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RESTRICTED Document ID: SP-1009

Feb-09 Filing Key: Business Control

Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.

Health Safety Environment & Sustainable


Specification for Waste Management

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the Document Owner or his Delegate through STEP-OUT approval.

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i Document Authorisation

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ii Revision History
The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details of all
revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.

Version No. Date Author Scope / Remarks

Version 6.0 Sep Mariana Michael Updated to reflect current regulatory
2007 MSE/22 requirements and re-structuring
specification content (see section 1.2)
Version 5.0 June Maisoon Riyami Editorial changes. New format.
2002 CSM/21
Version 4.0 Septe Abdulla Salim Al Harthy Modified Consignment Note back page
mber CSM/21 and extended section 2.4.4 on Waste
2000 Chemical management
Version 3.0 March Ray Aguh, CSM/24 Modified Consignment Note and
2000 Abdulla Salim Al Harthy chemical disposal advice form

iii Related Business Processes

Code Business Process (EPBM 4.0)

iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Documents

The related CMF Documents can be retrieved from the Corporate Business Control Documentation
Register TAXI.

• CP122 Health, Safety and Environemnt Management System Manual

• SP1006 Specification for Aqueous Effluent and Accidental Relareases to Land
and Water
• SP 1149 Specification for Chemical Management

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i Document Authorisation................................................................................................................. 3
ii Revision History ............................................................................................................................. 3
iii Related Business Processes ......................................................................................................... 3
iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Documents................................................ 3
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Changes to the Specification ................................................................................................... 3
2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Definitions and Abbreviations................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Deliverables.............................................................................................................................. 3
2.2.1 Records: ................................................................................................................. 3
2.2.2 Reports ................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Responsibility ........................................................................................................................... 3
2.4 Performance Monitoring ........................................................................................................... 3
2.5 Review and Improvement......................................................................................................... 3
2.6 Performance Standards ........................................................................................................... 3
2.6.1 Non-Hazardous Wastes ......................................................................................... 3
2.6.2 Hazardous Wastes ................................................................................................. 3
3 Appendices .................................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Figure 1: Waste Consignment Note (front page) ..................................................................... 3
3.2 Figure 2: Chemical Disposal Advice Form ............................................................................... 3
3.3 Appendix A: Reporting Parameters for Waste ........................................................................ 3
3.4 Appendix B: Re-use of Sludge in Agriculture- Conditions for Application to Land (from: MD
145/93 ‘Regulations for Wastewater Re-Use and Discharge’) ................................................ 3
3.5 Appendix 3, Related Business Control Documents and ReferencesError! Bookmark not

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1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose
This specification describes PDO's minimum requirements for managing wastes, which
result from PDO’s activities products or services, that have the potential to be hazardous to
human health or to harm the environment.

1.2 Changes to the Specification

The following overall changes have been made:
- The adoption of corporate specification template
- Updating to ensure that all the key requirements emanating from Omani environmental
regulations, SIEP GES and International standards to which PDO subscribes are
- Additional supporting details contained in the above requirements will be made
available in this specification through a direct web-link to the document concerned.
- The intent of a specification is to focus on the specific requirements; hence details of
how specifications to be met, which are included in other procedures are removed.
Where relevant this information is re-allocated to appropriate procedures.

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2 Scope
This Specification applies to all Non-Hazardous and Hazardous waste generated through PDO,

Contractor and Sub-Contractor activities.

This Specification does not address aqueous wastes (such as production water, sewage
effluent and reverse osmosis plant discharges) or gaseous wastes. Aqueous wastes are
addressed in SP 1006 Aqueous Effluents and Accidental Releases to Land and Water.
Gaseous wastes are addressed in SP 1005 Specification for Emissions to Atmosphere.

2.1 Definitions and Abbreviations

MECA Ministry of Environment & Climate Affairs
NORM Normally Occurring Radioactive Materials
SHOC Safe Handling of Chemicals
TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon
PCBs Polychlorinated Biphenyls
ROP Royal Oman Police
Please refer to section 2.0 of this specification for definitions of hazardous and non-
hazardous wastes.

