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J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 1985, 37: 1-12 01985 J. Pharm. Pharmacol.


The fate of pharmaceutical chemicals in the aquatic


Thames Warer Authority, New River Head, Rosehery Avenue, London ECI R 4TP, U K

Increased demands for potable water, especially where supplies are drawn from lowland
rivers has necessitated a greater degree of water re-use. As water undertakings have a duty
to maintain the wholesome quality of potable water supplies, increasing concern is being
expressed over the presence of organic micro-contaminants (contaminants found at
pg litre-’ concentrations). This study outlines some of the problems encountered in
assessing the risk from pharmaceutical chemicals which might enter the water cycle from
domestic and industrial sources. Analytical chemistry was of value for only a few of the 200
compounds studied. However, much useful information was derived from the human
metabolic routes of the drugs and is collated in Appendix I. Biodegradation studies and
other ecotoxicityienvironmental toxicology data may be required to a greater extent in the
future. Particular consideration is given to vulnerable sections of the population.

During the Catchment Quality Control (CQC) (a) It might be ultimately biodegradable, i.e. to
studies undertaken by Thames Water Authority carbon dioxide, water, e.g. aspirin.
(TWA) (Fish & Torrance 1977, 1978; Wood & (b) It might undergo some form of metabolism or
Richardson 1978,1980; Nicolson et al1981; Richard- rather partial degradation e.g. penicillins.
‘son & Bowron 1983; Bowron & Richardson 1984) it (c) It might be persistent e.g. clofibrate.
became apparent that pharmaceutical chemicals
Hence STWs effluent could contain either intact
Would enter the water cycle via two main routes. or partially degraded pharmaceutical chemicals.
(1) The industrial route: i.e. a point discharge to a STWs effluents discharge into rivers, many of
sewage treatment works where the manufacturer or
which are subsequently abstracted for potable water
Packer of a pharmaceutical product might incur
supply purposes. As it was assumed that drug
1-5% wastage of their product. This could find its
residues would survive the various water treatment
way to drain and hence to the sewage treatment
processes, there seemed to be a distinct possibility
Works, as a normal consented discharge. This
that pharmaceutical chemicals at low concentrations
Percentage wastage of chemicals is low compared
(pglitre-1) would b e present in potable water
with many other industries because of the care
supplies. Therefore, the question arises ‘What is the
necessary in handling very high cost chemicals often
long term public health risk of ingesting such drugs
in controlled environments such as sterile packaging
andior their metabolites for up to about 70 years at a
areas. Furthermore, the pharmaceutical industry
fraction (-1%) of their therapeutic dose?’
Works to stringent guidelines such as Good Manu-
Treatment at STWs and waterworks could be
facturing Practice and the Medicines Act.
improved by costly and advanced procedures such as
( 2 ) The ‘domestic route’: most pharmaceutical chem-
activated carbon plants. These can be effective for
leak, both proprietary and ethical preparations,
the removal of a wide range of noxious organic
having left the factory, will be dispensed or sold to
chemicals, thereby improving the position relating to
the public. These preparations will be administered
otherwise recalcitrant organic chemicals.
either in the home, or in hospitals or clinics.
It was appreciated that drug prescriptions fall into
Excreta containing such drugs o r their metabol-
two major categories:
It% o r excess drugs if sluiced away, will reach
sewage treatment works (STWs). (a) Short term-in this situation drugs are usually
A t STWs there are three principal possible fates taken for a period of up to. say, two weeks and any
for any individual pharmaceutical chemical: excess usually retained in the household, returned to

