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Ben Hou Lodge And Characteristics Of Market Segment

Likely characteristics of Market Segment:

Market segmentation is a two way process. The first task is to name the broad product market and the
next step is to segment the market into select target market and develop marketing mixes. In this case
the broad market is the filthy rich which has been characterised by the businessmen. Now, when we go
deeper in this market segment we find out that the different segments are the playboys, the politicians
and other celebrities are part of this select target market.

Why are most of the target customers likely to be foreigners instead of New Zealanders ?

Most of the customers will be outsiders and not New Zealanders because the market at which the
businessmen are targeting is global and not national per se. This is due to the fact that in business while
selling a product the nationality of that specific country from where the product is created does not
matter, and the product is always sold to the global market for maximum profits.

Expectations of Target Customers:

The target customers would have extremely high expectations regarding the quality of the product. They
would want to have the highest quality of the product which they have been promised from the Lodge
and therefore it is important that the Lodge contains the best luxuries money can buy for these rich
people to have a laidback leisure time away from work. It should have high quality furniture in the resort
and there should be good amount of people to look after the guest. There should be great art work in
the rooms of the resort and the food should be made by the best of the chefs from all over the world.

The entire ambience of the place should be conducive for the retreat of the elite few from the rest of
the world, and therefore the resort has to make sure that all their needs and demands should be met
according to the highest standards possible.

What are the implications for Ben Hau Lodge?

The implications for the Lodge are really promising. The Lodge has developed a safari ride for its high
flying customer’s horse trekking, photography and other outdoor related activities. The resort has been
converted into a game reserve and the response to this place has been very positive. The managers of
the retreat think that the best way of marketing is to spread the word about the place through those
people who have visited the place and have appreciated the beauty of the place. Publicity and public
relations have been the main way through which marketing has been done for the retreat and it has
been working out perfectly well for now. The implications for the place are bright and the future looks
solid for a good business.

How difficult is it for Ben Ohau Lodge to undertake marketing research?

It is not difficult for the Lodge to conduct marketing research since the segment for the market has
already been defined as the filthy rich people. Once more and more people start to experience the
retreat then it will be easier for the Lodge to elaborate a plan with respect to the number of people
coming to the retreat.

Ben Ohau Lodge Case Study The world's most exclusive globetrotters find isolation and adventure at
New Zealand's Ben Ohau Lodge. A natural paradise allows only the wealthiest to escape their daily
routines in exchange for safari shooting, golfing, helicopter rides, and many other elite activities. For a
week or longer, all needs are satisfied by a breathtaking view and the serenity Ben Ohau provides. The
guests of this luxurious concealed paradise make up a rather exclusive customer base for the lodge.
Based solely on word of mouth and public relations for their elite clientele, a private and secure vacation
spot full of luxuries amenities is essential to its success. Among the upper social class, their desires
include the comfort, security, bliss, relaxation, and seclusion the lodge provides. The activities offered
are appealing to the rich as a great opportunity to enjoy an escape from their normal lives. Located in a
very sparsely populated region with rooms twice the size of standard New Zealand hotels rooms also
attracts the wealthiest foreign clientele. Making up the world's higher income bracket most guest are
foreigners to New Zealand because of the lavish price tag on a nightly stay. Appealing to the more elite
the location and atmosphere also steers away the lower and middle class of New Zealand from even
considering the lodge. Such resort is exclusive, rare, and particular to a lavish lifestyle that New Zealand
natives are unfamiliar with. According to The World's Billionaire list on Forbes, only 3 of the 1342 are
from New Zealand where Americans make up 882 of the list. This proves the difference in lifestyles
between the two countries.
Ben Ohau Lodge Case Analysis Ben Ohau Lodge is a secluded 28,000-acre retreat nestled in the high
country of New Zealand that backs up to Mount Cook National Park. It caters to the wealthy, famous
and powerful that want a place to get away for a hunting trip, golf outing, getting outdoors or just to
relax without all the hustle and bustle of life. Cris Rebeck, a former New Zealand Department of
Conservation investigator and the son of a former Indonesian president bought the high-country station
and hunting-guide company and converted it into the lodge. Rebeck knew the property was a perfect
place that had all the facilities, amenities and the seclusion that would provide the perfect vacation
destination for their ideal clientele. The lodge provides a unique product and service of an exclusive
vacation destination