2.2 Deliverables

2.2.1 Records:
Records shall be maintained to document the implementation of this Specification. Records
shall also be maintained to document waste management practices. (refer to CP 122 HSE
Management System Manual, Part 2, Chapter 6, section 4).
a) Waste Consignment Note
A Waste Consignment Note shall be raised by the waste generator for hazardous and non-
hazardous wastes (Figure 1). A Waste Consignment Note shall accompany a waste load
and shall be signed when the waste has been received at the disposal location.
A signed copy shall then be returned to the ‘Waste Originator’ as proof that the waste arrived
safely at the correct place. The Waste Contractor will provide the Waste Originators with a
monthly summary of waste received.
b) Chemical Disposal Advice Form
Discrete chemicals identified as ‘waste chemicals’ require a Chemical Disposal Advice Form
(see Figure 2). The originator of the waste chemical is to fill in a Chemical Disposal Advice
Form. Once approval of the Form has been obtained, the waste chemical can be moved
from the waste originator to the designated disposal site. Movement of the waste chemical
must be accompanied by both the approved Chemical Disposal Advice Form and a Waste
Consignment Note.

2.2.2 Reports
Waste management data shall be submitted to the Corporate Environmental Section
monthly (see Appendix A for parameters)
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Any non-compliance with this Specification shall be notified, investigated and reported per
the ‘Non Compliance Report Form’ in CP 122 HSE Management System Manual, Part 2,
Chapter 6, section 4.

2.3 Responsibility Discipline Team Leaders

Discipline Team Leaders are responsible for ensuring that waste management in their area
of responsibility, including wastes from contractor activities, are managed in accordance with
the requirements of this Specification.
Waste addressed in this Specification shall be:
• identified
• quantified (either by direct measurement or using appropriate methods of estimation)
• recorded, as appropriate (refer to Section 1.5.1)
• reported, as appropriate (refer to Section 1.5.2)
In the event that circumstances prevent compliance with this Specification, Discipline Team
Leaders shall seek the advice and if necessary, a ‘step-out approval’ from the Document
Owner. This approval requires recording subject areas, which do not conform as a non-
compliance (refer to the ‘Non Compliance Report Form’ in CP 122 HSE Management
System Manual, Part 2, Chapter 6). Corporate Functional Discipline Heads

Corporate Functional Discipline Heads are responsible for ensuring that the requirements of
this Specification are reflected in the documents for which they are responsible. Contractors
Contractors are responsible for ensuring that wastes generated in the course of carrying out
their contractual requirements, are managed in accordance with the requirements of this
Specification and reported, where applicable, to the Contract Holder. Document Custodian

The Document Custodian is responsible for ensuring that this specification is updated as
necessary to reflect any changes to Omani legislation, Shell standards and other
requirements to which PDO subscribes

2.4 Performance Monitoring

A waste management monitoring program shall be developed, implemented and maintained
to demonstrate:
• compliance with this Specification
• compliance with any additional requirements specified in an Environmental Permit
• the necessary data is prepared and required reports produced (see Section 2.2).

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2.5 Review and Improvement

Any user of this document who encounters a mistake or confusing entry is requested to
immediately notify Corporate Environmental Section using the ‘User Feedback Form’
provided in CP 122 HSE Management System Manual, Part 2, Chapter 3.
This Specification shall be reviewed every four years. However changes to the current
version may be made in less than four years as the need arises, depending on the issue of
new and relevant environmental legislation and/or major organisational changes in PDO
(see section 1.6).