the pharmacy, disposed of to refuse or flushed into metabolism and sewage works treatment would be
the drain as earlier indicated. likely to modify the structure of the pharmaceutical
(b) Long term-in this situation there is unlikely to chemical, in many cases removing the analytical
be any excess drug to waste unless the formulation/ determining group. Thirdly, all the pharmaceutical
prescription has to be changed. chemicals would be present in admixture with
It was also appreciated that whilst it is an industrial, domestic and allied chemicals.
acceptable risk to administer chemicals having high Whilst analysis was found to be practical for a few
biological activity like cytotoxic drugs for instance, pharmaceutical chemicals, the separation techniques
to the chronically ill, such a risk may not be at the predicted concentrations were a major prob-
acceptable for neonates and in pregnancy, despite lem. This was so notwithstanding the unlimited size
the very low levels. of the samples available, a very different situation
Furthermore, although many of the drugs studied from clinical analysis. In the latter, sample volumes
in this investigation have been known and prescribed are small, whereas volumes of samples for water
for many years, half a century in a few cases, this is analysis can be 20 litres before preconcentration.
insufficient reason for complacency. Because of these analytical chemical problems it
In view of the foregoing the investigation was was decided to predict the quantitiedconcentrations
undertaken. of pharmaceutical chemicals that were likely to be
present in the River Lee as a worst case situation.
A ‘rule of thumb’ calculation indicated that if one
DETAILS OF THE INVESTIGATION tonne of a pharmaceutical (or other chemical) was
In the case of drug manufacturers and compounders evenly discharged to the rivers in England and Wales
within the TWA freshwater catchment, it was a over one year then a concentration of very approxi-
reasonably easy matter to obtain, in strict con- mately 0.1 pg litre-’ was likely to be achieved in
fidence, an estimate of the quantities of each the River Lee, assuming that n o degradation or
pharmaceutical chemical wasted to drain on a per metabolism occurred.
annum basis (Fish & Torrance 1977, 1978; Wood & The River Lee is a source of potable water for
Richardson 1980). It was then simple to calculate the North London and during summer months and dry
predicted concentration at the various downstream weather conditions it can be composed of some 60%
potable water abstraction points. On the assumption of STWs effluent.
that the average person drank two litres of water per The concentration criterion of 0.1 pg litre-’ was
* day an estimate of the likely ingested dose was made. selected for this study as in 1975 this concentration
However, during our preliminary studies (Wood was one order of magnitude more stringent than any
& Richardson 1980), it became apparent that was- quoted in water quality criteria (Fish & Torrance
tage from manufacturing units was likely to contri- 1977, 1978; Wood & Richardson 1978, 1980).
bute only marginally to the overall load of phar- A computer print-out of drugs prescribed by
maceutical chemicals that could be found in potable general practitioners (200 or more prescriptions) for
water supplies, at least as far as TWA catchments the year 1976 was obtained from the Department of
were concerned. The major source would be the Health and Social Security. This excluded drugs
home and hospitals, and for this reason a water administered in hospitals and private practice.
authority would be unable to seek control, as would Similar details were obtained from the Proprietary
be the case with an industrial discharge. Association of Great Britain for proprietaries.
Chemical analysis was then considered but it was The document gave the number of tablets, cap-
rapidly concluded that this would not be practical sules, injectables etc. prescribed. These were then
except for a few pharmaceutical chemicals. translated into tonnes of active pharmaceutical
Firstly, the analysis of such chemicals in water, a chemical ingredients. A total of 716 prescribable
surprisingly difficult matrix, at pg litre-’ concentra- preparations were considered; this gave a list of 1600
tions would be likely to involve considerable chemicals. Some active ingredients were contained
resources for a comparatively small number of in over 30 formulations. Approximately 170 phar-
chemical compounds. That is, a small number maceutical chemicals were found to be used in excess
compared with 10 000+ industrial and related chem- of one tonne per annum or, using the factor referred
icals used in the EEC in quantities >1 tonne per to above, gave a predicted concentration of
annum, all of which are likely to enter water 0.1 pg litre-’ or above in the River Lee. Additional
resources. Secondly, it was appreciated that human pharmaceutical chemicals were added to this list, see
Appendix I. e.g. drugs used in cancer chemotherapy liquid extraction or by use of X A D resins) of samples
because they are noxious. is needed and in fact concentration factors of up to
The pharmaceutical chemicals were then individu- 10000 can be achieved. From this type of analysis,
ally considered with particular relevance to the lists of chemicals are identified in such samples.
information collated in Appendix I, e.g. metabolism, GC-MS has the disadvantage that, in general, it will
presence in maternal milk, ability to cross the only detect those chemicals which are volatile or
placenta, plasma half life. This information was easily derivatized to volatile chemicals, a maximum
obtained from standard textbooks such as Martin- of some 20-25% of chemicals considered to be
dale-The Extra Pharmacopoeia, British Phar- present in many water samples.
maceutical Codex, Association of the British Phar- Table 1. Summary of biodegradability test results.
maceutical Industry Data Sheet Compendium. The
information was enhanced by on-line searching. Compound Result
This exercise led to the following deductions: Amitriptyline Non-biodegradable
(a) That a significant number of pharmaceutical Ampicillin 48% biodegradable
chemicals undergo Phase I and I1 mammalian Aspirin Readily biodegradable
Caffeine Readily biodegradable
metabolism usually yielding conjugates. The toxicity Chlorhexidine Non-biodegradable
and pharmacological activity of these is much lower Clofibrate Non-biodegradable
than that of the parent compound. Microbial metab- Codeine phosphate Non-biodegradable
Dextropropoxyphene Non-biodegradable
olism can also lead to similar transformations. Ephedrine Readily biodegradable after
Furthermore, such conjugates can be hydrolysed in acclimatisation
Erythromycin Non-biodegradable
STWs by enzymic processes, e.g. @-D-glucuronidase, Ibuprofen Inherently biodegradable
to yield innocuous but stable products. Many of Menthol Readily degradable
these will not have the analytical determining groups Meprobamate Non-biodegradable
Methyldopa Non-biodegradable
possessed by the parent compound. Metronidazole Non-biodegradable
(b) Whilst pharmaceutical chemicals are studied in Naproxen Non-biodegradable
depth for their pharmacological and clinical action, Nicotinamide Readily biodegradable
Paracetamol Readily biodegradable after
they are little studied for their environmental effects acclimatisation
and ecotoxicity. Phenylpropanolamine Readily biodegradable after
In view of this, the pharmaceutical chemicals listed acclimatisation
Sulphamethoxazole Non-biodegradable
in Table 1 were selected for biodegradation studies Sulphasalazine Non-biodegradable
on the basis of the high quantity in use, potential for Tetracycline Non-biodegradable
Theobromine Readily biodegradable after
being noxious o r because on reviewing the literature acclimatisation
the drug seemed to survive sewage treatment. Theophylline Readily biodegradable
(Cytotoxic drugs were considered later.) Tolbutamide Non-biodegradable
The methods for testing were those recommended
by the Department of Environment, Standing Com- In fact very few pharmaceutical chemicals were
mittee of Analysts (1981) and by King (1981). identified by this technique (see Table 2).
Degradation or metabolism in the pharmaco- In addition to samples of river and potable supply
logical sense is ultimately aimed at the removal of a water, a sample of hospital effluent was examined
biological effect; but biodegradation from the eco- and apart from methaqualone (see page 5 ) few
toxicological stand point requires a different pharmaceutical chemicals were identified. Disinfec-
approach. It must be considered whether the com- tants and detergents were most in evidence.
Pound is likely to be ultimately degraded, partially The E E C , within its COST 64b project, has made
degraded (in which case metabolites may be of a computer-based compilation (CICLOPS) of those
importance), or persistent. In the last instance organic micro-pollutants reported worldwide. Few
further studies may be needed. pharmaceutical chemicals are included. However.
As earlier indicated, there was the need to one of the more extensive studies is that by Watts et
consider chemical analysis. al (1983) of the Water Research Centre, Medmen-
This was undertaken in two ways: ham who report the presence of several antimicro-
(i) Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC- bials (erythromycin. sulphamethoxazole, tetracy-
MS). This technique is now used for indicating the cline) and theophylline, in river water samples. They
Presence of organic micro contaminants in various used field desorption mass spectrometry and high
water samples. Suitable preconcentration (liquid- performance liquid chromatography.

