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NIM: 2203220016
60 Minutes

1. Mention some occupancies in the period of British history and explain how they
contribute to the British civilization!

2. Black death was one of deadly pandemic hit Europe and Britain in 13th Century,
how people in Britain perceived this Plague and how do you relate the event with
Today’s pandemic socially and morally

3. What do you like about learning British history? Explain the significance of
studying this subject!

Good Luck

1. the first modern occupancies was started by the romans who invaded Britain. After
Caesar's expeditions, the Romans began a serious and sustained attempt to conquer Britain
againts the native tribes. The Romans and their culture stayed in charge for 350 years.
Brought and create a lot of monument and technology in the britain and also christianity
beginning to exist in the britain. After romans left, the anglo-saxon of germanic groups
started to arrive and make a settlement in the britain and created seven kingdoms in the
land. The biggest and dominant kingdom which is Northumbria held dominance over much
of Britain. But moreover, at the end of 10th century. The britain finally unified under one
command of the king aethelstan. The anglo-saxon last until 1066 when the norman under
william of normandy invaded britain and started the norman conquest campaign. The
Norman Conquest led to a massive change in the history of the English. The hierarchy of
English ruling class had been almost entirely dispossessed and replaced by Norman
landholders, who monopolised all senior positions in the government and the Church.
William and his nobles spoke and conducted court in Norman French, in both Normandy
and England. The use of the Anglo-Norman language by the aristocracy endured for
centuries and left a mark in the development of modern English. which has a massive
influence of the french language.
2. Over four or five years after arriving in Europe in 1347, the pandemic of black death
surged through the continent in waves that killed millions. devastating occasions that
killed around half of Britain's populace, tossing the economy into confusion, and
subverting the old political powers. The most immediate consequence was a halt to the
campaigns of the Hundred Years' War. In the long term, the decrease in population
caused a shortage of labour, with subsequent rise in wages, resisted by the landowners,
which caused deep resentment among the lower classes. The Peasants' Revolt of 1381
was largely a result of this resentment.
Compared to the nowadays pandemic of Covid-19. The black death was much more
deadly and feared as we know that medical field were not advanced as we are today. But
socially and morally. The black death and covid-19 pandemic have something in
common. Which tossing the economy into confusion and making business and corporate
had to shutdown or cut their employees. The world still trying to recover from the
economic disaster caused by the pandemic.
3. British History is one of the major cultural influence in the world which we live. The
british empire ruled over a quarter of the world’s population with territories in every part
of the world. So by learning it’s history. We can understand how British shaped and
Growing as a nation.
The UK emerged from centuries of conflict between the countries that make it up - as
well as pretty much every other one nearby. They had revolutions and civil wars, pretty
much triggered the industrial revolution and the massive changes to society that followed
As a student, you can look at the successes and failures and learn from them. Use them
when you are deciding how build your own company, create your government or even
govern yourself.

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