2.6 Performance Standards

Waste shall be managed in order to reduce its potential to cause harm to health or the
environment and to reduce its potential to affect operating costs or future liabilities. The
following Omani regulations apply for the handling of wastes within PDO:
- MD 17/93 for managing non-hazardous waste
- MD 18/93 for managing Hazardous waste

In addition PDO subscribes to the Shell Global Environmental Standards, of which GES
No.11 applies to both categories. This addresses four overall requirements covering:
- Proper disposal of all wastes by using, where appropriate, government approved
disposal sites, methods and contractors.
- Segregation and disposal; Hazardous waste shall be disposed of ensuring segregation
from other waste is maintained and disposal sites shall meet the appropriate World
Bank Standards
- Assessment of risks associated with leaching of hazardous compounds and build up of
metals when considering the use of land farming and putting in place appropriate
mitigation measures to manage the risks.
- Trans-national movements of wastes in accordance with the Basel Convention.
EP Ultimate Goal:
All waste streams shall adher to the following framework:
• Reduce waste streams at source (e.g. through design);
• Reuse waste streams;
• Recycle/Recover waste streams;
Ultimate disposal without negative impact on the environment

2.6.1 Non-Hazardous Wastes

Ministerial Decision MD 17/93 ‘Regulations for the Management of Solid Non-Hazardous
Waste’ Article 1.4, defines non-hazardous solid waste as any solid or semi solid material
which does not pose any danger to the environment or to human health, if it is dealt with in a
safe scientific way. MD 17/93 requires occupants of industrial premises to store and
dispose of non-hazardous waste such that there is no nuisance or hazard to public health.
The MECA shall issue licences for all solid non-hazardous waste treatment facilities and
sanitary landfills, with sanitary landfills also requiring an environmental impact statement.
The following requirements apply:
- Sites shall be designed, operated and maintained in a proper manner (Article 8) and
without creating any environmental or health hazard (Article 11)
- No solid non-hazardous waste shall be mixed with any category of hazardous waste.
(Articles 7, 13 and 17).

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- Articles 15 through to 17 relate to the preparation, production and implementation of a

Waste Disposal plan.
Additional requirements deal with the maintenance of records (Article 10), the registration of
all sites (Article 12) and site restoration after closure (Article 14).
PDO deals with two broad categories of non-hazardous waste namely domestic / office and
industrial. Requirements for both are described below. Domestic and Office Waste

Domestic waste which include kitchen refuse and tree/grass cuttings, and Office Waste shall
be segregated at source for recyclable materials prior to transportation to a dedicated
licensed waste facility for recycling. The remainder of the domestic and office waste shall be
disposed of in PDO waste management facility or a dedicated MECA approved sanitary
landfill site. Storage
Domestic kitchen refuse shall be stored in black-coloured bins lined with black or grey-
coloured refuse plastic bags. Recyclable domestic and office waste (paper, steel cans,
aluminium cans, printer toner cartridges and disused computers) shall be stored in
yellow-coloured refuse bins lined with yellow-coloured plastic bags (Article 6).
In locations where the waste generation is large, skips of suitable size shall be provided
and appropriately identified. Collection
Compactor trucks of suitable size shall be used for the collection of kitchen refuse.
Tipping trucks equipped with netting or tarpaulin shall be used for the collection of
tree/grass cuttings. Disposal
Self-contained field operations such as Seismic and Drilling camps shall dispose of
domestic waste at the nearest sanitary landfill site. If located within 50 km of a PDO
camp, the waste should be sent to the ‘waste management facility’. Alternatively,
domestic waste from these areas can be disposed of through an acceptable waste
disposal system such as a small landfill, mobile refuse incinerator or other method
acceptable to MECA. Non-Hazardous Industrial Waste

Non-Hazardous industrial waste includes woods, empty drums, construction debris and non-
hazardous chemicals such sodium chloride and calcium carbonate.
These waste shall be disposed of in PDO waste management facility or a dedicated MECA
approved sanitary landfill site. Non-hazardous plastic and metal drums shall be emptied,
cleaned and punctured by the user/waste generator. These containers shall be crushed prior
to disposal or recycling.
Other non-hazardous recycable material such as scrap metal and electrical cables are
handled via a different route a nd shall not be sent to PDO waste management facility. Water Based Drilling Mud and Cuttings

Water based drilling mud and cuttings (TPH < 10 000 mg/kg) shall be disposed of in a
dedicated drilling waste disposal pit.