in order to fulfill its customers’

needs for a one of a kind destination that is private, safe, exclusive, entertaining, relaxing and undisturb

ed. Its customer’s include

the rich and famous ranging from presidents to business executives from all over the world and every
celebrity in between. This customer market segment possesses special characteristics and can be
described in different dimensions. Those dimensions are further divided into qualifying dimensions and
determining dimensions. The qualifying dimensions for this customer market segment includes their
needs for a vacation destination; one that is safe and secure, private, comfortable, has a variety of
leisure activities, is relaxing, exclusive and far from public exposure. Additional qualifying dimensions for
this customer market segment are top income earner which means the top 1% of the wealthiest people
in the world that are in the upper social class with occupation ranging from leaders of countries,
celebrities, top business executives and

Ben Ohau Lodge Case Analysis

royalties. What set Ben Ohau Lodge apart from other vacation destination is its ability to fulfill the
unique needs of this customer market segment, which is also the determining dimension. These
determining dimensions include the secure, private, exclusive and far from public exposure that the
lodge offers to its customers. The target customers of Ben Ohau Lodge are likely to be foreign locations
since one of the qualifying dimensions of its customers is the richest people in the world.

According to Forbes publication on “The World’s 400 Wealthiest” in S

eptember 2013, there are only 3 New Zealanders in the list out of 1,226 billionaires. Targeting only local
customers will not be profitable for Ben Ohau Lodge as the segment will not be big enough.

Since the lodge’s target market is the worlds wealthiest, they will have to
market to those outside of New Zealand for the simple fact that there are not enough wealthy people
there to sustain the flow of business and keep the doors open. The target customers will represent the
highest of quality, reliability, as well as the range of services provided. The amenities that Ben Ohau
Lodge provides that are of the highest quality are the rooms and the views. The rooms are twice the size
of a normal hotel room and they have double glazed windows that allow the customer to take in
breathtaking views. The lodge will also provide the highest of quality in service. For example, they
employee ten full time staff members as well as two guides for those interested in the hunting or the
photography safari, horseback ridding, trail hiking, or a helicopter tour of surrounding Lake Tekapo. A
key service also is to provide all guests with anonymity and the seclusion that allows all of the guests to
roam the grounds freely without the use of bodyguards or worrying about trying to blend in and avoid
recognition. With the quality, reliability and range of services offered by Ben Ohau

Ben Ohau Lodge Case Analysis

Lodge this makes the lodge a very respectable tourist attraction for those that are looking for seclusion
and variety in a vacation destination. Without these characteristics provided many of the target market
would be driven away or just simply look somewhere else for a vacation location that will provide them
with the amenities that they are looking for. So far the source of marketing for the lodge is by word of
mouth from past patrons, publicity and public relations within the community to get the word out about
Ben Ohau Lodge. With these factors, doing market research to compare how one vacation destination
can go about becoming more successful will be rather difficult.

There are not many things to compare it to. It’s not just a luxury hotel like some places, and it’s not
solely a secluded island like others. Since it is a combination of those and a

safari makes it extremely difficult to compare. The fact that there is not really anything to compare it to
for market research leads to the credibility and reputation for being a great destination vacation resort.
The Ben Ohau Lodge was established to be a state of the art luxury retreat for the wealthy, famous and
powerful. It has succeeded at this by providing top of the line amenities and service all while making
privacy and seclusion that every guest wants in a vacation destination their top priority. They have made
themselves a credible and reputable place for the wealthiest and most powerful travelers all by word of
mouth from happy patrons.

