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Muhammad Muaaz 02-134201-052

1. How Technical writing is different from Literary writing.

The Technical writing is different from literary writing is that literary writing is used in
literary work while technical writing is used in writing for a particular field. Examples of
technical writing includes user manuals, employee handbooks, standard operating procedures
(SOP), software user documentation .Literary writing is used in fiction and the language which
was used in literary writing is creative and imaginative. Examples of literary writing include
poems, novels, short stories, dramas, etc
2. Briefly elaborate the following with instances.
 Descriptive
 Cause and Effect
 Persuasive
 Argumentative
 Narrative

The main purpose of this type of writing is to describe. It focuses on describing a character, a place,
an event, an object or an action. There is a very slight difference between expository and
descriptive writing styles. The descriptive style is more detailed, personal and subjective.


Bringing in every details can create a much more vivid picture for the reader, as you
can see in this example 

"The car drew in around them like a room. Their breaths fogged the windows. Earlier the air
conditioner had been running and now some artificial chill remained, quickly turning dank,
carrying with it the smell of mildew. They shot through an underpass. The rain stopped
completely for one blank, startling second. Sarah gave a little gasp of relief, but even before it
was uttered, the hammering on the roof resumed. She turned and gazed back longingly at the
underpass. Macon sped ahead, with his hands relaxed on the wheel."

Cause and Effect

The cause-and-effect is a form of argumentative that details the effect relationships between two
subjects. In standard cause-and-effect essay writing and academic papers, the author shows
how one person, thing, idea, or event directly influences another person, thing, idea, or event.

 Plants grow as a result of the sun’s heat and light.

 I ate tons of junk food, so now I feel sick.

 I feel sick because I ate tons of junk food.

The main purpose of this type of writing is to convince. It contains the opinions, thoughts, and
biases of the author. The writer uses justifications, arguments, and reasons to make the readers
agree to his or her points.

 Speeches
 Cover letter

 Newspaper Opinion

 Review

In this examples, the writer is trying to convince the reader for the trial as used in an
advertisement. This is the persuasive style of writing.

Our store has the lowest prices and the best collection of footwear in the entire town. Visit us
today for a great experience.

The argumentative is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic; collect,
generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner.


 Speeches
 Cover Letters
 Letters of Complaints
 Newspaper Opinion

Here the writer is sharing his or her personal experience and emotions.

The main purpose of this type of writing is to tell or narrate a story. The writer creates different
characters and tells you what happens to them. The writer uses first person narration. Narrative
writing is mostly personal, imaginative, and self-expressing.


 Novels

 Short stories

 Poetry

In this example writer is sharing his or her personal experience and emotions. It is a narrative
style of writing.

It was a hot, sunny day. I finally visited Disneyland. It was a dreamland. I always wanted to visit
there. Being there it was like dream come true experience. On entering, the very first thing that I said,
“Oh wow! What a wonderful place!” People were walking and enjoying their time with all the
Disney characters. Children over there were so happy and excited. I think it is a must visit place for

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