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2.6.2 Hazardous Wastes

Ministerial Decision MD 18/93 ‘Regulations for the Management of Hazardous Waste’,
defines hazardous waste as any liquid or solid waste, which because of its quantity,
physical, chemical or infectious characteristics, can be hazardous or potentially hazardous
to human health, to plants or animals and to air, soil or water. It includes explosive,
radioactive, flammable, toxic and corrosive substances which may cause disease, as well as
any substances identified as hazardous by the Ministerial Decision. General Requirements

Ministerial Decision MD 18/93 requires:
• The waste generator to obtain a licence from the MECA and to apply best available
technology relevant to production and operational procedures to minimise the
generation of hazardous waste, including the application of any recycling procedures
(Articles 2,3 and 7).
• That no hazardous waste be mixed with any other category of waste (Article 4).
• That no hazardous waste be discharged to a common or other internal or external
sewerage of other drainage system without a licence from the MECA (Article 4).
• Every hazardous waste generator to complete a waste consignment note for each
category of hazardous waste before it leaves the generator’s land or premises (Articles
5 and 13).
• Hazardous waste to be appropriately labelled and packed (Article 6; see also SP1194
for further details)
• That prior to removal, hazardous waste shall be stored in storage facilities licensed by
the MECA (Article 8) Hazardous waste to be transported by transporters licensed by the
MECA (Article 9).
• All hazardous waste pre-treatment sites shall be licensed by the MECA. All hazardous
wastes received at a pre-treatment site shall be accompanied by a waste consignment
note (Articles 2 and 5).
• All hazardous waste landfill sites shall be licensed by the MECA. All hazardous wastes
received at the landfill site shall be accompanied by a waste consignment note (Articles
2 and 5).
• That no hazardous waste shall be imported or exported from the Sultanate of Oman
without a permit from the Minister (Article 15). Specific Requirements Sewage sludge

Ministerial Decision MD 145/93 ‘Regulations for Wastewater Re-Use and Discharge’
prohibits the discharge of sludge without a Permit to Discharge issued by the MECA.
Appendix B details the requirements from MD 145/93 (Article 3) for:
- The re-use of sludge in agriculture, and the conditions for the application of sludge to
- The sewage sludge quality for application to land as dry solids or in semi-liquid form.
- The quality of the soil on which the sludge may be applied. This land must be tested for
its pH value and for the metals listed following application.
Any sludge having concentrations of metals greater than the prescribed limits in
Appendix B shall be disposed of in licensed sanitary landfills. The limits prescribed in
Appendix B may be modified and specified in individual licences or permits.
This subject is dealt with in SP 1006 “Aqueous Effluents and Accidental Releases to
Land and Water” but additional requirements from MD 145/93 include:

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• No sewage sludge shall be transported from the site of its origin without prior
approval of the MECA. Such approval includes a requirement for recording all
transport movements.
• Sewage sludge in a semi-liquid form from septic tanks, shall be transported by
vehicles licensed to transport hazardous waste, to a sewage treatment plant for
• Dried sludge shall be reused only if it meets the quality standards detailed in
Appendix B.
• Dried sludge not utilised or acceptable for agricultural purposes should be disposed
in a licenced sanitary landfill site. Oil Based Mud (OBM) and Cuttings

Oil based mud (OBM) shall be stored, transported and disposed of in accordance with
the following minimum requirements:
• OBM and OBM cuttings shall be stored in water-tight skips and transported by
vehicles licenced to transport hazardous waste.
• Disposal of OBM and OBM cuttings shall be to a licenced hazardous waste complex
only, which is capable of treating this waste. Waste Lubricants

Waste lubricants shall be segregated and stored in a water tight container. Waste
lubricants shall be recycled into the crude oil system via the oil saver pits. Crude Tank Oily Sludges

Crude tank oily sludges shall be segregated and transferred to a licensed waste
management facility with adequate treatment facilities so that the oily phase is recycled
into the crude oil system via the oil saver pits wihle the solid phase is landfarmed. It shall
be transported in a vehicle licensed to transport hazardous waste. Oily Sand/Soil

Contaminated oily sand/soil shall be transferred to a licenced waste management facility
capable of accepting the waste, in a vehicle licensed to transport hazardous waste. Pigging Sludges

