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Vision Statement:

UESI seeks to evangelize post matric students in India, nurture them as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, that they may serve the Church and society.

June 2011


In this Issue
UESI AGM Crash Course on Counselling

Vol. XIII No.6 Rs 2/-

Urban Students Department


Glorious Completion of 25 Years of Decentralization


The Bible is the story of a mission, the divine mission of saving the human race carried out by the Triune God and His commissioned people. The first two chapters of the Bible tell us about Gods creation and His purpose for His creation. Men and women who were created in Gods image were entrusted with the task of caring for the earth and enjoying Gods blessings in that task. But mans rebellion against God reversed the situation. Instead of blessing, there was curse (Genesis 3). Gen. 12 to Rev. 22 is Gods answer to the question posed in Gen. 3 to 11. In that way, Gen.12:1-3 is a pivotal text. God called Abraham to participate in His mission, the mission to bless the whole world Gen. 12:1-3. The call included more promises than commands. Let us list them. 1. I will make you a great nation 2. I will bless you 3. I will make your name great 4. You will be a blessing 5. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you 6. All the peoples on earth will be blessed through you What comes to our mind when we think of mission? Hardship? Persecution? Martyrdom? Its all there. But primarily, Gods call to participate in His mission involves receiving His blessings and being a blessing to the world. Have you ever looked at mission this way?

he much-awaited Silver Jubilee Celebrations of UESI-AP as a Decentralized state took place, 12 - 15 May 2011 at Eluru, West Godavari Dist. The theme for the celebrations: Consider. . . Confirm. . . Consecrate. 1 Samuel 12:24. Nearly 1,600 delegates from various parts of the state, country and from abroad took part. Celebrations commenced with a declaration and prayer by Dr Y. Dayakar, President, UESI-AP. Mr J. Devaraj, Rajahmundry, delivered the keynote, Dr P. Augustine, Singapore led the Bible expositions and Dr Rev. C.S. Dutt, Nepal, challenged us during the devotions. Talks such as Missing Jewels in UESI by Mr K.Yohan, UESI-AP History by Mr M. Krishniah,
UESI InTouch

Building one Another by Mr J.S.A. Julius, and Challenges of Student Ministry in India by Dr U. David Jayakumar, were eyeopeners to delegates. Singing was uplifting. The English theme song, We are here as a family/to celebrate our silver jubilee composed by Mr J. Devaraj was an instant hit. Senior graduates and former staff of UESI-AP shared their experiences and were felicitated by the Silver Jubilee Committee. Their experiences inspired the delegates who praised the Lord for the sacrificial lives and commitment of the forerunners. Opening & closing ceremonies, power point presentations, choreography,

skits, poems, and newsreading kept alive the spirit of celebration in all the participants. The souvenirs cover page containing the images of UESI-APs forerunners was an attraction. Convener Mr John Kennedy, Executive secretary Mr Peter Raju, Coordinator Mr David Livingstone shared how they were guided by the Lord in all the preparations of this conference. Celebrations concluded with declaration and prayer of Dr Y Dayakar. The Lord touched everyone. Glory to God forever!
M John Kennedy Convener

Jacob Samuel,

UESI-AP Silver Jubilee Celebrations

Chairperson, UESI Training Dept. email id:

June 2011

Bro David Jayakumar joins Micah Challenge

UESI General Secretary Dr David Jayakumar, after serving UESI for 12 years, leaves UESI on 31 May 2011 and joins Micah Challenge, a project of EFICOR in June 2011. He made a mark when he did his research on The impact of UESI on the Church and the Society which was an excellent contribution to UESI. He is known for his Bible expositions and teachings at the Camps and Conferences across India. He travelled across the various states of North India and encouraged the people to involve in the ministry. During his tenure as General Secretary, UESI ministry was decentralized in Delhi. We appreciate his good services as staff and later as General Secretary of UESI. Mrs Hepzibah David & Dr David Jayakumar were working as College Lecturers in AP. As they heard Gods call, they joined UESI staff team as a staff couple. Currently, their son Moses is studying at New Zealand and daughter Shakinah Grace continues her studies at Delhi. UESI wishes Dr David and his family Gods a b u n d a n t blessings as he joins Micah Challenge. The mission of Micah Challenge is to be a voice on poverty for Christians, encouraging them to learn about the issues, find ways to reach out and help the poor, and to strive for justice. Let us continue to support Dr David & his family in our prayers. John Samuel, Secretary, UESI

Settled or Available?
Children are motivated to study well, get job in a government sector or in some multi-national company, get married to a well-qualified person, build ones own house, have some investments so that they can be settled for the rest of their lives. Job, marriage and house become decisive areas by which one gets settled. Is this calculation the same for a child of God also or is it different? As Gods children, we pray to know the mind of God for our studies, job, marriage, and owning a house. That is fine. But, after we think that we are settled, if the Lord clearly speaks to us for a major move, are we prepared for the same? Abraham, the Father of Faith, lived in tents all his life, looking for a city whose architect and builder is God, Heb. 11:8-10. Philip had a successful mission in a Samaritan city, but the Spirit of the Lord tells him to leave that and go to a desert road to share the Gospel with a minister from Ethiopia, Acts 8:5-8, 12, 26. Of course, later he gets settled at Caesarea Acts 21:8. Barnabas and Paul were in the Leadership Team of the newly founded Church at Antioch. The Lord tells that they are to be commissioned for missionary work, Acts 13:1-4. Paul continues his witnessing till his death, from the rented quarters in Rome, Acts 28:30, 31. Our Aim on Missions says that we have to discover and obey Gods will in their lives to fulfil the command for world evangelization. If we are open before the Lord to fulfil His plans in our lives, He can speak to us clearly about our next move. However, if we think that we are settled once and for all, then we may not dare to pray to know Gods will. Recent evaluation of our ministry across the country shows that the Aim on Missions is not given due importance in our EU, EGF activities. Evaluate your own EU, EGFs focus on Missions in the last year. Plan for definite programmes for Missions for the coming academic year. We do need young people to go as Tent Makers and full-time workers in UESI and other Missions. Are we willing to gamble our lives in the Mission of God in response to the love He exhibited in His cruel death on the cross of Calvary? He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose. Jim Elliot P. Jeba Raj
PS: Please pray for all the CMTCs that are going on. Pray that the Lord will raise leaders for the next academic year through these camps. Pray for all the financial needs to be met. Ear marked contributions in general or for any particular CMTC can be sent

