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Management of deep caries and the exposed pulp

L Bjørndal1 , S. Simon2,3,4, P. L. Tomson5 & H. F. Duncan6

Cariology and Endodontics, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; 2Paris
Diderot University, Paris, France; 3H^opital de Rouen Normandie, Rouen, France; 4Laboratoire IN SERM UMR 1138, Paris,
France; 5School of Dentistry, Institute of Clinical Sciences, Birmingham, UK; and 6Division of Restorative Dentistry &
Periodontology, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin Dental University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

Abstract with harnessing the release of bioactive dentine

matrix components and careful handling of the dam-
Bjørndal L, Simon S, Tomson PL, Duncan HF.
aged tissue considered critical. Notably, the develop-
Management of deep caries and the exposed pulp.
ment of new pulp capping materials such as mineral
International Endodontic Journal, 52, 949–973, 2019.
trioxide aggregate, which although not an ideal mate-
Caries prevalence remains high throughout the world, rial, has resulted in more predictable treatments from
with the burden of disease increasingly affecting older both a histological and a clinical perspective. Unfortu-
and socially disadvantaged groups in Western cul- nately, the changes in management are only sup-
tures. If left untreated, caries will advance through ported by relatively weak evidence with case series,
dentine stimulating pulpitis and eventually pulp infec- cohort studies and preliminary studies containing low
tion and necrosis; however, if conservatively man- patient numbers forming the bulk of the evidence. As
aged, pulpal recovery occurs even in deep carious a result, critical questions related to the superiority of
lesions. Traditionally, deep caries management was one caries removal technique over another, the best
destructive with nonselective (complete) removal of pulp capping biomaterial or whether pulp exposure is
all carious dentine; however, the promotion of mini- a negative prognostic factor remain unanswered.
mally invasive biologically based treatment strategies There is an urgent need to promote minimally inva-
has been advocated for selective (partial) caries sive treatment strategies in Operative Dentistry and
removal and a reduced risk of pulp exposure. Selective Endodontology; however, the development of accurate
caries removal strategies can be one-visit as indirect diagnostic tools, evidence-based management strate-
pulp treatment or two-visit using a stepwise gies and education in management of the exposed
approach. Management strategies for the treatment of pulp are critical in the future.
the cariously exposed pulp are also shifting with
Keywords: dental caries, pulp capping, pulp expo-
avoidance of pulpectomy and the re-emergence of
sure, selective caries removal, stepwise excavation,
vital pulp treatment (VPT) techniques such as partial
tertiary dentinogenesis.
and complete pulpotomy. These changes stem from
an improved understanding of the pulp–dentine com- Received 29 November 2018; accepted 10 April 2019
plex’s defensive and reparative response to irritation,

Dental caries is a common, but preventable disease
(World Health Organization 2017). Recent epidemio-
Correspondence: Henry Fergus Duncan, Division of Restora- logical data highlight that global prevalence has
tive Dentistry and Periodontology, Dublin Dental University
Hospital, Trinity College Dublin, Lincoln Place, Dublin,
remained high over the last 25 years; however, the
Ireland (Tel. +353 (0)1 612 7356; e-mail: Hal.Duncan@ burden of untreated caries has shifted from children to adults (Bernabe & Sheiham 2014, Kassebaum et al.

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 52, 949–973, 2019 949
Deep caries and pulp exposure Bjørndal et al.

2015). Caries is the most common noncommunicable caries may progress into extremely deep lesions,
disease with a greater prevalence in patients from dis- inducing inflammatory pulpal reactions, leading to
advantaged social groups (Whelton et al. 2007, Sen- necrosis, abscess and eventual tooth loss (Reeves &
gupta et al. 2017, World Health Organization 2017) Stanley 1966, Bergenholtz et al. 1982). In experimen-
and is costly to manage consuming an average of 5% tal animal models, bacterial products diffuse through
of the overall health expenditure in industrialized and the dentinal tubules in test cavities inducing pulpitis
nonindustrialized countries (Petersen 2008, Listl et al. even before the pulp is exposed (Warfvinge & Bergen-
2015). holtz 1986); however, the permeability of dentine and
Caries is a microbial biofilm-induced disease, pulpitis will likely be reduced in carious teeth due to
which is promoted and maintained by a dietary sup- the presence of tubular sclerosis subjacent to the cari-
ply of fermentable carbohydrates (Nyvad et al. ous dentine. Notably, as the external bacterial stimuli
2013). In areas of stagnation, the carious potential moves towards the pulp, the inflammatory response
of the biofilm rises with acidogenic by-products of continues to intensify (Mj€ or & Tronstad 1972, Bjørn-
bacterial metabolism initiating enamel demineraliza- dal & Ricucci 2016); however, pulp has an innate
tion and stimulating defensive reactions in the den- ability to heal if the challenge is removed and the
tine and pulp, such as increased intra-tubular tooth is suitably restored (Mj€ or & Tronstad 1974,
dentine and initial inflammation. If the demineraliza- Cooper & Smith 2016).
tion of enamel continues to progress, dentine will be Management of deep caries has traditionally been
exposed to bacterial invasion, which leads to further with complete (or nonselective) caries removal and
demineralization and eventual cavitation (Bjørndal in the event of pulp exposure root canal treatment
2018). A consensus document recently defined deep (RCT) (Bjørndal et al. 2006, Swedish Council on
caries as radiographic evidence of caries reaching Health Technology Assessment 2010), rather than
the inner third or inner quarter of dentine with a minimally invasive biologically based approaches
risk of pulp exposure (Innes et al. 2016). Clinically, aimed at maintaining the vitality of the pulp (Rick-
the depth of caries and residual dentine thickness etts et al. 2013, Smith et al. 2016). The contribution
(Stanley et al. 1975, Whitworth et al. 2005) are diffi- diet plays in the aetiology of caries offers the oppor-
cult to assess. Recent research on deep carious tissue tunity to manage the condition by modifying diet,
management supports less invasive strategies, high- changing biofilm growth and isolating the advancing
lighting that complete removal of soft dentine to microbial biofilm from the nutrient supply; therefore,
leave a thin barrier of residual dentine may not be the disease can be managed by selective caries
necessary or desirable (Innes et al. 2016). In this removal without having to eradicate or target the
context, a radiographic threshold to create an ‘end- entire bacterial population (Bjørndal et al. 1997,
point’ for less invasive strategies aimed at avoiding Banerjee et al. 2017). As a result, predictable out-
carious pulp exposure is welcome. To aid manage- comes have been achieved with selective caries
ment, deep caries can be further subdivided into deep removal (Maltz et al. 2012) and stepwise techniques
and extremely deep caries lesions (Fig. 1) with extre- (Bjørndal et al. 2017) compared with nonselective
mely deep caries defined as radiographic evidence of caries removal, which has altered consensus (Sch-
caries penetrating the entire thickness of the dentine wendicke et al. 2016b) about the most appropriate
with certain pulp exposure. In extremely deep management of deep asymptomatic carious lesions.
lesions, the demineralized process extends the entire Similarly, in cases of carious pulpal exposure, classi-
thickness of the dentine, which perhaps excludes cally reported to have poor prognosis (Barthel et al.
these cases from selective caries removal and a strat- 2000), new biomaterials, techniques and under-
egy based on avoiding pulp exposure. Taken standing of pulpal repair mechanisms have improved
together, the awareness of carious lesion penetration the outcome of symptomatic exposures treated with
depths should be considered with strategies that pulp capping (Marques et al. 2015), partial pulpo-
focus on pulpal symptoms (Wolters et al. 2017); tomy (Taha & Khazali 2017) and full pulpotomy
however, strong evidence is still lacking to support (Simon et al. 2013).
the relative importance of individual factors to a Preserving pulp vitality is at the core of Operative
favourable treatment outcome. Dentistry and offers a biological-based concept, which
In health, a mineralized shell of enamel and den- reduces intervention and maintains the pulp’s devel-
tine naturally protects the pulp; however, untreated opmental, defensive and proprioceptive functions

950 International Endodontic Journal, 52, 949–973, 2019 © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Bjørndal et al. Deep caries and pulp exposure

(a) (b)

Figure 1 Classification for deeper stages of caries. (a) Deep carious lesion reaching pulpal quarter with a zone of dentine sepa-
rating the lesion from the pulp (b) and extremely deep penetrating the entire thickness of the dentine.

