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Republic of the Philippines


Urdaneta City Campus

LIT 1: Society and Literature

Name: SURAT, GRACIELA F. Course, Year, and Section: BS Architecture 3A

1. Compare and contrast gender and sex by accomplishing the venn diagram below:

Sex Gender

Sex refers to biological make up of

a person upon birth. Gender pertains to the role or
concept preference of an individual
It is biologically determined – by in the society.
genes and hormones media.
Is the composite of attitudes and
Primarily refers to physical behavior of men and women
attributes-body characteristics Sometimes (masculinity and femininity)
notably sex organ which are your biology
distinct in majority of individuals. as male or Is learned and perpetuated
female primarily through: the family,
It is relatively fixed/constant
aligns with education, religion (where
gender dominant) and is an acquired
through time. expression identity
as man or
Encompasses personal and social woman. The
meanings as well as sexual Because it is socialized, it may be
rights to our
behavior and biology. It includes society
variable through time and across
ways our bodies develop and should be cultures.
respond sexually, includes sexual equal.
acts: kissing, touching, intercourse, Socially constructed and enacted
includes feelings about these roles and behaviors
activities and responses. Also
includes what we think is right and Man/Woman/Other
wrong, good or bad. Includes life Masculine/Feminine
experiences that have shaped these Gender Non-Conforming
feelings and values.
2. Answer the questions in the KWL chart.

What do I already know What do I want to learn What did I learn about this
about the story? about this story? story?

I have known – I want to learn in It features a family

“The Impossible Dream” this animated film how with a baby and two
because it is an award- these characters portray school age children. The
winning animated video real life roles and wife being full time and
with a timeless message situations which seems to having a whole lot of
about gender roles and happen in most families at workload being an
such in a simple family our modern society given employee at a tailoring
throughout the ages. I that work today is now shop and the household
have never watched the genderless and everything chores all by herself. His
video except for this is taken into consideration husband does lesser than
lesson about Literature on which means equality is her or he doesn’t even do
Gender and Sexuality. always applied. And I his job as a man, a father
Given that the United want to know why is it and a husband in the
Nations want to showcase entitled The Impossible family. He doesn’t help
how significant these Dream even if it is his Wife in the household
characters are in one showcasing roles in the chores, all she does is
family that considers the family, what does it wait for the woman to do
love in between and pertains to or if it really all the workload then he
regards other roles, as gives a huge impact to the eats then go to sleep. I
well. I also know that the viewers especially to the learned that gender roles
animation contains mothers in every family. aren’t important, a man
debatable scenes which Why did it become award- can do what a woman can
conveys hidden message winning in the first place do and vice versa. But in
that should be analyzed even if it showcases a lot a family, a man should
well. of modern issues always help his wife, to
presented in the midst of lessen all the burden.
arguments between They should constantly
sexuality and gender share the burden and the
roles? I want to know how load of the family. What
did it got its praises and the man carries should
compliments. also be carried by the
1. After reading “Wedding Dance” of Amador Daguio, write a reaction paper answering these

a. How does the society work in the story;

b. How are men and women both treated in their tribe;
c. Does the norm present in the story still exist at the present time? Give example and

Cite support for your argument.

Wedding Dance
Amador Daguio,

A Reaction Paper

A sad story about a husband and wife which can cause powerful feelings that
would stir everyone’s emotions. Awiyao, despite of being in love with his woman, Lumnay
his wife, feels to marry for him to be superior in his tribe because if he doesn’t bear a
child, he would be inferior to all men in their society. He loves Lumnay but the problem
creeps through him, for it is necessity to have son to be considered a man. On the second
point, their culture permits a man to leave his wife and take another woman hoping the
second wife would bear him children but no such provision for women exists. And
although the first wife may remarry., it would only be after her husband left her.
In the short story, Lumnay’s role that represents all the women in the society is
only for child-bearing. And since Lumnay was not able to fulfill her role. Awiyao chose to
marry another who might be able to give him a successor. The story presented a clash
between culture and traditions and love. A powerful mix of emotions which encompasses
tribal beliefs which transcend love and the bitter truth about the inequality of sexes and
gender roles in every community, how they are treated unfairly and given characters that
portrays the norms. Love is self-sacrifice. The couple, Lumnay and Awiyao has to give up
for their love not only because of what their culture dictates but also to save each other
from the scorn of the society. In Awiyao’s case he had been mocked being childless
because a man to be considered a man should have a child. It is very sad to know they
have to free each other and ignore the call of their hearts just for an unwritten law, a
shallow one that doesn’t consider the love between couples. The work of a woman is to
give birth to children, always debatable and strikes to the heart.
One example of this norm is a community in South Africa where women who can’t
bear children experiences marital instability, stigmatization and abuse which are the
consequences for this childlessness. These findings which came from the result of the
interviews shows that infertility can have serious and negative effect in both psychological
well-being and the social status of women in the developing world. Their culture shows
that the woman is made for making children and if she is not unable to do so, then she is
worthless, the man should leave her. Since many of the undesirable social implications
of infertility are probably experienced by low status women in the developing and
innovative world, effective intervention will ultimately require social, economic and political
changes. Even in our modern society, we can say that these situations can happen
anytime even if our world if developed and full of innovations. The characters Awiyao
and Lumnay has character symbolism they represent in today’s society and every
community we are in. Perhaps they are presented in different ways but the conflicts are

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