Pigging sludges not containing Normally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) shall
be transferred to a licenced waste management facility with adequate treatment facilities,
in a vehicle licensed to transport hazardous waste. Elemental Sulphur

Elemental sulphur recovered in ‘Sulphur Recovery Units’ shall either be sold for re-use or
disposed of at a licensed waste waste management facility, designated to accept this
material. Non-Recyclable Batteries

Dry cell batteries that cannot be recycled shall be placed in ordinary refuse bags together
with domestic waste. Recyclable Hazardous Batteries

Lead acid batteries, wet type lithium batteries and nickel cadmium batteries shall be fully
discharged and all battery terminals are to be covered with electrical tape. The batteries
shall then be segregated, labelled and transferred to a licenced waste management
facility and stored on rigid wooden pallets.
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Large wet type lithium batteries and nickel-cadmium batteries shall be returned to the
manufacturer for recycling. Transformer and Transformer Cooling Fluids

Transformer cooling fluids known to contain greater than 50 ppm PCBs shall be handled
by a specialist waste disposal contractor.
Transformers not containing greater than 50 ppm PCBs shall be transported to a
designated waste facility, to decant off the cooling fluids. The cooling fluids shall be
recycled into the crude oil system via an oil saver pit. Clinical Wastes

Clinical wastes including medical wastes and medical ‘sharps’ shall be stored in
dedicated yellow bins.
Clinical waste shall be transported to the PDO clinical waste incinerator located at Mina
Al Fahal. Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) Wastes

Refer to PDO’s SP 1170 Specification for Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials for
information on managing NORM Wastes. Asbestos
All industrial waste known, or suspected to contain asbestos shall be placed in thick
gauge, impervious, double plastic bags and disposed of at a licensed waste management
facility, which is dedicated to accept this waste. All work for dismantling, packing,
removal, transport and disposal must only be undertaken by a licensed hazardous waste
contractor. Grit Blasting Waste/Residues

Grit blasting waste/residues shall be collected and disposed of in a dedicated portion of a
landfill at a licensed waste management facility. Used Copper slag blasting materials,
however, shall be stored in an appropriate container at a licensed waste management
facility. Expired and Surplus Explosives

The disposal of explosives and pyrotechnics are controlled by the ROP who should be
contacted when explosives are required to be disposed.
The procedure for the disposal of explosives is described in PDO’s “Working Instructions
for Seismic Explosives Operations”. Chemical Waste

Chemicals (hazardous and non-hazardous) which cannot be re-used or returned to the
supplier, shall be disposed of in accordance with the waste disposal options stipulated on
the PDO approved Safe Handling of Chemicals (SHOC) card.
Sand contaminated with chemicals should also be treated as a chemical waste and
disposed as stipulated in the SHOC card for that chemical. Hazardous Empty containers

Hazardous chemical containers (including plastic and metal drums) shall be emptied,
cleaned and punctured by the user/waste generator and transported with the SHOC card

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of the chemical to a waste management facility capable of accepting hazardous waste.

These containers shall be crushed for landfill or recycling. Mercury Contaminated Waste

Materials contaminated with Mercury shall be placed in thick gauge, impervious, double
plastic bags, labelled and stored in a designated area within a waste management
facility. All work for dismantling, packing, removal, transport and disposal must only be
undertaken by a licensed hazardous waste contractor. Tyres
Used tyres shall be slashed and transported to a waste management facility for landfill.

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3 Appendices
3.1 Figure 1: Waste Consignment Note (front page)
(Separate Waste Consignment Notes are required for Hazardous and Non- Hazardous Wastes)


1. Please tick () box below to indicate the type of waste you are transferring
Domestic Waste (kitchen refuse) Domestic waste (tree cuttings) Office waste Waste wood materials
Non-Hazardous Chemical aste Metal Drums Plastic Drums Construction debris
If other, please describe waste accurately here


Oily sand / soil Oily sludge Waste Lubricants Pigging sludge
Hazardous chemicals waste Sewage sludge Batteries Clinical waste
Hazardous Laboratory Chemicals Mercury-contaminated waste NORM waste OBM & or OBM Cuttings
Tyres (used) Other Asbestos Empty Drums contaminated Formatted: Left, Indent: Hanging:
with hazardous oil/chemicals 0.6 mm
If other, please describe waste and physical state (solid, liquid or a combination) accurately here

