Cooperative 4

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How do you organize an electric cooperative

The process in organizing an electric cooperative is: first, divide study

area into districts; second, elect electrification committee; third, conduct public
information program; fourth, elect coordinating committee; fifth, file articles of
cooperation; sixth, elect officers; seventh, board applies for loans; and last, board
adopts and approves by-laws. But prior to these steps, it should follow first
certain criteria such as: (1) that the project is economically feasible and self-
liquidating; (2) that the funds to finance the implementation of these projects are
assured or available; (3) that it will give maximum impact on the socio-economic
improvement of the area, and the nation in general.

How is the insurance cooperative govern

The general assembly which constitutes the members of the insurance
cooperative is the supreme authority over all matters affecting the operations of
the organization. It elects the members of the board of directors. There are 15
members of the board: 5 regular members from non-agricultural sector, 6
members from agricultural sector, and 2 members designated by CDA to
represent the government and the special members. The operations of the
cooperative are conducted by the general manager, treasurer, and secretary.

Is insurance good for the farmers? Explain

Insurance is good for the farmers because it will provide a two-pronged
protection for the member, such as paying the unpaid amortization in the event of
untimely death of the member. In addition, insurance also provides its members
of protection, and at the same time encourages them to save more, thus boosting
the resources of the cooperative. Insurance also assured members such as
farmers of higher interest earnings for their investments.

Give 1 example of economic benefits a driver gets from its transport

An example of economic benefits a driver gets from its transport
cooperative is their acquisition of their basic needs more effectively, efficiently,
and at a lower cost, and this can be done through cooperative action rather than
individual effort, and specifically by pooling their resources, such as money,
skills, talents, machines, and other facilities.
What are some advantages a member gets from his electric cooperatives
Among the advantages a member gets from the electric cooperatives are:
(1) it can supply electric service at a low cost since it is non-profit enterprise, tax-
exempt, and receives low interest debt capital; (2) the cooperative will promote
and encourage the fullest uses of electric service on an area basis; (3) revenue
in excess of the doing business fully belongs to the members in the form of
patronage refund which is an overpayment by the members; (4) in some
instances, the cooperative will be in a position to make loans to its members for
wiring their homes and purchase of electrical equipment.

How does an electric cooperative improve the economic conditions in rural

Electric cooperative improve the economic conditions in rural area
because its principal objective is to pave the way for the realization of an
effective, efficient, and economical cooperative electrification program in the rural
areas. It also provides low cost electricity since it is non-profit enterprise, promote
and encourage the fullest use of electric service, and in some instances, provide
loans to it members.

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