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Bills Of Material - BOM Balloons

The Bill of Material is added to the drawing by placing a table template that, once placed,
will extract all of the information from the assembly.

If you add all of the information to be shown in your design assembly, no further manual
intervention by you will be required. Your BOM is fully associative. Any changes to the
assembly will be instantly reflected in your BOM table.

Auto Boms will take the current simplified rep for its bill of material. A simplified rep
should be created in the model that contains only those parts that are hard called out in
that bill of material. The main bill of material should be placed with this simplified rep.

Avoid using reference items in a bill of material other than specifications, which are bulk

Adding An Auto BOM Table To A Drawing

Splitting An Auto BOM Table, Pagination
Bulk Items
Freezing The Find Numbers, Fix Indices
Bill Of Material Transfer To Matrix (EBOM)
Manual Bill Of Material
Balloon Table
Removing Lines From Table, Filtering
Bill Of Material Does Not Show All Fields
BOM Balloons

Adding An Auto BOM Balloon Table To A Drawing

z Select PLACE BOM TABLE icon - select auto_balloon_ref.tbl from the dialog
z Zoom into upper right corner of Format for location. Table may be moved if
needed. Table-Move
z The table will read all of the components of the current simplified representation of
the assembly. The simplified representation should include everything in the
MATRIX bill of material including Bulk items. It should not include reference
items. The find numbers will be in the order they were assembled. If you do not fix
indices the find numbers on the table will shift if something is removed from the
assembly, inserted into the assembly or a line item filtered.
z The base part (the part with an identical name to the assembly) is automatically
removed from the bill of material.

Splitting An Auto BOM Table, Pagination 9/17/2004
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z Table-Pagination pick table, pick length of table. Anything below point will
z NOTE: sometimes Pro/E does not set the length at the same place as you pick. If
the table is too short, zoom out and pick lower than original pick. Repeat until the
table is the correct length.
z Add Segment pick to the left of original table. Pick extent of table. The table will
appear with the remainder of the first table and empty lines. To add/remove extra
lines you can reset extent of table Table-Pagination-Set Extent. Make sure you
leave enough lines at the end of the table for future addition. It will chop off the end
of the table if you do not set the extent far enough.
z Move new table to proper position, Table-Move.

Bulk Items

z Bulk items for all non-geometry items to be listed in a Bom, such as finishes,
material, tape, engineering specs, etc., should be added to your assembly. They will
be associatively included in the BOM. This stores all information in the assembly,
allows for automatic update of Bom on drawing, allows for EBOM load into
z The tape bulk items are family table driven. You can add an instance with the
particular length you need, if it does not exist.
See trouble shooting for problems with bulk items.

Freezing The Find Numbers, Fix Indices

z When ready to release the drawing, freeze the find numbers in the table. Table-
Repeat Region-Fix Index, select table, Region-Confirm-Done. This should be
done to prevent the find numbers from shifting when a component is inserted or
removed from the assembly.

Bill Of Material Transfer To Matrix (EBOM)

z When you are far enough in your design to load the bill into MATRIX , place an
EBOM table outside of your drawing format. - Select PLACE BOM TABLE icon -
select ebom.tbl from the dialog box.
z NOTE: make sure the correct simplified representation of the model is set. The bill
will be created from the active simplified representation. Views-Model Disp-
Set/Add Rep. Pick correct rep.
z Filter out any line items that you do not want loaded into MATRIX.
z Store the table to an ASCII file. Table-Save/Retrieve-Store Text. File name
should be as short as possible. You can use the same name for different bills. Pro/E
will put a numerical extension on it so it does not over write the previous one.
z Under Properties-Attributes , personnel integration object import files list You 9/17/2004
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can list up to 5 text files that you have checked into MATRIX from Pro/E. They
must be exact match and they must be separated by a space. Run Object-Method-
Personnel Integration Import on your INTEGRATION OBJECT.
z This process will create any new part objects and will EBOM link all of the part
objects to the assembly part object. It will not fill in the description on any new
parts it creates, you must go in and do that.
z If you want to do the process over again you should detach all of the EBOM links
first, in Matrix. Matrix only overwrites the first load. It does not remove the
attachments created. The EBOM could end up with multiple call outs for the same
part or two different parts using the same find number. Always check your Matrix
bill of material against the drawing before release.

