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E. Jacinto St., Davao City, Philippines

School of Nursing

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

NCM 3156: Community Health Nursing 2 RLE (Population, Groups, and Community as Clients)

Submitted to:

Submitted by:
BSN - 3A

July 31, 2021













Community Health Nursing is a special field of nursing where the patient is the
community. It is a synthesis of nursing practice and public health practice applied in promoting
and preserving the health of populations. According to Maglaya et al, Community Health
Nursing is the utilization of the nursing process in the different levels of clientele: individuals,
families, population groups, and communities, concerned with the promotion of health,
prevention of disease and disability, and rehabilitation.

The Salsa Village, Purok 7, Barangay Crossing Bayabas, Toril is a community in Davao
CIty that has a total population of 118. It is composed of 20 households in which 29 families are
residing in the area. According to the Barangay Health Worker, the common illnesses that affect
the families are fever, cough, and colds. Aside from that, there are reported cases of 2 diabetic
patients, 2 hypertensive senior females, and 1 dialysis patient. Last July 23, 2021, there has
been a mortality incidence associated with cardiac pulmonary arrest however, is a COVID-19

General Objective

Within the two week exposure at Salsa Village, Purok 7, Barangay Crossing
Bayabas, Toril, Davao City, the class aims to assess and identify the underlying
problems present within the community through ocular inspections and interviews as our
data gathering techniques as well as to compose a plan on how to address these
problems base on the instilled knowledge, skills and attitudes that the members of the
class have learned during class discussions. Furthermore, the class aims to deliver
holistic nursing care in order to provide appropriate interventions through health
promotion and health education depending on the problems identified through the
gathered data.

Specific Objectives:


1. Evaluate the overall condition of the community environment through

ocular inspection and interviews.
2. Assess the level of general knowledge of the residents in terms of health
and sanitation.
3. Identify the factors contributing to the identified underlying problems of the
community in order to be addressed in health promotional activities.
4. Formulate activities for health promotion and health prevention health


1. Determine priority problems of the chosen family using the typology of

nursing problems.
2. Formulate nursing care plans according to the identified underlying
problems of the community.
3. Conduct health class focusing on the highest scorer priority problem as a
health promotional activity for the community.
4. Coordinate with the barangay health workers and officials with regard to
possible measures to be done in order to resolve these problems within
the community.

1. Display therapeutic communication when conversing with the members of

the community.
2. Be aware of the community’s beliefs, values and practices in order to
prevent miscommunication.
3. Show respectful and positive behavior when interacting with the members
of the community.
4. Observe an open communication type of interaction with the members of
the community during the query phase in order for them to converse with
the student nurses comfortably with regard to their concerns.

Picture 1.1 - Spot Map of Purok 7, Barangay Crossing Bayabas, Toril, Davao City

Picture 1.2 - Spot Map of Barangay Crossing Bayabas, Toril, Davao City

Initial Database Data

Family Structure There are five members of the family living in the household - the
Characteristics & parents and three children. Nuclear structure and matriarchal type of
Dynamics authority. Regarding family dynamics, the family members are
respectful to one another in terms of voicing out their opinions.

Family History Both sides of the family have traces of hypertension. Respiratory
diseases such as tuberculosis and pneumonia are also included in
their history.

Socio-economic and Family’s income is enough to support the needs of the family. They
Cultural are able to eat three meals a day with additional snacks in between.
Characteristics They can also pay their dues without difficulty.

Home Environment The client owns a bungalow house out of wood with one bedroom,
one bathroom, and one kitchen. They have a small living space for
five family members. There are mosquitoes outside of their house
because they have plants. Their garbage has not been segregated
properly. The family uses a blower for cooking which has the
potential for devastating fire hazards. They also lack proper food
storage facilities.

Social, health, The barangay hall, health center, church/chapel, and a mall are near
communication, their house. They ride a jeep or a tricycle as their means of
transportation facilities transportation. The mother, father, and daughter each own a
available cellphone for communication.

Patient’s History Basha, the head of the family, hasn't been admitted to a hospital.
Though she consulted a doctor regarding her current anxiety and
episodes of panic attacks, no medical diagnosis was provided by her
doctor. But, she was given an antidepressant prescription.