(ii) Analysis of individual and groups of chemicals. advanced treatment, such as the use of activated
Whilst gas chromatography and high performance carbon is unlikely to be required at least for
liquid chromatography have been used t o identify pharmaceutical chemicals.
specific pharmaceutical chemicals (Table 2), further Of those pharmaceutical chemicals that were not
compounds have been studied using immunoassay ultimately degraded, most were likely to be metabo-
techniques. These have been in use for many years in lized to pharmacologically inactive sub-structures or
clinical analytical chemistry but their application to conjugates. Even if these were likely to persist
water chemistry is new and shows considerable through various water treatment processes and be
promise for the larger molecules. Aherne (1984) and present in water supplies, the concentrations in the
Aherne & English (1984) have successfully used such majority of instances would be unlikely to pose a
techniques for the assay of methotrexate, progeste- public health risk. The same deduction would also
rone, norethisterone and ethinyloestradiol in various apply to a large extent to the parent molecules. The
river and potable water samples. After sample predicted ingested quantities, as can be seen from
concentration by lyophilization, detection limits of Appendix I, are so small that a life-time ingestion of
between 5 and 10 ng litre-' were achieved. a pharmaceutical chemical from potable water would
only give of the order of one day's recommended
Table 2. Pharmaceutical chemicals found in sewage (S , therapeutic dose. For example, 70 years' exposure to
sewage effluent (E), River (R) and potable waters (PI, paracetamol would give four times the adult daily
Samples by analysis.
dose, to diazepam one day's dose, and to clofibrate
Sample Concn
one-sixth of a daily dose.
Compound type (litre-') Remarks
Aspirin - 1 pg See text* Antineoplastic agents and irnrnunosupressants
Caffeine - I pg See text * Notwithstanding the above predictions, particular
> I pg See text* attention was given to drugs used in cancer
Clofibrate -40 ng
<1 pg See Appendix 1 * and chemotherapy, and immunosuppressive agents. This
-10ng Waggott (1981)
- 10 ng
was because many of these are mutagens, mitotic
inhibitors, antimetabolites o r alkylating agents.
Erythromycin I![ - 1 yg
-1 yg
See text*
See W a t t s e t a l t
Methotrexate was chosen by Aherne & English
(1985) as a model compound because it may be used
Methaqualone -1 pg See text* in substantial doses (up to 22gday-'), its use is
.Methotrexate -1 pg See text and Aherne widespread, and a sensitive immunoassay was avail-
<625 ng & English (1985) able for its measurement.
4 . 2 5 ng
Morphinan Apart from a sewer immediately downstream of a
substructure < I ug See text* large oncology clinic, no methotrexate concentration
<0.2 pg See text and Aherne
< @ I pg & English (1985) in excess of 6.25 ng litre-' (the limit of detection)
Penicilloyl groups
'-1 p i
See text
See Watts et a]
was found in any sample of river or tap water
examined by Aherne & English (1985). Therefore, it
(1983)t was considered reasonable to deduce that there
Tetracycline (R) - 1 pg See Watts e t al
should be no risk from such potentially noxious
Theophylline (R) See Watts et al chemicals.
- I pg
Morphinan substructure
* GC analysis. t HPLC analysis Results from the chemical analysis (GC-MS) indi-
cated the presence of a morphinan sub-structure in a
MATTERS HIGHLIGHTED sample of river water downstream from a STW
The experimental findings from the biodegradation receiving much hospital effluent. The matter was
and analytical chemical studies, coupled with the pursued with the Pharmaceutical Society of Great
information retrieved from the literature, suggested Britain and the Regional and Area Health Authority
a significant conclusion. This was that very few Pharmaceutical Officers. It was considered that the
pharmaceutical chemicals were likely to survive presence of this structure could be due to excess ~

STWs treatment, river retention, reservoir detention drugs such as codeine, morphine or related com-
and waterworks treatment in the form of the intact pounds being sluiced away instead of being inciner- ~

molecule. The conclusion enhances the view that ated which is the procedure preferred by the iI
pharmaceutical Society Inspectorate for disposal of and CICLOPS). Moreover it was considered that its
such unwanted drugs. Adoption of this procedure presence was due to it being a microbial metabolite
resulted in this substructure not being found in of naphthalene oils, resulting from oil spillages.
subsequent river water samples.
Methaqualone The caffeine present was considered to be more
In this respect it was interesting that methaqualone attributable to beverages than from its use as a drug.
was found in a sample of hospital effluent. This was
at the time when use of this drug was being Dextroproxyphene
discontinued and hence it was deduced that surplus 1,l-Diphenyl-butene (1,l-Db) was found to be
drug was being sluiced away. present by GC-MS in a sample of river water. 1,I-Db
by structure activity relationships was considered to
Oral contraceptives be ultimately degradable. A literature search indi-
In the past decade, concern has been expressed over cated that 1,l-Db was a pyrolysis product of dextro-
the possible presence of oral contraceptives in water propoxyphene, Millard et al (1980) suggesting that
samples. Aherne & English (1985) reviewing this 1,l-Db was being formed in the injection port of the
noted their apparent absence (norethisterone GC. Hence, the presence of dextropropoxyphene
<10 ng litre-1 and ethinyloestradiol4 ng litre-1) in was indicated in the sample considered. This was
the samples of potable water they examined. They supported by spiking a sample from another river.
also indicate that had they been present at the quoted
limit of detection 10 and 5 ng litre-' respectively this
would have equated to an individual ingesting V U L N E R A B L E SECTORS OF T H E P O P U L A T I O N
1/17 500 and 1/2000 of the prescribed daily dose. Young infantdfoetus
Many drugs can be secreted into mothers milk and/or
Penicillin allergy cross the placenta, see Appendix 1. The risk to the
Potential concern has also been expressed over the very young or to the foetus is hence much greater
possible allergenic effects from penicillins. These from a mother being prescribed pharmaceutical
had been found t o be partially biodegradable (to preparations than the risk to a young infant of
-50%) in a conventional biodegradation study drinking water which may contain a few pg litre-I of
(Water Research Centre). It was postulated that a a drug. See Appendix 1.
penicillenic acid may be formed which in turn might
form the penicillolyl determinant. Attempts were Renal dialysis patients
therefore made to assay the latter by an immuno- These patients are likely to be in contact with up t o
assay technique (Wal et al 1975). The results 100 times the volume of water consumed per head by
indicated that, if present, such determinants would the population at large. Also the route of exposure
by-passes the normal gastrointestinal processes.
be unlikely to exceed 25 ng litre-1 in river water and
10 ng litre-' in potable water. Thus it is important to consider the effects of
Considerable doubt has been expressed by Dewd- micro-contaminants as obviously the patient's life
ney & Edwards (1983) over Siegel's (1959) extrapol- span should not be reduced by the presence of such
impurities in the water used. However, as the
ated figure of 0.24 pg as a single dose. Even if this
literature figure were accepted as being capable of impurities would have to pass through a dialysis
causing a reaction in a sensitive person, Dewdney & membrane to reach the patient, small molecules,
Edwards' study of the literature failed to identify any
such as the halomethanes are likely to pose a greater
reference that indicated an amount lower than risk than pharmaceutical chemicals whose molecules
0.24 pg would cause a reaction. The immunoassay are often large, especially if they are conjugated. It is
findings were at concentrations some 100 fold less stressed that naturally occurring residues of alumi-
than this and hence there should be no risk of a nium salts or aluminium salts used for flocculation in
sensitization reaction from potable water supplies. water treatment are likely to be of much greater
concern than drug residues.
Aspirin and salicylates In making a risk assessment it must not be
As aspirin is ultimately biodegradable, it was sur- overlooked that a patient receiving a transplant
prising that it was found in a number of river kidney is likely to receive immunosuppressive drugs
water samples (Water Research Centre-see Table 1 for a considerable period. In view of their mutagenic

properties, any additional risk from mutagens thal sufficient concentration or retain sufficient proper-
might be present in water will be minimal. ties of active form to cause any problems.


