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A person whose appearance you like

When it comes to the person whose appearance I like the most, my

mother is the first one that crosses my mind. My mother has a pretty
lovely figure as she is of short height and a little bit chubby. Everyone
tells me that I had the same face and eyes as my mother when she was
young with a round, full face framed with freckles and slightly brown
sparkling eyes. Unfortunately, I am not like my mother in terms of skin
complexion, which sometimes makes me feel quite confused and even
annoyed. My mother has naturally bright white skin and does not darken
even though she is in the sun all day. Although my mother does not
often do up, she always has a neat and well-turned-out appearance. She
always dresses well to set an example for my brother and me. She
always makes sure that there's never a hair out of place, even when sick.
One more thing I love about my mother is the smile that is always on her
face. Maybe that's why my mother looks younger than her age. I am
delighted to see that familiar figure and gentle smile every day, and I
hope to see that figure for many more years to come.

Someone you know who dresses well.

When it comes to someone who always appears in well-dressed
appearance, Dua Lipa is the first person that comes to my mind. Dua
Lipa is a pretty famous singer in the US-UK music industry, not only for
possessing a powerful voice and great composing ability, but also for
having standard body shape and trendy dress. This singer pursues a lot
of fashion styles, from noble elegance to youthful dynamics. At each
show or award ceremony, Dua Lipa will show up in different clothes,
which all have truly outstanding and gorgeous in common. What I like
most about Dua Lipa's style of dress is her sense of style. It is not
exaggerated to say that Dua Lipa is always keep up with the lastest
fashion trend, and her unique colour scheme, clothing style and
accessories make her shine every time she appears in public. Recently,
she was even praised by fashion newspapers for her streetwear style
through photos taken by paparazzi while walking on the street. I would
like to say that Dua Lipa's variety of fashion styles and the ingenuity in
wearing accessories make me feel very interesting when watching her

An event that made you feel like an adult.

When it comes to an unforgettable event that makes me feel like an
adult, the memories of the first time I said goodbye to my parents and
moved to Ho Chi Minh city alone to attend university immediately
spring to mind. My hometown is more than 320 kilometres from Ho Chi
Minh city. The geographical distance made it impossible for my mother
and father to go to school with me. To this day, I still remember very
clearly that it was a rainy day. I prepared all my books, clothes and
necessary items for my independent life on my own. My emotions were
mixed at that time. Part of me was happy because my hard work paid
off, I got into university and went to school in Saigon, but I was also
unhappy because my childhood wish finally came true. During my high
school years, I always wanted to be free from the control of my mother
and father, but when it was time to leave this roof, my heart was heavy
and sad. The moment my parents waved to me one last time at the bus
station was when I realized I had to become an adult. That moment
marked a significant turning point in my life, from a child whose parents
always protected me to a college student who had to learn to take care of
myself. From then on, I flew out from the warmth and comfort of my
house to embark on a new chapter of my life. Until today, I am a fourth-
year student, but those memories are still very clearly kept in my mind.

A leader or politician who you admire.

I would like to talk about a great and talented politician and leader that I
am sure none of us are unaware of. I want to mention the great father of
the Vietnamese nation, the late President Ho Chi Minh. It is no
exaggeration to say that the leadership and guidance of President Ho Chi
Minh has brought our country out of the period of domination. What I
admire most about President Ho Chi Minh is his passionate patriotism
/ˈpæt.ri.ə.tɪ.zəm/ and unyielding /ʌnˈjiːl.dɪŋ/ will for the independence
and freedom of the Fatherland. Uncle Ho sacrificed everything for the
survival of the whole country of Vietnam, even forgetting his own
happiness. Even in the last moments of his life, Uncle Ho was always
thinking about the Vietnamese residents. What makes President Ho Chi
Minh a talented leader and known by countless other talented leaders in
the world is his spirit of learning and diplomacy dɪˈpləʊ.mə.si. Uncle Ho
is self-taught and fluent in more than ten languages. At the age of 20,
Uncle Ho was active in the revolution with many aliases and sent
thousands of articles to expose the sins of the fascists. he devoted his life
to the independence of the Vietnamese nation. Until forever after,
President Ho Chi Minh will forever be the greatest leader and Uncle
Ho's thought and lifestyle will forever be a shining example for the next
generation to follow.

