heating phenomenon; thus it is an option (some-
The difference is that memristance M(I, x→) pos- thing that is not always applying) to demonstrate
sesses its own dynamics, which in any case are a resistance that possesses its own dynamics, like
complex. In the case of light bulbs it is the fila- in the case of memristors—see equation (2).
ment temperature (Tf) that plays the role of the In the second experimental procedure, the
external physical quantity influencing the value students are requested to create the circuit appear-
of memristance, thus according to the model pro- ing in the upper part of figure  4(a). The bulb is
posed in [12], M  =  M(I, Tf). connected in series to an ohmic resistor (R  =  1 Ω),
In the first experimental inquiring procedure, so that the current through the bulb could be indi-
the students are asked to create a simple circuit rectly monitored and the system is supplied by an
by connecting a 6 V torch-bulb to a variable dc- ac-current source. Then they are asked to monitor
voltage/current power supply (figure 3(a)). The the voltage across the bulb and the circuit current
students have to properly connect a voltmeter and (indirectly by monitoring the voltage across resis-
an ammeter, in order to monitor both the voltage tor R). This could be accomplished either by using
across the bulb and the current through it. Then an oscilloscope (a digital version with storage
they are asked to create the corresponding I–V abilities would be helpful, especially in the low
graph in the range of 0–5 V (for safety reasons). frequencies, used in this case) or by utilizing any
The resulting graph appears in figure 3(b). kind of real time registration and representation

May 2017 4 Phys. Educ. 52 (2017) 033008

How to teach memristors in school
most important feature of a memristor, that of the
6 pinched hysteresis loop [8].
According to the previous directions, stu-
4 dents could also study light bulb’s memristive

V (V) 2
behaviour, in the case of other driving current
frequencies and confirm memristor’s fingerprint.
0 For example, in figure 5 the i–v characteristic, in
–0.2 –0.15 –0.1 –0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 the case of a driving current of 1 Hz, is presented.
–2 I (A) The emblematic memristor fingerprint is again
–4 evident. Note that the light bulb’s memristive
behaviour appears for frequencies less than 10 Hz
–6 [7, 12]. This different case provides the physics
teacher with an opportunity to discuss and explain
the fact that memristance (unlike resistance) is
dependent on the complex dynamics of the mem-
Figure 5. Memristor’s fingerprint in the case of a ristor itself. In this case, this is due to the physical
driving ac-current 10 Hz. system (filament) emitting and absorbing heat.

system (automated data acquisition system), like

a data logger or even a smartphone-based appli- 5. Discussion
cation for monitoring electric signals; with the The revival of the interest on memristors in the
pursuit of creating the corresponding I–V curve. scientific and the engineering world, together with
In figure 4(b), a snapshot of a custom-made the progress that has been achieved in this area,
monitoring and registration system, created for has raised the issue of the introduction of mem-
the study of the memristive behaviour of light ristors in the curricula. The lack of cheap, off the
bulbs, appears. It consists of a continuous pic- self and easy to use devices is a preventing agent.
ture of the bulb, as this is monitored/recorded However, it is apparent that physics school pro-
by a camera, and two graphs, one illustrating the fessors will have to confront the issue of teaching
time series evolution of the both the current and memristors, if not today, in the near future. The
voltage signals, while the other one is illustrating use of expensive, expertise-demanding simula-
the I–V characteristic curve; all three illustrations tion tools (like PSpice derivatives), where models
are real time and fully synchronized in between of memristors exist is not the proper solutions; at
them. In this case the bulb was supplied by an the same time simulations of something that stu-
ac-current of 120 mAp–p, 0.01 Hz. The driving dents have never seen in real life are not the best
ac-current frequency used was so low that the stu- way to introduce them.
dents could also observe even the evolution in the On the other hand, the lately described mem-
bulb’s lighting during a period. ristive behaviour of simple light bulbs, even torch
The I–V characteristic curve, illustrated in light bulbs, provides physics teachers with a device
figure 4(b), reveals the emblematic memristor fin- that could be utilized for the demonstration of mem-
gerprint as stated in [10] by Leon Chua: ‘If it’s ristive behaviour. To this way a proposal on how to
pinched it’s memristor’. The presented applied teach memristors to school students appeared in the
current and the resulting voltage time-series’ preceding lines. This proposal adopted a blended
lead the students to discover the distortion of approach of theoretical and experimental teaching
the volt­age signal, compared to that of the cur­ as well as confrontational and inquiry approaches.
rent. At the same time they can notice that both No complicated mathematics have been used, while
current and voltage signal intersect one another simulations were avoided. Of course the use of
at zero value; thus no phase lag is noticed (like simple data-acquisition systems, would make this
the hysteretic loops of the other two electrical approach easier for the students and will allow them
elements, i.e. the capacitor and the inductor). As to concentrate on the main theme of this course. In
a result, the light bulb’s memristive behaviour any case, the students would have acquired their
emerges and through this the students realize the first knowledge on the features of memristors.

May 2017 5 Phys. Educ. 52 (2017) 033008

S G Stavrinides
Received 16 December 2016 [8] Chua L 2012 Proc. IEEE 100 1920–7
Accepted for publication 12 January 2017 [9] Corinto F, Civalleri P-P and Chua L O 2015 IEEE JETCAS 5 123–32
[10] Chua L 2014 Semicond. Sci. Technol. 29 104001
Acknowledgments [11] Biolek D, Biolek Z and Biolkova V 2011
The author acknowledges support to the EU Electron. Lett. 47 1385–7
[12] Picos R, Stavrinides S G, Theodorakakos A
COST Action IC1401: Memristors - Devices, and Hatzikraniotis E 2016 Proc. Int. Conf.
Models, Circuits, Systems and Applications Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies
(MemoCiS). (MOCAST) pp 1–2
[13] Kaltacki D 2013 Phys. Educ. 48 279–81

[1] Chua L 1971 IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory
18 507–19 Stavros Stavrinides is a Physicist with
a MSc in Electronics and a PhD in
[2] Chua L 2015 Radioengineering 24 319–68
Chaotic Electronics. He has taught
[3] Strukov D B, Snider G S, Stewart D R and
numerous topics in physics and
Williams R S 2008 Nature 453 80–3 electronics, in various institutions, for
[4] Albo-Canals J and Pazienza G E 2011 Proc. Int. more than 17 years. He currently
Symp Circuit and Systems (ISCAS) pp 345–8 serves as a Physics school Professor
[5] Pazienza G E and Albo-Canals J 2011 and Principal in a Greek Public
IEEE Circuits Syst. Mag. 11 36–44 School; at the same time, he teaches
[6] Atkins K 2013 Phys. Educ. 48 317–21 electronics as an Adjunct Lecturer at
[7] Theodorakakos A, Stavrinides S G, the Computer Science Department,
Hatzikraniotis E and Picos R 2015 Proc. 1st University of Thessaly, Greece. He has
Int. Conf. Memristive Systems (MEMRISYS) authored or co-authored more than 60 journal and conference
p 7378393 papers and is an IEEE Senior Member.

May 2017 6 Phys. Educ. 52 (2017) 033008

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