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1st Assessment task:


Liya Kuon
Business School, Kazakh-British Technical University
MNG1203: Business Communications
Dr Paul J Davis
October 24, 2022
Word count: 1010

I, Liya, confirm that this assignment is my own, original work. I have not worked with or shared my
work with any other students. I have credited any sources I have used. I understand there are severe
penalties for plagiarism.
"Good quality communications inside organizations is important. It makes companies more
effective. It can make employees more satisfied. Poor communication can lead to frustration,
cost the company money and lead to employee turnover"

It is important that any type of organization wishing to carry out its activities in full compliance with
the society in which it resides begins its activities based on pre-established plans and carefully
designed control strategies. The functioning of organizational and social systems, especially in
modern conditions, is characterized by the increasing complexity of technological and informational
products, fundamental transformations at the level of social structures, trends in economic
globalization, and, in particular, changes and products at the organizational level. Communication
enables interaction between members of a work team. Managers must first build bridges between
members of their organization through careful and effective communication. Organizational
activities scroll correctly through communications. A good manager uses communication to make it
comprehensible to tell the message to the recipient exactly how we are thinking to get the expected
feedback the moment we begin the communication process. All of these elements form the basis of
the communication process, enabling individuals within an organization to form the people-to-
people connections that are the foundation of good management practices, both internally and
externally. This essay is aimed to develop a topic on the impact of good communication on
organizational performance.
The main part of this essay is the advantages of effective communication in firms. As a management
tool, communication is aimed at building successful interpersonal relationships that are non-
confrontational and based on the achievement of common goals. Evolution of forms of production.
This is similar to several factors that explain the goal of enhancing the communicative role.
Effective communication helps set clear expectations not only for your employees but perhaps
surprisingly, for your customers as well. For employees, clear expectations communicate how their
performance impacts the company and what they need to do to get positive feedback. For customers,
clear communication helps manage service issues and expectations about how best to interact with
your organization. Effective communication builds strong relationships. Trust and loyalty are key
elements in any relationship, and trust and loyalty can be achieved through communication designed
to meet individual needs, convey important information, and provide positive and constructive
feedback. Loyalty is strengthened. A strong relationship with an external audience also builds solid
communication about your products, services, company culture, and values. Open communication
channels can lead to new ideas and innovation in many areas. Employees who understand what's
important to the business can focus on making improvements and identifying innovation
opportunities that drive continued success. Employees are more likely to offer ideas when they
know their ideas are in demand and that the business leaders are open and responsive to feedback.
Customers are also a source of great ideas for improving your products and services. The more our
employees know about our company, its culture, our products and services, and how we respond to
adverse issues, the more they can serve as ambassadors for our community, friends, family, and
other business associates. Employees who feel they have a strong, positive relationship with their
employer and who trust the information they receive from their employer are more likely to share
that information with others. Employees can be a valuable and authoritative source of information
about the company and its products and services. Effective corporate communication leads to strong
teamwork and the ability of employees at all levels of the organization to work together to achieve
corporate goals. In addition, effective corporate communication provides employees with the
knowledge, structure, and positive work environment they need to feel comfortable, manage
conflicts, and resolve problems effectively. As the biggest example of the impact of restructuring in
communication, we can consider Microsoft. Microsoft had serious internal problems with its
organizational structure. New CEO Satya Nadella has taken over and initiated a major restructuring
for this giant company. At a very high level, if you look at Microsoft's stock price, you can see some
of the fruits of Nadella's ideas. Even after the incredible and long-lasting success of its Windows and
Office products, Microsoft struggled to keep up with other companies, especially as Google
dominated the search and software market and Apple owned the phone market. . The tech giant
stagnated and was riddled with internal warfare between major divisions that they often saw as
competitors rather than partners within the same company. As a result, innovation was hampered by
a toxic environment and the company became increasingly reliant on Windows and Office. Both
products have been very successful, but the stagnation has pushed the company into a dangerous
"comfort" zone. After he was appointed CEO in February 2014, Satya Nadella embarked on a major
restructuring of the tech giant to eliminate destructive internal competition. Microsoft products and
platforms will no longer exist as separate groups. Instead, all employees focus on a limited set of
common goals that bring them all together. Their new shared capabilities include reinventing
productivity and business processes, building intelligent cloud platforms, and creating more personal
computing. In September 2016, Nadella merged her original research group with the teams at Bing,
Cortana, and Information Platform to create a new AI and research group. The move brought
together nearly 5,000 engineers and computer scientists to focus on artificial innovation across all of
Microsoft's product lines. Shortly after the launch, Nadella shared a new mission statement with
employees. Before reorganization, employees lacked a positive sense of purpose, resulting in low
morale and low employee engagement. And thanks to Nadella's initiative, everyone at Microsoft
shares a common goal that gives true meaning to their work.
To sum up, I would like to say that as the workplace continues to move from an office to an online
environment, effective communication is more important than ever, along with the right digital tools
and the right training. Good communication skills are required, even more important than proven
experience. Learning international business-related languages is gaining attention as remote work
enables the formation of many international and multicultural teams. The need for a centralized
information system is clear. Providing regular feedback to employees is equally important. Better
communication in the workplace can save businesses millions of dollars in increased customer
retention, productivity and performance.
List of preferences:
1) An-introduction-to-organizational-communication.pdf. Retrieved from
2) Communication in organizations: A case study of communication . Retrieved from
3) Trust in the Modern Workplace. Retrieved from
4) Trust in the Modern Workplace. Retrieved from
5) Why internal communication is the key driver for employee . Retrieved October 24, 2022,
6) How Effective Communication Will Help an Organization. Retrieved October 24, 2022,
7) How Microsoft made the stunning transformation from Evil Empire to . Retrieved October
24, 2022, from

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