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perdev reviewer by erin

Perdev Reviewer
1. This IS NOT the reviewer I’m submitting for the Perdev Recit i'm not a cheater lmao
2. UPDATE: As of October 24, There are 45 questions: 10 each for Knowing Oneself, Human
Development (Both Social and Cognitive), Stress, Emotions, and 5 for Powers of the Mind
dahil wala na akong maisip na tanong hsdkfhsdkfhsdkh
3. Multiple choice lahat ng tanong
4. Pwede nyo tong ishare sa other sections
5. Message me for answers when y’all are done answering
6. Last but not the least, pretty please (*^▽^*) don’t try to copy these questions for your own
Perdev activity because i̸̮͎̼͝ ̷̼̰́͗́w͈̐̈̅ i̴̷ ̡̪̼͒ll̵̷̙̥͍͈̦̈́͐̚ ̸̪̩̙̕͠f̷̩̼͈̉i̴̱͍̙̔̾̀n̰̳͆̾ ̴d̶̨̮̽͊͝ ̴̥̺̲̀y̯̗͇͂̾̔ o̸
̸ ͎͝ u̷̘͘

Part 1: Knowing Oneself

___ What part of Johari’s Window is identified when a person tells you their first impression of you?

a. Blind Self

b. Unknown Self

c. Hidden Self

d. Actual Self

___ Which of the following is NOT part of the Human Self?

a. Your sexual orientation

b. One’s actual self

c. The spectrum of your emotions

d. What other people think of you

___ If Hinata’s ideal self and actual self are not congruent, this could result in…

a. Depression

b. Impostor Syndrome

c. Distress

d. Echoism

___ This personality test determines how you socialize, how you perceive your world, and how you
make your decisions.
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perdev reviewer by erin



c. IQ Test

d. DISC Assessment

___ The Actual Self includes everything below EXCEPT:

a. Your current grades in Math and Science

b. Your biggest fears

c. What personality you show around your parents, your friends, or strangers

d. None of the above

___ Armin wants to be just like Erwin when he grows up. Erwin is Armin’s…

a. Self-Concept

b. Actual Self

c. Presented Self

d. Ideal Self

___ Which statement is true?

a. The Actual Self consists of aims, goals, and dreams, while the Ideal Self is the person’s self at

b. When the Actual Self lacks the skills to reach the Ideal Self, this means that one must rethink
their actions and set their goals to move towards the Ideal Self.

c. Neither are true

d. Both are true

___ It is the consistency of actions, decisions, and behaviors that make up oneself.

a. Personality

b. Conduct

c. Morality

d. Self-control

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perdev reviewer by erin

___ The following are career-wise benefits of knowing yourself EXCEPT:

a. Less inner conflict while making decisions

b. Strengthened faith

c. Better understanding of peers

d. Self-control

___ Yuuri wants to compete in ice skating, but backs out last-minute because he feels that
everyone else is better than him. This demonstrates his lack of:

a. Self-Image

b. Self-Concept

c. Congruence of Ideal Self and Actual Self

d. Self-Esteem

Part 2: The Stages of Development

___ What aspects are NOT encompassed by Human Development?

a. Physical

b. Cognitive

c. Perpetual

d. Emotions

___ Shannaurn is in Grade 5. She begins making more friends and can carry objects that are half
her weight. The Stage of Development that Shannaurn is currently in is…

a. Infancy

b. Early Childhood

c. Adolescence

d. Late Childhood

___ Ever since his 13th birthday, Eren and his mom (let’s pretend she isn’t d3ad) have been fighting
more often because he wants to do things that his mom knows are dangerous. What Erikson’s Stage
of Development is this?

a. Early adulthood
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perdev reviewer by erin

b. Formal Operational Stage

c. Adolescence Stage

d. Self-Interest Stage

___ At what Stage of Cognitive Development does a child begin to grasp the basic concepts of
time, space, death, and reality?

a. Sensorimotor Stage

b. Pre-Operational Stage

c. Concrete Operational Stage

d. Formal Operational Stage

___ Exposure to peers and cliques falls under…

a. Social Development

b. Physiological Development

c. Emotional Development

d. Cognitive Development

___ All of these people have theorized about the different aspects of Human Development except…

a. Sigmund Freud

b. Karl Marx

c. Jean Piaget

d. Lawrence Kohlberg

___ The 7 ages of a person’s life mentioned in William Shakespeare’s “All the World’s A Stage”
monologue from the comedy play As You Like It most closely resemble the stages of development of
which of the following Theories?

a. Erik Erikson’s Stages of Development

b. Jean Piaget’s Stages of Development

c. Albert Einstein’s Stages of Development

d. Carl Jung’s Stages of Development

___ Kiyoko getting her first period counts under:

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perdev reviewer by erin

a. Emotional Development

b. Physiological Development

c. Spiritual Development

d. Cognitive Development

___ His theory of the Stages of Development elaborates on the inner conflicts a person feels in
each part of their life and how they must resolve them.