(Randow & Glantz 1986, Paphangkorakit & Osborn promote the disease (Loesche 1986). The ability to
1998, Smith 2002), whilst vital pulp treatment (VPT) process sugars efficiently, to maintain sugar metabo-
is considered technically easier to carry out than lism in an extreme environment (low pH) and pro-
pulpectomy and RCT (Stanley 1989). Furthermore, it duce intra/extracellular polysaccharides is important
has been advocated that teaching less aggressive den- characteristics for cariogenic bacteria. Notably,
tistry reduces overtreatment and the so-called mutans streptococci possess multiple sugar transport
‘restorative cycle’ (Elderton 1993), whilst preserving systems including the phosphoenolpyruvate phos-
tooth substance and improving the cost-effectiveness photransferase system and can enzymatically thrive
of treatment (Schwendicke & Stolpe 2014). The aim at a low pH. Furthermore, they are also able to
of this review was to summarize current views on the pump out protons in an acidic environment and pro-
biological response to deep caries as well the diagno- duce specific acid-stress response proteins. These
sis, classification and management of deep carious properties are not exclusive to mutans streptococci,
lesions and carious pulp exposures. and strains of other streptococci such as Streptococcus
mitis, Streptococcus gordonii, Streptococcus anginosus
and Streptococcus oralis are acidogenic and aciduric
(van Houte 1994, van Ruyven et al. 2000, de Soet
et al. 2000). These organisms are early colonizers
Aetiology of caries
(Nyvad & Kilian 1990) and may help establish an
As dental biofilm consists of commensal and nonin- environment or niche, which mutans streptococci
vading microorganisms, the contemporary under- and lactobacilli will thrive in.
standing, known as the ‘ecological plaque hypothesis’,
suggests caries is a result of an ecologic imbalance
Histopathology of caries within dentine
within the dental biofilm with acidogenic and aciduric
species dominating within the biofilm under frequent As enamel is a microporous solid, the carious process
intake of carbohydrates (which are metabolized to and response of the dentine–pulp complex can fre-
acids) (Marsh 1994, 2003). Numerous studies have quently start before it is breached (Br€
om & Lind
shown a strong positive correlation between mutans 1965, Bjørndal et al. 1998). It is important to con-
streptococci, lactobacilli and bifidobacteria and the sider the dentine and pulp as one entity since their
initiation of demineralization of the tooth surface physiological processes during development homeosta-
(Marsh 2012). More advanced lesions tend to have a sis; pathology and repair are intertwined and reliant
more diverse microflora with high levels of Streptococ- upon one another. The pulp and dentine thus form a
cus mutans and Lactobacilli spp.; however, other taxa complex or continuum via the communication pro-
such as a novel Prevotella spp., Selenomonas spp., Dial- vided by the dentinal tubule and the odontoblast pro-
ister spp., Eubacterium spp. and Fusobacterium spp. cess, which projects into the tubule. This structural
have found to be abundant in such lesions (Nadkarni arrangement results in the dentinal tubules being
et al. 2004, Chhour et al. 2005). fluid-filled throughout their entire length, and this
For bacteria to play a role in the carious process, fluid act as a conduit for communication. The initial
they must possess certain characteristics that pulpal response to caries is activated by bacterial

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 52, 949–973, 2019 951
Deep caries and pulp exposure Bjørndal et al.

acids, their cell wall components such as lipopolysac- the severity of the irritating stimulus. Mild irritation
charide (LPS) and soluble plaque metabolic products, induces an up-regulation of existing odontoblast
which diffuse towards the pulp against the natural activity to form reactionary dentine, whilst stronger
direction of pulp tissue fluid movement (Hahn & Lie- stimuli result in odontoblast death and the initiation
wehr 2007). of complex processes involving the recruitment of
The initial response of the pulp includes an increase dental pulp stem/progenitor cells, which differentiate
of secretory activity by the odontoblast leading to into odontoblast-like cells to form reparative dentine
increased tertiary dentine formation (reactionary (Lesot et al. 1994). Alternative theories disagree with
dentinogenesis) (Smith et al. 1995), which can be the accepted theory of odontoblast-like cytodifferentia-
seen strictly related to the subjacent enamel–dentine tion, highlighting that other cells such as fibroblasts
lesion complex (Bjørndal et al. 1998). The zone of or fibrocytes may in fact produce the mineralized tis-
dentine demineralization is characterized by a wave of sue (Ricucci et al. 2014a, Yoshiba et al. 2018). Nota-
acid diffusing in front of the advancing enamel lesion. bly, for didactic purposes, the processes of reactionary
Notably, the dentine demineralization takes place in and reparative dentinogenesis are considered sepa-
the zone of sclerosis and not sound dentine. The dem- rately, and it is likely that in a deep carious lesion
ineralization is thought to be absent of bacteria as both processes will occur simultaneously particularly
long as the dentine is not clinically exposed (Kidd & at the periphery of the cavity (Smith et al. 2016).
Fejerskov 2004). The most superficial part of the That is, in established and most advanced parts of the
exposed dentine starts to decompose by the action of lesion, it would be reparative dentinogenesis, whereas
acids and proteolytic enzymes produced by the bacte- for younger parts of the lesion, reactionary dentino-
ria themselves (zone of destruction; Fig. 2). Clinically, genesis takes place (Bjørndal et al. 1998). The cellular
it is difficult to distinguish each zone. In particular, it events associated with reparative dentine formation
is not possible to distinguish the delicate broader are orchestrated and regulated by bioactive molecules,
between infected and affected dentine both being dis- including growth factors (GFs), which are ‘fossilized’
coloured and demineralized, which also explains the in the dentine matrix (Cassidy et al. 1997, Smith
recently suggested simplified terminology on removal 2003, Grando Mattuella et al. 2007) prior to being
of carious tissue (see later). released by caries, irrigants and dental materials (Gra-
ham et al. 2006, Tomson et al. 2007, Galler et al.
2016a; Fig. 3).
What is the defensive response of the pulp to
If the pulp is exposed, the reparative dentine forms
a mineralized bridge, which is generally not in the
The dental–pulp complex reacts to irritation by a form of tubular dentine (Nair et al. 2008), but does
combination of inflammation and the promotion of protect the pulp tissue from further insult (Glass &
mineralization; the balance between pulpitis and Zander 1949, Nyborg 1955). From a histological
repair is critical to preserving pulp vitality (Cooper viewpoint, pulp exposure healing should be described
et al. 2010). Specifically, various types of pulp cell as formation of a continuous hard tissue barrier over
react immunologically to the microbes, initially via the exposure and a residual pulp free of inflammation
pathogen recognition by odontoblasts and later fibrob- (Schr€ oder 1973). However, treatment outcomes for
lasts, stem cells (SCs) and immune cells; thereafter, a pulp capping can only be evaluated clinically and
complex series of antibacterial, immune, vascular and radiographically (Woehrlen 1977, Fuks et al. 1982).
localized inflammatory responses are activated (Farges
et al. 2009, 2015, Soden et al. 2009). Although the Role of dentine in repair
odontoblast has an immunocompetent role (Couve The carious process will progressively demineralize
et al. 2013), its principal function is as a secretory dentine as it advances towards the pulp, releasing
cell, forming primary dentine during tooth develop- dentine matrix components (DMCs), stored within the
ment and later the production of secondary dentine, dentine matrix during development (Dung et al.
as well as tertiary dentine production when chal- 1995). Selected matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a
lenged (Simon et al. 2009). Tertiary dentine forms family of tissue proteases, contained with the DMCs
alongside inflammation locally beneath the area of will propagate the breakdown of dentine matrix (Maz-
challenge (Lesot et al. 1994, Smith 2002). There are zoni et al. 2015), whilst releasing other bioactive
two types of tertiary dentine formed, depending on molecules that migrate down the dentinal tubules

952 International Endodontic Journal, 52, 949–973, 2019 © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Bjørndal et al. Deep caries and pulp exposure

(a) (b)



(c) (d)

