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1. What are the seven (7) deadly sins of speaking? How can these sins affect a speaker?

Based on the speaker (Julian Treasure), there are 7 deadly sins of speaking, and those are gossip,
judging, negativity, complaining, excuses, exaggeration, and dogmatism.

Let us now look at what the seven deadly sins of speaking say. (1) Gossip is when people are not
present and you speak ill of them or backstab them. (2) When judging others, it is difficult to listen
because they are passing judgment on people they do not know. (3) Listening to negative people is
difficult when all of their content when speaking is about negative perspectives on a specific topic. (4)
Complaining implies surrendering control to others and fate, and it does not spread the essence of his/her
speech because we have all heard their own insights on one topic. (5) It is also difficult to listen to
someone who does not accept responsibility for their actions; they are also known as "blame-throwers"
because they keep blaming everyone else. (6) People who exaggerate when speaking must provide false
information or they are lying, an act known as OA, or over-acting. (7) Dogmatism refers to people who
express too many opinions as if they were facts, which can lead to confusion and doubt among those who
are listening.

I believe that these seven deadly sins make people less likely to listen to what others have to say to
them because words have the power to start wars as well as bring hope.

2. What are the four (4) foundations of a powerful speech?

According to the video, Julian Treasure emphasizes four critical components of effective speech:
honesty, authenticity, integrity, and love, or HAIL. To broaden the concept, honesty implies being clear
and direct with the information we share with others. Authenticity is being ourselves and standing for the
truth when speaking to anyone. Integrity is taking care of our words and demonstrating to someone that
we are trustworthy. Finally, a person wants to listen to those who express concern and love for everyone
in their speech, and they wish people well.

These four elements can assist individuals in implying meaningful and thoughtful conversations, but
they are most powerful when used together to imply that anyone is interested in your speech.
3. How could H.A.I.L. make your speech more listenable?

People will be more willing to trust you if you are authentic and honest, in my opinion. We can help
keep on track and maintain our goodness as people when we speak our conversations, speeches, and
behaviors through H.A.I.L. Furthermore, being persuasive is frequently a function of being trustworthy;
the more people trust us, the more likely they are to listen to our words. The HAIL method can help us
with this, as H.A.I.L makes our speech more listenable. The four foundations for making our speeches
more powerful are extremely accurate, and I encourage everyone to try to behave in this manner the next
time they have a conversation. Always remember that we do business, find love, and strengthen
relationships by speaking.

Based on my own experiences, some politicians have engaged in negative campaigning that employs
the seven deadly sins of speaking; as a result, people choose not to believe or listen to them because there
is no essence of what they're fighting for. On the other hand, some politicians use the H.A.I.L when
speaking to everyone, which makes their campaigning more meaningful and draws the attention of many

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