L8 Self and Peer Assessment

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21st Century Literature


the Philippines and the World

Evaluating the Adaptation of a Literary
Text Using Self- and Peer-assessment
Based on Rationalized Criteria
Ob j e c t i v e s :
1. Differentiate self-assessment and peer assessment
2. Reflect on the significance of self- and peer assessment in
producing an adaptation of a literary text
3. Plan and produce an adaptation of a literary text using
multimedia and ICT skills
4. Critique the adaptation of a literary text using self- and
peer-assessment based on rationalized criteria
➢is the action or an instance of making a
judgment about something.
➢ refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that are
used to evaluate, measure, and document the learning
progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of
A scoring guide used to
evaluate a performance, a
product, or a project.
✓ Performance criteria
✓ Rating scale
✓ Indicators
❑ evaluating another
learner’s work against a set
of assessment criteria
related to the learning goal,
and providing constructive
feedback which aids in
identifying solutions to
areas of weakness
✓ Encourages students to critically reflect
each other’s work
✓ Helps students to learn more from each
other’s work
✓ Peer pressure and friendship can influence
the reliability of grades given by students
✓ may have a tendency to give everyone the
same mark (for example, there may be
agreement in return for good grades)
❑ reflecting on your efforts
❑ identifying improvements,
❑ adjusting the quality of
your work.
✓ Encourages students to critically reflect
their own learning progress and
✓ Helps students be more aware of their
weakness and strength
✓ Self-assessment can be subjective because
students may not be sincere and may even
over-evaluate their own performance
✓ Students may not be familiar with the
assessment criteria

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