Population groups with enzyme deficiencies
Whilst this review outlines the probable effects of
The predicted presence of most drugs as biologically
pharmaceutical chemicals used for human therapy,
inactive metabolites rather than the pharmacologic-
no detailed consideration has been given to veter-
ally active parent compounds in re-used water is of
inary drugs.
significance when enzyme deficiencies are con-
There is little or no evidence to suggest that a
sidered. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase defi-
different pattern should emerge for drugs used for
ciency, for example, occurs among the population,
treating farm animals, but the situation is not
the percentage being higher in certain Mediter-
necessarily the same for substances used for treating
ranean countries. This deficiency can lead t o hae-
fish. Such chemicals, in many cases, will be added
molytic anaemia following the ingestion of certain
either directly t o water, or to fish food. Fish in many
drugs, including primaquine, phenacetin and aspirin.
cases have different metabolic mechanisms. Further-
There might be cause for concern over residues of
more, waste waters from fish farms will not be
such drugs in potable water if it were not for the low
subject to STW processes.
predicted concentrations and the lack of pharmaco-
Hence, further investigation is considered neces-
logical activity of the residues.
sary for drugs such as nitrofurans and nitrothiazoles
The situation is similar for mono-oxygenases.
which can be used for disease control in fish farming.
Kupfer et a1 (1982) report on several examples of
In fact, the use of this type of antimicrobial in fish
genetic polymorphism of drug oxidation in man (and
farms upstream of potable water abstraction points
rat). They indicated that between 1-9% of the
cannot be condoned. Care is also required where
population they studied were deficient in their
previously accepted veterinary products are used as
relative ability to effect the oxidative metabolism of
industrial biocides.
debrisoquine, sparteine and phenformin. In 1976,
the predicted concentration of phenformin in the
River Lee was 0.15 pglitre-1 with the other two
Catchment Quality Control studies have indicated
drugs at less than 0.1 kg litre-'. However, even if
that pharmaceutical chemicals may enter potable
this deficiency occurred in a significant proportion
water supplies from both domestic sources, including
,the same mitigating factors apply as before. Normal
hospitals. and from manufacturing units. The latter
persons will excrete the drugs as hydroxylated
is likely to be the lesser source of organic micropollu-
conjugates or mic. atdl metabolism will occur
tants and such discharges can be controlled.
during STWs' processes and the concentrations are
low. Some 200 pharmaceutical chemicals were con-
sidered in the study described. It was appreciated
that many would metabolise to innocuous substances
Drug-drug and drug-food interaction e.g. conjugates. Such conjugates may then be
Such interactions, whilst theoretically possible, are hydrolysed to pharmacologically inactive com-
unlikely to be caused by drug residues in water. This pounds by STW processes.
is again mainly due to the lack of pharmacological Biodegradation studies made on 25 of the major
activity of most relevant residues. use drugs indicated which drugs would survive STW
Inhibition of both niicrosomal and non- processes and which were ultimately or partially
microsomal enzymes has been shown in man. The degraded during such treatment. In considering the
latter effect is exemplified by the monoamine oxi- effects of new pharmaceutical chemicals, it is advo-
dase inhibitors which increase sensitivity to some cated that ecotoxicologicalienvironmental toxicity
sympathomimetic amines found in certain foods and tests such as biodegradation testing should be
other drugs. The inhibition of tolbutamide metabol- included in the portfolio of tests undertaken.
ism by dicoumarol, phenylbutazone, phenyramidol Attempts to analyse for individual pharmaceutical
and sulphaphenazole is a microsomal effect which chemicals were not fruitful. However, such analyses
can lead to the plasma elimination half-life of as were possible indicated that the concentrations
tolbutamide being increased fivefold. were <1 pg litre-' in most cases. Some analyses of
The drugs causing enzyme inhibition are not the more refractory compounds are recommended to
thought likely to be present in re-used water at either be undertaken on an infrequent basis.
Acknowledgements Fish, H., Torrance, S. (1978) Int. War. Supply Assoc.,
Kyoto, Japan pp Nll-N19
The authors thank Thames Water Authority for
King, E. F. (1981) Notes on Water Research No. 28
permission to publish this paper and to state that the ‘Biodegradability Testing’, Water Research Centre,
views expressed are their own and not necessarily Medmemham (August, 1981)
those of the Authority o r the Pharmaceutical Society Kiipfer, A , , Al-Dabagh, S. G., Ritchie, J. C., Idle, J. R.,
Smith, R. L. (1982) Biochem. Pharmacol. 31: 3193
of Great Britain. They wish to express their appre-
Millard, B. J., Sheinin, E. G., Benson, W. R. (1980) J .
ciation of the assistance given by scientists in Pharm. Sci. 69: 1177-1179
industry, trade and research organisations, Govern- Nicolson, N. J . , Casapieri, P., Richardson, M. L. (1981)
ment Departments and from the Pharmaceutical ‘Some Organic Micropollutants in the River Lee Catch-
ment’ in Water Quality 1981, Brighton, UK
Society’s staff.
Richardson. M. L., Bowron, J. M. (1983) Notes on Water
Research, No. 32, ‘Catchment Quality Control’, Water
Research Centre, Medmenham, (January 1983)
Siegel, B. B. (1959) Bull. Wld. Hlth. Org. 21: 703-713
Aherne, G. W. (1984) Proc. Anal. Dir. Royal SOC.Chem.. Waggott, A. (1981) ‘Trace Organic Substances in the River
May, 177-179 Lee’ in Cooper, W. J. (ed.) Chemistry in Water Reuse,
Aherene, G. W., English, J. (1985) Ecotoxicology and Ann. Arbor Publishers Inc. pp 55-99
Environmental Safety, in the press Wal, J.-M., Bories, G., Manas, S., Dray, F. (1975) FEBS
Bowron, J. M., Richardson, M. 1. 1984) in: Pawlowski, L. Letters 57: 9-13
Verdier, A. J . , Lacy, W. J . (ed$ Chemistry for Protec- Watts, C. D . , Craythorne, M., Fielding, M.. Steel, C . P.
tion of the Environment, Toulouse, France. 9-25 Sept. (1983) Identification of Non-volatile Organics in Water
1983. Elsevier, Amsterdam pp 109-1 17 Using Field Desorption Mass Spectrometry and High
Department of the Environment (UK)- Standing Commit- Performance Liquid Chromatography, pp 12C-131.
tee of Analysts (1981) Assessment of Biodegradability Presented at the 3rd European Symposium on Organic
1981, in Methods For the Examination of Waters and Micropollutants. Oslo, Norway, September 19-21, 1983.
Associated Materials, HMSO EEC. In ‘Analysis of Organic Micropollutants in Water‘,
Dewdney, J : M., Edwards, R. G. (1983) in: Woodbine, M. (ed.) G. Angeletti and A. Bjwseth. D. D. Reidel
(ed.) Antimicrobials and Agriculture to he puhlished in Publishing Co. - Dordrech
1984 by Butterworths. (Proc. Int. Symp. on Antibiotics Wood, L. B., Richardson, M. 1 . (1978) Chem. in Brit. 14:
and Agriculture - Benefits and Malfits, Univ. Notting- 491
ham, March 1983.) Wood, L. B., Richardson, M. L. (1980) Prog. Wat. Tech.
Fish, H . , Torrance, S. (1977) J . Nat. Wat. Coun. (15), IS 12: 1-12

APPENDIX-see over

Appendix 1. Pharmaceutical data summary. This indicates paediatric dose data where available and the maximum adult
dose for each of the drugs considered, In addition. the predicted concentration in the River Lee of most of the drugs is given
in pg litre-'; these concentrations were obtained by taking the usage data from general practitioners' prescription
information obtained from the National Health Service for 1976-7. From the predicted concentration data the I,,, figures
(mg) were calculated by assuming a person would consume 2 litre of water day-' for 70 years. Other information used in
making risk assessments for the pharmaceutical chemicals considered in depth in this study included metabolism, the
possibility of the drug crossing the human placenta, secretion into maternal milk, plasma half lives (Pl) (see footnotes).

