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The COVID-19 pandemic has not only changed the way people work but also

how students conduct their studies. As national lockdowns are implemented, working and

studying at home has become the norm, with some classes permanently moving to online-

based learning (Davies, 2020). Even before the pandemic, online learning has been on the

rise. The World Economic Forum (WEF) states that USD 18.99 billion was invested in

education technology in 2019 (Li & Lalani, 2020), this would show that there is an

evolving trend of shifting education towards an online learning environment. Thus, as

home-based learning becomes the norm, disruptions to the regular school environment, as

well as the various challenges of organizing online classes could affect the academic

performance of students. This paper seeks to study the impact of online learning on the

academic performance of university students and to determine whether education systems

should increase the amount of online learning for traditional in-class subjects.

In Central Philippines State University- San Carlos Campus adopted online

learning and it has played a significant role most specially during Covid-19 pandemic. As

the said disease impacted the way people live as well as to how student learn, school and

universities created alternative ways to impart knowledge amidst adversities. Several

social supporting sites and application such as Facebook, messenger, Google Meet,

Google classroom and Gmail have been beneficial to both instructor and students to have

support collaborative learning with knowledge sharing with regards to distance learning.

This transition has ended up causing a variety of psychological changes in both students

and teachers, adversely affecting their performance. In line with this, there are various
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
factors in online learning that could affect the students academic performance. Some

student may not be able to participate in online class discussion or may not be able to

perform their activities, because of lack of focus and motivation and most commonly,

others suffered from a lack of internet access, which is a major issue in our country and

still others suffered financially.

It is along with this context that this study aims to determine the academic student

perceived performance in online learning by the education students in the Central

Philippines State University- San Carlos Campus.

Theoretical Framework

This study is based on the “community of inquiry” model for online learning

environments developed by Garrison, Anderson & Archer (2000) that is based on the

concept of three distinct “presences”: cognitive, social, and teaching. While recognizing

the overlap and relationship among the three components, Garrison advise further

research on each component. Their model supports the design of online and blended

courses as active learning environments or communities dependent on instructors and

students sharing ideas, information, and opinions. Of particular note is that “presence” is

a social phenomenon and manifests itself through interactions among students and

instructors. The community of inquiry has become one of the more popular models for

online and blended courses that are designed to be highly interactive among students and

faculty using discussion boards, blogs, wikis, and videoconferencing.

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
Conceptual Framework

The concept of the study is to determine the academic student perceived

performance in online learning.

The study illustrate two variables of the schema diagram. The Independent

Variable is consist of the Age, Sex, Year, Course, Religion, Marital Status, Parent’s

Monthly Income and Parent’s Highest Educational Attainments. Dependent Variable is

consist of the Perceived Performance in Online Learning.

Schematic Diagram


Socio-Demographic Profile:

 Age
 Sex
 Year
 Course Performance in Online
 Religion Learning
 Marital Status
 Parent’s Monthly
 Parent’s Highest

Figure 1. Schematic diagram showing the relationship of variables in the study.

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Statement of the Problem

1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, year

level, course, religion and marital status, parent's monthly income, and parent’s highest

educational attainment?

2. What is the extent of the Academic Students Perceived Performance in Online


3. Is there any significant difference on the extent of the Academic Students Perceived

Performance in Online Learning when grouped according to their profile?


There is no significant difference on the extent of the Academic Students

Perceived Performance in Online Learning when grouped according to their profile.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus on the Online learning and it’s academic perceived

performance of the student of Bachelor of Elementary Education at Central Philippines

State University, San Carlos City Campus in So. Mabuni Barangay Guadalupe, San

Carlos City, Negros Occidental in the school year 2021-2022. The content of Independent

Variable is consist of the socio-demographic profile of the respondents while the

Dependent Variable is consist of the Academic Students Perceived Performance in

Online Learning. The respondents of this study is the education students. The sampling

technique that will be used is random sampling and the will use the Descriptive Research
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
Design. The research instrument that will be used is a Standardized Questionnaire, and

analysing the gathered data for the study.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will provide information to the following:

The School Administrators. Findings of the study may give information about

the academic students perceived performance in online learning. The purpose of this

study was to examine school administrator perceptions and attitudes regarding online

learning as well as their experiences in various online learning environments.

