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10/27/22, 7:19 PM Oral Communication

Oral Communication
15 Questions DATE  : 

1. It is a process of sharing and conveying messages from one person to another.

A Culture B Communication

C Verbal D Intercultural

2. The information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the speaker in words or in actions is what
element of communication?

A channel B message

C barrier D speaker

3. The process of interpreting the message of the speaker or sender is what element of

A Feedback B Encoding

C Context D Decoding

4. The source of information or message is what element of communication?

A receiver B speaker or sender

C context D barrier

5. The medium or the means in which the encoded message is conveyed is what element of

A channel B feedback

C barrier D context 1/3
10/27/22, 7:19 PM Oral Communication

6. The recipient of the message, or someone who decodes the message.

A receiver B context

C sender D barrier

7. The factors that affect the flow of communication is what element?

A channel B feedback

C context D barrier

8. The environment where communication takes place refers to what element?

A channel B context

C feedback D barrier

9. The process of converting the message into words, actions or other forms that the speaker
understands refers to what element of communication?

A barrier B feedback

C encoding D decoding

10. An element of communication that refers to the reactions, responses, or information

provided by the receiver

A feedback B context

C channel D barrier

11. The following are natures of communication except one.

Communication occurs between two or

A Communication does not involve actions. B
more people and even to a single person.

Communication can be written or

C D Communication is a process.
spoken;verbal or nonverbal. 2/3
10/27/22, 7:19 PM Oral Communication

12. After the receiver gets the message, what is the next step?

The receiver will decode or interpret the

A The receiver will provide feedback. B
message based on the context.

C The receiver will end the conversation. D The receiver will keep quiet.

13. The speaker will generate an idea then after, what should the speaker do?

The speaker will send the idea or

A B The speaker will not do anything.

The speaker will encode the idea or

C The speaker will ask an answer. D
convert it into words or actions.

14. What is the last step in the communication process?

A receiving the message B encoding the message

C providing feedback D Decoding the message

15. The following are examples of communication except one.

A class recitation B group discussion

C interview D ballpen 3/3

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