Nutritional No exact anthropometric data measurements were retrieved. When

Assessment asked for a description of each family member, the mother reported
that they have a normal built for their heights. In terms of dietary
history and practices, the family eats three meals a day and can
consume four small gallons of water every day. Meals prepared are
usually fish, chicken, vegetables, and fruits. The family also stated
that they habitually wash their hands before and after eating their
meals. Furthermore, none of the family members have been
diagnosed with any kind of eating disorder.

Developmental Data Basha belongs to the intimacy versus isolation stage of Erik
Erikson's stages of psychosocial development. This stage is when
an individual seeks to form intimate and loving relationships with
other people to have long-term commitments with someone. On the
other hand, avoiding intimacy would lead to isolation, loneliness, and
sometimes depression. Basha has shown successful development in
this stage as she found a lasting, close, and romantic relationship
with Popoy. Moreover, she has a positive relationship with other
people in their community.

Risk Factor The present risk factors identified among the family members are the
Assessment inadequate physical activity of Basha, habitual cigarette smoking,
and occasional alcohol consumption of Popoy. Besides, Popoy and
her youngest daughter had a respiratory problem probably triggered
by the smoke produced by cigarette smoking.

Pharmacology None of the family members are taking maintenance drugs. They do
take over-the-counter (OTC) drugs like paracetamol for headaches
and fever. But, the family understands its use and doesn't take it in
excessive amounts or for longer durations than recommended.
Additionally, the mother reported experiencing palpitations when
taking the drug named Saridon.

Values, Habits, In terms of immunization, the children in the household were able to
Practices on Health obtain the necessary vaccinations, however no data was retrieved
Promotion, because the booklet was kept at the barangay health facility. They
Maintenance and exercise in various ways; the mother exercises frequently by
Disease Prevention performing household duties and walking with her husband. Their
children engage in playing outside their house. They also maintain
good hand hygiene. With an average of 8-9 hours of sleep every
night, the family gets enough rest and sleep. In terms of stress
management, the mother usually waters plants and flowers, whereas
the father smokes but does so in moderation. Lastly, they have been
practicing going to the doctor when they need to, especially following
the death of their second child. The family has also availed of the
barangay health center's health services.

With the given data, the following problems have been identified:

1. Risk of acquiring hypertension, diabetes, and respiratory diseases

In their family history, respiratory diseases can be traced in the paternal lineage.
There was also one member in the maternal side that had a history of diabetes.
Additionally, both sides of the family have members with hypertension.

2. Improper waste management and lack of food storage facilities

The family does not practice proper waste segregation. They also lack facilities
for food storage. Leftovers are only left on the table which can hasten food spoilage.

3. Unhealthy lifestyle practices (alcohol drinking, smoking, walking barefooted)

The father has a habit of smoking 10 cigarettes a day. He also drinks alcohol
occasionally with his relatives. The children run around the house barefooted despite
being reminded with the importance of wearing their slippers.
4. Fire hazards
The house is made out of wood which makes it a fire hazard. The family also
uses a charcoal stove with a blower which further increases the risk for potential fire.

5. Presence of breeding or resting sites of vectors of diseases

The mother has a garden outside their house which can be a potential breeding
site for mosquitoes. It can also be observed that the neighborhood has open canals that
have stagnant water. This can also be a resting site for mosquitoes.

6. Inappropriate Role Assumption

The mother leaves the eldest and youngest children at home when she goes to
work. The 12-year-old daughter takes care of her sibling throughout the mother’s shift.

7. Anxiety and Panic Attacks

The mother reported that she experiences anxiety and panic attacks from time to
time. When asked about her opinion on being vaccinated, she is hesitant to get her
vaccine in fear that her panic attacks may worsen.

8. Entrance to School
The eldest is graduating from elementary school while the youngest is about to
enter her first year of preparatory school. This may potentially cause a strain in the
family’s resources.

The community in Salsa Villa in ge, Purok 7, Barangay Crossing Bayabas, Toril in
Davao City has 118 residents, 20 households, and 29 families. There are different illnesses that
affect them including common illnesses such as fever, cough, and colds as well as chronic
diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. A household with five family members was
chosen in this study. In the family history, hypertension, and respiratory diseases such as TB
and pneumonia were mentioned. The family has their own house which is enough for all of them
and can pay monthly dues without difficulty. However, these are not enough to address the real
problem, which is their underlying conditions regarding their well being. Thus, we, student
nurses, come to assist in terms of assessing and cooperating with the chosen family.