A change in your life

Change is an integral part of our lives. When it comes to an important
change I've experienced, overcoming anxiety disorder immediately
comes to mind. I still remember vividly when I got this disease when I
was a 12th grader and took the English provincial exam for gifted
students. When preparing for the provincial exam, I spend all my time
studying English and neglecting all the rest. This led to my severe lack
of knowledge, and at that time, I was always in a state of fear and
anxiety that I would fail to graduate. Outside of the classroom, I spend
more than 12 hours a day reviewing the knowledge of all subjects and
only sleep about 2 to 3 hours per day. What has to come will come; a
month before the national high school exam, I was diagnosed with a
mild anxiety disorder by my aunt, who is a doctor, after hearing my
mother tell her about many unusual symptoms like often feeling
panicking, always geting irritated. Fortunately, I overcame the disease in
time and achieved the expected results in the exam. I meditate,
overcome negative thoughts, and stay motivated. Every day I always
encourage myself that keep trying. You will definitely be fine. I make
time to balance study and life, giving myself time to exercise, listen to
music, or hang out with friends. And finally, I overcame it after 2
months of self-healing with home remedies. Although this actually was a
negative experience, after overcoming it, I feel that I can be stronger,
know how to motivate myself, and love myself more. I also created a
regular exercise habit and know to stop whenever I feel pressured. It's
great to find something positive in the midst of such a negative

An article you read about healthy life

From my perspective, healthy life is defined by both good physical
health and mental health. And, I think that I have good physical health
since I was born. My figure is kind of fit, my hair and nails are strong,
and I rarely get sick. But, like someone said that God doesn't give
anyone everything. I do not have very stable mental health. That's why I
often read articles to improve my mental health, especially articles
related to managing and reducing stress. The article that was most
helpful to me is an article published on I came across
it when I was in my 2nd year of university, and that's when I was totally
up to ears in studying and my part time job. The article is about the
situation of students like me. They literally live with stress every single
day without awareness about it. They feel pressured with study and
work, they always worry and blame themselves for not performing well
enough, and they are also affected a lot by peer pressure. They feel bad
and jealous when others get a higher mark or achieve something that
they never think they can reach, for example. In addition, the article
provided me with psychological treatments to overcome pressure, such
as meditation, jogging, writing down 3 things I am grateful for every
day, expressing negative emotions to loved ones instead of hiding in my
heart. I personally find these methods extremely effective and feasible to
apply. These methods helped me get through that bad time, start learning
to think more positively, and not force myself to study more than 13
hours a day. I think that article is beneficial and I hope it can approach
more people.

An activity you do for your health or fitness

Actually, I just did a challenge recently about trying to follow the One
Billion Dollar Morning Routine. And honestly, I find this has improved
my mental health and productivity so much that I want to share it with
you. I followed this routine every day for 2 weeks during social
distancing. All I needed to do is following a 13-step routine, including
waking up early, recalling my dream, making my bed, drinking a glass
of water, meditating for 15 minutes, taking 10-minute intense cardio,
taking a cold shower, writing down 3 things that I am grateful, creating a
to-do list, reading book for 30 minutes, making a cup of tea and finally,
starting my day. Considerably, I have to admit that kicking off a new
day with this routine has greatly improved my spirit and academic
performance. By relaxing my mind before starting the day, I feel that
studying is more productive and comfortable. My multitasking ability,
surprisingly, improve quickly. Beside, I also can deal with issues more
smoothly without getting irritated. Meditating and exercising regularly
every morning helps me burn energy which is extremely good for my
weight loss. I think it's quite interesting. This routine not only do help
me maintain my mental health, but also help me keep fit and follow a
more healthy lifestyle. Although, the challenge is over, I think I will
continue maintaining this good routine. If you are interested in, you also
can try it

