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1st Assessment task:


Name Surname
Business School, Kazakh-British Technical University
MNG1203: Business Communications
Teacher_Name Teacher_Surname
October 21, 2022
Word count: 1002

I, , confirm that this assignment is my own, original work. I have not worked with or shared my work
with any other students. I have credited any sources I have used. I understand there are severe penalties
for plagiarism.
"Good quality communications inside organizations is important. It makes companies more
effective. It can make employees more satisfied. Poor communication can lead to frustration,
cost the company money and lead to employee turnover"

Transferring or exchanging information from one location, person, or group of people to another
is referred to as communication. In other words, it refers to giving and receiving knowledge by
talking, writing, listening, or reading. Essentially, it is a two-or three-person interaction.
Communication is crucial in both individual lives and social structures. It aids in relationship
development in addition to knowledge and information exchange. The secret to any business's
success is communication. Effective communication can mean the difference between success
and failure when trying to sell a product, respond to a question or complaint, or persuade your
coworkers to take a certain action. Furthermore, English's status as the primary international
business language is stronger than ever as a result of the globalization of trade and the usage of
the Internet. As long as an employee can communicate, he is alive (L. Ron Hubbard). This
quotation highlights the value of communication and the necessity for it.

This essay aims to define if good communication is important in organizations to increase

profits, or, vice versa, can poor communication frustrate the working process.

First of all, I would like to mention the pros of good communication. I believe that good
coordination and excellent relations between workers improve the quality and quantity of work
being done. When every single cell of an organism knows its certain place and responsibilities,
the body will function properly. Having good communication is key to raising productivity. A
high level of trust and a friendly atmosphere in groups and teams lead to good connections.
According to statistics from the McKinsey report, employees are nearly five times more likely to
report higher productivity when they feel more involved in workplace communications. As we
see, the difference between the two results is crucial. 500% more efficiency is very noticeable. In
addition, I'd like to share the findings of the Connected Culture report, which discovered that
71% of interviewed employees feel more productive when they have a good connection with
team members.

The second point is about the loss of money because of a lack of communication. Poor
workplace communication comes at a serious price. In other words, poor communication
frequently has detrimental effects on a company. A larger sample, as expected, reveals an even
more significant financial loss. The Cost of Bad Communication, a survey by David Grossman
that examined 400 large organizations and 100,000 employees, estimates that workplace
communication obstacles cost each company $62.4 million annually. This means poor
communication can cost a business with 100 employees (or less) approximately $400,000
annually. If we go deeper into the research, we can conclude that the main consequences are:
failure to complete projects; low employee morale; missed performance goals; and lost sales. To
avoid such noticeable money losses, possible brain-drain to competitors, and frustration, the
company has to build healthy relationships between employees.

The main points about the cons of good communication are not so weighty but worthy of note.
The first point is about becoming too friendly with people who are primarily your colleagues.
Employee friendships pose some risks to your business. The most important point is about a
potential conflict of interest. If a manager and employee become friends, this could arise from a
manager-subordinate friendship. By their typical moral compass, very few people feel good
about disciplining or criticizing a friend. If a manager is perceived as favoring their friend above
other team members, whether through preferential treatment or merely more attention, manager-
subordinate friendships can also result in charges of favoritism. Negativity might find a place to
grow in friendships at work. For instance, coworkers may get close over shared working issues
and then reinforce one another's unfavorable opinions of the business in casual talks (or gripe
sessions). There may be delicate topics at work that you'd prefer staff members avoid. The Olivet
Nazarene University survey found that 64% of workers who have friends at work talk about
workplace problems and 68% talk about earnings. In addition, the morale of the remaining
friends may suffer if one of their friends departs the group. In fact, according to a study by Olivet
Nazarene University, 10% of workers said they left a job because a friend quit. One of the main
conclusions is that it's frequently from the viewpoint of an individual when friendships are
viewed as being consistently favorable. The feeling of relating to others is fantastic. You could
feel motivated to report to work as a result. It adds to the enjoyment. However, you should take
into account other levels of analysis, where it might not be the best for collective outcomes. The
effects on the organization might not be favorable. It's crucial to consider the effects of what can
appear to be a wonderful individual relationship and how that can snowball in unfavorable ways.

Employees can benefit greatly from having friends at work for numerous reasons, which is why
so many workers today say they have these deep relationships with coworkers. However, having
friends at work can also pose a number of difficulties for organizations.

Since you cannot control your employees' friendships, ensure that they are aware of your
company's fraternization policy, particularly the necessity for distinct lines to be created between
work and friendship, and encourage them to act professionally and keep their attention on their
tasks while at work. To encourage a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone. And be
prepared to diffuse conflict when it enters the workplace.

To sum up, we can conclude that good communication is very profitable for business. A high
level of trust and support motivates employees to work productively and feel less tired. Another
side of the coin is nepotism and favoritism of friends and those with whom employees keep in
touch. Too good relationship leads to comfort zone and reducing efficiency of team. In this case,
as in any other, it is very important to find the balance point in order not to overdo trying to build
a friendly team, or, vice versa, not to make collegial relationships too competitive or toxic.
List of preferences:

1) New Study Reveals Boost in Employee Productivity and Well-Being Among Companies
That Foster a ‘Connected Culture’ in Work from Anywhere Environment.
(2020, November 11). New Study Reveals Boost in Employee Productivity and Well-
Being Among Companies That Foster a &Lsquo;Connected Culture&Rsquo; in Work
From Anywhere Environment | Business Wire. Retrieved October 21, 2022, from
2) The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies |
McKinsey. (n.d.). McKinsey & Company. Retrieved October 21, 2022, from
3) Internal communication in organizations and employee engagement - ProQuest. (n.d.).
Internal Communication in Organizations and Employee Engagement - ProQuest.
Retrieved October 21, 2022, from
4) Keyton, J. (2017, March 21). Communication in Organizations. Annual Review of
Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 4(1), 501–526.
5) Dessein, W. (2002, October 1). Authority and Communication in Organizations | The
Review of Economic Studies | Oxford Academic. OUP Academic. Retrieved October 21,
2022, from
6) Adams, C., & Adams | Performance Consultant, B. C. (2021, September 9). Friends At
Work: Good or Bad For Business? - Insperity. Insperity. Retrieved October 21, 2022,
7) Research On Friends At Work. (n.d.). Olivet Nazarene University. Retrieved October 21,
2022, from

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