With the data given, it can be stated that although the family has the means of having an
adequate lifestyle, the family has a hard time coping with their health in general. As stated in the
data, they don’t correctly address health concerns and have vices that could easily affect their
children. Therefore, we, as student nurses, are here to guide them in terms of health teachings.
We can assist them in transitioning to a healthy lifestyle to prevent further actions and results
that may go wrong.
In the two-week exposure, the aim was to assess and identify the problems present in
the community and gather data in order to compose plans to solve them, assessing the health
of the family members as a family and as individuals living in a community. The class was able
to deliver appropriate interventions through health promotion and education using holistic
nursing care. There were recognized health threats, health deficits, and foreseeable crises in
which the student nurses responded to enhance health and enable the family to live a better life.

In the problem prioritization the Anxiety and panic attacks has the highest score in which
is needed to be dealt first or needs immediate attention. The least prioritized is the fire hazard
which does not need immediate attention but still needs to be prevented since it is
unpredictable. Problem Health Prioritization needs is only a guide in which is needed to have
the fastest action therefore all the problems are still in need to be taken care of.


From the whole content of the study, various recommendations should be considered:

To the patient and family, it is recommended that they make use of this study to improve
their overall health, reduce risk factors that would compromise their health, settle issues, and
learn how to respond to problems that may occur.

To the community, it is also recommended that the barangay leaders or health workers
conduct forums and meetings to address the concerns and certain risk factors of the people in
the community. Through this, they can further identify other health risk factors in their
surroundings and avoid compromising their health.

To the nursing research, it is recommended that the results and the data found in this
study be of use to provide both nursing education and career with knowledge and factual
evidence. Students and researchers may be able to improve their own study with the use of this,
contributing to nursing.

To nursing education, community engagement is recommended since through this,

students will be taught how to be flexible, how to assist clients and the community by providing
health education, sharing health prevention strategies, and encouraging a healthy lifestyle.
Furthermore, through this student nurses may improve their skills in gathering data and in
gaining knowledge, developing their abilities and knowing their capabilities.

In nursing practice, it is recommended that students practice independence, in order for

them to know how to face different situations in the community. Furthermore, this could enhance
their skills and provide better quality of care to their clients.

To the study, face to face interaction with the community is recommended to further
assess and really confirm the diagnosis of the client and the family but due to the pandemic, it is
recommended that they be given more time to interview and learn more about the chosen family
and to further identify and confirm risk factors that would compromise the family’s health.



Nursing Education

This case study is important as it helps student nurses to develop their

problem-solving, decision-making, and critical-thinking abilities by exclusively interacting
with the families they were assigned to. With the given amount of time and the
pandemic involved which has hindered everyone from interacting with strangers in
person, the student nurses involved in this project were required to visualize the state of
their assigned family only through calls. As a result, they had to drill themselves on
enhancing their skills on therapeutic communication to get the data they need. They
also developed the skills of being more flexible with their time as to be able to be always
available as soon as the clients are within reach. The patience and determination of the
student nurses were really tested while doing this case study. Nevertheless, it has
helped hone the students to become more resilient and versatile.

Nursing Practice

The case study is beneficial to the nursing practice as nurses can gain additional
information that enables them to reflect, articulate, and diagnose the health and external
problems present in the community, especially to the basic unit of the society, the family.
Not only that, but it will enable the nurses to assess a solution that could influence their
assessment in the future. This paper serves as one of the bases to hone nursing
processes, especially in making assessments and implementation. As a nurse,
imparting knowledge and experience should not be limited only to medical schools and
universities but also to our communities and the individuals who belong to it. As we all
know, nursing practice is a caring-based practice in which processes of diagnosis and
treatment are applied to human experiences of health and illness

Nursing Research

This entire case study is important because it can be utilized as an additional

basis for further nursing research. Other studies, most especially those concerning the
elderly can use the results that were found from this study in order to contribute more
knowledge for both the nursing education and nursing career. Researchers may also
show improvements in their own studies through the help of this case study, contributing
to the well-being of the nursing profession altogether.



