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Case Analysis Worksheet no.


Case Study Title: North Eastern Communications, Inc.

1. Recognize potential issues. List terms or phrases that seem to be important for
understanding what the case is about.
• scheduling
• supervisory paperwork
• responsibilities
• working as a team
• proposed approaches
• purchasing policies

2. Brainstorm for connections. Briefly discuss the following with the group.

What is this case about?

• This case is about Fred Gomez, the supervisor of Northeastern Communications
Inc., and his team who suffers from his unethical work attitude.

What are its major themes?

• Its major theme is the unethical work attitude of Fred Gomez. The very apparent
bad behavior of the supervisor is self-centeredness and self-entitlement. As
mentioned in the case, Fred Gomez cannot be found in his office as early as 5:00
pm while he shamelessly passes on his supervisorial task to Carlos. He did not
care if the technician he is burdening will have to stay up too late just to accomplish
the task he assigned to him. This is self-centeredness. However, his self-
entitlement was evident when Fred Gomez gives orders to the technicians like a
supreme law that must be followed and obeyed at all times. His people do not have
the luxury to say no to whatever orders he told them because he instilled in them
that they should be working as a team. However, his statement is not true for
himself. His presence cannot be felt during critical moments. All he was concerned
about was himself and what makes him comfortable.

Keep track of major issues and questions that arise with the Know/Need to Know

What do we already know? What do we still need to know?

• Is Fred Gomez a first-time
• Fred Gomez is a bossy supervisor.
• Fred Gomez had been the supervisor
• Did Fred Gomez’ past work
at Northeastern Communications Inc.
experience related to the
for six months
supervisory task?
• Carlos and the other technicians are
• Did Fred was confronted by
not happy with the way their supervisor
Human Resources due to his
is treating them.
unethical work attitude?
Identify one question or issue from the “need to know” list that your group wants
to explore.
• The issue from the “need to know” list that my group wants to explore is “Did
Fred was confronted by Human resources due to his unethical work attitude?”

3. Obtain additional references or resources to help answer or explore questions.

These may include print resources, informational articles, data sets, RAs, maps,
interviews, etc. List four different resources you think would be useful:


4. Potential ACAs. List down all ACAs (Alternative Course of Action using this chart
and evaluate them for your decisions.

Course of Advantages Disadvantages Decision
As a supervisor, if we Holding regular It is essential to hold
are able to hold meetings can be regular meetings with
1. Hold a
regular 1-on-1 review time-consuming. It your employees
Regular 1-
meetings with our can cost you time regardless of whether
on-1 Review
team members, we because work will be they are airing their
Meeting with
can have the set aside for sake of work issues. It is
your Team
opportunities to meeting. Another actually a great way
discuss our thoughts, disadvantage is to get the opinions of
ideas, and concerns inexpert chairing. everyone in your
in a comfortable and Just as an airplane is office individually in a
collaborative steered by a pilot, a 1-on-1 meeting
environment. We can meeting is piloted by scenario where quiet
have the chance to the chairperson. His and shy employees
solve the problem and lack of skill and may feel more
makes everyone feel personal comfortable
included. Having failings/biases may discussing their
regular meetings can fail a meeting. Lastly, problems. By holding
also boost it is expensive. these regular
collaboration and Meetings are meetings, you’re
ensure everyone is expensive to arrange more likely to catch
working as efficiently – they require a place, problems and
as possible. paperwork, prior negative attitudes
communication, and before they become
traveling by the an issue that leads to
attendees. toxic employees in
the first place.

As a Manager, upon
2. Follow up Having a follow-up When the follow up hearing an
with the with the employee at meeting gets employee's complaint
Employee at a later date can build ineffective, this and agreeing to make
a later date a stronger manager- can lead to lower the desired changes
employee engagement and to the workplace
relationship. Be sure morale among based on the
to schedule one-on- employees. Long- complaint, follow up
one meetings term, this can result in with the employee at
regularly. Make sure workplace conflict, a a private meeting.
you don't miss an decline in innovation This could be in a
appointment by and increased week or months. It all
scheduling them on a employee turnover. It depends on the
shared calendar. can also cause drain situation that caused
Consistency will help on time. When staff the problem and how
you maintain a has to spend time in quickly it can be
relationship with your meetings, then that's resolved. Holding a
employees and build action that is not private meeting with
trust. Next, it being taken to meet the employee after
empowers company goals and the fact helps you to
employees to own objectives. And the see whether your
their performance. more staff involved in changes have
This can give the meetings, the more helped. It further
employees ownership this lack of reinforces your trust
of their own productivity can and bond with the
performance and lets affect the company's worker. Employees
them drive the output on any given will respect a
conversation. day. manager who keeps
Building the agenda tabs on them and
together can reduce checks how they’re
anxiety and increase doing on a regular
employee buy-in basis, whether it’s in
throughout the response to work
process. Lastly, it can issues or not.
help you give and
receive valuable
feedback. Set aside
time during your one-
on-one meetings to
discuss employee
feedback. One-on-
ones are a good time
to walk through what
can be difficult
feedback and help
coach your
employees to
productive outcomes.