Acebutolol AD 400mg. RL 0.29, I,,, 15, MIAc. Benzathine PD <300 m for 6-12 yrs, AD 1.8 8, RL
Acintirazole Now only used in veterinary medicine. penicillin 0.29, I,,, 15 ?converts to benzylpenicillin
e.g. fish farming, see text. and benzathine).
Allopurinol PD 20 mg kg-l,AD 600 mg, RL 0.59. Benzocaine PD not recommended, AD 200 mg, RL
I,,, 30. MIOH. Pi 2 h; Pi 25 h-for 0.15, 7.5, MlHyd (mainly external
alloxanthine. application).
Aloes AD 200 mg (proprietary use-no total Benzyl RL 1.32, I,,, 67.5,,MlHyd, Mllgly
tonnage data available), DAP, S. not benzoate (forms benzoic acid-external
recommended for nursing mothers. application).
Aminophylline PD 25 mg up to 1 yr, A D 500 mg, RL Benzylpenicillin PD 0.5-1.0 g, AD 6.0 g (max 24.0 g)?
1.02, I,,, 52.5, MINdM; OX,DAP. Pb RL 0.15, I,,, 7.5, DAP, Pi 30-160 min
3-9 h.
Bismuth RL 0.15, 171, 7.5 (external application).
Amitriptyline PD not recommended, AD 150 mg, RL subgallate
0.88, I,,, 45, MIOH; NdM. MI 1 gluc, Pb
9-76 h (N-oxide formation), Butaphyllamine PD not recommended for <5 yr old, AD
non-biodegradable. equiv. 800 mg theophylline, RL 0.15,
Amoxycillin PD 125 mg up to 10 yrs, AD 1 4 g . RL 7.5, MINdM, see also theophylline.
1.9, I,,, 97, DAP. S (allergen?-see Butobarbitone A D 200m , RL 1.17, I,,, 60, MlOx.
text). DAP, S, Pf 55 h.
Ampicillin PD 62.5-125 mg up to I yr. AD 6.0 g. Caffeine A D 300 mg, RL 0.29, I,(, 15, MlNdM;
RL 7.9, 403. MIOH. DAP, S, Ox, S, Pi 4-10 h, readily biodegradable,
(allereen see text). 48% biodegradable found in sewage, rivers and present in
in SCIS test, see text.
Amyl-m-cresol Proprietary use-no tonnage data, low
beveraees. see text.
Carbamazepine PD 600 m up to 12 yrs, AD 2.2 g, RL
toxicity. 0.44, I,() 28.5, MlOH; Ox, Mllgluc,
Amylo- A D 2do mg, RL 1.75, I,(, 90, MIOH; DAP, S, Pi 21-53 h (epoxide formed?).
barbi tone NOH; Ox, DAP, S. PI 20 h. Carbocisteine PD 500 mg for 2-5 yrs, A D 2.2 g, RL
Aspirin PD 75-150 m 1-2 yrs, A D 8.0 g, RL 0.44, I,,, 22.5, MIS-OX.
* 14.6 (161 if l h 0 tonnes proprietary
Carbromal PD not recommended, A D 1.0 g, RL
inc.), MlOH, MI1 luc; gly, readily
degradable (see texfl. 0.29, 170 15, MIOH.
5-Azacytidine Antineoplastic agent, soh unstable. Carmustine Alkylating agent, small usage, Pi 15 min.
Azathioprine Mllglut, Pt 24 h (mutagen and Cephalexin PD 50 mg kg-1, A D 4.0 g, RL 0.59, I,,,
antimetabolite). 30, DAP, S, P j 0.5-2 h.
Benorylate PD 25 mg kg-1 up to 1 yr, AD 8.0g, RL Chlor- PD 20 mg, A D 60 mg, RL 0.29, 1," 15,
9.2, 170 470 (readily hydrolysed to diazepoxide MlOH; NdM, Mllgluc, DAP, S, Pi
paracetamol and acetylsalicylic acid). 6 2 8 h.

PD = Paediatric dose NOH = N-hydroxylation
AD = Adult dose NM = N-methylation
RL = River Lee pg litre - 1 Nox = N-oxidation
I,,] = Ingestion for 70 yrs (mg) OdM = 0-demethylation
M1 = Phase 1 metabolism OH = Hydroxlation
M11 = Phase 11 metabolism (conjugation) OM = 0-methylation
DAP = Drug crosses placenta Ox = Oxidation
S = Secreted into mother's milk OxD = Oxidative deamination
Pi = Plasma half life S-OX = S-oxidation
Ac = Acetylation cyst = conjugation with cysteine
dAc = Deacetylation gluc = conjugation with glucuronide
deC = Decarboxylation glut = conjugation with glutathione
Hyd = Hydrolysis gly = conjugation with glycine
NdM = N-demethylation SO, = conjugation with sulphate
Chlorhexidine AD 2.0 g (human metabolic Diazepam PD 5 mg kg-1, AD 30 mg, RL 0.44, I70
experiment), can hydrolyse to form 22.5, MlNdM; OH; Mllgluc, DAP, S,
4-chloroaniline, proprietary Pf <8 days.
preparation-no usage data available, Dichloral- PD 270 mg up to 1 yr, AD 1.3 g, RL
non-biodegradable. phenazone 0.88. I,n 45. MIOH; NdM, Mllgluc. P4

ChlormethiazolePD not recommended, A D max 8.0 g, <15 h as trichloroethanol.