1. Poor Home Sanitation
2. Unhealthy Lifestyle Practices
3. Fire Hazard
4. Poor Environmental Condition
5. Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Name of the Problem: Poor Home Sanitation

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification

1. Nature of 2/3x1 0.67 It is a health threat

the Problem because improper
management and
lack of food
storage facilities
can cause various
health problems in
the future.
2. Modifiability 2/ x2 2 The problem is
Of the easily modifiable
Problem since they can
improve their home
sanitation by
segregating their
wastes properly
and providing a
proper storage for
their food in order
to make sure that
there will be no
potential breeding
sites for those
disease carrying

3. Preventive 3/3x1 1 Having a proper

Potential storage for their
food and
segregating their
waste properly can
lessen the risk for

4. Salience of 0/2x1 0 The family doesn’t

the Problem perceive it as a
problem needing

Total score 3.67

Name of the Problem: Unhealthy Lifestyle Practices

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification

1. Nature of the 2/3x1 0.67

It is a health threat
Problem that demands
immediate action
practicing an
unhealthy lifestyle
smoking, alcohol
drinking, and
barefooted can
increase the risk
for diseases.

2. Modifiability of 2/ x2 1
the Problem The problem is
easily modifiable
since knowledge
and resources are
available for the
family to use and
it is feasible as

3. Preventive 3/3x1 1 It can be

Potential prevented through
providing the
needed resources
and providing
knowledge on its
benefits and long
term effects to the

4. Salience of 0/2x1 0.5 The family is

the Problem already used to
their practices that’s
why they are not
considering it as a
problem that needs
urgent attention.

Total score 3.17

Name of the Problem: Presence of breeding sites of vectors of disease

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification

1. Nature of the 2/3x1 0.67
It is a health
Problem threat that needs
immediate action
to keep the family
safe from

2. Modifiability of 2/ x2 2 This problem is

the Problem easily modifiable
since there are
measures that the
family can perform
to eradicate
breeding sites for
resources are
available to them.

3. Preventive 3/3x1 1 Occurrence of

Potential communicable
diseases brought
upon by insects
can be
minimized or

4. Salience of 0/2x1 0.5 The family

the Problem recognizes it as a
problem, has done
measures to
address it, but is
still a recurring
problem today.

Total score 4.17

Name of the problem: Fire Hazard

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification

1. Nature of the 2/3x1 0.67
It is a health threat.

2. Modifiability of 2/ x2 1
the Problem The problem is
partially modifiable.
Renovation of the
house would
require money that
is not yet available
to the family.

3. Preventive 3/3x1 0.67 Fire cannot

Potential totally be
prevented with
an intervention
but only
minimizes the
damage. Also,
fire can still be
prevented even
when no
intervention will
be done as long
as the family will
be careful while
they are cooking.
They should also
be alert in cases
that the origin of
the fire is their

5. Salience of 0/2x1 0 The family does not

the Problem recognize it as a
problem. The
problem does not
need immediate
intervention since
resources should
be planned and
prepared way
before an action is

Total score 2.34

Name of the Problem: Anxiety and Panic attacks

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification

6. Nature of the 2/3x1 1

The problem is a
health deficit and
requires more

7. Modifiability of 2/ x2 2 The problem can

the Problem
be easily modified
through a series
of checkups,
interventions, and

8. Preventive 3/3x1 1 When an

Potential intervention is
done, anxiety
can be
addressed and
the problem can
be solved. This
can prevent
further episodes
of panic attacks
and the family
can have a
relationship with
one another.

9. Salience of 0/2x1 1 The family

the Problem recognizes it as a
problem that needs
attention. They
have consulted a
doctor before but
the diagnosis was
not clearly
explained to the

Total score 5

Criteria for Scoring

Prioritized Needs:
Anxiety and Panic Attacks 5

Breeding sites of vectors of disease 4.17

Poor Home Sanitation 3.67

Unhealthy Lifestyle Practices 3.17

Fire Hazard 2.34

The tables presented above determine a comprehensive comparison regarding the
identified problems of the family. The problem that needs to be prioritized is the mother’s
anxiety and panic attacks, scoring 5, due to the fact that it can be modified easily when
proper interventions are given. The problem with the least priority is accident hazards, with
a score of 2.34 because it is partially modifiable but fire cannot totally be prevented.


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