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AProject ReportOn

“Sales & Distribution in DairyIndustry”

With special reference to Aanchalproducts
The partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of the
“Master of Business Administration” of “UttaranchalInstitute of
Technology, Dehradun”
D B Y : S U P E
R V I S O R :
B h u p e n d r a S i n g h R a
j w a r D r . S a u r a b h J o
s h i H.O.D. Management

(Affiliated to Uttarakhand Technical

I take this opportunity to express my
gratitude to the management
of Nainital, Dugdh Utapadak Sahakari
Sangh Ltd. Lalkuan for providingme the
opportunity to get an exposure of their
esteemed unit.I am sincerely thankful to
the Circulation department for
coordinatingmy training and explicitly
express my thanks to
Mr. Prahlad SinghHaldwani
(Nainital) and all the officers at
Circulation Department for there
continued help and guidance during my stay
Last but not the least, I express my deep
gratitude to my

, Dr.
Saurabh Joshi

for his valuable guidance.I also express my

thanks to parents and all family members
and friendswho directly or indirectly provide
me their moral support.
(Bhupendra Singh Rajwar)
This project has been undertaken a
s a p a r t i a l f u l f i l l m e n t o f t h e require
ment for the award of degree of MBA,
Uttaranchal Institute of Technology.
The project was executed during the summer
break after the Second semesterunder the
supervision of Dr.

Saurabh Joshi.
Further, I declared that this project is my
original work and the analysisand the
findings are for academic purpose
only. This project has not been
presented in any seminar or submitted
elsewhere for the award of any degree or

(Bhupendra Singh Rajwar)


CONTENTSChapter - 1
Objective of the study
Scope of the study-
L i mi t a t i o n o f t h e s t u d y
Research methodology
Chapter - 2
About Dairy IndustryCompany Profile
- Sales Management-
Growth Development- Function of
Channel of Distribution- Marketing

Chapter - 3
-Data Analysis
Summary Of Finding
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5

Chapter - 1
1Objective of the study2 S c o p e o f t h e
s t u d y 3Limitation of the
s t u d y 4 R es ea rc h m e t h o d ol og y

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In d i a i s t h e l e ad i n g m i l k p r o d uc er i n t he
w o r l d a nd t he dai r y cooperatives are the
backbone of Indian dairy industry. This study
hasa n al yze d t he i ne f f i c i e nc i es ex i st i n g i n
i mp r o vi n g mi l k p r o duc t i on , procurement
pattern, marketing channels, and price spread of
a dairycooperative, Uttaranchal Cooperative
Dairy Federation Ltd (UCDFL),also known as
Anchal in the Kumaun region of Uttarakhand
and has proposed a model for eliminating these
inefficiencies. It has been foundthat UCDFL is
focused mainly on liquid milk marketing and
has notadopted product diversification, which is
the need of the day. Nainitaland Almora districts
of Kumaon region have been selected for the
study;these cover almost 40 per cent of cattle
population in the division, exceptUdham Singh
Nagar. It has been found that due to insufficient
margins,the number of agents working for other
private dairies has increased.Different
marketing channels for milk have been
identified and
prices p r e a d h a s b e e n c a l c u l a t e d f o r a l l t
h e c h a n n e l s . L a c k o f b u s i n e s s developme
nt services related to dairy industry has been
found leadingthe farmers to disassociate from
Anchal. The study has suggested thatAnchal
should evolve a definite policy with regard to
of mi l k i n b ot h l e an an d r e gul ar p er i o ds a
n d t o s ust a i n i t s me m b er s ,i n ce nt i ve pa c ka
ge s ho ul d b e pr o vi d e d. A nc h al s ho ul d f i n
d w a ys t o

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establish fodder banks at strategic locations for providing

fodder duringemergencies and periods of fodder scarcity.
Local sale of milk at the society level should be
encouraged to increase the popularity of
Anchal brand. Nainital, Dugdh Utapadak Sahakari
Sangh Ltd. Lalkuan as ontoday, is the biggest
National Daily across all products in
Uttaranchal,Uttar Pradesh and Delhi with a phenomenal
readership of consumers. Nainital, Dugdh Utapadak
Sahakari Sangh Ltd. Lalkuan have a headoffice in
Haldwani and many District Cooperative Unions
engaged inmilk production, procurement, processing and
marketing in surroundingareas.

Small dairy for satisfying the people of Uttaranchal

conductingregular researches and needs are
registered and interesting to know thecustomer‘s
feedback from dairy products.I am taking the study
because “The study is helpful to
understandcustomer’s expectations from a complete
range of dairy products and tokno w that how is
defying the other dairy produc ts to Aanchal?
Whatm o d i f i c a t i o n s r e q u i r e d i n t h e c u r r e n t s t r
a t e g i e s i n o r d e r t o m a k e i t stronger in market? And
what the customers of dairy products want froma
complete dairy in market.Before the cooperative
movement began, middlemen who
suppliedm i l k t o t h e c o n s u m e r w e r e e x p l o i
ting the dairy industry in the

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To collect the primary data the method used

(i) Questionnaire is used for data collection
To collect the secondary data the method
used is:
(i) Books(ii) Journals of Aanchal(iii)
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Chapter II
Company Profile1 H i s t o r y Sales
Management2 G r o w t h D e v e l o p m e n t 3Function
of Channel of Distribution Marketing Strategy

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About Dairy Industry

Today, India is 'The Oyster' of the global dairy
industry. It offersopportunities galoreto entrepreneurs
worldwide, who wish to capitalizeon one of the world's
largest and fastest growing markets for milk
andm i l k p r o d u c t s . A b a g f u l o f ' p e a r l s ' a w a
i t s t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l d a i r y processor in India.
The Indian dairy industry is rapidly growing,
tryingt o k e e p p a c e wi t h t h e g a l l o p i n g p r o g r e s
s a r o u n d t h e wo r l d . A s h e expands his overseas
operations to India many profitable options
awaithim. He may transfer technology, sign joint
ventures or use India as asourcing center for
regional exports. The liberalization of the
Indianeconomy beckons to MNC's and foreign investors
alike.Euromonitor International's
Dairy Products in India
report offers acomprehensive guide to the size and
shape of the market at a nationallevel. It provides the
latest retail sales data, allowing you to identify thesectors
driving growth. It identifies the leading companies,
the leading brands and offers strategic analysis of key
factors influencing the
market b e t h e y n e w p r o d u c t d e v e l o p m e
n t s , p a c k a g i n g i n n o v a t i o n s , economic/life
style influences, distribution or pricing issues.
Forecastsillustrate how the market is set to change.

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-Flavored Milk - G h e e -
C r e a m - C u r d -
B u t t e r - P a n e e r -
C h h a c h h - Y o g h u r t -
C h e e s e -Ball Mithai-

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