2. Quantity:

3. Additional Information - Please provide any relevant information e.g. type of premises waste comes from, full analysis, process that Formatted: Indent: Before: 0 mm,
produced the waste, including details of any problems your waste may present during the handling, containment, transportation,
Hanging: 3.3 mm, Space After: 3 pt
treatment or disposal by any subsequent holder:

Section B1: WASTE ORGINATOR (Asset )

1. PDO Asset (Marmul, Nimr, Qarn Alam, Bahja-Rima, Yibal, Fahud-Lekhwair, Gas, Well Engineering, Infrastructure,
Exploration, MAF Terminal , other) Please tick one ()

2. Location source of waste Destination:

Return white copy to Originator by a) Fax/Fax No b) Mail c) Driver d) Monthly Waste Returns

3. The waste has been verified as being unsuitable for reuse/recycling Yes No
4. Signature ( Waste Originator) Date:

5. Full Name (Please print)

* I, the undersigned confirm that the waste material declared above has no value and therefore can be disposed off.

Full Name _________________________ Signature ____________________ Ref Ind: __________ Date: _____________
* Supervisor level
1. Company Name: _________________________________________________________________________

2. Signature of Driver: _________________________________________ Date: _________________________________

3. Full name of Driver (Please print):


1. Facility Location/Site:

2. Date & time waste received:

3. Name of Waste Disposal Site Operator:
4. Signature of Waste Disposal Site Operator

Distribution: Yellow Copy: Originator Blue Copy: Disposal Site White Copy : Waste Contractor Return to Originator
(MESC Number

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Figure 1: Waste Consignment Note: EXPLANATORY NOTES

(to be printed at the back page of the Waste Consignment Note)

White Copy
( To beBlue Copy
completed & handed to
( To
driver be blue
with Yellow
carried byfor
copy Copy
vehicle driver
delivery Instructions to: Waste Generator, Vehicle
and to return
to waste operator) be
( To signed blue by
retained copy
Generator ) Operator )
Disposal Driver & Waste Disposal Operator
White Copy

Section A: Waste details

Yellow Copy

• Waste A: Waste details
Generator fills out
Section A: Waste details
• Filled out by Waste Generator
Blue Copy

• FilledGenerator
Section B: Waste out by Waste Generator
• WasteB:
Section Generator fills out
Waste Originator
• Filled out by
Section B:Waste
• Filled out by Waste Generator
Section C: Waste
Section C: Waste
1. Waste Generator fills Section A & B, retains
• no action
Section C: Waste
• Signed by Vehicle driver Yellow Copy and gives the White & Blue Copies
• Signed by Vehicle driver
Section D: Waste
Disposal Facility
D: Waste Disposal Facility
to the Vehicle Driver
• no action
Section D: Waste Disposal Facility
• Signed by Waste Disposal
• Signed by Waste Disposal

Yellow Copy
( To be retained by Copy
Waste originator)
( To be retained by
Waste Disposal Operator )
Yellow Copy

Section A: Waste details

Section A: Waste details
• Filled out by Waste Generator
Blue Copy

• Filled out by Waste Generator

Section B: Waste Originator 2. Vehicle Driver signs Section C, gives the White
• Filled
Section B:Waste
out by WasteGenerator
• Filled out by Waste Generator and Blue Copies to Waste Disposal Operator.
Section C: Waste Transporter 3. Waste Disposal Operator signs Section D,
Section C: Waste Transporter
• Signed by Vehicle driver
• Signed by Vehicle driver
gives the White Copy back to Waste
Section D: Waste Disposal Facility
Section D: Waste Disposal Facility
• Signed by Waste Disposal Operator 4. Waste Contractor gives the White Copy to the
• Signed by Waste Disposal Operator
Waste Generator by either Fax, Mail or Driver
5. Waste Contractor provides monthly summary
Blue Copy of waste received to Waste originators.
( To be retained by
Waste Disposal Operator )