Figure 2 (a) Macroscopic view of an extracted mandibular molar with a proximal extensive carious lesion. (b) Longitudinal
mesial/distal crosscut of the same molar, exposing an occlusal enamel-dentine lesion (insert C), and an extremely deep carious
lesion originating from the proximal surface (insert D). (c) Magnified image of the pre-cavitated enamel–dentine lesion showing
the following zones in a sectioned tooth half (i = demineralized enamel with initial cracks, ii = black/dark brown discoloration
of demineralized dentine, iii = light brown discoloration of demineralized dentine (the dark discoloured zones reflect areas of
arrested caries), iv = hypermineralized dentine (zone of sclerosis), and v = tertiary dentine (reactionary dentine)). (d) Magnified
image of the extremely deep cavitated dentine lesion (i = retrograde enamel demineralization as typically shown in dentine
exposed environments, ii = loose fragment of dark brown discoloured contaminated dentine, iii = large zone of destruction
(necrotic dentine), iv = contaminated and demineralized dentine, v = contaminated and demineralized tertiary dentine)

and stimulate tertiary dentine formation and other and neurogenesis (Marquardt et al. 2015). GFs, in
pulpal reparative processes (Finkelman et al. 1990, particular, orchestrate and modulate pulpal regenera-
Begue-Kirn et al. 1992, Smith et al. 1994). Indeed, a tion with several members of the transforming GF
problem with pulpal biomarkers and MMPs in partic- superfamily (Cassidy et al. 1997, Galler et al. 2015)
ular is that they are not just destructive in nature; and insulin-like GFs (Finkelman et al. 1990) present
they also increase the bioactivity and reparative in DMC extracts. Other GFs including angiogenic
capacity of DMCs by further digesting the extracts molecules, such as fibroblast GF 2 (FGF-2), vascular
(Okamoto et al. 2018). DMCs contain multiple bioac- endothelial GF (VEGF), and placenta GF (PlGF)
tive components, including GFs, chemokines, cytoki- (Roberts-Clark & Smith 2000, Tomson et al. 2013),
nes, MMPs and bioactive proteins (Smith et al. 2016), and the neurogenic factors brain-derived neurotrophic
which modulate a range of processes critical to repair, factor (BDNF) and growth/differentiation factor 15
including chemotaxis (Smith et al. 2012, Galler et al. (GDF-15) (Duncan et al. 2017) were also identified in
2016a, Tomson et al. 2017), angiogenesis (Roberts- dentine extracts.
Clark & Smith 2000), mineralization (Tomson et al. Harnessing bioactive molecules in DMCs for thera-
2013), stem cell (SC) recruitment (Fayazi et al. 2017) peutic benefit has been the focus of considerable

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 52, 949–973, 2019 953
Deep caries and pulp exposure Bjørndal et al.

Figure 3 Reparative dentine formation involves a complex sequence of events in which a severe stimulus (e.g. increasing cari-
ous involvement of dentine, pulp exposure) causes death of the primary odontoblast, which are subsequently replaced following
differentiation of progenitor cells into odontoblast-like cells under the regulation of bioactive molecules, including dentine
matrix components (DMCs) release from the dentine matrix. Although the nature of the cellular response is likely to be depen-
dent upon the pulp environment, the mineralized tissue deposited at the pupal wound site will likely display a spectrum of dys-

recent research activity (Smith et al. 2016). The abil- promoting defensive cellular processes such as cell
ity of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) (Gra- migration, proliferation and differentiation (Farges
ham et al. 2006, Galler et al. 2016a), hydraulic et al. 2015). Numerous in vitro culture studies using
calcium silicate cements (Tomson et al. 2007), cal- DPC (Ko et al. 2015), purified dental pulp SC (DPSC)
cium hydroxide (Graham et al. 2006), dental resins populations (Li et al. 2014) and in vivo studies (Renard
(Ferracane et al. 2013), ultrasonic agitation (Widbiller et al. 2016) have demonstrated changes in cellular
et al. 2017) and epigenetic modifying agents (Duncan transcription and protein expression when inflamed.
et al. 2017), to sequester DMCs and augment the Furthermore, cells cultured in mineralizing, angio-
regenerative response, has been demonstrated. Irriga- genic and neurogenic culture conditions express a
tion strategies aimed at biological response, rather range of extracellular molecules, which promote an
than disinfection capacity, have used EDTA demon- autocrine and paracrine healing response (Duncan
strated to release TGF-b family members from the et al. 2013, Gervois et al. 2015). Although the bulk of
extracellular matrix of dentine (Galler et al. 2016a). attention has focused on the role of odontoblast
Conversely, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) had a dele- (Simon et al. 2009) or SC populations in repair (Fro-
terious effect on SC survival and differentiation ability, zoni et al. 2012), fibroblasts, the principal cell of the
leading to suggestions that at least in revitalization pulp, are also able to secrete complement fragments
procedures the final rinse should be with a 17% and GFs important to mineralization and SC recruit-
EDTA solution (Martin et al. 2014). In VPT, however, ment (Jeanneau et al. 2017). In addition, bone mar-
EDTA irrigation (although releasing DMCs) may stim- row fibrocytes migrate to the injured pulp site to
ulate renewed pulpal bleeding. participate in early wound healing (Yoshiba et al.
2018). Progenitor cells migrate and differentiate to
Role of pulp cells in repair form odontoblast-like cells during reparative dentino-
Dental pulp cells (DPCs) when challenged by the pres- genesis. Several progenitor cell populations may con-
ence of a carious microbial biofilm will directly tribute including DPSCs (Gronthos et al. 2002),
respond by expressing a range of genes and proteins, undifferentiated mesenchymal cells from cell-rich and

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central pulp perivascular regions, that is pericytes It is not possible to determine objectively the pre-
(Fitzgerald et al. 1990, Machado et al. 2016), and SCs cise level of activity within a carious lesion; there-
migrating from outside the tooth (Feng et al. 2011, fore, clinical judgement and subjective measures are
Frozoni et al. 2012). At present, there is a lack of con- used. Based on appearance, an actively progressing
sensus regarding the progenitor population responsible carious dentine lesion tends to have a light yellow/
for reparative dentine formation, although surface beige colour, the surface texture is wet/moist, and it
marker analysis generally confirms a mesenchymal is easy to disintegrate/penetrate the soft organic
origin (Simon & Smith 2014). matrix with a dental probe. A lesion that is still
The relative influence of dentine and pulp cell- active but less so tends to be darker with a colour
derived factors to the repair process is impossible to closer to brown; it is dry and firmer when probed.
quantify and is influenced by short, temporal bioavail- When caries ceases to be active and is thought to
ability of expression in cells (Smith et al. 2016); suf- have arrested, these features will be more marked;
fice to say that it is clear that both are likely to therefore, it is darker, no excess moisture is present,
contribute significantly in a complimentary and possi- and it is not possible to penetrate with a probe
bly symbiotic manner to the overall repair process. (Fig. 4) (Bjørndal et al. 1997).
As the cavitated carious dentine lesion progresses,
Gram-negative bacteria release LPS, which diffuses
Caries and pulpal diagnosis
down the dentinal tubules and is recognized by Toll-
Dentine and the pulp are one functional entity, the like receptors 4 (TLR-4) that are expressed on pulp
pulp–dentine complex (Pashley 1996); however, for nociceptors. These nociceptors can extend within
diagnostic purposes at least, hard tissue (caries) and 0.16 mm of dentinal tubules and act as an early
soft tissue disease (pulpitis) should be considered sepa- warning signal to the pulp and indeed the patient
rately. This is in order to reflect current views and (Buyers 1980). LPS tends to advance more rapidly
establish clear treatment protocols. than bacteria through the dentine–pulp complex
Although caries is a common disease, making an (zone of demineralization), and when LPS levels are
accurate diagnosis of the precise disease state can be high, the severity of pulpal inflammation is likely to
challenging for even the most skilled clinician. In be greater (Khabbaz et al. 2001).
order to develop the most appropriate treatment strat- For several decades, it has been considered that
egy for the patient, the clinician will assimilate infor- there is a poor relationship between clinical signs and
mation from the patient’s history (symptomology, symptoms and the histological state of the pulp in
diet, oral hygiene regime, etc.), visual–tactile exami- mature teeth (Seltzer et al. 1963a,b, Garfunkel et al.
nation, appropriate radiographs and other tools such 1973, Dummer et al. 1980) with a more recent
as caries dyes, fibre-optic/fluorescent light and electri- review corroborating this viewpoint (Mej are et al.
cal conductance/impedance metres. Identification of 2012). This long held view has, however, been ques-
deep carious lesions by visual means and radiographs tioned in a study, which compared clinical diagnosis
should be straightforward (Pitts 1996), but determin- with the histological findings, where the clinical diag-
ing the effect on the pulp, its depth/extent, activity nosis was made before the teeth were extracted and
and the restorability of the tooth in order to advise on compared to histology post-extraction (Ricucci et al.
prognosis is much more difficult. 2014b). It was demonstrated that in the teeth that
An estimate of the depth of a carious lesion can be were clinically diagnosed as either a normal pulp or
made on a bitewing radiograph. A more accurate with reversible pulpitis, only two out of the 59 teeth
impression of the extent of a lesion can be given on a studied had histological signs of irreversible inflamma-
cone-beam computed tomograph (CBCT); however, tion. Alternatively, in the patient group that had a
this has limitations such as the higher dose, image clinical diagnosis of irreversible disease, five of 32
distortion due to the presence of radiopaque restora- teeth had a histological diagnosis of reversible pulpal
tions, cost and availability. The radiographic image in inflammation. Taking the limitation of an observa-
general only gives an approximation of the level of tional study into account including the pooling of
mineral content within the tissue being investigated normal and reversible pulpitis, the authors concluded
and is limited by the fact it cannot inform with regard that there was good agreement between making a
to the activity of the lesion nor the status of the pulp clinical diagnosis and the histological status of the
within the dentine–pulp complex. pulp (Ricucci et al. 2014b). It is also not clear from

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 52, 949–973, 2019 955
Deep caries and pulp exposure Bjørndal et al.

