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MGT103 Introduction to bussiness

Class: MKT1613
Handed out: Lecturer Nguyen Thi Mai Anh
Submission due: 27th June, 2021
Submission mode:
Email to:

Name: NGUYỄN QUỲNH NGA Roll number: HS163458
Room No: Class: MKT1613


MARK MARKED BY Signature of Proctor

1. Introduction
1.1 Pupose of individual assignment
1.2 Introduction to the managers
1.3 Introduction to the company ….
2. Literature review and critical analysis
2.1. Literature review
2.1.1 The concept of ….
2.1.2 Managerial skills
2.2. Critical analysis
2.2.1 Managerial skills
2.2.2 Contribution
2.2.3 Evaluation
3. Recommendation
4. Conclusion

I. Introduction
1. Pupose of individual assignment
After going through the process of studying and practicing the subject of
Introduction to Management, this individual assignment is written for the
purpose of clarifying and analyzing the management skills of a manager,
namely Mark Zuckerberg. After analyzing the skills of the manager, I draw
conclusions and understand the management skills to apply in my life and in
my work later. I myself have also learned many valuable lessons and
experiences from the daily life stories of managers so that I know where I am
strong, where I am weak and improve myself.

2. Introduction to the managers

Mark Zuckerberg is a leader I admire and trust to be productive. On May 14, 1984, Mark
Elliot Zuckerberg was born in White Plains, New York. He is known as a competent
software developer. Mark was first exposed to computers when he was 6 years old and
immediately found the passion of his life. His father was the first to teach him the basics
of technology. Starting to program computers at the age of 12, most of the skills and
knowledge are self-cultivated by Mark.

Attending high school at Phillips Exeter Academy - one of the most prestigious boarding
schools in the US, Mark built Synapse Media Player, a music platform capable of

synthesizing users' listening habits to recommend their favorite music. This software
immediately attracted many users and caught the eye of two giants AOL and Microsoft.

He attended Harvard University, which gave birth to many great technology ideas and
was called a "programming prodigy" by his friends. But he dropped out of school in his
2nd year to pursue his project. In Mark Zuckerberg's success, it is not due to luck but
because he has always dreamed, planned and has a wealth of knowledge. In 2004, Mark
Zuckerberg and his Harvard students co-founded the website, the
predecessor of the current Facebook application.

Since founding Facebook, Zuckerberg has focused on being the boss of Facebook. The
position of CEO of Mark Zuckerberg greatly affects the entire organization of the
company. He has extensive experience and education in the field of software and
information companies. He is a visionary, Mark improves each role in the organization.

Mark Zuckerberg has drawn the "bloody" experiences in the process of building trust and
receiving the respect and appreciation of employees to succeed in leadership! Always
treat your employees with respect. He knows how to treat, persuade, respect and listen to
his employees. All employees are treated equally in the organization and all can express
their opinions, which helps management.

One of Mark's most famous quotes: “The greatest danger is not taking risks. The only way
to fail in an ever-changing environment is not to take risks.” Constantly innovating and
developing further. Despite significant progress, Mark is continuing to find ways to
improve himself and develop Facebook to avoid the pitfalls that other Internet businesses
have gone through.

3. Introduction to the company

Mark created the website "FaceMash" in late 2002. It was a powerful social network at
the time, but it had certain inaccuracies, was rife with problems, and was almost
impossible to pinpoint someone in the same area. However, thanks to his talent, he was
able to focus and build Facebook Inc., the predecessor to the current
Facebook program, which was co-founded by Mark Zuckerberg and his Harvard students
in 2004.

- May 29, 2005: Changed domain to

- May 2005: Facebook raised an investment fund of 13.7 million USD
- 2006: The News Feed feature was launched allowing users to track each other's
activities in real time
- 2008: Sheryl Sandberg joined Facebook and became COO of the company
- 2010: This social network has 1 billion visits per month
- April 2012: Facebook decided to spend 1 billion USD to buy Instagram
- May 2012: The company went public for an initial public offering (IPO) and raised
$5 billion
- October 2013: The company conducts the acquisition of Onavo - Israeli mobile
web analytics company
- 2014: It's been 10 years since the company's social networking application was
launched with 1.23 billion visits per month

- February 2014: Purchases mobile messaging company WhatsApp for $19 billion
and Oculus VR for $2.3 billion
- 2016: The company expanded its campus for 2,800 employees
- November 2019: Acquires game developer Beat Games, responsible for
developing one of the most popular VR titles of the year Beat Saber

The media company Facebook or Facebook, Inc. is headquartered in Menlo Park,

California. Initially Facebook was just a small social website called
However, then with a "huge" number of global users, Facebook has grown into a
technology company in the Big Four most valuable companies in the world next to:
Amazon, Apple and Google.