(edisylate) RL 0.44, I,, 22.5, MlOH; Ox, DAP, P$ Dicoumarol A D 300 mg, small usage (largely
4 h, dechlorinates. replaced by warfarin), DAP, S, can
Chlormezanone AD 800 mg, RL 0.29, 15, MlOx; cause microsomal inhibition.
Hyd. Diethylpropion PD 50 m for 6-12 yrs, A D 75 m RL
Chloroform Use restricted see Statutory Instrument
1979 No 382, WHO Drinking Water
0.59, 170!0, MlNOH, Mllgluc,
1.5-3 h .
Guidelines 30 pg litre-), Dihydrocodeine PD 0.5 mg kg-I, AD 60, RL 0.29, I,,, 15,
Chlorothiazide PD 25 mg kg-I, AD 2.0 g, RL 0.15, 17f, (tartrate) DAP.
7.5, DAP (very little metabolism). Dimethicone PD 100 mg day-I, AD 400 mg, RL 4.4,
Chlor- PD <80 mg for 6-12 yrs, A D 200 m , 17(, 224, low toxicity, non-biodegradable.
promazine RL 0.29, 15, MlOH; NdM; S O % ; Dioctyl sodium PD 125 mg, A D 500 mg, RL 0.15,
Nox, Mllgluc, DAP, Pt 4 h (induces sulphosuccinate 7.5, little metabolism.
liver enzymes). Diphen- PD 200 m for 6-12 yrs, AD 200 mg, RL
Chlor- A D 500 mg, RL 0.73, I,,) 37.5, MIOH, hydramine 1.02, 1," 53.5, Pb 13-21 h (extensive first
propamide hyd, Pt 25-42 h. pass in liver).
Chlor- PD 20 mg kg-l (on1 if essential), AD Dithiepin AD 150 mg, RL 0.29, 15, see also
tetracycline 3.0 , RL 0.15, $5. DAP, S, P$ diazepam.
5-6\. Emepronium
Chlorthalidone AD 200mg, RL 0.15, I,,, 7.5, Pb 50-90 h (bromide) AD 600 mg, RL 0.29, 15, P42 h
(very little metabolism). (excreted mainly unchanged).
Choline See Aspirin. Enheptine Used in fish farming.
salicylate Ephedrine PD 750 pg kg-I, AD 60, RL 0.44 (also
Choline PD <375 m for 3-6 yrs, A D 1.6 g, RL pro rietary use), I,[) 22.5, MlNdM;
theophyllinate 1.02, I,(, 52.t (see theophylline). 0 x 8 , Mllgluc, Pt 3-11 h.
Cisplatin Antineoplastic agent-used in small Erythromycin PD 2.0 g day-l for 20 kg child, AD
quantities, not recommended in 4.0g, RL 2.2, I,,, 112, MllOdM,
pregnancy, Pt 25-49 min to 58-73 h. non-biodegradable.
Clindamycin PD 24 mg kg-1, AD 1 4 g , RL 0.15, Ethynyl A D 50 pg, RL 0.003, 0.14, see text.
7.5, MlNdM; S-OX, DAP, S, PJ 2-3 h. oestradiol
Clofibrate PD 1.0 g for 10 yr old, A D 2.0 g, RL Ethoheptazine PD not recommended, AD 60, RL 0.73,
6.3, I,,, 321, Mllgluc, non-biodegradable I,,, 37.5, extensive metabolism.
see text. Ethylene oxide- (inert binder)
Clomipramine PD <30 mg for >5 yrs, A D 150 mg propylene oxide
(oral); 50m (i v ), RL 0.15, 17f, 7.5, Fenfluramine PD 20 m for 6-10 rs, AD 120 mg, RL
MlMdM; 0%: ' 0.15, 17,,$.5, Mllg?, DAP, PJ 11-30 h
Codeine PD not recommended up to 6 yrs, AD (forms hippuric aci8.
(phosphate) 60 mg, RL 0.88, I,,, 45, MlOdM; NdM, Fenoprofen PD not recommended, AD 2.4 g, RL
Mllgluc; SO4, DAP (codeine, 1.61, I,,, 82, MlOH, Mllgluc, S (little),
norcodeine or morphine conjugates Pt 2-3 h (phenobarbitone induces
found-see text). metabolism).
Crotamiton RL 0.15, I,,, 7.5 (external application Ferrous PD 140 mg for up to 6-12 yrs, A D
only). fumarate 600 mg, RL 0.59, I,(, 30.
Cyclandelate AD 1,6g, RL 1.02, 170 52.5. Flucloxacillin PD 500 mg u to 2 yrs, A D 2.0 g, RL
Cyclizine PD 25 m for 3-5 yrs, AD 150 mg, RL 0.29, I,,, 15, $4 -50 min (very little
0.15, 17,,$.5, MINdM. metabolism).
Cyclo- Antineoplastic a ent used in small Fludro- A D 0.3 g, very small usage, Pb -30 min,
phosphamide qhuantities, MlOfI, DAP, S , P$ 3-11 h cortisone not recommended during pregnancy.
ydrolyses in water). 5-Fluorouracil PD not recommended, cytotoxic agent
Danthron PD 25 mg, A D 50 mg, RL 0.29, I,,, 15, used in small quantities, AD 15 mg kg-l
Mllgluc, S. i.v., P4 < 3 h.
De brisoquine PD not recommended, A D 300 mg, see Flurazepam PD not recommended, A D 30 m
text. f100 me for anaesthesia). RL 0.15., I,,,\,
DemecIocycIine PD 6 mg k (only if essential), AD 7.5, MrOH (little, Mllgluc; SO,;
1.8g, RL 1," 7.5, P4 10-15 h. N-Ac, Pf -75 h.
Dextro- PD 1 5 mg for 2-4 yrs, A D 30 mg, Frangula RL 1.17, 17,, 60 (contains <6%
methorphan proprietary usage-hence no tonnage (ChYsOPhanic glucofrangulins -0.5 tonne).
available, MlNdM; OdM, M11S04, acid; emodin;
degrades to morphinan struct. see text. frangutin)
Dextro- PD not recommended, AD 520 mg. RL Frusemide PD 3 mg kg-I. A D 400 mg, RL 1.32, I,"
Proproxyphene 3.2. ,1 164, MlNdM, 67, Mllgluc, P6 30min (little
non-biodegradable. metabolism).
Gentian RL 0.15, I,, 7.5 Meprobamate PD not recommended, AD 1.2g. RL
(gentiopicrin, (each <1 tonne) 2.6, I,, 134, Mlgluc; SO4,DAP?, S? (to
gentisic acid, be avoided with nursing mothers),
gentisin) non-biodegradable.
