Unit Test 8 - Inlges C (II)

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1. Does each sentence express an intention (I), a prediction (P), or an arrangement

(A)?. Write I, P or A.

1. I don’t think computers will replace human teachers in schools. P

2. It might rain this afternoon. P
3. She’s meeting Rob for a coffee before school. A
4. I’m going to take up tennis - I definitely need more exercise. I
5. They may move to England next year. P
6. I’d like to take up a new hobby. I
7. If we don’t hurry, we’ll be late. P
8. I’m going shopping. Is there anything you want? A
9. The performance is starting at 7 p.m.
10. We could go away next week. We haven’t booked anything yet. P
11. I won’t pass the exam, I’m sure. P

2. Circle the correct future form of the verb.

1. Sally tells me that she definitely won’t work next week.

2. He might come with us. He’ll ring on Sunday to tell me.
3. I’m catching the bus, so I might be late.
4. I don’t think people will ever live on another planet.
5. You look very smart. Are you going to a job interview?
6. Do you think we will ever know / are ever going to know the truth?
7. We haven’t decided what to do. We might go to the cinema.
8. You could still get to the theatre by eight.
9. We‘re starting the meeting at 10 a.m. exactly.
10. If he doesn’t study, he won’t get through the exam.
11. I don’t think AI will change our lives.

3. Match each sentence with a suitable sentence from exercise 2.

1. Does anyone know if Sean’s coming with us? 2

2. No, I’m going to be interviewed about space travel on TV. 5
3. OK, I’ll definitely be there by then. 9
4. Will you be home early tonight? 3
5. No, I might be late, so leave the ticket for me. 8
6. I think he’ll do fine. 10
7. What are you doing later? 7
8. Why? Is she going on holiday again? 1
9. Don’t be so sure - it’s hard to predict the impact of new technology. 11
10. No, I’m not sure we ever will. 6
11. I disagree. I think they will. 4
4. Write sentences with I think / I don’t think … will and going to / not going to. Use the
prompts in brackets.

1. I think they will visit Buckingham Palace. They’re very interested in the royal
2. I don't think everyone will pass the exam next week . Some students need a bit
more practice.
3. He isn’t going to run the marathon . He 's hurt his leg.
4. I don’t think we will arrive before 9 p.m. We’re a bit late.
5. She’s going to leave. She is packing her bag.
6. I don’t think you will enjoy this food. It 's rather spicy.

5. Complete the conversation with the correct future forms of the verbs from the box.

A. What are you doing this evening?

B. I’m not sure. I‘m going to meet Rob for a coffee at 4.30, but I may be free later.
A. I’m going to Peter’s house and I need a lift.
B. No problem, I’ll take you. What’s happened to your car?
A. It’s being serviced. They say it will be ready on Friday.
B. OK, I’ll come to your place after my meeting with Rob.

6. Circle the opposite of the underlined adjectives.

1. Her employees think of her as a weak leader. strong

2. My uncle is very open to new ideas. He’s extremely closed-minded. tolerant
3. I think I’m quite a careless cyclist. I don’t take risks on the road. cautions
4. Taylor is a normal teenager. unusual
5. I’ve always been outgoing, but I have a few close friends. shy
6. The players were nervous before the big match. confident

7. Circle the adjective with the same meaning as the underlined word.

1. It was lucky you weren’t badly injured. fortunate

2. We need someone articulate to communicate our ideas. expressive
3. It’s surprising that Taylor isn't big-headed. arrogant
4. The footballer was selfish and only interested in his own performance in the match.
5. You need to be quite smart to work here. bright
6. The results made the scientist happy. glad
8. Complete the words with a suitable suffix.

1. Carolyn always wears colourful clothes. Today she’s wearing a purple skirt.
2. Babies have to get an injection to protect them from serious diseases.
3. Karen hasn’t found a suitable flat yet.
4. We should educate children about the dangers of social media.
5. We’ll have to shorten this exercise. It’s too long.
6. In heavy rain, water levels rise rapidly .
7. My uncle is a careless driver. He’s had many accidents.
8. The scientists made a prediction about global warming.
9. Astronauts train a lot to get used to weightlessness .
10. His parents are worried, which is understandable in this situation.
11. It will definitely be a cold day tomorrow.

9. Write the name of the part of speech for the completed words from exercise 8.

1. adjective
2. noun
3. adjective
4. verb
5. verb
6. adverb
7. adjective
8. noun
9. noun
10. adjective
11. adverb

10. Complete the words with a prefix from the box.

1. I disagree with your opinion. You’re wrong.

2. What you’re asking is simply impossible. We can’t do it.
3. I can’t pay you in cash. It 's illegal.
4. If you fail the exam once, you can retake it later.
5. Don’t be so impatient. Lunch will be ready soon.
6. Don’t throw away that envelope. You could reuse it.
7. The class might finish early, but it’s unlikely.
8. I don’t recognize my flat. My wife’s rearranged it again.
9. You don’t have to wear a tie. It’s an informal meeting.
10. Don’t be so impolite. Say thank you.
11. You misunderstood. I said ‘peach cake’ not ‘beefsteak’.
11. Correct the mistakes.

1. Scientists predict that we’re discovering life on other planets. we will discover.
2. When will you being here? be
3. The weather forecast says it’s raining next weekend. it will rain/ it’s going to rain
4. If we don’t hurry, we miss the train. we will miss the train
5. Where are we to meet Brad this evening? going to meet
6. We will go to Bristol on Friday - we’re not sure yet. may/might
7. I’m writing soon, I promise. will writee
8. We don’t forget. We’ve put it in our diaries. will not
9. I’ll going to see him later. ‘m
10. We’re have dinner with my parents tonight. having
11. I can’t to do this evening. Sorry, I’m busy. can’t to

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