Understanding administrators’ experiences and perceptions can facilitate better course

design for future courses, which can result in better student and instructor experiences

and may even improve class retention.

The Teachers. This will be beneficial to them in a way that this will serve as a

tool or medium in making their plans and strategies on academic students perceived

performance in online learning. The work tries to explain the opinions of students as

regards the impact of online courses, their comfortability in its usage, and the support

received from teachers in online classes along with teachers' opinions on efficacy,

teaching practice followed and training received for an online class.

The Parents. The findings may provide them information their important role

and make realizations to support and guide their children to become a competent

individual. Through this study, they can make various approach on how they can

motivate and help their children to better adapt the new normal learning.
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
The Students. This study will help the student’s awareness about their

performance in online learning. This study will help the learners to reflect within

themselves and think about alternative ways on how they may be able to help themselves

and the community to study and adapt well the new normal learning.

Definition of Terms

To give clearer and better understanding of the terms to be used in the study, the

researcher defines the following terms conceptually and operationally.

Academic Student. Conceptually, a person who is academic in background,

attitudes, methods, etc.: [sh]e was by temperament an academic, concerned with books

and the arts (England, 2012).

Operationally, to boost efficiencies, improve student success and optimize

resource allocation.

Age. Conceptually, this term refers to a human attribute that has long been taking

for granted (Kalla, 2006).

Operationally, this term refers to how old is the respondent during the conduct of

the study.

Course. Conceptually, this term refers to the degree or diploma program in which

a learner is admitted ( Thi Tinh Thoung Pham et. al 2021)

Operationally, Operationally, this term refers to the Beed from first year to fourth

year students.
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
Marital Status. Conceptually, this term refers to being single, married, and

marriage problems including separation, divorce, and bereavement (Han, KT., Park, EC.,

Kim, JH. Et al., 2014)

Operationally, this term is used to determine the current relationship status of the

education students; either single or married.

Online Learning. Conceptually, this terms defines as “learning experience in

synchronous or asynchronous environments using different devices (e.g. mobile phones,

laptops, etc.) with internet access. In these environments, students can be anywhere

(independent) to learn and interact with instructors and other students” (Singh &

Thurman, 2019).

Operationally, this term refers to the education that takes place over the internet.

Parent’s Highest Educational Attainment. Conceptually, a historical analysis

revealed a steady decline in the impact of mother/father educational attainment and

occupational position on children’s educational success for both men and women (P. M.

De Graaf and Ganzeboom 1993; Erikson and Jonsson 1996)

Operationally, it is tempting to relate the declining effect of the family


Parent’s Monthly Income. Conceptually, this refers to the amount of money one

can earn each month before anything is taken out (Lockert, 2021).

Operationally, this term refers to the amount of income does the parents of

respondents have monthly.

Perceived. Conceptually, this term refers to the psychological processes through

the experience gained by the five senses, individuals can process responses into positive
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
or negative perceptions. Obtaining responses is obtained through the stage of selection,

interpretation, and reaction (Erin, & Maharani, 2018).

Operationally, to become aware of through the senses especially see and observe.

Performance. Conceptually, a particular result obtained in management,

economics, marketing that print features of competitiveness, efficiency and effectiveness

of the organization and its procedural and structural components. Performance can be

regarded as the equivalent of competitiveness. (Verboncu, Zalman, 2005)

Operationally, the synergy between various company units and the ability to

produce greater output together.

Religion. Conceptually, this term refers to a major enterprise within the discipline

right from the beginning (Martin/Wiebe 2012).

Operationally, this term refers to a belief in a divine entity or deity.

Sex. Conceptually, this term refers to the physical differences between people

who are male, female or intersex. (Tim Newman,. 2021)

Operationally, this term refers to biologically sexuality of the respondents weather

male, female or intersex.