Figure 4 Colour classification of carious lesions (modified from Bjørndal et al. 1997).

this study the reason for the extraction of teeth with

Current challenges to decision-making in deep
only reversible disease.
caries management
The crude clinical (categorical) diagnostic system
for pulpal disease of reversible and irreversible pulpi- The prevention of apical periodontitis begins with a
tis has recently been questioned (Wolters et al. clinical evaluation of whether the pulp can be main-
2017). The word ‘irreversible’ means that it is ‘can- tained or not; however, the task of evaluating accu-
not be undone, repealed, or annulled; unalterable, rately if the pulp is irreversibly inflamed remains a
irrevocable’ (Oxford English Dictionary). According significant challenge (Mej are et al. 2012). Unfortu-
to this definition, there are only two possible options nately, the dental community lacks a device that can
for treatment of irreversible pulpitis, either RCT or (i) accurately establish the point at which the inflam-
extraction. However, emerging evidence suggests matory process become irreversibly damaged and
that when VPT procedures such as partial or com- necrosis ensues, and (ii) decide whether exposing the
plete pulpotomy are carried out in teeth with symp- pulp is necessary or is best avoided. Furthermore, if
toms indicative of irreversible pulpitis, pulp the pulp is cariously exposed, can VPT procedures
preservation is possible (Asgary et al. 2017, Qudei- such as pulp capping or partial pulpotomy provide
mat et al. 2017, Taha & Khazali 2017, Taha et al. predictable outcomes or is more aggressive tissue
2017). Research in this area will inevitably develop removal or even RCT necessary?
in the future and challenge whether irreversible pul- The diagnostic problem of accurately estimating the
pitis is an appropriate term to use. Indeed, it may level pulp inflammation has led to different treatment
even call into question the need for pulpectomy at concepts emerging within general dental practice.
all, as by definition an ‘– ectomy’ denotes surgical Questionnaire-based surveys in which dentists study
removal of part of the body. However, in terms of radiographs of ‘deep carious lesions’ have analysed the
pulp diagnosis, it remains to be seen if further subdi- dilemma of whether a tooth should be treated conser-
vision into three or four categories (Hashem et al. vatively by avoiding pulp exposure, or a VPT approach
2015, Wolters et al. 2017) will be possible and bene- or whether a more invasive approach is required. The
ficial in the clinic in developing associated treatment results have highlighted that there was no uniform
strategies? Only future clinical trials will demonstrate management option for pulp exposures during carious
potential usefulness. tissue removal, with huge variation between

956 International Endodontic Journal, 52, 949–973, 2019 © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Bjørndal et al. Deep caries and pulp exposure

respondents (Oen et al. 2007, Schwendicke et al. Reit 2005, Markvart et al. 2018); this jeopardizes the
2017, Stangvaltaite et al. 2017). In clinical practice, VPT procedure from the very onset. Clear guidelines
the decision on whether to maintain the pulp or not are required, both for treatment and for referral, which
also varies (Stangvaltaite et al. 2013), even when should include underlining the importance of selective
important subjective (e.g. symptoms) and objective referral for perceived simpler treatments such as VPT to
diagnostic data (e.g. radiograph, pulp sensibility test- a specialist environment (Komabayashi & Zhu 2010),
ing) are added to the scenario. Notably, the majority of and this may result in more standardized treatment
dentists adopt an invasive approach choosing either a and less pulpectomies. At the very least, increased edu-
VPT or a pulpectomy (Oen et al. 2007, Schwendicke cation for practitioners in the optimum way to handle
et al. 2017). So what is the reason for this variation? pulp tissue should be considered a priority.
The fluctuation in the chosen therapy could be the
result of a paucity of high-quality clinical evidence, or
Caries lesion depths and pulp inflammation
simply an unclear definition and understanding of the
nature of a deep carious lesion. Alternatively, some The link between histologically and the reversibility
dental practitioners may prefer pulpectomy to VPT, or irreversibility of pulpitis is difficult to confirm clini-
because it is more predictable in their hands (i.e. tooth cally (Seltzer et al. 1963a,b, Dummer et al. 1980).
retention, absence of signs and symptoms), even when From a histopathological perspective, the threshold
performed poorly. Whilst pulpectomy usually takes 1 for irreversible pulpal inflammation can be defined as
or 2 years to fail, by contrast, VPT usually fails within the stage where the cariogenic microorganisms are
months as a result of severe pain (Bjørndal et al. entering the pulp space either through tertiary den-
2010). Economic factors may also alter treatment deci- tine or directly into the pulp. Clinically, it is uncertain
sions as remuneration for a RCT in a molar tooth will how this critical threshold of infection can be
be radically different to a VPT procedure on the same detected; however, do clinicians actually use prevail-
tooth. Unfortunately, at present from a patient perspec- ing clinical and radiographically data optimally?
tive, the critical factor in the treatment chosen by the
dentist is whether the operator is pulp ‘friendly’ or not. The penetration depths of carious lesions – deep and
Moving forward, treatment variation needs to be extremely deep
reduced, and therapeutic solutions should be cohesive What should be considered a ‘danger threshold’ of a
and biologically based on a clear definition of a deep deep lesion? Attempts to define more precisely a deep
lesion as well as sound clinical evidence. In addition, carious lesion can be based on a dental practitioner’s
dentistry perhaps needs to embrace and develop next- expectations on reaching pulp exposure following exca-
generation diagnostic devices to accurately determine vation (Bjørndal & Thylstrup 1998). In this context, the
the inflammatory state of the pulp. majority of general practitioners selected the ‘deep’ cari-
ous dentine lesion as one that penetrates radiographi-
cally into the pulpal quarter of the dentine, but still with
Are endodontists the best candidates for
a well-defined zone of radiopaque dentine separating the
maintaining pulp vitality?
infected demineralized dentine from the pulp (Fig. 1). In
Established borders of a dental specialty may create tra- contrast, the extremely deep lesions, the carious dem-
ditions or obstacles for providing the best possible plat- ineralized dentine is defined as penetrating the entire
form for optimal ‘pulpal care’. Clearly, endodontists thickness of the dentine, without a radiopaque zone sep-
have the expertise on aseptic strategies, fundamental to arating the lesion from the pulp. The extremely deep
optimal maintenance of pulp vitality. This includes carious lesion has microorganism penetrating into the
preparation of an aseptic working field using rubber critical zone of tertiary dentine including the pulp
dam isolation, cleaned with a disinfectant. Unfortu- (Reeves & Stanley 1966, Bjørndal 2018). Moreover, a
nately, due to the nature of secondary care it is unu- relatively high agreement of more than 80% was high-
sual for the endodontist to make a decision on whether lighted between a clinical definition of irreversible pulpi-
the pulp should be saved or removed, as these decisions tis and the presence of bacteria within necrotic areas in
are carried out in general dental practice. Indeed, the the pulp (Ricucci et al. 2014b). This could potentially
endodontic tradition of an aseptic working field using indicate that the simple examination of lesion depths on
rubber dam is not widespread in general practice (Jenk- bitewing radiographs is an opportunity to introduce a
ins et al. 2001, Slaus & Bottenberg 2002, Bjørndal & diagnostic tool for evaluating the risk of bacterial

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 52, 949–973, 2019 957
Deep caries and pulp exposure Bjørndal et al.

