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Nama : Muhammad Ariyadi

Kelas : XII MIA 1

Materi : English Practical Examination


My name is muhammad ariyadi. Friends used to call me by the name of ari. I was born and
raised by my father and mother in a village called the loban river in April 09, 2004. My father
was a laborer named sukandi, while my mother was a housewife named mastinah. I was born
to two children while I was the last. As a simple family, we never lived to excess. My parents
always teach me to manage my finances by giving me pocket money every week. That way, my
brother and I learned to manage our finances and buy things on a priority basis.

I started attending kindergarten together in 2009. That was my first school. I was now five
years old. And graduated kindergarten in 2010 when I was closer to seven. The thing I always
remember when studying in kindergarten was the excitement of playing with friends and
learning to shop by myself to a nearby store.

In the year after I graduated kindergarten, I went to school at the country's 1 loban river
elementary school. The distance from home to school was close enough so I left to study only
on foot. I remember here in 4th and 5th grade how difficult math and easy science subjects
were, and started studying for the discipline to go to school.

I graduated from elementary school (ds) in 2016 after graduating from elementary school,
father asked me to continue my studies at one of the schools that were quite far from home.
However, in order to get to the school site, I would have to ride public transport in
approximately 40 minutes. That's my first step outside the village of my birth. At school it's the
most memorable thing about living with friends from other parts of the country.

After studying for three years at the high school, I immediately continued at the state high
school 1 river loban. Here I learned a lot of life lessons as a gesture of tolerance and sympathy
for friends as well as the environment.

I still sit in xii high school with mipa. When I graduate, I will be studying at one of the country's
colleges with communications sciences. I chose that course because it suits my interests and
has great opportunities for future success and I know how important communication is in every
economy in the country.

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