Year Level. Conceptually, this term refers to the academic year of education that

the student have attained currently; First Year or Freshmen, Second Year or Sophomore,

Third Year or Junior, and Fourth Year or Senior (Shishakly, 2021).

Operationally. this term refers to current level of education that the student attain.
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental


This chapter presents literature and studies related to the topic under the studies

conducted both local and national. These concepts are being reviewed with the hope to

enrich and contribute to the findings of the present investigation though they may vary in

scope, methodology and purposes.

Foreign Studies

According to (Fatoni et al., 2020) evaluated the impacts of COVID-19 on the

academic performance of science and social science students in Turkey. Their findings

showed that many factors affected the academic performance of the students during the

COVID-19 crisis. Despite that, their study also revealed that both teachers and students

are satisfied with the application of online learning and teaching. Loton et al. (2020)

studied online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic with their satisfaction and

performance. The result of their findings showed that there is a significant impact on both

performances of the students and their level of satisfaction with online teaching and

learning during the COVID-19 outbreak. Likewise, another study conducted in

Indonesian context where the researcher explored the solution, advantages and

constraints with online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have discussed

their participant’s satisfaction on the performance of the students during the COVID-19

outbreak. Hence, based on the aforementioned researches carried out on the effects of

COVID-19 on the performance of students, one can infer that there is a great impact of

COVID-19 on the academic performance of students available in the literature.

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Local Studies

According to (Bokayev et al., 2021) Concerning the satisfaction level of students

with online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, many studies have been done by

many researchers. A study conducted by Almusharraf and Khahro (2020) investigated the

level of students’ satisfaction with online learning during the outbreak of COVID-19. The

result of their study revealed that all the participants were greatly satisfied with online

learning tools and platforms. Their study also showed that students were satisfied with

the support provided by staff during the COVID-19 crisis. While another study was

conducted in Kazakhstan to explore distance learning and the parents’ satisfaction during

the COVID-19 pandemic of the educational quality. Their findings indicate that parents’

level of satisfaction with online learning is positively correlated, while numbers in

children have negatively correlated to the satisfaction of parents with online learning

platforms during the COVID-19. Overall, their satisfaction with the quality of online

learning is greatly positive. The findings of a study revealed by Baber (2020) are in line

with the indicated studies where the researcher found a positively great level of

satisfaction in providing online teaching. In contrast, the findings of the study revealed by

Sharma et al. (2020) indicated that the majority of their respondents are dissatisfied with

online learning platforms. Similarly, the findings of a study revealed by Dinh and

Nguyen (2020) show that online teaching and learning had a lower satisfaction level than

face-to-face teaching.
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
Besides, many other studies explored the level of satisfaction with online

teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic in various contexts and found a high level of

satisfaction with online teaching (Chen et al., 2020; Choe et al., 2019; Fatani, 2020). On

the other hand, Alanazi et al. (2020) studied technology satisfaction and students’

performance in online courses. They reported that there was a weaker relationship

between students’ performance and technology satisfaction in online courses. While there

was another study carried out in China by Chen et al. (2020) analyzing students’

satisfaction level with online teaching during the outbreak of COVID-19. The findings of

their study showed no direct effects found on students’ satisfaction by personal factors,

while the availability of online applications had the greatest impact on students’

satisfaction level. Despite all studies on satisfaction level, various researchers reported

high satisfaction level of students with online teaching during the COVID-19 outbreak

(Ali et al., 2011; Bauk et al., 2014; Coman et al., 2020; Johnston et al., 2005; Naziya &

Khan, 2020; Roach & Lemasters, 2006; Sharma et al., 2020; Surahman & Sulthoni,

2020). Unexpectedly, not many studies have been found with low or dissatisfaction in

online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Surprisingly, there were also no studies

found examining the gender differences in the academic performance of students and as

well as differences in the level of satisfaction across genders with online teaching during

the COVID-19 crisis.