invasion into the pulp. Interestingly, the exact degree of procedure performs successfully (Casagrande et al.
carious lesion penetration has rarely been described in 2010, Franzon et al. 2014), including the concept of
the literature in relation to VPT, including partial or full sealing the entire carious lesion with a stainless-steel
pulpotomy (Bjørndal et al. 2014). This could potentially crown in the Hall Technique (Innes et al. 2017).
explain the difficulties in predicting direct pulp capping Notably from an endodontic viewpoint, a clear defi-
outcome, that is the large heterogeneity between cari- nition of lesion depth is lacking in many studies and
ous lesions; however, more evidence is needed before the available evidence on well-defined deep carious
radiographic appearance can be mapped with bacterial lesions in adult teeth remains limited. The treatment of
penetration into the pulp. permanently leaving carious dentine in a one-stage
selective approach for caries in the pulpal third has
Pulp inflammation – destruction and repair shown comparable results with stepwise excavation.
Understanding of pulpal repair mechanisms has high- Less evidence is available for deep carious lesion in the
lighted the need for a low-grade inflammatory process pulpal quarter. If residual carious dentine remains
to stimulate the regenerative response (Cooper et al. in situ, the dentine may shrink and potentially impair
2010). When the irritant is removed, the pulp has the coronal restoration, which could lead to pulpal
the capacity and potential to provide an up-regulation complications (Bjørndal 2018). It is accepted that an
of odontoblastic activity (reactionary tertiary dentino- inadequate temporary restoration and lack of a perma-
genesis) or the recruitment of progenitor cells, which nent coronal seal during the less invasive carious
can cytodifferentiate into odontoblast-like cells (repar- removal strategies will lead to failure including pulpal
ative tertiary dentinogenesis). The pulp responds to and apical pathosis (Bjørndal & Thylstrup 1998, Maltz
caries in a dynamic manner demonstrating different et al. 2012). Although a one-stage selective caries
pulp reactions to slowly progressing carious lesion removal technique saves on both clinical and patient
and the rapidly progressing lesion (Bjørndal 2018). time, another potential limitation is that if the patient
The pulp reacts to a low-grade lesion (e.g. old patient, moves to a new dentist it may appear that caries
carious lesion penetrating halfway into dentine) by remains and further intervention may be suggested.
forming reactionary dentine, whilst the tertiary den-
tine formed under rapidly progressing lesion (e.g. Stepwise excavation in detail
young patient with a deep carious lesion in pulpal This is a selective caries removal technique carried out
quarter) is less well organized, with a reduced volume in two visits. The aim of the first stage is to change the
dentinal tubules eventually being completely atubular cariogenic environment. Selective carious dentine
(also called fibrodentinogenesis) (Baume 1980). removal to soft dentine is performed to the extent that
a temporary restoration can be properly placed. The
clinical result of leaving behind carious dentine is that
Treatment to avoid pulp exposure
over time the appearance changes to that of arrested
Both complete caries removal and the classic indirect carious dentine (Massler 1978, Bjørndal et al. 1997).
pulp capping concept, advocated in the 1960s, were The initial active carious environment can be identified
invasive strategies, leaving either no or only residual clinically as soft discoloured and wet tissue, which
carious dentine behind, resulting in a higher risk of turns into a darker, harder and drier appearance after
pulpal exposure (Kerkhove et al. 1967). Indeed, the first stage. The second-stage excavation several
recent consensus reports have stated that the com- months later is carried out to firm dentine following the
plete or nonselective carious removal is now recommendation of carious tissue removal (Schwen-
overtreatment (Innes et al. 2016, Schwendicke et al. dicke et al. 2016b). It is easier to perform, as the consis-
2016b). Based on a 5-year follow-up of a randomized tency of the retained dentine has changed. A calcium
clinical trial, a stepwise excavation approach for the hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) base material is used between vis-
management of deep carious lesions was superior to a its, or a hydraulic calcium silicate cement and the tooth
complete carious removal procedure carried out in are restored with a glass–ionomer restorative material.
one visit, with less pulpal exposure, less pain and
more teeth with vital pulps in the stepwise group
The physiological response of the pulp to capping
(Bjørndal et al. 2017). Although not the focus of this
review, studies in the primary dentition have also Formation of reparative dentine by odontoblast-like
shown that a one-stage selective carious removal cells is possible after pulp exposure, where hard tissue

958 International Endodontic Journal, 52, 949–973, 2019 © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Bjørndal et al. Deep caries and pulp exposure

(mineralized bridge) formation should replace the lost making after exposure and that certain dentists (in-
dentine if successful. The quality of the mineralized cluding specialists) may in fact use an enhanced proto-
bridge formation after pulp capping procedure has been col for the treatment of all pulp exposures.
evaluated histologically and reveals many nonmineral-
ized defects, so-called ‘tunnel defects’, that can easily Pulp capping (class I)
be invaded by microorganisms (Cox et al. 1985). This This conventional pulp capping procedure (Schr€ oder
is more evident with traditional Ca(OH)2 materials 1985) is indicated after a complicated traumatic frac-
compared with hydraulic calcium silicate cements ture, which involves a superficial exposure of the pulp
(Nair et al. 2008). Therefore, it is mandatory after a or after an accidental perforation (Bjørndal 2018).
direct pulp capping or pulpotomy procedure that a per- Clinically, the pulp would be considered healthy and
manent bacteria-tight restoration is placed immedi- relatively free of inflammation. Other factors likely to
ately to prevent infection by invading microorganisms. be important prior to undergoing class I pulp capping
are small exposures (preferably <1 mm diameter),
Haemostasis and disinfection located in the coronal third of the pulp chamber ide-
A prerequisite for a successful outcome following pulp ally corresponding to a pulp horn (Fig. 5).
capping is control of bleeding and the avoidance of
blood clot formation between the capping material and Pulp capping (class II)
the pulp tissue. Practically, it is challenging to place a In the preoperative presence of a deep or extremely
capping material on a wet surface such as a blood clot, deep carious lesion (Bjørndal 2018), the pulp exposure
whilst the presence of a blood clot has been linked to judged clinically to be through a zone of bacterial con-
higher risk of post-operative infection (Schr€ oder & tamination with an expectation that the underlying
Granath 1972, Schr€ oder 1985). A clinical trial investi- pulp tissue is inflamed. Symptoms may be present but
gated different methods of attaining haemostasis using not indicative of irreversible pulpitis. The prefix class II
either saline, NaOCl or chlorhexidine digluconate, prior indicates that an altered treatment protocol is required,
to pulp capping with Ca(OH)2 (Baldissera et al. 2013). because a severe microbial challenge is expected. The
It was shown that the various approaches did not affect proposed protocol should ideally include carious
the expression of bioactive glycoproteins related to removal guided by the use of the operating microscope,
repair (Baldissera et al. 2013). Furthermore, a random- haemostasis attained within 5 min, the use of 5.25%
ized clinical trial has reported improved outcomes, if a NaOCl (Bogen et al. 2008) and restoration with a
disinfection agent such as NaOCl is applied the haemo- hydraulic calcium silicate cement. Based on 1-year
static protocol prior the application of a capping mate- observational data (Marques et al. 2015), the proce-
rial (Tuzuner et al. 2012). Blood clots also contain dure seems promising at advanced stages of caries pen-
numerous bioactive molecules (e.g. GFs), which could etration; however, at present randomized clinical data
potentially contribute and augment a repair process are absent. Notably, in class II procedures the use of
with current revitalization protocols advocating a high concentration of disinfection prior to placing the
bleeding sequence and the formation of a clot in the capping material is recommended as well as magnifica-
healing response (Galler 2016b). tion to improve control of the carious removal proce-
dure (Fig. 6). The enhanced protocol utilized may
explain the high success of these studies (Bogen et al.
Pulp capping classification
2008, Marques et al. 2015), compared with the previ-
As a consequence of the variation in the reported suc- ously reported randomized clinical trial data demon-
cess of pulp capping after carious exposure (Bogen strating a very low 5% survival of traditionally pulp
et al. 2008, Marques et al. 2015), a classification has capping after caries exposure at 5 years without an
been proposed, which a view to assisting clinical man- enhanced protocol (Bjørndal et al. 2017).
agement (Bjørndal 2018). The classification reinforces
the need for a more focused or enhanced approach
Cost-effectiveness analysis and evidence from
after carious exposure (class II), which is not as critical
clinical trials
if the pulp is traumatically exposed (class I) due to a
reduction in the microbial load close the pulp tissue. It The use of simulated scenarios
is recognized that this classification may of particular Available evidence (pre-2014) has been used to simu-
benefit to workers in primary care to assist decision- lated scenarios for establishing a cost-effectiveness

