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10/27/22, 7:26 PM Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication
10 Questions DATE  : 

1. It is a two-person communication that is planned with a specific agenda in mind.

A Dialogue B Interview

C Conversation

2. It is a two-person communication that is planned and aims to know more information about
one person.

A Dialogue B Interview

C Conversation

3. It is a two-person communication that often happens unplanned.

A Interview B Dialogue

C Conversation

4. It is an open discussion composed of a moderator and four to six members, seated at the
table facing the audience.

A Panel Discussion B Lecture Forum

C Symposium

5. It is an open discussion group that combines instruction and discussion. The audience may
be called to participate.

A Lecture Forum B Symposium

C Panel Discussion 1/2
10/27/22, 7:26 PM Interpersonal Communication

6. It is an open discussion group headed by a chairperson who is a recognized expert on the

subject. The audience may or may not participate.

A Panel Discussion B Lecture Forum

C Symposium

7. It is a freewheeling closed discussion group in which the quantity of ideas matters.

A Committee B Buzz Group

C Round Table D Brainstorming

8. It is a closed discussion group wherein all members are required to interact with a circular
seating arrangement.

A Committee B Brainstorming

C Round Table D Buzz Group

9. It is a closed discussion group that calls for a leader who is very familiar with the problem,
so they can conduct the entire discussion.

A Committee B Round Table

C Buzz Group D Brainstorming

10. It is a closed discussion group with appointed or elected members.

A Buzz Group B Brainstorming

C Committee D Round Table 2/2

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