Simplified Perl Programmes (Maybe) .

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while (1)
print "Enter a string (say 15 chars; Ctrl-d to quit.)\n \t";
last unless (my $inp=<>);
print "Search for: ";
my $s=<>;
if ($inp =~/$s/i)
print "Pattern found (ignoring case). \n";
} else
print "Pattern not found.\n" ;

#Counts the characters, words and lines in a file/input
print"enter paragraph:";
my @input = <>;
my $lines = @input;#array length is the no. of lines;
my $chars = 0; my $words = 0;
my $z='';
foreach $z (@input)
$chars+= length($z); #no. of characters in the text;
@loks = split(/[\t \,]+/,$z); #splits data when there is a tabspace or comma.
$words+=@loks;#no. of words in a line;
print "\n Chars=$chars; Words=$words; Lines=$lines\n";


# Sorts the given set of strings
print "Enter the strings to be sorted; (Ctrl-d to end input.)\n\t";

print "\nSorted list (Ascending) : \n" ;

foreach (@slines)
print $_; #prints the last variable
print "\nSortedulistu (Descending):\n";
foreach (reverse (@slines ))
print $_;

print "Enter the numbers to be sorted \n";

print "the sorted numbers in ascending order is: \n ";
@all=sort{$b<=>$a}@i; # sort{$b<=>$a} is a function used to compare and swap values of input
print $_;

print "\n";

#Program checks whether the input number is prime or not.
while (1)
printf ("Please enter an integer(Ctrl-d to exit): ");
last unless (my $num=<>); #without this infinite loop. this helps to terminate the while loop.
checks if the input is null
my $sign = $num < 0 ? 1 : 0 ; # Check is num less than 0. if true assign 1 else assign 0
my $ul=sqrt ($num)+1;

if ($num <= 2)
$num ==2 ? print "Number is prime.\n":
print "Number is neither prime nor composite.\n";
for ($i=2; $i<=$ul; $i++)
$isprime = $num % $i;
last unless $isprime; #breaks when isprime is 0. i.e the number is divisable by i.

$isprime ? print"$num is a prime number.\n":

print"$num is not a prime number.\n"; # is isprime true (ie 1) then print prime
number if false (ie 0) print not prime

in terminal:
perl < data.txt
< sumbol means reads from the particular text file.
# linreg pl
# This program fits a line of the type y = mx+ c to the given data set.
$s = 0;$sx = 0;$sx2= 0;
$sxy = 0;$sy =0;
while ($inp=<>)
$inp =~ s/\s+//; #remove white spaces. \s+ means white spaces.
last unless length ($inp); #terminate the loop can be removed but then n should be reduced
by 1. last command is like break statement in c

@toks = split (/[\t \n \, ]+/,$inp) ; #Read in the data splits the data wherever there is a white
space, new line or a comma
$x=$toks [0] ;
$y=$toks [1] ;

$s+=1; #to get the total number of data points

$sx+=$x; $sx2+=($x*$x); #Accumulate the sums

$delta = $s*$sx2-$sx*$sx;
$m = ($s*$sxy - $sx*$sy)/$delta; #Calculate m and c
$c = ($sx2*$sy -$sx* $sxy)/$delta ;

printf ("\n Data points (n): %12d\n",$s) ;

printf("Least-squares line : %4.2f * x +%-4.2f\n\n", $m, $c);

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