To be able to smoothly operate a large social network with 2.4 billion users, Facebook
had to spend a lot of money to expand and build data processing centers, buy machinery
and equipment, etc. Facebook company will use AI artificial intelligence algorithm to
filter analytics about users. Thereby, this application will provide that information to
businesses, newspapers and television so that those units can order places to post ads on
facebook, Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp. The ads are fine-tuned, targeting the right
users, not spreading, increasing efficiency.

According to an analysis by technology site SproutSocial, a business that posts an ad will

have to pay Facebook $1.72 for each user click. In 2018, there were 65 million business

pages placed on Facebook and by 2019 increased to 90 million businesses to serve the
business. So, despite being a social network, Facebook is actually a huge advertising
business that has no competitors in the world.

II. Literature review and Critical analysis

1. Literature review
A manager is a person who is responsible for a part of a company, i.e, they ‘manage‘ the
company. Managers may be in charge of a department and the people who work in it. In
some cases, the manager is in charge of the whole business. For example, a ‘restaurant
manager’ is in charge of the whole restaurant. organization is a group of people who work
together in a structured and coordinated way to achieve a goal.

Communication skills The ability of managers to both effectively convey ideas and
information to others, and to receive ideas and information from others effectively.
Communication skills are one of the most important skills of a manager.

Besides, decision-making skills are also very important for a manager. Decision making is
a manager's ability to correctly recognize and identify problems and opportunities, and
then choose an appropriate course of action to solve the problems and take advantage of
those opportunities. opportunity. Decision making can be thought of as a problem-solving
activity whose ultimate aim is to bring about a solution that is considered optimal, or at
least satisfactory, for everyone or the problem at hand. need resolution. Decision making
is sometimes rational or irrational, and sometimes it results in a reaction of approval or
disapproval on the part of everyone.

A senior and professional manager cannot lack time management skills. Time
management is a manager's ability to prioritize work, work effectively, and delegate
appropriately. Time is precious to every leader. It helps to allocate time to perform tasks

more reasonable and complete. As an effective manager, in addition to the essential skills
and responsibilities in organizing and running work, time management skills play a very
important role.

2. Critical analysis
a. Communication
Zuckerberg is also known for personally evaluating employees and frequently walks
around the company building asking employees see how they are doing and how things
are going. Although he seems to be a practical type of guy, his communication style in the
media is an entirely different story.

While many executives delegate employee communication to others on their team,

Zuckerberg has always taken responsibility for this. The fact that he takes the same
approach to employees as he does to his company enhances communication and
interpersonal connections. Many people who have worked at Facebook have commented
on how he is always wandering, chatting with people, asking questions and getting to
know them on a personal level.

b. Interpersonal
Statistically, Facebook is the best company to work for in the US - better than Google.
Employees are empowered with autonomy in their space, and leaders in the company
prioritize connecting with their employees. Zuckerberg himself also tries his best to build
the right relationships with his subordinates. He encourages interaction between everyone
in the company by positioning himself at the level of his employees rather than beyond

Mark Zuckerberg is described by friends as a person who always requires innovation and
development. He loves debates and challenges. He always promotes relationships within
the company and expects everyone to build more relationships. Even in his boardroom, he

is tough and stubborn. He understands how much his idea is worth and will fight for it
even if it means going against the decisions or opinions of his board members.

Zuckerberg said he doesn't spend more than 50 to 60 hours a week in the office. However,
he spends a lot of time thinking about “how to better connect the world and serve our

c. Decision-making skills
In raising money for Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg took a significant set of risks. He
shunned big investors, canceled meetings and ignored important phone calls, just to drive
demand. In the end, he had twelve major investment firms call for funding for his website.
While most people would be too scared to miss an opportunity, Zuckerberg and the rest of
the Facebook team believe in their product enough to wait for it.