A film
I would say that I am a huge fan of the Marvel cinematic universe. I
watched all the movies released by Marvel Studios because the
superhero movies produced by this studio are amazing, all closely
linked, and need to be followed in the right order. This year is a brilliant
year for Marvel when they have successfully released 2 theatrical
movies and 4 full-length series on the Disney+ platform. One of the
movies that impress me the most and want to introduce to you today is
Shang chi and the legend of ten rings. The film is currently being shown
at cinemas in Ho Chi Minh City. This movie is about a completely new
Asian character in Marvel cinema, Shang Chi, played by actor Simu Liu.
Throughout the film, director Kevin Feige has focused on integrating to
portray Shang Chi's journey, from being a child to inheriting the ten
rings and becoming a superhero to save his mother's homeland. Vivid
visual effects along with the grandeur of CGI staging are an
indispensable contributing factor in the success of the film. I have to
affirm that Marvel Studios has been doing a good job at this stage to
keep viewers hooked and can't stop watching. In the film, you will be
able to see many eye-catching battle scenes, the mysterious virtual
natural scenery as well as the brilliance and power of the ten rings at the
end of the film. Whether you are a fan of Marvel Universe or not, I am
quite sure that you will watch this movie without taking your eyes off
the screen even for 1 second. The effects in the movie are so subtle and
majestic that you will feel like it's right in front of your eyes. Besides,
what I like and always look forward to in Marvel movies is the plot
twists as well as the after-credits, and Shang Chi is no exception. I'm
quite satisfied with the plot of the movie, although it's not too climactic,
I think it makes sense in the context of a family conflict. Furthermore, I
was the last person in the theater to wait until the screen went off to
make sure I didn't miss even a second of the after credits. All in all, I
feel that ShangChi and the legend of ten rings is a good movie and worth
watching, if you don't know what to do on the weekend, I highly
recommend you to go see this movie at the theater. It will be an amazing

An art
To be honest, I am a quite practical person and I am not in favor of art,
as a result. So this topic troubled me a bit. However, I suddenly
remembered a piece of art that made a big impression on me when I first
saw it in my Arts textbook. It is the work of Young Woman with Lily by
painter To Ngoc Van. This painting was painted in 1943 with oil paint
and quickly became a masterpiece with its unique style and hidden
meanings. This painting is even so famous that it represents Vietnam's
oil painting in the international arena. The painting depicts a young
woman wearing a long white dress, tilting her head next to a vase of
pure white lilies. To Ngoc Van has combined gentle white colors to
create simplicity, and also has some sad features. With modern
Vietnamese art, at that time, the phrase "woman and flower" seems to
have entered the standard and is more popular. He is extremely skillful
in knowing how to apply the unique features in every detail in the phrase
"girl and flower". Moreover, this painting has also revealed the talent of
the artist. To Ngoc Van has learned and received excellently the
methods of shaping and using oil paints from French teachers. He
successfully absorbed in perfecting and developing the technique of oil
painting. The oil colors in this painting are clearer, brighter, have a nice
gloss. These kinds of colors are also waterproof and endurable for a long
time. Thanks To Ngoc Van's pioneering in using this material, oil paints
are widely used and popular. Young Woman with Lily has expressed the
basic, discreet and elegant beauty of the Hanoi woman in the pre-war
period - a beauty that has forever remained only in the mind and
nostalgia. Unfortunately, although this is a very famous painting by the
late artist To Ngoc Van, after a period of time being auctioned and
displayed, this painting has officially been lost.

