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Module 1, Quarter 1, Week 1
General Physics 1
Grade 11/12 Module 1 Quarter 1, Week 1
First Edition, 2020

Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form without
written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module


Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team

Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr., P II

Management Team:

ATTY. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent

Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, PhD

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
German E. Flora, PhD, CID Chief

Virgilio C. Boado, PhD, EPS in Charge of LRMS

Rominel S. Sobremonte, EdD, EPS in Charge of Science
Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II
Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II
General Physics 1
Module 1: Quarter 1 – Week 1

Measurement is the process and skill of finding the dimension of physical

quantity. A fixed quantity with respect to which a physical quantity is measured is
called a unit. A unit is use as a standard of measurement.

In the previous lesson, you were expose to the different physical quantities,
fundamental and derived quantities. The SI unit was introduce, and had some
activities on measurements, such as measuring length, mass and time.

This Learning Material, will help develop your skills in solving problems of
conversion and expression of results in scientific notations.

After finishing this Learning Material, you are expected to:

Solve measurement problems involving conversion of units, expression

of measurements in scientific notation. (STEM_GP12EU-Ia1)


“If you can measure what your saying and express it in numbers,
you know something about it.” By Lord Kelvin

Activity 1. I Rule You!

What You Need

Ruler or footrule, with centimeter and inch scale

Direction: Below is a rectangular shape without specific dimension. Measure its

dimension in two different cases. Answer it in a separate sheet of paper.

Case 1. Measure the perimeter of the rectangle with your ruler using the
centimeter scale. Record your measurement below.

Perimeter = _______________ cm
Case 2. Repeat case 1, but this time use the inch scale. Record your
measurement below.

Perimeter = _______________ inches

Q1. Do you have the same measurement in both cases? Why? _____________

Q2. Which of the two scales you found harder to read? What might be the

reason? ______________________________________________________________


From the previous activity, you were able to use two systems or units in your
measurement, centimeter and inches. A centimeter is one unit of Metric system,
while inches is one unit of English system.

The use of Metric system is being adopted by the System International d’

Unites, or the SI system of units, which is internationally recognized and thus used
in almost all nations, and has the advantage over the English system. Because it
makes reading and calculations of measurement is easier and more convenient to
use. The Metric system makes calculations easy because it uses decimal or base-10

Several measurements are expressed in both Metric and English systems. In

doing a measurement, such as adding or multiplying, there is a need to change a
unit into another unit for consistency. For example, if you add 20 meters and 600
centimeters, what will be the result? You cannot just add the two quantities because
they do not have a common unit.

To do the calculation, one quantity must be change its unit first following the
unit of the other quantity. This changing of unit into another unit of the same
physical quantity is known as conversion. In conversion, the value or magnitude of
the physical quantity does not change, only the unit is changed. Below is some of
the conversion factors of several quantities.

Length Volume
1 cm = 10 mm 1 m3 = 1 000 000 cm3 = 1 000 L
1 m = 1 000 km = 3.28 ft = 39.37 in 1 L = 1 000 cm3 = 1.056 qt
1 km = 1 000 m = 3 280 .84 ft 1 gal = 4 qt 3.785 L
1 mi = 5 280 ft = 1 609 = 1.609 km
1 ft = 12 in = 30.48 cm
1 N = 100 000 dynes
1 in = 2.54 cm
1 lb = 4.45 N
Mass 1 kg mass = 2.2 lb
1 kg = 1 000 g
1 slug = 14 600 g = 14.6 kg
1 Pa = 1N/m2
1 metric ton = 1 000 kg
1 torr = 1 mm Hg = 133 Pa
Time 1 bar = 100 000 Pa
1 h = 60 min = 3 600 s 1 atm = 14.7 psi = 101 300Pa
1 day = 24 h = 1 440 min = 86 400 s = 76 cm Hg
1 year = 365 days = 760 torr
1 min = 60 s = 760 nn Hg
1 rad = 57.30
1 m2 = 10 000 cm2 = 10.76 ft2
1 rev = 3600 = 2Πrad
1 in2 =6.45 cm2
1 ft2 = 144 in2 = 929 cm2 Energy
1 J = 107 ergs = 6.24 x 1018 eV
1 cal = 4.186 J
1 hp = 746 W = 550 ft.lbs
1 eV = 1.60 x 10-19 J
1 MW = 1 000 W
1 kWh = 3.6 x 106 J
1 GW = 1 000 000 W
Example 1. What is the equivalent of 80 m in cm?

