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Lupo PenSuite (v2011.04 Full) ===================================================== HOME: CHANGELOG: FAQ: CONTACT:

htm ===================================================== - PRESENTATION Lupo PenSuite is a completely free suite of portable programs and games. This Suite is designed to simplify the user's life, by collecting the best suite s and portable programs available on the Web. Optimized to be loaded on a USB flash drive and brought always with you, this Su ite works perfectly well on any other device. This Full version includes lots of programs and games for everyone, organized in various categories. It is perfect for who wants a full suite of software, free and simple to use. ===================================================== - STRUCTURE Lupo PenSuite collection packange has this structure: - "Apps" folder (includes all official Suite applications) - "Launcher" folder (includes all files of the main launcher) - "MyApps" folder (here you can put your additional portable apps) - "MyFiles" folder (here you can put your personal files) - "Lupo_PenSuite.exe" file (the Suite starter) - "Readme.txt" file (this document) IMPORTANT: to make all Suite features working fine, you have to NOT move or rena me files and folders included by default in the Suite package. ===================================================== - TERMS AND CONDITIONS References to "Lupo PenSuite" and "our website" bsite and all related websites, it's owners and By using the information, services and products d downloading any software, you are agreeing to ed herein. refer to the we any related companies. available through our website an the terms and conditions contain

PROJECT Lupo PenSuite project is published under Creative Commons License <http://creati>. It comprise the website, the documentation a nd software packages. To use and modify these materials you must attribute the o riginal work paternity to our project and contact us before the publication of d erived works. Lupo PenSuite is also interested in external collaborations to dev elop portable software and special portable packages. SOFTWARE The Suite and all the software are distribuited freely. The use of each applicat ion is subjected to its license (Creative Commons doesn't replace it), anyway it is free of charge for non-commercial use. The distribution of the software incl

uded in Lupo PenSuite is authorized by their respective owners, the modification and the redistribution can be only behind the license term of each application. Company names, logos, trademarks and product names mentioned or shown on Lupo P enSuite website or in software products may be copyright, trademarks or register ed trademarks by their respective owners. You are not allowed to sell this or ot her derived works. WARRANTIES Our website provides the information, services and products available "AS IS", w ithout ANY WARRANTY. Therefore, no responsibility will be in charge of Lupo PenS uite owner for eventual damages deriving to the final user or thirds party using the present material collected by our project. The author will not be liable fo r any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason. The author can not be held responsible for illegal softwar e or trademarks inserted in unofficial derived collections. End user can not sug gest to be the owner/developer of Lupo PenSuite and can not demand the exclusive or intellectual property of it. ===================================================== - CREDITS SUITE LAUNCHER: Copyright 2010 by El Salvador ICON SET1: Icons used with permission from 2006 Iconaholic Design Ltd. 2003-2010 FOOOD's Icons. All rights reserved. ICON SET3: Rupert Fisch ModernTimes Design 2001-2010 ModernTimes Design. All rights reserved. ICON SET4: Icons used with permission from 2008 Iconaholic Design Ltd. 2003-2010 FOOOD's Icons. All rights reserved. ===============================[ By Lupo73 ]=========

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