What Is A Modal Verb

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What Is a Modal Verb?

In grammar, modality has to do with properties, such as possibility, obligation, and emphasis.

Before we talk about modal adverbs, let's review modal verbs. The main modal verbs in the
English language are:

 can
 could
 may
 might
 must
 shall
 should
 will
 would

These verbs are auxiliary verbs, which modify the meaning of another verb in the sentence.
Certain other verbs are sometimes, but not always, referred to as modal verbs: ought, had better,
and in certain uses, dare and need.

 I might go to the meeting if I get all of my homework done first.

 You can write this paper; you just need to have the confidence.
 Maggie should come home by 10:00 PM in order for her parents to be happy.

The Function of Adverbs

You probably remember that adverbs are used to modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.
Adverbs can tell you more information about a verb, such as how something is done, or when,
or to what extent. Some examples of adverbs used in sentences are:

 The ducks swam placidly on the lake.

 Later, they nested under the dock.
 They were quite comfortable nesting there.

Modal Adverbs
If one of the key jobs of adverbs is to add to the meaning of verbs, it makes sense that modal
adverbs add additional meaning to modal verbs. Remember that modality has to do with ideas
such as the possibility of something happening. Another way to think of this concept is to ask
yourself: ''How likely is this to occur or to exist?'' Look at these sentences:

 I really might be going to the party on Saturday.

 Surely you can't mean to vote for that candidate!
 It is likely that Matt will get an A in Chemistry.

Here are a few more sentences using modal adverbs to add to the meaning:

 That controversial amendment surely won't pass. Undoubtedly, the huge number of

protests have had an effect on support for the amendment.

Can you recognize the connection between verb and adverb in those sentences? In the first
sentence, the adverb surely modifies the verb will not or won't. In the second
sentence, undoubtedly at the beginning of the sentence actually modifies have had, which
appears later.
Here's another one:

 It is plainly raining too hard today for the festival to go on. Fortunately, the festival
can easily be postponed until next weekend.

Let's look closely at these two sentences. Remember that modality verbs are linking verbs, verbs
of being, attached to another verb. In this case, we have a verb phrase, is raining, and the modal
adverb plainly to add emphasis. In the second sentence, the entire verb phrase is can be
postponed, and there are two adverbs: fortunately and easily. Do you recognize all of the modal
One more example:
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Additional Activities

Modal Adverbs: Activities

The below activities are designed to help students continue to understand the function of modal
adverbs and to identify them in a passage.
Activity 1: Definitions and Matching
First, define each of the terms below in one-to-two sentences. Then, correctly match each of the
terms to their example.

 Adverbs
 Modal Adverbs
 Linking Verbs
 Modal Verbs

1. really should
2. ran quickly
3. He is tall
4. I might sing.
Answer Key:

 Adverbs are words that add additional meaning to verbs. (2)

 Modal adverbs are a specific group of adverbs that add additional meaning to modal
verbs. (1)
 Linking verbs link the subject to an adjective and are verbs of being. (3)
 Modal verbs are verbs that communicate meaning such as possibility and obligation. (4)

Activity 2: Identifying Modal Verbs

Read the passage below. As you read, underline all modal adverbs and circle all modal verbs.
Above each modal verb indicate what ''type'' of modal verb it is (i.e. possibility, obligation,
advice, permission, or ability).
Henry stressed that he really could not attend the party, but his friends continued to insist
vehemently. His friend Maria went so far as to outline a list of reasons Henry definitely should
be present: ''Henry,'' she said, ''if you come to the party, you can meet new people; you might
discover a new hobby; you may reasonably have enough fun to last you a lifetime!'' However
Maria's efforts, Henry could not be swayed–he would certainly not waver.
Answer Key:
Modal verbs are in bold and modal adverbs are italicized.
Henry stressed that he really could not (ability) attend the party, but his friends continued to
insist vehemently. His friend Maria went so far as to outline a list of reasons
Henry definitely should (advice) be present: ''Henry,'' she said, ''if you come to the party,
you can (ability) meet new people; you might discover a new hobby;
you may (possibility) reasonably have enough fun to last you a lifetime!'' However Maria's
efforts, Henry could not (ability) be swayed–he would (ability) certainly not waver.

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