Acute Care and Works Compentation Case Manager A Neceery Aliance

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Acute Care and Workers’ Compensation

Case Managers: A Necessary Alliance

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to

thrive; and to do so with some passion, some com-
passion, some humor, and some style.
—Maya Angelou
As professional case managers, we know that there
are essential skills case managers must have in order
to have successful transitions of care. Some of those
requirements include the case manager’s ability to:
• Coordinate medical and behavioral interventions;
• Have a professional, yet empathic demeanor;
• Collaborate and advocate with all stakeholders to
develop a care plan; FIGURE 1
• Focus on patient-centered autonomy and assist the The continuum of health care and professional case
patient in defining goals; and management. From Standards of Practice for Case
• Have meaningful communication with all stake- Management, by Case Management Society of America
holders (see Figure 1). (CMSA). Rev. 2016.

effective outcomes in order to enhance the physical

The Role of Case Managers and psychosocial health of individuals.
Throw in the vocational health aspect and what
Case management is neither linear nor a one-way
do we have? A workers’ compensation case manager.
exercise. Assessment responsibilities of the case man-
ager occur at all points in the process, with facilitation, Alone we can do so little; together we can do so
coordination, and collaboration occurring through- much.
out the client’s health care encounter. When the payer —Helen Keller
is workers’ compensation, this coordination of care
Fractionation of care can be avoided when an impor-
cannot occur successfully without collaboration.
tant alliance occurs: The acute care case manager works
It is the case manager’s role to coordinate cost-
with the workers’ compensation case manager. Although
effective plans and to provide high-quality continu-
the patient benefits greatly from this collaboration, there
ous care that eliminates duplication of services and
is the added benefit of making life easier for the acute
wasted benefit dollars. Case management is a col-
care case manager. Workers’ compensation case manag-
laborative process promoting quality care and cost-
ers can achieve in-stay approvals as well as handle dis-
Address correspondence to Kathleen Fraser, MSN, MHA, RN-BC, charge care needs, including durable medical equipment,
CCM, CRRN, Case Management Society of America, 6301 Ranch home health, transportation, therapy, and more.
Dr, Little Rock, AR 72223 ( The case management process is carried out within
The author reports no conflicts of interest. the ethical and legal realm of a case manager’s scope
Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. of practice, using critical thinking and evidence-based
DOI: 10.1097/NCM.0000000000000352 knowledge. We are patient advocates and serve as

90 Professional Case Management Vol. 24/No. 2

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
resources to one another. Our health care system oper- Patients with highest levels of activation display
ates in silos and information queues, making recipro- interest, involvement, and actively decide best course
cal operation with other related management systems of involvement for him or her. In addition, high acti-
and different departments of organizations difficult. vation levels are associated with decreased health care
However, by working together we can achieve the best costs.
possible outcomes for our patients.
Assessment with a patient or injured worker is an Barriers to Collaboration
ongoing process; keep it a fluid process by:
Although alliance between organizations and care
• Keeping assessments flexible, varying with pre- settings is important, there are barriers to collabora-
senting problem or opportunity. tion. One common barrier is caseload and work over-
• Regularly reassessing the patient’s/caregiver’s load, in which particularly acute care case managers
needs and progress in meeting objectives. can feel bombarded and overwhelmed. In addition,
• Facilitating goal-setting discussion based upon sometimes case managers might experience a reluc-
their needs during all phases of their care. tance to change how cases are coordinated. Work-
• Assessing the effectiveness of interventions in ers’ compensation case managers can assist acute care
achieving patient’s goals. case managers in many areas, which can lighten the
• Communicating changes to the health care team. responsibilities involved in the case of injured worker
cases as well as speed up transitions. Moving beyond
Case managers on both sides (in this case, the
the status quo of how cases are typically handled, as
workers’ compensation and acute care settings) have
well as the trust issues that can arise between profes-
roles in educating the patient. Of course, the primary
sionals, benefits the patient and his or her caregivers.
focus is patient safety and self-management. In addi-
Integrating the physical and behavioral health
tion, we need to:
aspects through active communication by the acute
• Verify with the patient that he or she is knowl- care and workers’ compensation case managers can
edgeable about and is adhering to the treatment and will decrease these statistics:
regimen as prescribed. • An estimated 26% of physically healthy Americans
• Notify the treating physician and/or the specialist 18 years and older are living with a mental health
of any discrepancies, inconsistencies, or misunder- disorder in any given year;
standings by the patient. • 46 percent will have a mental health disorder over
• Keep the employer informed and help allay fears the course of their lifetime; and
and uncertainty for the patient/injured worker • An estimated 8% of Americans are in need of drug
(See Figure 2). or alcohol abuse treatment.
Be the thermostat, not just the thermometer. The U.S. Department of Labor reports on the
—Dr. Martin Luther King likelihood that a worker will return to work (RTW)
following an injury:
Moving From Engagement to Activation
• Off work 6 months: 50% chance of RTW
Motivating our patients and injured workers to well- • Off work 1 year: 25% chance of RTW
ness requires recognizing the knowledge, skills, confi- • Off work 2 years or more: Virtually no chance of
dence, and resources patients possess to manage their RTW
disease state in an active and informed manner. A These statistics demonstrate the importance of
patient-centered approach to case management meets acute care and workers’ compensation case manag-
patients at their personal level of readiness to learn ers working together to ensure workers can RTW
and accomplish their health-related goals, focusing sooner, healthier.
on patient–provider shared decision-making in all Another reason for case managers to collaborate
phases of their treatment. across care settings involves the opioid epidemic. Opi-
oid analgesics are now responsible for more deaths
than the number of deaths from suicide, motor vehicle
crashes, and cocaine and heroin overdoses combined!
Together, we can improve outcomes for individuals
with complex injuries or diagnoses. These cases tend
to be complexity-focused and relationship-based,
FIGURE 2 with few cross-disciplinary case manager handoffs.
Transitions of care activation through multi-setting case Medication reconciliation between case management
management. genres can decrease the pitfalls of opioid addiction.

Vol. 24/No. 2 Professional Case Management 91

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Yes, another reason to collaborate to improve tran-
sitions of care is the opportunity to communicate with
non-English-speaking patients. In these cases, we can:
• Use a professional medical interpreter to be less
affected by “false fluency” with medical phrases.
• Use words that are more easily understood by
people outside of medical care.
• Inform interpreter you want interpretation as lit-
eral as possible and to tell you if there is not a
literal translation.
• Ensure in advance that the interpreter and the
patient understand the conversation will be confi-
dential. FIGURE 3
• Speak directly to the patient and watch the patient Case management survival skills.
while the interpreter speaks and when the patient
replies paying attention to the body language. drain the passion completely out of you? Just remem-
ber: “The pessimist may be right in the long run,
but the optimist has a better time during the trip”
Case Manager Survival Skills (Anonymous).

As case managers, we have the opportunity to make

a difference not only with our patients but also with
our fellow case managers across the care continuum
(see Figure 3). How do you keep your passion for Kathleen Fraser, MSN, MHA, RN-BC,
case management when our patients, their families, CCM, CRRN
bosses, physicians, employers, adjusters, etc., can CMSA Executive Director

92 Professional Case Management Vol. 24/No. 2

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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