First, look for the conversion equivalent of meter and centimeter

1 m = 100 cm

Then solve the unit that you want, in this case you want cm.

100 cm
(80 m) ( 1 m ) = 8 000 cm

The unit that will be replaced, will be cancelled out, the unit that is left will be

Example 2. If you are running at about 3 km/h, what is this in m/s?

In this case, two units will be replaced.

Km m h s

1 km = 1 000 m 1h=

3 km 1 000 m 1h ....

= 0.83 m/s
h 1 km 3 600 s

Scientific Notations

Oftentimes, we encounter extremely large or extremely small numbers. For

instance, the sun’s mass is approximately 1 980 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
000 kg and the mass of an electron is approximately 0.000 000 000 000 000 000
000 000 000 000 91 kg. What a number! Sometimes, we miss to write zeros or write
zeros more than what we want.
Scientific notation is a shorthand for writing very large or very small
numbers. Working in Scientific notation enable us to work effectively all while
avoiding careless mistakes with decimals. In physics, the use of scientific notation is
a requirement, to avoid too many errors.
A number is said to be in scientific notation, if it is written as a product of a
number equal or greater than one but less than 10, and a power of 10. A number in
scientific notation has three parts: the coefficient, the base, and the exponent.

M x 10n where:
M is the coefficient, must be equal or greater than 1 and
less than 10
10 is the base
n is the exponent, it tells how many times the decimal
point is move to the left or to the right
Decimal form to scientific notation

To change a decimal number to scientific notation, move the understood

decimal point until there is only 1 non-zero digit on the left side of the decimal point.
If the understood decimal point is move to the left, the exponent is positive, and if
the decimal point is move to the right, the exponent will be negative.

Express in Scientific Notation

52 100 000 000. = 5.21 x 1010

The decimal point is move to the left,
10 the exponent is positive

0.000 000 386 = 3.86 x 10-7 The decimal point is move to the right,
the exponent is negative
Examples. Change the following standard notation to scientific notation

1. 950 000 000 = 9.5 x 108

2. 378 000 = 3.78 x 106
3. 186 230 000 000 = 1.8623 x 1011
4. 0.000 000 125 = 1.25 x 10-8
5. 0.02383 = 2.383 x 10-2
6. 0.000 680 = 6.8 x 10-5

Express in Decimal or Standard Form

1.78 x 105 = 178 000 The decimal point is move to the right,
4 if the exponent is positive

4.5 x 10-6 = 0.000 0045 The decimal point is move to the left,
if the exponent is negative

Examples. Change the following scientific notation to standard notation

1. 2.1 x 103 = 2 100

2. 8.7 x 106 = 8 700 000
3. 4.63 x 107 = 46 300 000
4. 7.2 x 10-8 = 0.000000072
5. 4.18 x 10-4 = 0.000418
6. 9.30 x 10-6 = 0.00000930

Measurement of large and very small numbers are inconvenient to write and
very difficult to read, especially to ordinary people. In the SI system, the large or
small numbers are express by prefixes similar to those listed in the table.

Table 1. Prefixes and Symbols for SI system

Prefixes Symbols Multiples
exa E 1018
peta P 1015
tera T 1012
giga G 109
mega M 106
kilo k 103
hector h 102
deka da 101

deci d 10-1
centi c 10-2
milli m 10-3
micro µ 10-6
nano n 10-9
pico p 10-12
femto f 10-15
atto a 10-18


The following activities will determine whether you understand the

concepts discussed. Have fun!

Activity 1. Conversion of Units

Direction: Use the conversion factors in converting the quantities to the given units.
Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer and solution.

