International Youth Day Content

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International Youth Day is an awareness day designated by the United Nations.

purpose of the day is to draw attention to a given set of cultural and legal issues
surrounding youth. The first IYD was observed on 12 August, 2000.
The theme of International Youth Day 2020, �Youth Engagement for Global Action�
seeks to highlight the ways in which the engagement of young people at the local,
national and global levels is enriching national and multilateral institutions and
processes, as well as draw lessons on how their representation and engagement in
formal institutional politics can be significantly enhanced.

As the United Nations turns 75, and with only 10 years remaining to make the 2030
Agenda a reality for all, trust in public institutions is eroding. At the
international level, against the backdrop of an increasingly polarized world, the
international system of governance is currently undergoing a crisis of legitimacy
and relevance. In particular, this crisis is rooted in the need to strengthen the
capacity of the international system to act in concert and implement solutions to
pressing challenges and threats (examples include some of the worst contemporary
conflicts and humanitarian emergencies, such as Syria and Myanmar, as well as
global challenges, such as the COVID-19 outbreak and climate change).

Enabling the engagement of youth in formal political mechanisms does increase the
fairness of political processes by reducing democratic deficits, contributes to
better and more sustainable policies, and also has symbolic importance that can
further contribute to restore trust in public institutions, especially among youth.
Moreover, the vast majority of challenges humanity currently faces, such as the
COVID-19 outbreak and climate change require concerted global action and the
meaningful engagement and participation of young people to be addressed

This year�s IYD seeks to put the spotlight on youth engagement through the
following three interconnected streams:

Engagement at the local/community level;

Engagement at the national level (formulation of laws, policies, and their
implementation); and,
Engagement at the global level.
COVID-19 affects all segments of the population, with young people playing a key
role in the management of this outbreak and the recovery following the outbreak.
Though much is still unknown on how the disease affects young people, governments
are mandated in the World Programme of Action for Youth (WPAY) to ensure their
services meet the needs of young people. In these circumstances, it is important to
ensure that youth are heard alongside other community and patient voices in the
rollout of health and non-health interventions in response to COVID-19.

Building up the capacity of youth to be able to make their own decisions on health
and to take responsibility for health is also a key element of WPAY. In this
context, health education, public health promotion, and evidence-based information
are critical in combating the spread and effects of COVID-19, especially to
challenge the spread of disinformation online. The role of governments as well as
youth organizations and community groups will be essential to ensure that
trustworthy public health information is disseminated. Young people themselves are
also utilizing online technologies to spread public health information in engaging
ways such as videos to promote effective handwashing or explain how social
distancing can save lives.

Young innovators are already responding to the virus through social impact
innovation. Around the world, a number of initiatives are being developed to
leverage young people�s efforts to generate and deliver support to at-risk
populations or populations affected by the pandemic. Whilst most of these
initiatives are on a voluntary basis (e.g. young people offering to shop for and
deliver food to elders or at-risk people), they can also take the shape of social
enterprises. Many youth-driven technology innovation hubs are supporting startups
to develop effective solutions to address COVID-19. For example, CcHUB (an open
living lab and pre-incubation space) in Nigeria is offering to provide financial,
research and design support for projects related to COVID-19.

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