3. If Necessary,
Fire The main benefit of One possible Terminating toxic or
Someone firing an employee is disadvantage to problematic
that the undesirable firing an employee is employees shouldn’t
behavior or possible legal be your first solution
performance has consequences. to a business
been eliminated from However, if a problem, but it may be
the company. Firing company follows the necessary
an underperformer legal guidelines and solution if things don’t
opens up a position their predetermined improve. If one badly-
that can then be termination policies behaved employee is
filled with an and procedures, causing grief for
lawsuits are less everyone else on your
employee better
likely. Another team, try your best to
suited to meet the
disadvantage of warn them and give
job requirements them a chance to
and expectations. In firing an employee is
the need to fill their change. However, if
some cases, when a change doesn’t occur,
toxic employee is position. Any form of
termination or you may need to
fired, it can shift the terminate them for the
workplace turnover creates a
good of the team. The
environment from a staffing gap. In order
energy employees
negative one to a to fill this gap, the put into their company
positive one. company needs to can be catchy, so a
Although firing spend a lot of time poor employee can
someone is never a and resources to drag everyone else
fun task, when done interview, hire, down with them. If
for the right reasons, onboard, and train warnings and advice
it can have a positive the new employee. It fail, it’s probably wiser
impact on morale will also take time to to get rid of the “bad
and profitability. get the new apple” employee in
employee up to search of someone
speed and more positively
performing at the influential.
levels required of the

5. Final recommendations. List down your final recommendation/solution to the

major problem identified and briefly discuss your implementation plan.
Apparently, Fred Gomez might bring chaos with the kind of management skills he
has. A good supervisor must show respect and consideration to his people and must also
be capable of giving them positive feedback and constructive criticism to be efficient in
HRP. However, Fred Gomez is way too far from being such.
Fred, being new to his post may not be aware of his task as the supervisor. Maybe
his idea of being the supervisor is how he exactly did it to the technicians of the company.
Therefore, Fred needs some self-assessment and calibration of his work ethic. To be
given a big responsibility such as being a supervisor require a good work attitude. Yes,
to err is inevitable but he must learn to self-assess, adjust, adapt, and improve for the
better. As the supervisor, he should be a role model for everyone around him. Fred should
learn how to establish a harmonious relationship with his team. He must also practice
professionalism which means he should do all the supervisorial tasks assigned to him
and not pass them on to other members of the team. He must show appreciation and give
rewards or credit to whom it is due. He must acquire good skills in handling people with
different views and personalities by attending seminars and/or training. He must be
passionate about his job so he may successfully carry out the company’s mission and
vision. Most importantly, he should always do what he preaches. Since he said that they
should be working as a team, then he should be on the frontline leading and working with
his team.

For our final recommendation or solution to the major problem, I can suggest that
Fred must get to know his employees. Fred should make an effort to really understand
his employees. Ask them what their goals are, give them more responsibility if you think
they can handle it, then give them recognition when they pull it off. Your work can't tell
you that you're a good boss, which means you have to invest just as much time in your
employees as your tasks as a supervisor. This is how you can begin training your mind
to think like a good boss. Next, sit back and listen. Listening might be hard for some
newly-born supervisors. All you want to do is make action and prove yourself, but your
employees might be trying to tell you something you're too busy to notice. Listening
involves sitting one-on-one, making eye contact, giving that person your full attention, and
uncovering their thoughts. These listening sessions often lead to uncovering interesting
leads, which you can then implement in your upcoming strategies, allowing the talker to
know you heard them and making your job easier by taking note of the eyes and ears of
the organization. Lastly, feedback must be your friend. Once you've mastered how you
should be acting like a good boss, it's time to find out if your team's impression aligns with
your own. As a supervisor, you must take feedback from your employees positively
because it can highlight the areas that you need to improve upon yourself. It can also
create a trusting relationship between the supervisor and team members.

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