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 52, 949–973, 2019 959
Deep caries and pulp exposure Bjørndal et al.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5 Class I pulp capping. Classical capping approach of a small pulp exposure, (a) before and (b, c) during and after cal-
cium hydroxide application.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 6 A successful class II pulp capping. (a) Preoperative radiograph reveals a deep lesion and no apical pathosis. (b) After
nonselective carious removal (former complete excavation) using the operative microscope, there is an absence of any retained
carious dentine, and there is good haemostasis of the exposed pulp. (c) Placement of the mineral trioxide aggregate capping
agent. (d) Post-operative radiograph with permanent restoration in place. (e) One-year follow-up and (f) two-year follow-up.
Case courtesy of Dr Phu Le.

analysis (Schwendicke & Stolpe 2014). In conclusion, Randomized clinical trials are the best way to answer
both direct pulp capping and RCT were cost-effective. this question, but there are currently only a few
Direct pulp capping was most cost-effective in which address this issue. In order to plan a new ran-
younger patients (<40 years) in occlusal sites (Fig. 7). domized controlled trial, there are some important
In contrast, RCT was preferred in older patients rules to be considered:
(>40 years) with interproximal exposure sites. • Well-defined inclusion criteria: For example, pene-
tration depth of the carious lesion may lead to
New and future expectation of improved clinical evidence more accurate data analysis, including perhaps
Which treatment will be the ‘gold standard’ for treat- more details of lesion activity or exact detail of
ing the deep and extremely deep carious lesion? patients’ pulpal symptoms with a diagnosis.

960 International Endodontic Journal, 52, 949–973, 2019 © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Bjørndal et al. Deep caries and pulp exposure

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h)

Figure 7 An unsuccessful class II pulp capping. Direct pulp capping (class II) (male, 48-years). (a) Preoperative radiograph
reveals a deep lesion and no apical pathology. (b) Carious lesion located at approximal site. (c) Restoration placement at the
gingival margin to improve moisture control, isolation and asepsis, (d) a dark bleeding exposure is noted. (e) Haemostasis is dif-
ficult to achieve. (f) Mineral trioxide aggregate is applied, and an adequate thickness can be compromised in approximal cavi-
ties. (g) Three months post-operatively, a sinus tract and apical periodontitis are noted. (h) A post-operative radiograph of
completed root canal treatment. Case courtesy of Dr Pim Buurman.

• The task of choosing identical outcome measures: essential. This often relies on pre-selected power
For example, a reliable comparison between coronal settings (the assumption of the expected interven-
pulpotomy and direct pulp capping may be a diffi- tion effect is too large, whereby the actual number
cult task, as a reliable pulp sensibility test cannot be enrolled is too small and there is a high risk of
performed for the pulpotomy intervention arm. type 2 statistical error). The power calculation
• Informed power calculation: The number of treat- should ideally be based on previous literature or
ments required to reveal a significant difference informed by a pilot study, which accounts for
between control and experimental groups is dropouts.

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 52, 949–973, 2019 961
Deep caries and pulp exposure Bjørndal et al.

• Central randomization of patients: Data from pub- evaluate the health of the pulp and to manage it, for
lished trial reports have revealed a lack of ade- example pulpal bleeding. On the other hand, avoiding
quate randomization. The resulting report may be exposing the pulp lessens the risk of bacterial infec-
associated with a more positive estimate of the tion and preserves the odontoblast palisade to facili-
intervention effect (Gluud 2006). tate reactionary (or reparative) dentinogenesis.
• Blinded follow-up examination: An examiner who Moreover, dentine contains a reservoir of GFs which
is not aware of which group the material or the can be released by the capping materials and partici-
patient belongs (blinded outcome evaluation). pate in stimulating the reparative process. In terms of
prevention of bacterial infection, it should be remem-
The lack of global consensus reflected in most recent bered that dentine has a tubular structure, and if the
randomized clinical trials residual dentine layer is <1 mm, it is likely to be as
Analysis of recent randomized clinical trials on the permeable to bacterial challenge as a pulp exposure
management of deep caries lesions (Table 1) high- (Murray et al. 2003).
lights that inclusion criteria are similar with a defined Comparing the outcome of various strategies to
caries lesion and signs of reversible pulpitis. However, treat deep caries is complex, and as a result, the
the treatments vary from pulpotomy to extensive cari- debate about whether or not to preserve a layer of
ous removal (indirect pulp capping) and stepwise dentine continues. This issue divides endodontists,
excavation, which perhaps reflects that no global con- who regularly manipulate pulp tissue and highlight
sensus or tradition currently exists in the treatment of that nonselective caries removal and pulp capping
the deep carious lesion. The most recent randomized can be successful in 90% of cases (Hilton et al. 2013,
controlled clinical trials in humans (Table 1) are lim- Marques et al. 2015, Hegde et al. 2017), from opera-
ited by low numbers and resulting weak conclusions. tive dentists and cariologists who prefer to maintain a
At present, no high level, scientific-based recommen- dentine layer if at all possible.
dation can be made for selecting a ‘gold standard’
capping material (Schwendicke et al. 2016a). Pulp exposure management
Confusion frequently arises when defining the differ-
Is pulp exposure a negative factor?
ence between pulp capping and partial pulpotomy.
Dental pulp exposure results in irreversible damage to Partial pulpotomy removes 2–3 mm of the pulp tissue
the affected odontoblastic palisade and death of the at the site of exposure; this technique is used for
primary odontoblast. In order to establish a new min- removing the superficial layer of infected or inflamed
eralized barrier, it is necessary to induce the growth tissue. Pulp capping does not involve any pulp tissue
of neo-odontoblasts, the only cells capable of secreting removal; instead, the biomaterial is placed in direct
dentine. Unfortunately, as odontoblasts are highly dif- contact with the pulp tissue (ESE 2006). After trau-
ferentiated post-mitotic cells, a new layer cannot be matic pulp exposure, the pulp can be capped without
created, as in other connective tissues, by inducing tissue removal as the wound has not been contami-
mitosis of cells at the wound periphery. The only way nated with microorganisms for an extended period. In
to rebuild the odontoblastic palisade is to recapitulate practice; however, because the pulp has been exposed
in situ the original developmental process (Goldberg & to the oral environment, it is common to remove the
Smith 2004). To accomplish this, a source of progeni- superficial layer. It was classically demonstrated that
tor cells (erroneously referred to as ‘SCs’) is required. after 24 h of exposure, the pulp contamination and
These cells must first be directed from their niche to inflammation extended to a depth of 1.5 mm (Cvek &
the damaged area through chemotaxis or plithotaxis Lundberg 1983).
(Hirata et al. 2014). Once the cells have migrated to A deep carious lesion stimulates a pulp defence
contact the biomaterial, they must differentiate into response in conjunction with inflammatory processes.
mineral-secreting cells, at which point dentine synthe- The pulp capping procedure protects the tissue, but
sis is triggered. may not reverse a superficial inflammatory processes;
From an operator’s perspective, exposure of the therefore, it is recommended that 2–3 mm of tissue is
pulp to the oral cavity permits placement of the bio- removed in a partial pulpotomy procedure. The clini-
material in direct contact with the pulp. Furthermore, cian should be able to distinguish between inflamed
by having direct access to the tissue, it is easier to and noninflamed tissue if the pulp is exposed;

962 International Endodontic Journal, 52, 949–973, 2019 © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Table 1 Status of recent randomized clinical trials (since 2010) of capping agents and pulp preserving interventions

Tooth type and Trial power

age and randomization Success of analysed
Preoperative status and quality Outcome assessment cases
Study diagnosis Variables tested Treatment protocol Follow-up Conclusions