1. 2.8 km = _________________m 11. 60 km/s = _______________ m/s

2. 675 in = _________________ cm 12. 3 500 cm2 = ______________ mm2

3. 105 kg = _________________ g 13. 20 m/s = ________________ km/h

4. 400 mi = ________________ ft 14. 150 ft/s = _______________ m/s

5. 18 ft = __________________ in 15. 8 500 g = ________________ kg

6. 320 mm = _______________ cm 16. 200 Pa = _________________ atm

7. 34 h = ___________________ min 17. 3 N/m2 = _________________ Pa

8. 5 d = ____________________ h 18. 750 m3 = __________________ cm3

9. 60 MW = ________________ W 19. 500 g/cm3 = ______________ kg/m3

10. 2 650 m = _______________ km 20. 8 kg/m3 = _______________ g/m3

Activity 2. Scientific Notation

Direction: Answer each item in a separate sheet of paper.

Express each of the following in Express each of the following in

scientific notation standard form

1. 87 000 6. 2.8 x 105

2. 0.000045 7. 6.75 x 10-6

3. 300 000 000 8. 8.70 x 104

4. 93 000 000 9. 3.19 x 10-1

5. 0.0000000000025 10. 4.00 x 10-8


Rules for Multiplication

When getting the product expressed in scientific notation, multiply the

coefficients and add algebraically the exponents. The base 10 remains

Rules for Division

When getting the quotient of numbers expressed in scientific notation, divide the
coefficients and subtract the exponents. The base 10 remains unchanged.

Activity 1. Operation with Scientific Notation

Direction: Perform the indicated operation. Use another sheet of paper for you
answers and solutions.

Multiplication Division

1. (2.4 x 105)(5.2 x 103) 6. (6 x 1010) ÷ (5.2 x 104)

2. (4.5 x 10-3)(7 x 10-5) 7. (9 x 103) ÷ (3 x 108)

3. (1.5 x 102)(2 x 103)(5 x 103) 8. (4 x 10-4) ÷ (2 x 10-3)

4. (6.2 x 10-2)(3 x 10-8)(4 x 10-4) 9. (1.5 x 105) ÷ (2 x 10-4)

5. (4.3 x 103)(2 x 10-5) 10. (8.5 x 10-6) ÷ (8.5 x 106)

Combinations of Multiplication and Division

(7.0 x 10-6)(3 x 10-20)(6 x 1012) (6 x 1030)

(2 x 10-20) (1.5 x 102)(2 x 103)(5 x 103)


Direction. Select the BEST answer. Write the corresponding CAPITAL LETTER of
your choice in a separate sheet of paper. Write E if you find no correct

1. Conversion is an important concept in every measurement. What is TRUE

about conversion of units?
A. It is a process of changing the value of a quantity into a bigger value
B. It is a process of changing the value of a quantity into a smaller value
C. It is a process of changing a unit into another unit of the same quantity
D. It is a process of changing a unit into another unit of the same quantity

2. Mass is one fundamental quantity that is a measure of the amount of a

substance. What is the standard unit of mass?
A. kilogram
B. gram
C. pound
D. slug
3. Length is a measure of the interval between two successive points. Which
the units below is NOT a unit of length?
A. kilometer
B. kilowatt
C. centimeter

4. A bottle of soft drink can hold a maximum of 0.75 L of liquid. How many
cubic centimeter (cm3) does it hold?
A. 450 cm3
B. 550 cm3
C. 650 cm3
D. 750 cm3

5. The thickness of the leg of an ant is 0.035 cm. How many mm is this?
A. 0.35 mm
B. 3.5 mm
C. 35 mm
D. 350 mm

6. If a book weighs 5 000 grams, how many kilogram does it weigh?

A. 0. 2500 kg
B. 2.5 kg
C. 5 kg
D. 7.5 kg

7. The height of Jose is 1.75 m, while Jimboy is 5.74 ft. Their friend, Art, has
68.9 inches tall. Who among the three is the tallest?
A. Jose is the tallest of them all
B. Jimboy is the tallest of them all
C. Art is the tallest of them all
D. They all both have the same height

8. Nena has a gold given by her mother before she left. She was curious
whether the gold is pure or not. The density of gold is about 19.3 g/cm 3.
When Nena computed the density of her gold, she found out that the gold
was pure. What is the density obtain by Nena?
A. 1 9.30 kg/m3
B. 1 93.0 kg/m3
C. 1 930 kg/m3
D. 19 300 kg/m3

