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Choker of Displacement Antimagic Bell

Crafted. Can be used on familiars Wonderous Item. Common.

1/day | Duration: 1| Others have This round bell is enchanted to be
disadvantage on Attack rolls against perfectly silent. It only rings when its
you. If you take dmg, the effect stops magic is disrupted, such as within an
until the start of your next turn. antimagic field.
Innactive while Incapacitated,
Restrained, or at speed 0.

Coil of Strength Storing Coil of Strength Storing

Bracers (attunement) Artifact. (1/2) Bracers (attunement) Artifact. (2/2)
Kinetic Battery. When your attack Enhanced Momentum. 1/turn|Before
rolls exceed the target’s AC by ≥5, the hit/miss on an attack roll, add any
coil gains 1 charge (3 on a crit). It number of charges to an attack roll.
stores a maximum of 10 charges. Additionally, on a hit, you can expend
Protective Force. When an ally fails a 2 charges to deal an extra weapon
save that you can see, use your damage die. When you use this
reaction to add a bonus = number of feature, the target does not benefit
expended charges to the result. from resistance to the damage dealt.
Immunities still apply.

Unused charges disperse on a short or

long rest.

Cap of Water Breathing Deliverance Ammo

⊕ Ring of Swimming. Uncommon. Lost on a misfire (4) or miss
¬ Speak the command word as an ¬ Acid. 2d6 acid. [25g]
action to breathe normally underwater. ¬ Alchemist's Fire. 1d4 fire damage +
Effect remains while in water and 1d4 at the start of each of its turns.
wearing the cap. Action (DC10 DEX check) to put
flames out. [50g]
¬ You gain a swim speed of 40ft. ¬ Holy Water. 2d6 radiant dmg to
fiend or undead. [25g]
¬ Phase Spider poison. DC11 CON
save or take 4d8 poison dmg (½ on a
Glimmerbolt (1/2) Glimmerbolt (2/2)
L. crossbow +1 (attun.) Artifact. L. crossbow +1 (attun.) Artifact.
This weapon has 10 charges, and Blinding Bolt. Action|3 charges You
regains 1d6 + 2 charges at dawn. fire a shining mote of light at a point
Purifying Light. Attack and dmg rolls you can see within 60ft., where it
with this weapon use your spellcasting detonates in a flash. Each creature
modifier, dealing radiant dmg on a hit. within 20ft must succeed on a CON
You can spend a charge to roll 1 save (DC17) or be blinded until the
additional weapon dmg die. end of your next turn.

Radiant Constant. Either ability can

fill the targetted area with motes of
light (20ft. bright + 20ft. dim) for 1
minute (free action).

Plate of the Magehunter General Plate of the Magehunter General

Plate +1 (attunement) Artifact (1/2) Plate +1 (attunement) Artifact (2/2)

This magical armor has 3 charges per Anti-Magic Bulwark. You reduce by
dusk. 3 all acid, cold, fire, lightning, and
Stance of Fortitude. When you make thunder damage, as well as healing,
a save to take half damage from a you receive from magical sources.
spell, you can expend 1 charge to
instead take no damage on a success Last Stand's Determination. When
and only half as much damage on a you are hit by a magical melee
failure. weapon, you can expend all charges
and force the attacker to roll a d20. On
a 10 or lower, the weapon’s magic is
suppressed for 1 hour, causing it to
become mundane temporarily.

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