GM Food
Genetically modified (GM) food is no longer strange to us. For myself, I
think every one of us has bought and consumed this kind of food. A GM
Food product that I feel is quite popular in the market with a relatively
cheap price and is loved by many Vietnamese people is seedless guava.
This seedless guava is sold quite a lot in big supermarkets such as BigC,
Lotte Mart. Although these are not labeled as GM foods, with the
process of genetically modified to remove seeds, this guava is truly a
GM food which can be produced by a simple change in genetic
structure. In my opinion, I find this type of guava no different from
organic guava. They are similar in color, shape, and taste. The only
difference that can be seen is that the genetically modified guava is
seedless and is considerably larger in term of size than the organic
guava. Moreover, as far as I’m concerned, the seeds of guava are very
small and easy to get into the appendix, so it is easy to cause
inflammation and pain in the appendix, so seedless guava can prevent us
from that risk. Furthermore, since guava is a beneficial fruit for my
weight loss and digestion system, it is also sold at a cheap price in
supermarkets, I buy guava very often. The seedless guava, to me, tastes
quite bland, succulent, and of course seedless. They are light green in
color, similar to those of common guava. Temporarily, after more than 3
years of eating this type of guava, I feel that this guava has no effect on
my health, nor am I allergic to this GM food. In addition to seedless
guava, there are many other GM foods on the market today, such as
seedless watermelons, unusually colored fruits, or larger-than-normal
carrots, as you can see. These foods have all gone through rigorous
testing before being on sale in supermarkets. I think, people should not
be too afraid of using these foods, because to adapt to the rapid
population growth and natural food sources are no longer enough to
provide for such a large population. Therefore, the use of food from the
laboratory is inevitable and unavoidable.
A successful person
If you are a fan of Miss Grand International, the representative of
Vietnam - Nguyễn Thúc Thùy Tiên - was just honorably crowned Miss
International Peace 2021 on the night of 4 December. She is the person
who is the first one crowned this position and also the person who has
brought Vietnam unprecedented glory on the global arena before. From
my perspective, she is truly a successful person in her own career path.
Possessing an ideal height and perfect body measurements, she
performed excellently on the catwalk as well as in the eloquent part. She
also shines in front of the audience with her smart behavior and positive
energy. Before succeeding in the beauty arena, she also achieved success
on the academic path. She studied at the Faculty of French Literature -
University of Social Sciences and Humanities. She is fluent in 3 foreign
languages, especially Thai, she learned Thai within only a month and
confidently used it in the eloquence part of the competition. What makes
me think that she is successful on the career path that Nguyen Thuc
Thuy Tien has chosen is that firstly, she chose to pursue an academic
path despite her rather difficult family situation , secondly, she boldly,
confidently chose the path of becoming a model, practiced hard to be a
representative of Viet Nam, and finally, she made unprecedented
history by becoming the first representative of Vietnam to be crowned
this noble title. Her steadfastness as well as the way she inspires viewers
have made her shine even more and become a role model for me and
many people.
Experience in a hospital
There is a fact that no one wants to go to the hospital, and I am not an
exception. I am unwilling to go to the hospital just because of a
headache or a cold, instead, I try many home remedies like sauna or rest.
However, when the disease became more severe sơ via, I was forced to
go to the hospital to make sure that I will reiceive the right treatment,
therapy. I clearly remember that was when I was about 17 years old, I
guess, I was in a traffic accident on my way to go to school and had to
be hospitalized in a cottage hospital located in my hometown. I must
say, although this hospital, at that time, is still not very modern, the
caring attitude of the doctors and nurses here makes me very
comfortable and satisfied. When I just arrived at the hospital, the nurse
cleaned my wound very carefully, she asked me if it hurt, besides this
wound, is there any other pain. To be honest, I was quite panicking at
the time, you know, like I was driving on the road and a drunk man hit
my cbicycle, I fell on the road and was very dizzy, so that I just didn't
know what to say but shake and nod my head. she looked at me
understandingly, then she gently told me not to worry too much because
my blood pressure was very high now, that's literally not good at all.
Right after that, she transferred me to the emergency room and let the
doctor handle my head and shoulder injuries. The doctor and nurse were
both very gentle when handling the wound, making me feel very
comfortable and not too scared. A few days later, I can go home because
the wound had partially healed and could be cared for at home. I am
truly grateful that thanks to those doctors and nurses my wounds did not
leave scars or any other side effects..