Jang et al. 2017 (1 year) Permanent teeth (>19 years) Trial: Intervention effect 15%, After complete caries Blinded outcome Experimental (Endocem): 87%
Song et al. 2000 (12 weeks) Direct pulp exposure from Power 80%, P < 0.05. excavation with sterile assessment: yes success.
Comparing capping trauma or dental caries Randomization: No spoon excavator exposed Success: Positive response Control (ProRoot MTA): 85%
materials (depth not further defined) concealed allocation pulp disinfected with 2.5% to pulp test. No evidence of success
Reversible pulpitis sequence. NaOCl. Haemostasis should irreversible pulpitis (not Nonsignificant (NS). between
Capping mat: ProRoot MTA be reached within 10 min. defined) and pulp necrosis, tested capping materials. Axial
(control) n = 23; versus Thickness of the capping no well-defined apical exposure site (class V cavity)
Endocem n = 23 materials (3 mm or close as radiolucency (not defined). showed significantly poorer
Stratification variable: Age possible) Follow-up: 1, 2 and outcome
and exposure site (occlusal 4 weeks, and 3, 6 months
or axial) and 1 year
Kang et al. 2001 Primary dentition (3- Trial: No power calculation After removal of carious Blinded outcome Experimental (OrthoMTA): 97%
Comparing capping 10 years) Randomization: No dentine. Coronal pulp assessment: yes clinical and 100% radiographic
materials Deep caries with a potential concealed allocation removed and rinsed with Success: Positive response success

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
risk of exposure (lesion sequence sterile saline for 2 min to pulp test. No evidence of Experimental (RetroMTA): 94%
depth not defined, no Capping mat: ProRoot MTA (haemorrhage control). irreversible pulpitis (not clinical and 94% radiographic
widening of PDL or (control) n = 47 versus ProRoot and OrthoMTA defined) and pulp necrosis, success
periapical (PA) – or furcal OrthoMTA n = 47 and (two-visit procedure), no PDL widening, no Control (ProRoot MTA): 100%
lesion) RetroMTA n = 48 RetroMTA (one visit) filled external and internal clinical, and radiographic
Stratification variable: None with a resin-modified GI resorption, no periapical or success
after 5 min and final furcal bone resorption NS difference between capping
restoration. Follow-up: 3, 6 12 months materials
Kundzina et al. 2010 Permanent teeth (18- Trial: Intervention effect 30%, Hand excavator was used, Blinded outcome Experimental (ProRoot): 85%
Comparing capping 55 years) Power 95%, P < 0.05 and following pulp assessment: yes cumulative survival rate
materials Deep caries(depth defined as Randomization: Concealed exposure, haemostasis was Success: Survival of the Control (Dycal): 52% cumulative
either 2/3 into the dentine, allocation (central controlled within 10 min capped pulp being survival rate
>2/3 and ‘into the pulp’ (= procedure) using 0.5% NaOCl nonsymptomatic, Secondary outcome: NS
extremely deep caries) Material: Calcium hydroxide CH arm: Dycal applied to responding to sensibility Significant difference between
Reversible pulpitis (CH) (control) n = 37 versus exposure test and no periapical cumulative survival rate in
MTA n = 33 MTA arm: white ProRoot changes radiographically favour of MTA (lesion depth not
Stratification variable: None (two-visit procedure) Secondary outcome: Pain equally distributed between
1 week post-operatively arms)
Follow-up: 6, 12, 24 and
36 months

International Endodontic Journal, 52, 949–973, 2019

Bjørndal et al. Deep caries and pulp exposure

Table 1 Continued

Tooth type and Trial power

age and randomization Success of analysed
Preoperative status and quality Outcome assessment cases
Study diagnosis Variables tested Treatment protocol Follow-up Conclusions

Hashem et al. 2007 Permanent dentition (median Trial: Intervention effect Superficial soft infected Blinded outcome Experimental (Biodentine): 83%
Comparing restorative 28 years) ~20%, Power 80%, P < 0.05 dentine was removed by assessment: Unclear clinical success
procedure and pre-clinical Carious dentine into pulpal Randomization: Concealed bur and deeper located Success: Positive response Control (GIC): 83% clinical
radiographic and CBCT quarter of the dentine, no allocation (central areas by chemo-mechanical to pulp test at 12 months. success. No clinical and
assessments signs of irreversible pulpitis procedure) gel and hand No irreversible pulpitis radiographic differences. CBCT-
(no widening of PDL or PA Material: GIC (control) n = 36 instrumentation, but left at (defined); absence of PA PA alterations at baseline had a
lesion) versus Biodentine n = 36 a residual level, whereby radiographically (defined significantly higher failure rate
Stratification variable: Cavity any added removal would as ≥ 2 times with of PD at 1 year follow-up versus teeth
size lead to exposure. space). CBCT scan without CBCT detected PA
Deep caries and pulp exposure Bjørndal et al.

detecting so-called early PA alterations

International Endodontic Journal, 52, 949–973, 2019

Follow-up: 1, 6 and
12 months
Bjørndal et al. 2010 (5 years) Permanent dentition (median Trial: Intervention effect Stepwise excavation arm: 1. Blinded outcome Excavation trial (nonexposed
Bjørndal et al. 2006 29 years) ~20%, Power 90%, P < 0.05 visit: Removal of superficial assessment: yes treatment) at 5 years.
(18 months) Carious dentine into pulpal Randomization: Concealed necrotic and demineralized Success: Pos. response to Experimental (stepwise): 60%
Comparing excavation quarter of the dentine, no allocation (central dentine, so a GIC pulp test at follow-up. No success. Control (complete
interventions and signs of irreversible pulpitis procedure) temporary seal placed. 2. unbearable pain (no excavation): 46% success.
subsequent pulp capping (undisturbed night sleep) Intervention: Complete/ visit: (8-12 weeks) Final exc. disturbed night sleep); Significant difference
intervention if exposure (no radiographic PA lesion) nonselective excavation leaving central yellowish or absence of PA Nested pulp capping trial at
occurred accidentally (control), n = 158, Stepwise greyish hard dentine and radiographically (defined 5 years: Experimental (partial
during excavation excavation, n = 156 permanent seal and a resin as > 2 times with of PD pulpotomy): 11% success.
Stratification variable: Age restoration space) Control (direct pulp capping):
and centre Complete excavation arm: Follow-up: 1 and 5 years 6% success. NS difference
Final exc. leaving central between capping interventions
yellowish or greyish hard
dentine and permanent
seal. In case of perforation
a nested capping trial
comparing direct pulp
capping versus partial

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Bjørndal et al. Deep caries and pulp exposure

however, this visual analysis may not be sufficiently exposed pulp is packed with a damp cotton wool pellet
accurate. Before placing the capping material, the and pressure is applied for at least 5 min. This should
pulp wound and the cavity are disinfected. NaOCl is be enough time to achieve haemostasis under physio-
generally the disinfectant of choice, but has draw- logical conditions, which will facilitate a ‘dry’ working
backs as it is corrosive due to its organic tissue disso- field. If bleeding persists, it may be assumed that some
lution ability (Hewlett & Cox 2003, Sauro et al. 2009, of the pulp tissue is still inflamed and further pulp
Kim et al. 2017). Furthermore, NaOCl interacts with removal is necessary until healthy tissue is exposed.
dentine interfering with subsequent bonding processes
because of collagen collapse (Thanatvarakorn et al. Pulp capping procedure
2014). Chlorhexidine digluconate solution (2%) has The primary aim of pulp capping is to protect the
been suggested as an alternative to NaOCl (Mente exposed tissue from external irritation, principally
et al. 2010). bacterial in nature. For many years, it was thought
that the quality of the seal alone determined the suc-
Pulp inflammation and in situ diagnosis cess of the procedure (Bergenholtz et al. 1982). In the
Inflammation is destructive, but the resulting patho- 1990s, direct pulp caps with dental adhesive materi-
physiological response is necessary to stimulate heal- als initially offered promising results (Cox et al.
ing. Indeed, inflammation marks the first step of 1998); however, after several months, marginal bond
tissue convalescence. In the clinic, pulpitis is classified deterioration and subsequent infiltration by bacteria
as either reversible or irreversible. Pulpitis can be occurred, leading to pulpal inflammation or necrosis
reversed if the irritant is removed and the tooth ade- (Pameijer & Stanley 1998, Bergenholtz 2000). Resin-
quately restored (Mj€ or & Tronstad 1974). Alterna- based adhesive materials were discouraged, and new
tively, if the inflammation process is severe and biologically based materials were developed with the
‘irreversibly’ damaged the only option is to completely principal aim of promoting mineralized bridge forma-
remove the inflamed tissue. As discussed earlier, tion (Pitt Ford et al. 1996).
establishing whether the pulp is reversible or irre- As the clinical evaluation of pulpitis remains empir-
versibly inflamed is not completely predictable using ical, treatment failure may result if the diagnosis is
current diagnostic techniques (Dummer et al. 1980). not accurate. Recently, the removal of all the coronal
Several studies have investigated inflammatory pul- pulp tissue in a pulp chamber pulpotomy has been
pal biomarkers and their potential use as a diagnostic proposed as an alternative treatment to pulp capping
test (Nakanishi et al. 2005, Karapanou et al. 2008, (Asgary & Eghbal 2010, Simon et al. 2013). This con-
Shin et al. 2011, Zehnder et al. 2011, Elsalhy et al. cept is based on histological research observation that
2013, Rechenberg et al. 2014). A quantitative analysis in cases of irreversible pulpitis the inflammation is
(the actual number of inflamed cells, inflammatory confined to the coronal pulp and the tissue in the
markers) and a qualitative analysis have been roots is largely free of inflammatory disease (Ricucci
described and correlated to caries depth, caries proxim- et al. 2014b). Pulp chamber pulpotomy is routinely
ity to the pulp and the inflammatory state of the pulp used in Paediatric Dentistry to preserve the radicular
(McLachlan et al. 2003). Potentially discriminatory pulp on immature teeth to allow the radicular process
biomarkers have been identified, which could poten- to grow and apexogenesis to occur. The application of
tially set an inflammatory threshold above which the this treatment on mature teeth of adults is prelimi-
pulp is not viable (Rechenberg et al. 2016, Zanini et al. nary and remains under investigation, but numerous
2017); however, at present biomarkers are not specific published case series suggest it may have promising
enough to predictably dictate treatment (Zehnder et al. long-term outcomes (Simon et al. 2013, Taha et al.
2011). Further clinical studies investigating molecular- 2017). In the future, practical issues surrounding
based assays are required to develop reliable diagnostic coronal pulpotomy will also need investigation,
tools and better reproducibility. including the lack of response to pulp sensibility test-
Until next-generation diagnostic tools are validated ing and the likelihood of pulp canal obliteration,
and commercially available, practitioners must make which will compromise potential re-entry.
do with the existing methods of detailed history and
pulp sensibility tests. Other options include assessing Materials for pulp capping
the level of pulpal haemostasis as inflammation is asso- Capping material should ideally have three character-
ciated with hypervascularization. Practically, the istics: (i) create an immediate seal of the dental cavity

