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1.Movies and television influence people’s behavior

Nowadays television is present in every house. Each family member spends at least one hour a day enjoying his/her favourite
show. Today, TV programs contain violence and scandals that influence viewers negatively. Almost every show contains these
sorts of scenes to attract audience but among them youngsters can easily be influenced by them getting the wrong impression
of how they should behave. They tend to copy whatever they see on TV so they become rude and violent. Lately adults tend to
get more violent too so measures are required to diminish and control whatever is on TV.
2.Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living
In the past few centuries the standard of living had improved considerably. More and more fuel is consumed in order to make
our life easier. This consumption influenced negatively the environment due to pollution. It caused the green house effect and
other major environmental changes. Thus the weather got warmer and warmer, the ice caps started to melt and several animal
species become extinct. Measures should be taken to introduce alternative means so our standard of living wouldn’t degrade
but the environment would be safe.
3.Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save it for some time in the future?
Money is spent easily and earned with much difficulty. Each person should have some money saved for whatever problems
they might encounter/have in the future. If they spend it on trivialities they won’t have when they need it. The best example to
support this idea is this worldwide financial crisis. Many people got fired due to this economic instability. The ones who have
saved money have whatever it takes to move on and keep living till everything starts improving and they get another job.
4.Grades encourage students to learn
Grades reflect the amount of knowledge a student has. There are cases in which a teacher gives a good grade to a hard working
student to motivate him/her learn. Still that teacher shouldn’t make a habit of it otherwise her/his students won’t learn
anything. There are also teachers that give only bad grades and teachers that give only good grades. Both teachers fail to
motivate students in any way. Good grades motivate students, but only when a teacher sees that her student will be highly
motivated by them and proves that he/she can do more.
5.A friend in need is a friend indeed
It is very important to have friends. A real friend is someone that is there for you no matter if you are happy or sad. At the
same time he/she should give you advice whenever you need and accept your decisions whatever they might be. Also real
friends should be there for you whenever you have a problem whether sentimental, financial or one regarding health. The
world changes every second and the hardship of life makes people become more selfish as they mature so it gets harder and
harder to find real friends.
6.People should lead healthy lives
It is very important nowadays to be healthy and fit or at least almost every TV show mentions it. In a world that is more and
more agitated being healthy gets harder and harder. Everyday stress whether at work or even home tends to make people more
weak and predisposed to illnesses. It is imperative to eat fruit and vegetables, to walk at least 30 minutes every day and to sleep
well otherwise you might die before age. It is a serious matter, one that requires every person’s attention.
7.Adolescence is the road the maturity
Adolescence is the last stage on the road to maturity. It is a period that brings many changes to a person both physical and
mental. Adolescence occurs during high school years and it is considered to be the best period in one’s life. Teenagers interact,
see how society works and in the end define their personality as adults. Still it is a difficult period since rejection from their
peers/colleagues, separation of their parents, fights and scandals can influence them negatively for the rest of their lives. It is a
wonderful life period but also one of the most difficult.
8. The importance of music in your life
Music and television occupy a very important part in my life. I like many music styles: rock, pop, hip hop, country and dance.
It influences my personality and my way of living. Whenever I am sad I listen to some dance music to change my
mood/disposition. Whenever I am too excited or even stressed about certain situation I listen to pop or slow music to calm
down. Music brings joy in my life and helps me get over whatever problems I might have. It is the oldest form of entertainment
but for me is the most important.
9.Speak about a film actor/actress that you admire most
One of the most famous actresses whom I greately admire is Jodie Foster. She is not only an actress but a producer and director
as well. She won the Academy awards for “Silence of the lambs” and “The Accused”. Her roles in movies include thrillers,
romances, comedies and science fiction. She likes to keep her personal life private so tabloids don’t have any shocking news
about her. Although she is a woman, she is a role model for me due to her attitude towards people and life.
10.Speak about the importance of turning 18
Turning eighteen is a very important stage in my life because it’s time to become responsible for my actions. At the same time
I have more rights and obligations as well than I did before. Now I have the right to vote and express my political views. I can
get a job and earn my living working. Also I can get a driving license but getting a car is much more difficult since jobs aren’t
well paid for entry level persons.
11.Speak about the responsibility of having a pet
Having a pet is not an easy task. Some people may think that having a pet is mere entertainment but my experience proved
otherwise. A pet needs more than our love. First of all it needs to be feed and good healthy food is not cheap nowadays. It also
needs a place to sleep or play and from time to time medical care which is very expensive as well. Also pets need our constant
care and attention being considered family members. It’s demanding but it’s worth it.
12.Speak about your favourite film
My favourite film is 2012. It’s a science fiction disaster film which describes a way in which Earth will be almost destroyed. It
was filmed in Canada-Vancouver and released in cinemas in 2009. The rapid pacing and quick succession of actions as well as
the way it ended frightened and entertained me at the same time. Special effects and the characters contributed to the
uniqueness of the movie. I have seen it several times but each time it brings a new perspective.
13.Speak about a family tradition that you like
My family is a very traditional one who likes to get together at holidays, exchange cards and presents and come for a visit
whenever they have the chance. Easter is the most important celebration in our family and the preparation of Easter dinner is a
well respected family tradition. Even though family members live in different parts of the country or abroad, we gather to
prepare Easter dinner which combines various dishes to please everyone’s culinary tastes.
14.Speak about your favourite season and motivate your choice
My favourite season is Summer. I like the others seasons as well, but definitely Summer is the best. First of all I like hot
weather, sunny blue sky and longer days. Furthermore I like my Summer holiday because I have time to do whatever I want:
go to bed late and oversleep in the morning, go clubbing, watch T.V., read and walk. Also every year I go to the seaside with
my friends where I get tanned, play volleyball or go clubbing. It’s the season that makes me happy.
15.Speak about drug addiction as a threat to your life
Drug addiction has two components-physical and psychological dependency. When they are used regularly and the body gets
accustomed with them we speak of physical dependency. Psychological dependency occurs when a person’s mind become
emotionally reliant on their effects and does not feel capable of functioning without it. Rehabilitation centers are created to
help this sort of people. Drugs are lethal if they are consumed in high quantities and even a small quantity can produce
dependence. They are very harmful so they shouldn’t be consumed by anyone.
16.Speak about a life experience that taught you a positive lesson
The most important life experience that taught me a positive lesson was my brother’s recovery from a long illness. This
experience can be regarded as a negative one because he was sick for a long time but his recovery was a joy for all of us. This
taught us never to give up hope no matter how desperate the situation. From this experience I also learned that the only ones
who stand near you whenever you have a problem are your family.
17.Speak about the negative aspects of using the internet
Internet has both positive and negative aspects that anyone should take into consideration before using. First, there are people
who use the internet to steal large sums of money from other persons’ bank accounts. Others do business on internet, get
tricked and lose money since they don’t know who they are trading with. Pornographic sites should be restricted, and children
shouldn’t be allowed to visit them. There are others who send viruses on e-mails to simply destroy other computers. Measures
are required to stop these negative aspects.
18.Speak about the positive aspects of using the internet
The internet has become indispensable in our lives. It can help us maintain, through instant messaging systems like Yahoo or
Skype, a good relationship with our family and friends whether they are in a different city or another country. It also offers a
visual treasure of information that can be accessed by anyone with internet connection. Search engines like Google or
Yahoo offer round the clock service. At the same time the internet is used to publish medical breakthroughs
worldwide and to help people buy various products life food, music and films easier. It’s a wonder of modern

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