Glutethimide PD 125 m for 1-5 rs, AD 500 m , RL Metformin HCI AD 3.0 g, RL 0.44, 17, 22.5, P+ 3 h.
0.59, I,O 38, M 1 0 d S (little), Pf !-22 h. Methaqualone AD 300 m , RL 0.59, 170 30, MIOH,
Glycer 1 PD 75 mg for 3-12 months, AD 1.6 g, Mllgluc, t(little) Pi 2-3 h, see text.
yaicoite RL 1-02, 170 52-5, MlOx, Pf 1 h. Methocarbamol PD 15 m kg-1 6 h-1, AD 8.0 , RL
guaiphenesin) 0.59, 17,!0, MlOdM; O H (rat$,
Glycol RL 0.29, I,, 15, Mllgluc, DAP, S Mllgluc; Sod, Pi 1-2 h.
salicylate (applied externally). Methotrexate AD up to 22 g day-1, cytotoxic agent,
Hexetidine RL 0.15, 7.5 (external application used in small amounts. see text.
only). Methyldopa PD max 65 mg kg-1 day-', AD 3.0
Hydrochloro- PD 2.5 m k 1, AD 100 mg, RL 1.02, RL 17.5, 897, MlOM; deC, MlfiO,,
thiazide 170 52.5, & fh (very little metabolism). non-biodegradable
Hydrocortisone PD 6-10 mg k I , AD 50 m RL 0.15, Methyl See aspirin.
170 7.5, M1Of!,M11 IUC;s84 Pf
100 mi? (reduction of A-ring, 50-keto
Metronidazole PD 15 mg k I , AD 2.4 g, RL 0.29,
reduction). 15, MlOx, k l l g l u c , DAP, S, Pi 6 h,
Hydrotalcite Inert. non-biodegradable under aerobic
Hyoscyamus PD 0.6 m up to 10 yrs, AD 3.0 mg, RL conditions, see text.
(hyoscyamine, 0.15, I70 $5, Mllgluc. Misonidazole Neoplastic agent used in very small
hyoscine) quantities.
Ibuprofen PD max of 500 mg day-' if body weight Morphine See text.
<30 k , AD 1.2 g, RL 9.5, I70 486, (morphinan)
M I O d ; deC; Nox, inherently Nalidixic acid PD 60 mg k I , AD 4.0 , RL 1.02, I,,
PD 30 mg for 6-10 rs, AD 150 mg, RL Naproxen
52.5, MlO&Mllgluc, If 90 min.
PD not recommended, AD 500 mg, RL
0.29, 17" 15, M I O d NdM; Nox, 2.3, 170 119, MlOdM, Mllgluc, DAP, S,
Mllgluc, DAP (rats), P+ 3-4 h. non-biodegradable.
Indomethacin AD 200 mg, RL 1.32, I,, 67, MlOdM, Neomycin PD 80 mg kg-I for 6-12 yrs, AD 3.0 g,
Mllgluc (also N-deacylation). RL 0.29, 17, 15, Pf 2 h (only 1-6%
Inositol PD not recommended, AD 1.5 g, RL absorbed).
nicotinamide 3.8, I,, 194 (see nicotinamide). Nicotinamide PD 20 mf kg-,l, AD 500 mg,, RL 2.0, I70
Ipecacuanha PD not recommended, RL 1.17, 17, 60 105, rea ily biodegradable, hydrolyses to
(contains <2% alkaloids). nicotinic acid.
Nicotinic esters AD 500 mg, RL 0.29, I,,, 15, MlHyd,
PD very limited use only, AD max 10 g, Mllgluc; cyst; gly, hydrolyses to
cytotoxic drug used in very small nicotinate; 15-20 mg day-l required by
quantities, MlOH (hydrolyses slowly in humans.
water). Nitrazepam AD 10 mg, RL 0.29,
Karaya gum PD up to 3.0 g day-', AD 24.0 g, RL 2l?5mh%b; Ac, Mllgluc, S, Pt
9.2, 470 (h drolyses to form 17-28 h.
carbohydrates!. Nitrofurantoin PD 6 mg kg-l day-', AD 360 mg, used
Ketoprofen PD not determined, AD 200 mg, RL in small quantities in human therapy-
0.44, 17, 22.5, MIOH, Mllgluc, Pf also used in fish farming DAP, S, Pi
1.5-2 h. -20 min, mutagen?
Nitrofurazone AD 2.0 g, used in small uantities-also
Levodopa PD not recommended, AD 8.0 g, RL
0.59, I,, 30, MIOH; OM; OxD; deC, S,
in fish farming, mutagen.
Pf of 3-0-methyldopa -13 h. Nitrothiazole Used in fish farming-mutagen?
Levonorgestrel AD 0.03 g, very limited usage, see text. Norethisterone AD 400 mg. RL 0.04, I,, 2.2, see text.
Lymecycline PD 36 m kg-1, AD 1.6 g, RL 0.15, 170 Nystatin PD 90 mg, AD 900 mg, RL 0.29, 17()15,
7.5, D A j , little metabolism. poorly absorbed.
Orciprenaline PD 216 m (inhaled), AD 80 mg, RL
Lynoestrenol AD 2.5 g, RL 0.09, very limited usage, 0.15, LOf 5 , MlOM. MllSO,, Pd UIJ to
see text. several h.
Mebeverine PD 7 yrs & over-adult dose, AD Orphenadrine PD not recommended, AD 400 mg, RL
400 mg, RL 0.29, I,, 15. 0.29, 170 15, MlOxD, NdM; NOX,
Mebhydrolin PD up to 200 mg for 10 yrs, AD 300 mg, Mllgluc; SO,. P$ 14-25 h.
RL 0.15, I,, 7.5. Oxazepam PD not recommended, AD 180 mg, RL
Mefenamic acid PD 25 mg kg-l day up to 6 months, AD 0.15, I,(, 7.5, Mllgluc, Pi 4 h .
1.5 g, RL 1 17, 17, 60, MlOx, S (little), Oxprenolol PD <1 m kg-1, AD 2.0 , RL 1.46, 170
some conjugation. 75, MlNfM, Mllgluc, Pf80-120 min.
Menthol PD not for use up to 6 yrs, proprietary extensive first-pass metabolism.
use, Mllgluc (fatal dose man 2.0 g), Oxyphen- PD 10 mg kg-I. AD 400 mg, RL 0.29.
readily biodegradable. butazone 17015, MlOH, Pt27-64 h.
Oxytetracycline PD up to 30 mg for 2 yrs, RL 6.7, I,(, Propranolol PD 1 m kg I , AD 2.0g, RL 1.61,
344, see tetracycline. 82, M18H;OxD; NdM, Mllgluc; SO,,
paracetamol PD u to 120 mg for 1 yr, AD 4.0 g, RL
84.1 &ut 340 if proprietary use metabolism.
DAP, 2. 2-4 h,, high first-Dass