When I was a child, I was always obsessed with becoming the great
people I always saw around me such as doctors, teachers or police
officers. But with the growth of my age and education, I feel myself
suitable for language-related work. Recently, after a hard time looking
for an internship to gain practical experience, luck finally smiled on me
when I received a job offer from Avery Dennison a global company for
a position required both Chinese and English. Without a doubt, this is
the job I most hope to get in the future. According to the job description
sent to me by the person in charge of recruitment, I will hold the position
of a full-time intern in customer service. However, that person also said,
during the 6 months of internship at the company, I will be rotated
through many other departments such as marketing or human resources
to be exposed to many environments and find the work that I’d love do
and suitable for myself most. I think the core reason why I earnestly
hope to get this job is that this job can help me improve both English and
Chinese in a real working environment which can make my cv stand out
in comparison with others. Besides, the attitude of the recruiter is also a
factor that makes me consider. The way he responded to emails with
enthusiasm and his commitment to inform more about the vacancies in
the company made me feel dedicated and integrated in a working
environment, which is extremely important and should be taken into
consideration when going to work. I hope in the next summer semester
that may start on June I can become an intern here.

Along with the development of industrialization and modernization

taking place globally, people are enjoying the most advanced values and
a most comfortable life, and at the same time paying a heavy price for
exploitation. merciless resources on earth by suffering the consequences
of environmental problems. The problem that is closely related and
affects people every day in my opinion is air pollution. This pollution
originates from emissions from industrial parks, vehicles on the road as
well as the burning of fuels and waste. The consequences it brings are
terrible. Humans maintain life through respiration, so inhaling polluted
air will cause respiratory diseases, more serious than respiratory
pandemics on a larger scale. Besides, polluted air also leads to other
diseases such as cardiovascular problems, allergies, asthma attacks, lung
or skin cancers, vision problems. The most vulnerable are children, the
elderly, pregnant women and the sick. In my opinion, in order to
overcome these consequences, it is necessary to join hands of all
mankind. Governments should weigh the economic benefits with the
assurance of air quality. encourage people to use public transport instead
of private cars, use all resources to find environmentally friendly fuels
and ways to dispose of other wastes without burning them . Each
individual should be conscious in daily activities, increase respiratory
protection by wearing a mask when going out and limit going out on
days when the air index is bad.

During my weight loss journey over the past year, exercise played an
integral role. I usually do cardio and long-distance running, and if I
could choose one thing to try in the future, I think it would be volleyball.
I often play volleyball 2 times a week at weekend with my brother since
my countryside kind of remote and I don’t have many friend enough to
build up a team. I love it so much that I signed up it for my Phycical 2
after returning to school. Honestly, I think it won't be too difficult for me
as the rules and gameplay are both quite simple. simple. What makes me
afraid when playing this sport is knowing how to put force into the wrist
and aim for the opponent's opening. What made me love this sport is that
when I was a child, I enjoyed watching volleyball matches of the
Vietnamese women's team and gradually became a fan of them as well
as volleyball. In addition to my passion for this sport, I think volleyball
will also benefit me in terms of health. As far as I know this volleyball
will improve height, tone muscles as well as bring joy in teamwork and I
can make more friends. Volleyball also no only can help me keep fit, but
also can help me improve my mental health. Decrese the risk of
cardiovascular disease, excretory disease, help me to boost my mood, by
playing voleyball I can relax my nerve system by talking with my
teammates, increase my creativity when doing many marketing project. I
believe this sport will bring great experiences for me

Inventions have always been what has led mankind to evolve and
progress more and for me the invention that makes the biggest change in
people's lives is fire. The discovery of fire is thought to be a serendipity
because scientists think people inadvertently create friction between the
stones and it just happens to create fire. Fire was invented by the ancient
ape people. As far as I know, archaeologists have not been able to claim
the exact time that fire was created, but one thing experts can be sure of
is that fire was used regularly about 400,000 years ago. . Fire has opened
a whole new era for mankind, they have evolved, from eating raw meat
they have learned to cook it. Besides, they know how to use fire to keep
warm in the evening or in cold winters. It is no exaggeration to say that
the invention of fire laid the foundation for human evolution. In the past,
people used fire to light up at night. Today, people still use fire as a
source of energy, they use fire in fuel wagons to run trains, they use fire
in factories to burn fuel, and so on. It's hard to imagine what our life
would be like without fire.

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