9. Three cars are having a race along a straight highway. Car A is moving at
25 m/s, and car B is traveling at 72 km/h, while car C is going 50 mi/h.
Compare the speeds of the three cars.
A. Car A is faster than Car B, but slower than Car C
B. Car B is faster than Car A, but slower than Car C
C. Car C is the fastest among the three cars
D. Car A is the fastest among the three cars

10. A narrow bridge has a load limit of 3 tons. If a vehicle will cross to the
bridge beyond its limit, it will collapse. What will happen if a vehicle having
a mass of 2 500 kg will the bridge?
A. The bridge will collapse because it exceeded the load limit.
B. The bridge will not collapse because it is below the load limit.
C. The bridge will not collapse because load limit is the same as the mass
of the vehicle
D. There is no sufficient information to tell whether the bridge will collapse
or not.

11. Scientific notation is a shorthand for writing very large and very small
numbers. Which of the following numbers below is properly express in
scientific notation?
A. 216 x 1011
B. 21.6 x 1012
C. 2.16 x 1013
D. 0.216 x 1014

12. What is the proper way of writing 9 in scientific notation?

A. 9 x 100
B. 9 x 101
C. 9 x 102
D. 9 x 10-1

13. When you multiply numbers expressed in scientific notation, add the
exponents algebraically. What is the product of 4 x 10-10 and 2 x 108?
A. 8 x 1018
B. 8 x 102
C. 8 x 10-18
D. 8 x 10-2

14. When dividing numbers expressed in scientific notation, subtract the

exponents. What is the quotient of 4 x 10-10 and 2 x 108?
A. 2 x 1018
B. 2 x 102
C. 2 x 10-18
D. 2 x 10-2

15. A number in scientific notation has three parts: the coefficient, the base,
and the exponent. Which of the statement describes the proper rule in
writing number in scientific notation?
A. A negative exponent means that the decimal point is moved from left to
standard notation.
B. A negative exponent means that the decimal point is moved from right
to standard notation.
C. A positive exponent means that the decimal point is moved from left to
standard notation.
D. The sign of the exponent has no effect as to whether the decimal point is
moved to the right or to the left.

Printed Materials

Department of Education, Bureau of Learning Resources. General Physics I. Reader

(pp. 16-18). Pasig City, Philippines

Reyes, Christopher G. (2018). Work-Text in General Physics I for Senior High School.
GBT Great Books Trading

Department of Education, Secondary Education Development and Improvement

Project. Science and Technology. Physics Textbook.. Pasig City, Philippines

PASMEP Teacher Resource Material 12.2


Stephanie Glen. “Systematic Error/Random Error: Definition and


2016. What is Measurement in Physics-A Plus Topper from

2020.CalcWorkshop.How to do Scientific Notation? from

Your Dictionary. Scientific Notation Examples. retrieve from

2020.Metric Conversion Problems. retrieve from

Answer Key

Activity 1. Conversion of Units

1.) 2 800 11.) 60 000

2.) 1 714.5 12.) 350 00
3.) 105 000 13.) 72
4.) 2 112 000 14.) 45.72
5.) 216 15.) 8.5
6.) 32 16.) 0.00197
7.) 2 040 17.) 3
8.) 120 18.) 750 000 000
9.) 60 000 000 19.) 500 000
10.) 2.65 20.) 0.008

Activity 2. Scientific Notation

Direction: Answer each items in a separate sheet of paper.
Express each of the following in scientific
notation Express each of the following in standard form

1. 8.7 x 104 6. 280 000

2. 4.5 x 10-5 7. 0.00000675

3. 3 x 108 8. 87 000

4. 9.3 x 107 9. 0.319

5. 2.5 x 10-12 10. 0.0000000400


Activity 1. Operation with Scientific Notation

Direction: Perform the indicated operation. Use another sheet of paper for you answers and solutions.
Multiplication Division

1. 1.248 x 109 6. 1.15 x 106

2. 3.15 x 10-7 7. 3 x 10-5

3. 7.5 x 105 8. 2 x 10-1

4. 7.44 x 10-13 9. 7.5 x 108

5. 8.6 x 10-2 10. 1 x 10-12

Combinations of Multiplication and Division

4 x 1021
6.3 x 107


1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D

5. A
6. C
7. D
8. D
9. D
10. A
11. C
12. A
13. D
14. C
15. A


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