Manual Bill Of Material

Creating and maintaining a manual BOM is labor intensive and error prone, hence

For the few situations where there is no Pro/E assembly or an incomplete assembly, such
as legacy data and cables, a table template can be placed and then filled out manually.

z Select PLACE BOM TABLE icon - select manual_bom.tbl from the dialog box.
z Place table in upper right corner. Move if needed. Table-Move
z To insert additional rows Table-Mod Rows/Col-Insert-Row select the bottom line
of the table. Repeat as many times as needed.
z To remove extra lines Table-Modify Table-Line Display-Blank
z To copy the text field to the new lines use Table-Copy-Copy Cell. The Description
field is left justified. The remainder of the field are the same.

Balloon Table

Balloon Tables are also placed on continuation sheets of assemblies with more than one
simplified representation. They allow the use of an automatic table with auto balloon
linkage to the view. This reduces error and allows for ease in updating the drawing. Do
not place reference items in the balloon tables. Instead, filter the reference item out of the
table. Use a note to refer to the reference item in generic terms, such as chest, MMD,
Monitor, etc.

z Select PLACE BOM TABLE icon -auto_balloon_ref.tbl from the dialog box.
z Place table near the view it is for.

Removing Lines From Table, Filtering

z Table-Repeat Region-Filters, pick upper third of table, By Item-Exclude, pick

component. 9/17/2004
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Bill Of Material Does Not Show All Fields

You should not have this problem with any new files. These problems should only occur
when using old files in your assembly that have not been modified.

Family instances in assembly show as separate parts in Bill of Material

Part Number Does Not Appear

z Component does not display its part number. The object needs to have a part type
parameter added to it. Retrieve object into PRO E. Set Up-Parameters-Create-
String, type "PART_TYPE", type "UNDEFINED". Save object and submit it to
z The Auto table will have to be deleted and placed again for the correction to appear.
If this has also effected the Format, it will need placed again.

Part Number Shows Descriptive Extension

z A component name is not the standard name. It contains an extension from a family
table or a descriptive extension, such as a cable.
z Retrieve the Generic assembly or assembly. Assure that the following parameters
exist PART_TYPE and DESCRIPTION. IF they don’t Create them. Set-Up-
Parameters-Create-String PART_TYPE, ASSEMBLY, and DESCRIPTION,
(Matrix Description of assembly). If it is an assembly with a descriptive extension
PART_TYPE needs to be INST.
z Add a relation to generic assembly Relations-Assem Rel-Add, type:
{ generic=extract(rel_model_name,1,14)

z For Family Tables:

z Add parameters PART_TYPE and DESCRIPTION to family table. Family Tab-
Add Item-Parameter-check PART_TYPE and DESCRIPTION.
z Family Tab-Edit change PART_TYPE to INST for each instance, but not the
generic. Modify Description to match its MATRIX description for that instance.
z Save file and go back to your drawing.
z The Auto table may have to be deleted and placed again for the correction to
appear. Try Table-Repeat Region-Update Tables, first. If it has also effected the
Format, it will need placed again.

BOM Balloons

z Whenever possible Auto Balloons are preferred. You must have an Auto Table or a
Balloon table to use Auto Balloons. Auto balloons will not show up for manual
entries, reference items or bulk items (except tape). Table-BOM Balloon- Set
Region-Custom (pick in table for region) Show (pick view for balloons) Bulk
items do not show a BOM Balloon in the drawing, with the exception of tape.
z If you need to show more than one balloon for a find number. The balloons may be
split using Table-BOM Balloon-Split . Pick the balloon to split, pick the new
instance to attach the new balloon to and the balloon location.
z If you discover you need custom balloons if the balloon region was brought in as 9/17/2004
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simple, you will need to clear the region first. Table-BOM Balloon-Clear Region.
Then Place the balloons again using Custom. NOTE: your balloons will disappear.
If you moved them to a new position. You will lose that information.
z Balloons may be manipulated using Detail-Mod Attach or Move or Switch View.
Sometimes Balloons may show up pointed at an item that is hidden or in a
subassembly. They will need to be moved to a more logical position.
z NOTE: Always check your auto BOM to make sure you do not have to add any
parameters to the model files to correct part names. You may have to delete the
auto table and place it again for the corrections to appear. Thus you will have to
place your balloons again.
Even when you have an Auto BOM table or a Balloon Table, if a balloon is needed
for a reference item , it will have to be a manual balloon. DETAIL-Create-

Main Index

February 8, 2002 9/17/2004

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