Local Literatures

According to (McMahon et al., 2020; Noori et al. 2020) Given that Afghanistan

is one of the low-income countries around the world along with less infrastructure of ICT

at the public universities. Online teaching and learning as a new phenomenon remained
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
unacquainted to the students and most of the teachers (Hashemi, 2020). Lack of

pedagogical training in using technological devices and applications, the high cost of Wi-

Fi, and lack of electricity with a shortage of devices for providing online teaching

environments are the key barriers towards online education (Hashemi & Kew, 2021).

Hence, during the pandemic of COVID-19 in Afghanistan, multiple challenges and

dissatisfaction, and uncertainty of the application with online teaching were reported.

Based on personal experiences, most of the students did not participate in the online

session and their engagement in the online classes was so weak. On the other hand, the

uncertainty of using applications and platforms made the students to be confused about

taking part in online teaching sessions. For example, HELMS was introduced by the

MoHE of Afghanistan as the alternative application and platform responding to COVID-

19, but instead, most of the teachers were willing to teach their students through Google

Classroom, WhatsApp, and or other social Medias platform. This uncertainty of using the

platforms lead the student to be dissatisfied and surely affected their performance in

online teaching. Despite that, it was also reported that female students were not willing to

take part in the online sessions and did not accomplish the assigned task due to some

unpleasant culture and/or inequality in terms of having money to buy electronic devices

such as a computer, mobile and/or pay the cost of internet. According to Orfan (2021),

these situations are considered due to the limitation and cultural norms limit that exists in

Afghan society. These inequalities in accessing the aforementioned devices and

applications affected the academic performance of students during the outbreak of the

COVID19 crisis in some parts of the country and by all means dissatisfied students from

online teaching. However, online teaching has played a crucial role in the higher
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
education institutions of Afghanistan during the COVID-19 pandemic, many studies have

been carried out to investigate the effects of COVID-19 on the academic achievements of

students worldwide. Unfortunately, no studies have been done to explore the effects of

COVID-19 on the academic performance of Afghan students and their level of

satisfaction with online teaching. In this regard, the current study is an attempt to

eliminate this research gap to explore whether COVID-19 affected the students’

performance and are they satisfied with online teaching across the country. This study is

also significant on the rise to the literature in Afghanistan context and as well as to

provide insights for MoHE of Afghanistan, researchers, and students to enhance their

preparedness of such emergency cases in the future.

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental


This chapter presents the research design, respondents of the study, research

instrumentation, validation and reliability of the instruments, data gathering procedure,

and data treatment and analysis.

Research Design

This study used a descriptive-correlational method of research. Descriptive

research was used by the researchers to give them enough information about their study

which concerns the academic students’ perceived performance in online learning. This

type of research describe a situation or given state of affairs in terms of specified aspect

or factors.

Calderon (2006), defined descriptive research as a purposive process of

gathering, analyzing, classifying, and tabulating data about prevailing conditions,

practices, processes, trends, and cause-effect relationships and then making adequate and

accurate interpretation about such data with or without or sometimes. Descriptive

research aims to accurately and systematically describe a population, situation or

phenomenon. Furthermore, it is involves identification of attributes of a particular

phenomenon based on an observational basis, or the exploration of correlation between

two or more phenomena.

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
Respondents of the Study

Out of 134 officially enrolled from the BEED students only for the S.Y 2022-

2023, the researchers have come up with the total sample size of 100 using the Slovin’s


Table 1. Distribution of Respondents of the Study (Comprised of the following Courses)


BEED-1 22

BEED-2 43

BEED-3 33

BEED-4 36

TOTAL 134 100

Sampling Procedure

A non-probability sampling design utilized to identify who will be the

respondents of the study. Specifically, the convenience sampling technique in which the

samples will be chosen out from their availability. The sample size will be determined

using the Slovin’s formula n= N/1 + (N*e2) where n is the sample size, N is the

population size, and e is the marginal error.