Section A: Waste details

Blue Copy

• Filled out by Waste Generator

Section B: Waste Originator

• Filled out by Waste Generator

Section C: Waste Transporter

• Signed by Vehicle driver
6. Waste Disposal Operator retains Blue Copy
Section D: Waste Disposal Facility
• Signed by Waste Disposal Operator

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3.2 Figure 2: Chemical Disposal Advice Form

1. Name of Originator: 4A Reference Indicator:
2. Company Name: 4B Company Designation:
3. Date request for advice:
4. Justification for disposal
5. Details of Chemical:
i. Chemical Name:
ii. SAP number:
iii. Date of chemical receipt: Date of last issue:
iv. Quantity:
v. Type of Chemical: ˆ Stock chemical ˆ Direct charge
vi. State of chemical: ˆ Solid ˆ Liquid
vii. Method of containment: ˆ Metal drum ˆ Plastic drum ˆ Plastic bag ˆ Other
If ‘other’ please specify:
viii. Conditions of chemical ˆ Excellent ˆ Corroded ˆ Leaking ˆ Other
packaging: drum
If ‘other’ please specify:
6. SHOC Card available? ˆ Yes (attach) ˆ No


Authorised for disposal Date:

Head Warehouse
Section 3
Reuse/ Disposal advice:

Authorised for disposal: Date:

Production Chemist
Section 4
Disposal advice:

Precautionary advice

Authorised for disposal: Date:

Corporate Environmental Advisor
Section 5-For chemicals to be disposed into PDO waste management center

Approved for disposal: Date:

Asset Area Servises Supervisor

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3.3 Appendix A: Reporting Parameters for Waste

Type of Waste Parameter Units
Domestic Refuse Total Domestic waste Tonnes
Segregated for recycling:
• Paper Kg
• Cans Kg
• Toner cartridges Units
• Computers Units
Non hazardous Total non hazardous Tonnes
industrial refuse industrial refuse.

Segregated for recycling:

• Iron Scrap Tonnes
• Wood Tonnes
• Empty metal drums Units
• Empty plastic drums Units
industrial refuse
Oily waste Process Waste Tonnes
Waste/Spent Lubricants Tonnes
Tank & Other sludges Tonnes
Contaminated oily sand Tonnes
to landfill

Pigging Wastes Pigging Waste (non- Tonnes

Pigging Waste (NORM) Tonnes
Chemical Waste Waste chemicals
including packaging) to
Marmul Complex:
• Solid M3
• Liquid M3

Others Empty drums (metal) Units

Empty drums (plastic) Units
Batteries Units
Tyres Units
Medical Waste Clinical Wastes Kg

Drilling Wastes Waste cuttings and mud

• WBM m3
• OBM m3
• SBM m3

Page 18 Specification for Waste Management

The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED.
Revision: Version 6
Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: Jan 09

3.4 Appendix B: Re-use of Sludge in Agriculture- Conditions for Application

to Land (from: MD 145/93 ‘Regulations for Wastewater Re-Use and

Metal Max. concentration Max. application Max. permitted

rate (kg/ha/yr)* concentration in soil
(mg/kg of dry solids)
(mg/kg of dry solids)
Cadmium 20 0.150 3
Chromium 1,000 10 400
Copper 1,000 10 150
Lead 1,000 15 300
Mercury 10 0.1 1
Molybdenum 20 0.1 3
Nickel 300 3 75
Selenium 50 0.150 5
Zinc 3,000 15 300

After spreading of sludge there must be a minimum period of three weeks before
grazing or harvesting of forage crops.

Sludge use is prohibited:

• on soils whilst fruit or vegetable crops, other than fruit trees, are
growing or being harvested.
• for six months preceding the harvesting of fruit or vegetables which
grow in contact with the soil and which are normally eaten raw.
• on soils with pH < 7.0.

*Based on a 10-year average and a soil pH > 7.0.

Page 19 Specification for Waste Management

The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED.
Revision: Version 6
Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: Jan 09

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Page 20 Specification for Waste Management

The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED.

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