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 52, 949–973, 2019 965
Deep caries and pulp exposure Bjørndal et al.

to protect the pulp in the first few weeks as the min- time (<15 min) and are recommended for one-visit
eralized bridge is forming; (ii) be biocompatibility and VPT procedures. The biological properties of these
noncytotoxic; and (iii) possess bioactive properties materials have been described in the literature from
that trigger the biological processes involved in form- both in vitro and in vivo studies (Careddu & Duncan
ing a mineralized barrier at the tissue/material inter- 2018, Parirokh et al. 2018), as well as in clinical tri-
face. als comparing it to other materials (Hilton et al.
For years, Ca(OH)2 has been the ‘gold standard’ 2013). Moreover, the hard tissue bridges formed
capping material (Glass & Zander 1949, Stanley & against MTA have higher histological quality com-
Lundy 1972, Tronstad 1974, Pitt Ford & Roberts pared with those induced by Ca(OH)2 (Nair et al.
1991). The best known commercial Ca(OH)2 product 2008). Biodentine has potential to overcome some of
is the hard-setting Dycalâ (Dentsply Sirona, Wey- the issues of discoloration associated with MTA after
bridge, UK), although nonsetting proprietary products pulp capping (Parinyaprom et al. 2018) and favour-
are also used. Although applying this material ably induces mineralization (Laurent et al. 2012) and
directly to the pulp does induce formation of a min- cellular differentiation in vitro (Zanini et al. 2012). In
eral barrier (Schr€ oder 1972), the barrier is neither addition to the biological effects of Ca(OH)2 and cal-
uniform nor bonded to the dentine wall and a good cium silicates on DPCs, they also have the ability, as
seal is not produced (Cox et al. 1996, Nair et al. discussed earlier to induce the release of DMCs (Gra-
2008). Although the exact mechanism of Ca(OH)2 ham et al. 2006, Tomson et al. 2007). The release of
remains unclear, biologically it stimulates the produc- DMCs by pulp capping materials boosts chemotaxis,
tion of mineralized tissue, albeit often a porous osteo- angiogenesis (Zhang et al. 2011) and the differentia-
dentine (Cox et al. 1996, Nair et al. 2008). Ca(OH)2 tion of progenitor cells into dentinogenic cells (Liu
is successful clinically (Brizuela et al. 2017), but limi- et al. 2005). Although from a biological vantage
tations including solubility, handling and biological these effects are promising, there are currently no
response have led to the development of new materi- therapeutic solutions available that use previously
als such as hydraulic calcium silicates (Pitt Ford et al. extracted DMCs and apply them directly in situ.
Recent reviews provide the evidence for a superior
outcome for the use of the hydraulic calcium silicate
cements, in particular various forms of the mineral Due to differences in study design, it is impossible clini-
trioxide aggregate (MTA), and another recent avail- cally to make a strict comparison between available
able type BiodentineTM (Septodont, Sant-Maur-des- VPT studies (Table 1). Indeed, there is a wide range of
Ditch Cedex, France). A recent randomized clinical reported success rates for pulp capping procedures after
multicenter trial demonstrated that MTA performed carious exposure. One randomized clinical multicentre
better than Ca(OH)2 (Kundzina et al. 20172017). study, based in a clinical general practice environment
Although the study contained information about the (without the use of a class II equipment such as the
depth of the carious lesion, depth was not randomly operating microscope, etc.), had an outcome of 32%
distributed between the two materials (MTA and Ca dropping to below 10% after 5 years (Bjørndal et al.
(OH)2) investigated. At present, there remains a pau- 2010, 2017). Other studies using a class II concept
city of high-quality randomized clinical trials compar- (use of microscope, etc.) reported an outcome of 91%
ing and testing capping materials in order to make (Marques et al. 2015) after 3 years, perhaps highlight-
definitive conclusions on the best material to use. ing the reasons for such a large difference. A systematic
Mineral trioxide aggregate is applied directly onto review on the subject (but with the same limitations as
the pulp using a special applicator. The MTA is not above) concluded the overall success rate is in the
packed into the pulpal cavity, but instead lightly range of 72.9%–99.4% (Aguilar & Linsuwanont
tapped into contact with the pulp and dentine wall 2011). Analysis of the literature highlights that two
using a ‘thick paper’ point or cotton pledget. The types of failure may be occurring: (i) early failure
material takes over four hours to set, and it is recom- within days of the treatment and leading to symp-
mended that the tooth should be temporized before tomatic pulpitis, and (ii) long-term failures detected
the permanent restoration is placed. Recently, alter- several months later and characterized by the presence
native MTA-based materials, including Biodentine, of an apical lesion related to root canal infection after
have been developed, which have a reduced setting pulp necrosis. These two types of failures could

966 International Endodontic Journal, 52, 949–973, 2019 © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Bjørndal et al. Deep caries and pulp exposure

potentially have a different aetiology. Early failures Asgary S, Eghbal MJ (2010) The effect of pulpotomy using a
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pulpitis disease and insufficient pulp tissue removal, canal therapy on postoperative pain relief in irreversible
which may explain the need for tissue removal in these pulpitis: a randomized clinical trial. Odontology 98, 126–
cases, whereas late failures could be related to the qual-
Asgary S, Eghbal MJ, Bagheban AA (2017) Long-term out-
ity and sealing ability of the restoration and mineral-
comes of pulpotomy in permanent teeth with irreversible
ized bridge that becomes compromised by secondary pulpitis: a multi-center randomized controlled trial. Ameri-
infection. The volume of literature investigating the can Journal of Dentistry 30, 151–5.
outcome of coronal pulpotomy has increased recently, Baldissera EZ, Silva AF, Gomes AP et al. (2013) Tenascin
but is still limited to case reports or case series (Kunert and fibronectin expression after pulp capping with differ-
et al. 2015) with short-term follow-up and low num- ent hemostatic agents: a preliminary study. Brazilian Den-
bers of patients. More robust data are required going tal Journal 24, 188–93.
forward to confirm that pulp chamber pulpotomy can Banerjee A, Frencken JE, Schwendicke F, Innes NPT (2017)
be considered a permanent treatment for teeth with ‘ir- Contemporary operative caries management: consensus
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Alternatively, strategies to nonselectively remove the tine proteins, transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF beta
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