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Lesson Plan in English

Grade 7 - LOVE
September 13, 2022

I. Objectives: At the end of the 60-minute session, 75% of the students should be able to:
 use the active and passive voice meaningfully in varied contexts (EN7G-111-c-2)
1. identify sentences in the active and passive voice;
2. transform sentences using active and passive voice; and,
3. use active and passive voice in constructing meaningful sentences in different situations.

II. Subject Matter:

C. Materials: pictures, laptop, OHP or Television

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary of Lesson
1. Motivation

B. Presentation of Lesson
1. Ask the students to present their reactions and connect it to the lesson.
2. Let them establish the purpose of the lesson.

C. Lesson Proper
The voice of an action verb indicates whether the subject performs or receives the action.
There are two types of voice: ACTIVE VOICE and PASSIVE VOICE.
When the subject does or “acts upon” the verb, the sentence is said to be in the active
Formula: Subject + Verb+ Object
(doer of the action)

Study the following examples. These show that the subject is doing the verb’s actions.

1. The rich man’s servant usually cooked special food.

Subject- The rich man’s servant (singular)
+ verb - usually cooked (past tense) + object- special food

2. Carlos Bulosan reveals the reality about social discrimination in the text.
Subject- Carlos Bulosan (singular) + verb- reveals (present tense)
+object- reality about social discrimination

3. The judge pounded the gavel.

Subject- the judge (singular) + verb- pounded (past tense) + object- gavel

4. My brothers throw pieces of coins in a straw hat.

Subject- my brothers (plural) +verb-throw (present tense)
+ object – pieces of coins in a straw hat

When the subject receives the action of the verb, the sentence is said to be in the passive voice.

Formula: Subject + Verb Phrase (be + past participle form of the verb)
(receiver of the action) + object

These examples show how the subject-verb relationship has changed.

1. Special food was usually cooked by the rich man’s servant.

Subject–special food (singular) + verb phrase-was usually cooked (past participle)+ object- rich man’s

2. The reality about social discrimination in the text is revealed by Carlos Bulosan.

Subject- the reality about social discrimination (singular)

+ verb phrase- was revealed (past participle) + object- Carlos Bulosan

3. The gavel was pounded by the judge.

Subject- the gavel (singular) + verb phrase- was pounded (past participle)+ object- judge

4. Pieces of coins are thrown in a straw hat by my brothers.

Subject- pieces of coins (plural) + verb phrase- are thrown (past participle)
+ object- my brothers

The subject in the active voice becomes the object in the passive voice; the
object in the active voice becomes the subject in the passive voice.

Tips in Changing Active to Passive:

1. Identify the verb and its tense, then move the position of the
direct object at the beginning of the sentence. This time, consider
the number (singular/plural) of your subject which is the object of
your sentence in the active voice.

Active: The government gives relief goods. (Present Tense)
Passive: Relief goods are given by the government.
(Relief goods –plural, present tense verb, so the verb phrase= are + given)

Active: Many boys helped the wounded men. (Past Tense)

Passive: Wounded men were helped by many boys.
(Wounded men – plural, past tense verb, so the verb phrase= were + helped)

Active: Someone will take my gadgets. (Future Tense)

Passive: My gadgets will be taken by someone.
(My gadgets-plural, future tense verb, so the verb phrase= will +be+ taken

Active: Arthur will send a package.

Passive: A package will be sent by Arthur.

(for future tense use will be + the past participle form of the verb)

Active: Bong writes a letter.

Passive: A letter is written by Bong.

2. Add an auxiliary verb “be”: be, is, are, was, were, am,
being, been before the main verb (past participle form of the
main verb)

Active: Sheena is bringing imported goods.

Passive: Imported goods are being brought by Sheena.
Let’s Learn!

3. Add the preposition “by” followed

by the doer of the action

Study the chart below, take note how the sentences in the active voice (left) and sentences in the
passive voice are formed. Analyze how the sentences are transformed.

Subject Verb Object P Subject Verb Object

A 1.The sings love songs. A 1. Love are sung by the choir.

choir songs
C 2.Cat eats fish. S 2. Fish is eaten by cat.

T 3.The will run a race. S 3.A race will be run by the boys.
4.Sarah mailed the 4.The was mailed by Sarah.
I document. I document

V 5. Wise make many V 5.Many are made by wise

men inventions. inventions men.
E 6.He is finishing his E 6.His is being by him.
homework. homework finished
7.The inspected the 7.The were by the
police passersby. passersby inspected police.
8.The will meet their family 8.The will be met by the
O OFWs members. O family OFWs.
I 9.The introduces modular I 9.Modular are by the
teacher lessons. lessons introduced teacher.
10.The is giving a speech. 10. A is being by the
president speech given president.

Pretend that you are a health care provider in your barangay. Share some of the best practices one must
observe during this pandemic using the active voice, then transform it using the passive voice of the verb. The
first one has been done for you.

1. Washing the hands

Active a. Girlie uses a germicidal soap in washing her hands.
Passive b. A germicidal soap is used by Girlie in washing her

2. Wearing a face mask

Active a. ______________________________________________
Passive b. ______________________________________________

3. Staying at home
Active a. ______________________________________________
Passive b. ______________________________________________

4. Observing social- distancing

Active a. ______________________________________________
Passive b. ______________________________________________

5. Eating healthy foods

Active a. ______________________________________________
Passive b. ______________________________________________

IV. Evaluation:
A. Underline the verb/verb phrase in the sentence below, then identify whether it is in the Active or Passive

Active - Every province will follow the new DILG guidelines.

_________________1. Emily is using hand sanitizer.

_________________2. The Municipal Mayor ordered people to stay at home.
________________ 3. The relief goods were given to each household by the
________________ 4. An Executive Order was issued by the governor.
________________ 5. The builders finished the isolation room for PUIs.
________________ 6. The COVID-19 patient is brought by the medical
workers to the hospital.
________________ 7. The military men are checking the quarantine pass.
________________ 8. The health professionals read the test results.
________________ 9. She wears face mask and face shield every time she goes out.
________________ 10. Father came home after a 14-day quarantine.

The pictures below tell a lot of stories which you can relate to the present time. Using what you have
learned about the use of active and passive voice, do the following:

A. Construct three sentences using active voice. Write your answers in your
English answer sheet.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

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