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
Research Instrumentation

The researchers intended to use a fully adopted standardized type questionnaire

from Aminuddin Hashemi. The questionnaire was composed of close-ended liker- type

questionnaire in order to gather information and data needed in the study. The survey was

made up of two parts: the first part contains the Socio-Demographic Profile of the

respondents- their age, sex, year, course, religion, martial status, parents monthly income

and parent highest Educational attainment. The second part contains close-ended question

in designed liker-scale.

Validity and Reliability

For the reliability of each item, the researcher conducted a pilot study among 134

students from different grade level.

To check the validity, the questionnaire was sent to two experts of research in the

faculty of language and literature at Takhar University. The expert’s suggestions and

comments were incorporated and considered in the questionnaire for further

improvement. For the reliability of each item, the researcher conducted a pilot study

among 56 students from different universities. The Cronbach’s Alpha value was 0.838 >

0.07 which was acceptable.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher began through the initial step of sending a communication letter to

the office of the Campus Administrator of Central Philippines State University for the
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
approval to conduct the study entitled, Academic Students’ Perceived Performance in

Online Learning. After which, was getting g the total number of education students

enrolled for the school year 2022-2023 from the registrar office of the said institution.

After getting the desired data and the permission of the school head to conduct the

research through request letter, they scheduled the date of data gathering and the

distribution of researcher’s questionnaire. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, It will be

conducted through online survey, specially with the use of google forms. The instructions

will be explained by the researcher to the respondents before answering the

questionnaire. The respondents were given sufficient time to answer the questionnaires

and as they were completed, their responses were tallied and were analyzed afterwards.

Data Analyses

To answer each problem in the study, the following identified statistical tools

were used.

For problem no. (1.) What is the socio-demographic profile of respondent in

terms of age, sex, year, course, religion, marital status, parents monthly income, parent

highest Educational attainment and frequency and percentage were used.

For problem no. (2.) What is the extent of the academic students perceived

performance in online learning and Mean of frequency distribution and Standard

Deviation were used.

For problem no. (3.) To determine the significant difference on the extent of the

academic students perceived performance in online learning when grouped according to

their profile and Mean, standard deviation, t – test and f - test were used.
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Academic Students Perceived Performance in Online Learning

(Survey Questionnaire)

Part 1: Socio Demographic Profile

Name(Optional):_______________________ Course and Section: ________________

Age: __________ Sex: ___________

Religion: ________________ Marital Status: ______________

Parent’s Monthly Income: ____________

Parent’s Highest Educational Attainments:___________________________________

Part II: Academic Students Perceived Performance in Online Learning

Direction: Listed below are statement about Academic Students Perceived

Performance in Online Leaning. For each one, please indicate whether you Strongly
Agree, Agree, Neutral or Moderate, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree.
5 – Strongly Agree
4 - Agree
3 – Neutral or Moderate
2 - Disagree
1 – Strongly Disagree

Academic Students Perceived Performance in Online Learning 1 2 3 4 5

1. I am satisfied with the webinars, seminars, and courses offered based
2. I am satisfied with the instructors’ follow-up in each session of online
3. I am satisfied with the instructors’ various online teaching approaches.
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
4. I am satisfied with the online classes as they helped me achieve the
course learning outcomes.
5. I am pleased with the quality of teachers’ work in online course.
6. I am satisfied with teachers’ motivation in online courses.
7. My interactions with teachers are satisfying in online teaching.
8. I am satisfied with the convenience of the online learning
9. Online courses allow students to access a wide range of resources.
10. I have adequate technical support from my university.
11. I am satisfied with fair compensation or incentives for teaching online.
12. I am satisfied with the online teaching policies that have been
implemented by my university.
13. I work well together with our teachers and students in online courses.
14. I am satisfied with the assessment made by our teacher in online
15. I am satisfied with the content quality of my online courses.
16. I am satisfied with the Wi-Fi provided for online teaching.
17. I am satisfied with the application offered by the University for Online
18. Professional development or training for online learning made me
experience a higher level of satisfaction with online teaching.

Hashemi, A. (2021). Effects of COVID-19 on the academic performance of Afghan

students’ and their level of satisfaction with online teaching. Cogent Arts & Humanities,
8(1), 1933684.
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental


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