a. Jean Piaget’s Stages of Development

b. Sigmund Freud’s Stages of Development

c. Erik Erikson’s Stages of Development

d. Carl Jung’s Stages of Development

___ His theory of the Stages of Development elaborates on the development of an individual’s

a. Jean Piaget’s Stages of Development

b. Sigmund Freud’s Stages of Development

c. Erik Erikson’s Stages of Development

d. Carl Jung’s Stages of Development

Part 3: Stress
___ A kind of stress that is usually short-lived, (such as a rollercoaster ride, or watching a horror
movie, or stage fright) but can grow into much worse stress if not resolved, is…

a. Physical Stress

b. Emotional Stress

c. Acute stress

d. Traumatic Stress

___ A kind of stress that is recurring constantly due to unresolved stress is…

a. Traumatic Stress

b. Distress

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perdev reviewer by erin

c. Acute Stress

d. Chronic stress

___ A result of positive change in life that provides motivation is…

a. Distress

b. Acute Stress

c. Eustress

d. Physical Stress

___ Dysmenorrhea classifies under:

a. Physical Stress

b. Emotional Stress

c. Acute stress

d. Traumatic Stress

___ Sexual Assault classifies under:

a. Physical Stress

b. Emotional Stress

c. Acute stress

d. Traumatic Stress

___ Hell Week classifies under:

a. Physical Stress

b. Emotional Stress

c. Acute stress

d. All of the above

___ A person’s ability to adapt and cope with change is called…

a. Determination

b. Resilience

c. Perseverance
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perdev reviewer by erin

d. Fortitude

___ Eiji always wakes up in the middle of the night because he has nightmares of his husband,
Ash’s near-death experience a few years ago. This is an example of…


b. ADD

c. OCD

d. Panic Disorder

___ A disorder where one is extremely uncomfortable with imperfect patterns or objects is…


b. ADD

c. OCD

d. Panic Disorder

___ A disorder where one has difficulty accomplishing tasks and paying attention is…


b. ADD

c. OCD

d. Panic Disorder

Part 4: Emotions
___ The Component of Emotion that includes sweating, blood rush, and other hormone-induced
reactions is…

a. Feelings

b. Bodily Arousal

c. Sense of Purpose

d. Social-Expressive

___ The Component of Emotion that states that all of us perceive and experience emotions
differently is…

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perdev reviewer by erin

a. Feelings

b. Bodily Arousal

c. Sense of Purpose

d. Social-Expressive

___ The Component of Emotion that helps us understand others’ feelings and communicate with
them efficiently is…

a. Feelings

b. Bodily Arousal

c. Sense of Purpose

d. Social-Expressive

___ This refers to a kind of job where the workers must induce a certain feeling within a customer.

a. Organizational Emotional Chameleonism

b. Emotional Management

c. Emotional Labor

d. Organizational Emotional Exchange

___ All of these should be learned SPECIFICALLY by an Emotional Skill Manager, EXCEPT:

a. Emotional Competency

b. Emotional Awareness

c. Emotional Maturity

d. Emotional Sensitivity

___ When there is danger, Inosuke subconsciously raises his fists. This classifies under what
component of Emotion?

a. Feelings

b. Bodily Arousal

c. Sense of Purpose

d. Social-Expressive

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perdev reviewer by erin

___ A form of acting where a worker modifies their feelings to match their organization’s required
feelings is…

a. Method Acting

b. Immersive Acting

c. Deep Acting

d. Surface Acting

___ A form of acting where a worker fakes their feelings is…

a. Method Acting

b. Immersive Acting

c. Deep Acting

d. Surface Acting

___ Do we have perfectly accurate definitions of emotions?

a. No, because emotions are strictly subjective.

b. Yes, because emotions are objective even if they differ in each person.

c. No, but we use operational definitions in relation to general reactions

d. None of the above

___ What Component of Emotion drives us to act and adapt to change?

a. Feelings

b. Bodily Arousal

c. Sense of Purpose

d. Social-Expressive

Part 5: Powers of the Mind

___ The functional unit of the Nervous System is the…

a. Neuron

b. Spinal Cord

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c. Neutron

d. Nerve

___ The Cerebellum controls voluntary movements. All of these are actions signaled by the
Cerebellum, EXCEPT…

a. Sneezing

b. Crying

c. Snapping your fingers

d. Flinching

___ The Brainstem is also called the…

a. Spinal cord

b. Frontal Lobe

c. Medulla

d. Myoclonus

___ All of the following people are right-handed EXCEPT…

a. Albert Einstein

b. Frank Sinatra

c. Leonardo Da Vinci

d. Marilyn Monroe

___ What traits are typically seen in left-handed people?

a. Ease at language interpretation, works well under syntax, takes initiative in projects

b. Have a clear envisionment of the end goal, are active in sports, and have high emotional

c. Good at board games, are perceptive, and are productive when listening to classical music

d. None of the above

Message me the code “Crush kita” to get the answers ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

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