included), 17n4298 (13374), MlOH; Pseudophedrine PD 45 mg up to 1 yr, AD 180 mg, RL

OM, Mllgluc; SO,; cys, readily 1.17. 17n60, MlNdM, Pb 5-8 h, 98%
biodegradable after acclimatization. excreted unchanged.
penicillin(s) See ampicillin and text. Pyridoxine HCI A D 300 mg, RL 0.15, 17n7.5, pyridoxic
inc. penicillin V acid mainlv excreted.
Pentazocine PD 50 mg for 6-12 yrs, AD 800 mg, RL Quinal- AD 250 mg (premed); 100 mg
0.29, 15, MlOx, Mllgluc DAP, Pi barbitone (hypnosis), RL 0.73, 37.5, MlOH,
2-3 h. Ox, DAP, S, Pf 29 h.
Pentobarbitone PD not recommended, AD 200 mg, RL Quinidine A D 3.0g, RL 1.61, 82, Ph 6-7 h,
0.59, I,,, 30, MlOH; Ox, Pi <SO h, some -50% excreted unchanged.
ring fission and further oxidation. Riboflavine A D 10.0 mg, RL 0.15, 7.5, DAP, S,
Phenacetin PD not recommended, A D 3.0 g,, RL rapidly metabolised.
0.44, 22.5. Mllgluc; SO,; glut, Pd Rutoside A D 300 mg, RL 0.29, 1," 15.
1-2 h. Salbutamol PD 0.8 mg (inhaled), AD 16 mg, RL
Phenbutrazate PD not recommended, AD 60 mg, RL 0.15, 17n7.5, Pd 2-7 h, high first-pass
1.02. 171,52.5. metabolism.
Phenethicillin PD 500 mg up to 10 yrs, AD 1.5 g, RL Salicylamide See aspirin.
(potassium) 0.15, I,,, 7.5, DAP, Pt 30-50min. Salicylic acid See aspirin-external application, RL
Phenformin A D 200 mg, RL 0.15, 1," 7.5, MlOH, Pi 0.29, I,,, 15.
<13 h, nearly half excreted unchanged, Sodium actal Inorganic hexitol
can cause microsomal inhibition. complex-biodegradable.
Phenobarbitone PD 60 m for 12 yrs. AD 350 m , RL Sodium A D 120 mg (inhalation), RL 0.29, 1," 15,
1.17 17?f$O, MlOH, MllSO,, P! 100 h, a chomoglycote Pt 80 min, excreted unchanged-more in
major inducer of mixed function faeces than urine.
oxidase, Pi less in newborn. Sodium poly- RL 1.32, I,,, 67.
Phenol- AD 300 mg, RL 0.15, 7.5, mainly hydroxl-
phthalein excreted in faeces. aluminium
Phenylbutazone PD 5-10 m kg 1, AD 400 mg, RL 1.61, hexitol complex
I,,, 82, M l d H , P i 1-7 days, no
conjugates. Sodium PD 20 mg kg-1 up to 20 k , AD 2.0 g,
valproate RL 0.29, 1," 15, MlOx, dllgluc, S, Pt
Phenylephrine PD up to 6 yr not recommended, AD 6-16 h.
SO mg, proprietary composition.
Sparteine A D 600 mg, small use, can cause
Phen lpro PD 15 mg for 3-5 yrs, AD 150 mg, RL microsomal inhibition.
PanoLmine 0.29, I,,, 15, 10% degrades to hip uric Spironolactone PD 3 mg kg-I, AD 400 mg, RL 0.29, I,,,
acid in humans, readily biodegrafable 15, Mllgluc, S (competitive inhibititor
after acclimatisation, in STW processes; of aldosterone-thioacetyl group is readily
also proprietary use. removed forming canrenone, which is
Phenyramidol Little used, can cause microsomal found in milk)
inhibition. Sulpha- A D 10.0 g, RL 0.29, 17,) 15, MlAc, Pa
Phenytoin PD 150 mg up to 3 yrs, AD 400 mg, RL guanidine 2h.
1.46, 170 75, MlOH; H d, Mllgluc, S , Sulpha- A D 1.2 g, RL 0.29, 17(,15, MlAc
Pi 7-40 h (dose-depenLnt), subiect to methizole (converted to sulphonamide).
enterohepatic circulation. Sulpha- PD 200 mg day-1 in 5 + 1 ratio with
Piperazine PD 750-2000 mg up to 2-4 yrs depending methoxazole trimethoprim, AD 2.4 RL 7.2, I,,, 366,
on infection, A D 4.0 g, RL 0.15, 1711 7.5, M1 lAc, non-biodegrad!ble.
excreted unchanged. Sulpha- A D 2.0 g, can cause microsomal
Pobaners Inert binder. phenazole inhibition.
Prenylamine PD not recommended, AD 300 mg, RL Sulphasalazine PD <150 mg k g - ~ l<3.0g
, for 20 kg
0.15, 17117.5, Pi 7 h. child, A D 12.0 g, RL 1.8, I,,, 90, MlOH,
Primodone PD 750 mg up to 3-5 yrs A D 2.0 g, RL M1 lgluc, non-biodegradable (undergoes
1.32, I,,, 67, MlOH; Ox; deC, S , Pb azo reduction in the-human intestine?.
3-25 h. Synthetic See text.
Prochlor- steroids
PD 5 mg up to 1-5 yrs, AD 100 mg. RL
Perazine 0.15, I,,, 7 . 5 Pi I s 3 0 h, rats: ring fission, Tetracycline PD 1 s 5 0 mg kg-' da I , for 20 kg =
N-dealkvlation. 1.0 g/day (stains teethr,AD 3.0g, RL
2.9, I,,) 149, DAP. S.
Progesterone AD 60 mg (intramuscular injection). non-biodegradable.
small use, Mllgluc, Pb few min, see Tetrahydro- RL 0.29, I,(, 15, applied externally.
text. furfuryl
Promethazine PD 10 mg up to 1 vr. AD SO mg, RL (salicylate)
0.15, I,,, 7 . 5 . MlOx, Mllgluc. S. Pi 4 h, Theobromine PD not given, AD 900 m RL 0.29, I,,,
high first-pass metabolism. 15, MlNdM. readily biofigradable.

Theophylline AD 700 mg. redily biodegradable. Thyroxine AD 0.3 mg, RL 0.15, I,, 7.5, DAP, Pi
6-7 days (enterohepatic
Thiamine A D 100 mg, RL 0.44, 22.5, S.
1711 circulation-normally produced by
thyroid gland).
PD not recommended, AD 2.0 g, RL
2.2.1," 112, MldeC, S. non-degradable
(similar to chlorpromazine metabolism, (not recommended in pregnancy), also
may persist up to 1 yr). see text.
Thuryl External application only, see aspirin. Trimethoprim AD 1.5 g, RL 1.46, 170 75, MIOH;
salicylate OdM; Ox, Mllgluc; SO4. DAP, P$
11-17 h.
Thymoxamine PD not recommended, A D 480 rng, RL Trimipramine PD not normally given, AD 150 m RL
0.15, I,,, 7.5, MldAc. 0.15, 17(,7.5 (extensive metabolism?:

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