Ben Ohau Lodge, located in the high country of New Zealand, is a high-class resort aimed at the world’s
most exclusive clients. Started by a New Zealander and his Indonesian friend, this pricey resort provides
every accommodation a particular segment of wealthy clientele could ever ask for. Understanding the
market brought about a breakthrough opportunity for Ben Ohau Lodge, and it has led to some success.
Relying solely on promotion via word of mouth, publicity, and public relations, the retreat has built a
relatively steady base of customers. These customers fall into some rather exclusive dimensions. Some
of the qualifying dimensions include the need for a safe and secure vacation spot, offering luxuries and
amenities. They must also be in the upper social class, meaning they fall into the top 1% of the income
bracket. This means that by default, the customers will be foreign rather than New Zealand locals.
According to the Forbes List of Billionaires for 2013, only 3 of the 1426 are from New Zealand. One of
the most defining dimensions of this market segment is a love of nature and isolation. Not all wealthy
people fall under this category. Ben Ohau Lodge does not provide spas, shopping, or upscale dining, all
of which would be attractive to a large segment of a wealthy market. Another defining dimension is the
ability to be out of contact for the length of the vacation. Internet and cell phone service is at a low, if
available at all. Many of the world’s wealthiest people need to be in constant contact with their business
associates, which would place them out of the target market segment. Looking at their resources, the
Lodge needs to keep their market segment small, focusing in on the prominent, wealthy figures who
appreciate the seclusion of the New Zealand countryside and the activities inherent to that...


. Keep Financial Score

Few small businesses have an accurate idea of the daily, weekly, and monthly numbers and financial
trends taking place within the organization. It's vital that you spend the necessary time keeping current
on cash flow. If you lack the financial skills, hire an accountant, but still stay very much in the loop.

2. Set Goals

Similar to keeping score, setting goals and objectives is an essential part of your business success. Use
the goals you set as an ongoing planning tool to ensure that you continue to move forward with your
small business. For instance, try to increase traffic by a certain amount on your business website or blog.
More web traffic can translate into added sales or customer loyalty.

3. Use High-Impact Marketing

Wasting money on ineffective marketing is easy. Seek out low-budget, high-impact marketing strategies
to improve your small business. Test one or two new tactics and see which perform best before adding
them to your marketing mix. Social media is an excellent low-cost and low-risk way to promote your
business. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are a few good tools to build a social presence and
attract attention to your business.

. Master Business Presentations

A powerful business presentation can help improve your small business' performance. Start by learning
the essentials of a memorable business presentation. These can include delivering an unexpected little
pearl of wisdom to captivate your audience. That said, don't overload your presentation with
information. Keep everything relevant.

5. Monitor Trends

No business operates in a vacuum. Events and changes in the global landscape have an effect on your
business. Stay current on trends and issues happening in your industry and local community. Even things
that don't seem relevant on the surface might have an impact on what you do, so consider all

. Sharpen Your Selling Skills

A high-return area for business improvement is the sales function. Whether you're a one-person
operation or managing a sales team, you must focus on sales improvement. To start, clarify your
business mission. When you determine areas where you excel and who needs what you do, you will
have a greater sense of vision and purpose.

7. Find Best Practices

Keeping everything transparent is an important underpinning. That means breaking down silos,
communicating effectively, testing, and monitoring and approving your processes in order to keep
everything running smoothly. Another example is documenting your processes to avoid any

8. Motivate Staff

Talented and motivated staff members can bring on big improvements in business. Learn what
motivates your employees to higher levels of performance. Part of this is being willing to listen to input
and insight from everyone on staff, regardless of position or seniority. Some of the best ideas come from
those closest to certain problems.

9. Know Your Limits

Successful business owners have a clear idea of their limitations. By knowing your entrepreneurial
personality type, you can manage your resources and find help in areas of weakness. This is a key driver
to success. For example, if you're great at sales but less experienced with bookkeeping, focus on sales
and hire someone else to handle the books.

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