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Cloak of Arachnida Daddy Issues

Cloak, Very Rare (attunement) Musket, 2-handed (attunement)

¬ [R] Poison dmg ¬ Misfire: 2 | Range: 120(480)
¬ ⊕ climbing speed (as per Spider ¬ Repair: 4.000 g
Climber) = walking speed ¬ Load Hit Dice into weapon to deal
¬ Ignore webs. extra psychic dmg on next attack (free
¬ Cast Web (DC13) once per dawn. action). Bonus lost if not used before
The web created by the spell fills the next turn.
twice its normal area.

Frost Brand Greatsword Deliverance

Greatsword, Very Rare(attunement) Rifle, 2-handed, Rare
¬ extra 1d6 cold dmg on hit ¬ Misfire: 4 | Range: 80(240)
¬ [R] fire dmg ¬ +2 to attack rolls
¬ In cold, it sheds light (10ft b +10ft d) ¬ Repair cost: 769g
¬ Load any potion that can be
ingested. On hit, deal 1 piercing dmg +
potion effects. On a misfire or miss,
the potion is lost.

Ioun Stone of Leadership Aries (1/2)

Very Rare (attunement) Cloak, Legendary (attunement)
¬ AC 24, 10 HP, [R] all dmg. Symbol of Sovereignity
¬ Leadership. Your Charisma score ¬ [R] Psychic dmg, Frightened,
increases by 2, to a maximum of 20. Charmed to all allies within 15 feet
(except wielder)
¬ Add 1d4 to CHA saves and checks
¬ 1/day|Action|All enemies in 15 ft.
make WIS save (DC16) or become
frightened. They repeat the same at
the end of their turn.

Golden Saviour
¬ Reaction|30 ft.|Add CHA mod. to AC
or save (before the roll).
Aries (2/2) Javelin of Lightning
Cloak, Legendary (attunement) Javelin, Uncommon
Drakonic Protector 1/day | 5ft. line | 120ft. line
A Red Dragon Wyrmling in the cloak All creatures in the line (exc. you &
protects you while you sleep, but it target) makes a DEX save (DC13) or
can only occupy your space. takes 4d6 lightning dmg (or ½ on
save). On a hit, the target takes javelin
¬ 1/day|Action dmg + 4d6 lightning dmg.
Summon Drake
and use its
Fire Breath

Frost Brand Greatsword Sentinel Shield

Longsword, Very Rare (attunement) Shield (+2 AC), Uncommon
¬ extra 1d6 cold dmg on hit While holding this shield, you have
¬ [R] fire dmg advantage on initiative rolls and
¬ In cold, it sheds light (10ft b +10ft d) Wisdom (Perception) checks.

Rainbow Mariner's Chain Mail

Revolver +1 (attunement) Heavy Armor (AC 16), Uncommon
¬ Misfire: 4 | Range: 40(120) ¬ ⊕ swim speed = walking speed
¬ Crazy Outcome. Choose dmg type ¬ If you start your turn underwater
based on the dice roll. Rolling the with 0 hit points, the armor causes
same number on the dice and on a you to rise 60 feet toward the surface.
crit., deal force dmg.
1 Acid
2 Cold
3 Fire
4 Lightning
5 Poison
6 Radiant
7 Necrotic
8 Piercing
Spatula of Barding Tenderizer
Club (1d4), Light, Finesse Meteor Hammer +1 (attunement)
As a bonus action, you use one of your the Pacifist's Wrath
bardic inspiration and heal an ally you ¬ Finesse, 2-handed, Reach | 1d6
can see within 15ft. for one roll of bludgeoning dmg
your bardic inspiration die + your ¬ Inescapable wrath. 1/LR|BA| Until
charisma modifier. You can use this the start of the next turn, the reach of
feature once per short rest, and gain this weapon becomes 20ft., you have
an additional uses at Lv. 5 and Lv. 13. advantage on attack rolls, and ignore

Shield of the Trickster Amulet of Adranach

Shield (+2 AC) Amulet
Use your reaction to impose Cast Rope Trick without any
disadvantage on an attack roll against components. The chain of the amulet
an ally you can see within 30 feet. becomes the rope for the spell's
Uses = ½ prof. mod. (rounded down). casting and only creatures you
Creatures with truesight, blindsight, or designate can interact with the rope.
blinded are immune to this effect. You cannot use this property again for
24 hours.

Hodgepodge Staff Meat Poker

Quarterstaff Trident +1 (attunement)
You can cast the mending and shape the Pacifist's Trident
water cantrips. These do not count ¬Thrown|Versatile (d8)|Range: 20(60)
against the number of cantrips you ¬ Cast Calm Emotions (DC13) 1/LR
know. ¬ Reaction|WIS (DC13)|Attack on ally
in 5 ft. Until my next turn, the target
has [D] on attacks that aren't against
me; on hit, the damage is resisted.
Moirae, the Fates' Blade Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Longsword, Artifact (attunement) Uncommon (attunement)
¬ +1 to all attack and damage rolls. Your Strength score is 19 while you
¬ Can deal acid or slashing damage. wear these gauntlets. They have no
¬ You learn the thunderous smite and effect on you if your Strength is 19 or
searing smite spells. When casting higher without them.
these spells through the Moirae, they
deal acid damage instead.

Amulet of Health Living Gloves of Tinkering

Rare (attunement) Symbiotic, Uncommon(attunement)
Your Constitution score is 19 while You have expertise with Tinker's
you wear this amulet. It has no effect Tools.
on you if your Constitution is already
19 or higher without it. Symbiotic Nature. The gloves can’t be
removed from you while you’re
attuned, and you can’t voluntarily
unattune to them. The remove curse
spell ends your attunement to the

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