He is well aware of his assertive tendencies. That's why, despite constantly arguing about
opinions with his employees, he knows when to give in and listens to his subordinates'
suggestions. He encourages his employees to improve Facebook. He tries his best not to
take charge of everything. Zuckerberg doesn't want to be led or do things at the behest of
others. "Sometimes we'll do controversial things and make mistakes," he said in an
interview with Wired Magazine. We must be ready to seize the opportunity. "This
mindset illustrates how a product, service, company or brand can fundamentally
revolutionize an industry.

He always prioritizes problem solving. "The question I ask myself practically every day is
'Am I doing the most important thing I can do?' he wrote in a biography, "I will not be
satisfied with the way I spend my time unless I feel that I am solving the most important
problem I can help." I understand that every activity Every business that I consider
starting must have an alignment issue that needs to be resolved in order to support the
consumer or the business.

Looking back at the history of Facebook, looking back at Zuckerberg's bold moves. He
listed the company in 2012, buying Instagram for $1 billion and WhatsApp for $19 billion
and betting on the future of mobile. But if he doesn't take big risks - like dropping out of
Harvard to start a social network - he won't see the big bucks.

d. Time management skills

Mark Zuckerberg's final skill that sticks out is his ability to manage his time. A manager's
ability to prioritize work properly and delegate responsibility correctly is referred to as
time management abilities. That entails being productive, and employers in every field
seek individuals who can maximize their time at work. Organizations can save money and
gain revenue by saving time. Many abilities that will help you manage your time well are
included in time management skills, and this skill contains seven crucial sub-skills:
organizing, prioritizing, setting goals, communicating, planning, authorization, and stress
management. With that said, managers face many different pressures and challenges, so
they must manage their time effectively to solve any problem. As a senior Facebook
CEO, Mark Zuckerberg has a lot to do, a lot of problems to solve, and a lot of pressure.
He said that at one point, he had to work 60 hours a day to complete the project. Besides,
he also has to spend time meeting with customers and partners. Working stressfully for a
long time will greatly affect the quality of work. Realizing this, he rearranged his time and
set out a goal to strive for in the day, month, year ... to do the right job. Not only that, but
Mark Zuckerberg encourages his employees to manage their time in the most reasonable
way by actively dividing work for each employee.

III. Recommendation

None of us are perfect, neither is Mark. During a period of controversy over privacy,
Zuckerberg lost his temper and was sweating profusely as he stood on a videotaped stage
at a technology conference. This embarrassing moment of his went viral on Youtube.
Therefore, when realizing his weakness in public speaking ability as well as the
importance of conveying his message to the media, to investors as well as to employees,
the young "boss" Facebook needs to further improve their confidence and public speaking

Mark Zuckerberg and the rule: 'Risk may fail, but if you don't take risks, you will forever
fail'. That year Mark Zuckerberg had his original base, he accepted to leave the safety of a
Harvard student to build his own "empire". Mark Zuckerberg dares to gamble with his
future. Suppose if he did not succeed, then the risk caused an unfortunate failure. In some
cases, taking risks is not the best way. Mark Zuckerberg sometimes needs to reduce risk,
to make better decisions.

Mark Zuckerberg is an excellent leader. He knows how to manage his time and workers,
communicate effectively with customers and partners, and make timely, sound business
decisions. Mark Zuckerberg was also a student in order to become a good manager, with
tough abilities progressively moved to the positions of founder and subsequently senior

management CEO. He knows the most about what he needs to accomplish to complete
the position and duty he has been given. I've learnt a lot of useful information as a result
of that. To begin, you must always be direct and courageous, as well as know how to
assess situations in order to make the best judgments for yourself and your company when
you go to work. Second, interpersonal communication skills are a necessary talent for
success since they enable us to form positive relationships with everyone from
management to employees. Introverts who are silent and uninterested in the people and
surroundings around them will struggle to achieve and socialize with others. Finally, as a
student, time management skills are critical for effectively dividing study and leisure time
in order to maximize learning efficiency.

V. References list



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