Philosophy On The Nature of Man

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Name: Elijah Victor Kamani. 22/10/2022

Group:84A 2nd course.
Topic: The philosophy of the relationship between
humanity and nature.
Humans and the environment have a centuries-long relationship with each
other. For countless centuries mankind has peacefully coexisted and benefitted
from everything provided by nature. Mother nature on the other hand has been
very kind to shower us with all its blessings. It has provided mankind with food,
clothing, shelter, and all necessities of life without ever asking anything in return.
For all these centuries human beings also cared for nature until the invention of
diesel engines and large-scale factories that pollute the environment.
Population explosion is the biggest factor that has negatively affects the
relationship between humans and the environment. Because of the rapid human
population growth, the requirement of resources also increased by many folds.
This huge population size created an imbalance and scarcity of resources. To fulfil
growing demands of resources, large-scale factories and production units were
set up. These factories, chimneys, the petroleum industry, the textile industry,
and what it released all the poisonous waste into the environment. These
factories are exploiting nature and playing with human well-being by polluting the
natural world.
Technological advancements, modernization, and the economic growth have
lead humans away from mother nature. Modern society has seen an increase in
demand for natural systems and natural materials changing the human
perception of nature. Humans no longer respect, love and value nature as they
just exploit it for their own benefits. The bond of love and affection between
humans and the environment is no longer there. These increased distances have
negatively affected our mental health and psychological well-being. Deforestation
has cursed a major climate change which has led to global warming, but humans
continue to cut down trees without planting new ones.
Humans are strong and smart enough to dominate the world, but they still
can’t survive without natural resources. Nature was a silent watcher for all these
centuries but now it has struck back. Humankind suffers because of the
destruction of nature and is forced to withstand harsh temperatures due to
deforestation. Global warming, sea rising levels, flooding and wildfires are some
signs from nature that we need to stop harming our environment.
The natural life that includes animals and other species has improved their
mature relationship. In all these centuries every living thing than human beings
have strived towards achieving sustainability. They have learned how to survive
with limited resources by providing benefits to the environment. These species
created a strong relationship with nature and played their part to improve human
health. Whenever they use any natural resource, they add value to the
environment. Humans should learn from all other species to avoid environmental
In conclusion, just like many animal species are now I instinct because of
overhunting, natural resources are depleting every day. Everyone should be
taught to love and respect nature and improve the relationship between humans
and the environment. If things continue like this we won’t be able to survive on
planet earth.
Thank you.

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