57 members attended including 3 pastors, 7 families, graduates and students from Garhwal and Kumaun regions. Prayer Day started with praise and worship. Then Sis. Primrose exhorted the delegates from Col. 4:2 Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful and Eph. 6:18 Pray in the Spirit on all occasions always keep on praying . . . We had 5 prayer sessions where we praised God for ministry in the last academic year in contact places and prayed for Universities, Institutions and Colleges which are in Garhwal and Kumaun regions. Also prayed for ministry in 8 contact places (Dehradun, Roorkee,

Garhwal Region Prayer Day 12 April, 2011, Haridwar

Srinagar, Pauri, Kotdwar, Haridwar, Rishikesh, & Tehri) in Garhwal region and 7 contact places (Haldwani, Kathgodam, Rudrapur, Pantnagar, Pithoragarh, Ninital, Almora) in Kumaun region. After completion of prayer sessions, we divided into groups and went to local universities and colleges campuses to do prayer walks. From there we departed to our respective places. Praise God for good climate without any disturbance from outside and surplus supply of finance. We had a meaningful time of praise and prayer. P.Thirupathaiah Coordinator

to the UESI Account PJ

June 2011

UESI InTouch

Graduates Programmes at Kotagiri

rainers Training Workshop on Counselling was held from 12 to 15 May 2011 with Dr Latha Paul, Oddanchatram, TN., Dr Ms Adalyne George, Nagercoil, TN., and Dr Renny Samuel from Bangalore. Dr Latha Pauls sessions on Inner Healing captivated most of the participants and some of them in fact intend to attend the Inner Healing seminars conducted at regular intervals at Oddanchatram. Dr Adalyne George kept the participants focused by her case studies in different aspects of counseling. Dr Renny Samuels sessions were indeed relevant and informative with lots of input from his rich experiences in the field of counseling. In all, there were 6 families and 7 individuals from 7 states who participated and were blessed.
UESI InTouch

Some of the families stayed back and participated in the Trainers Training Workshop on Family that was conducted from 15 to 18 May. We had Dr Alexander George from Thrissur, Kerala and Dr Beulah and Balachandra Pandian from Chennai as resource persons. Dr Alex made maximum use of the time to get the delegates into Trainers. There were quite a few training sessions, presentations by the delegates, etc., to equip them as effective trainers. The programme included sessions on Practical aspects of family issues with case studies, discussions, presentations, and also assignments. There were 16 families from 9 states that got trained to be trainers. The third programme from 19 to 22 May 11 was for Senior graduate couples

and we had 8 families from 4 states. The key resource persons Dr Mrs Angela & Dr Christopher Rajkumar, Coimbatore, with their rich experience from UESI family around the nation really made the participants think along with them and enhanced their overview of the silver years. Dr Mrs Rebecca Amarnath from Vellore allayed the fears of health related issues and gave them the confidence as to how to handle the usual health issues of the seniors with confidence. Mr K.V.Christudass talked about matters related to finance and property and he also shared some practical issues from his own experience that added value to his presentations. Bro. Richard Masih with his Bible Studies and closing message challenged the senior couples to be fruitful and fulfilling at this stage of

their lives. In short, every one of them was blessed by their participation and they were happy that they came for this programme. It is our privilege in the NEGF, that we see year after year families come to Kotagiri and learn together and go back and fulfil Gods calling for them to be fruitful in the areas of counselling both students and graduates besides involving them in ministering to families in need. Hitherto Bro. John Lazarus was coordinating these programmes for several years in the past and this year it was my privilege. We would value your prayers as we want to take this ministry to our graduates in North India in Hindi with resource persons from that part of the country. Balachandra Pandian T. Graduates Ministry Secretary

June 2011

Our God is an awesome God who deserves all the glory and praises for the success of the Crash Course on Counselling at Pallotine Animation Center, Nagpur, 29 April-3 May 11. Sixteen staff participated in this in-service training programme organized by Staff Development Department coordinated by the Personnel Secretary, UESI. Rev. Dr Issac V. Matthew, a humorous but skilful counsellor, took all efforts to equip and initiate the staff into the art of counselling. His main aim was to introduce the basic skills in counselling and to improve the ability in counselling. He also introduced professional approaches in counselling, i.e., person-centred psycho-therapy which is also known as theory of personality or theory of relationship. One more such approach was pastoral counselling - a new challenge in Christian ministry. As he puts it, Counselling is a process whereby we help persons to help themselves by gaining insight into their own problems. The presentation method was lively, interesting, and appealing - teaching with apt illustrations. The small exercises in counselling room were practical and imparted to us the right skills. The content of the course was quite heavy but helpful. Many of us are inspired to do the full one-year counselling course under him. Total listening, empathizing, and helping the counselee to find his/her own solution were important aspects of the process, as all the staff have commented in their feedback. Mr Rajkumar: Now with these learned skills, I hope to do counselling in the right way managing my life, family, and the society as well. Mr Christopher: I was challenged by the enthusiasm/motivation of the resource person. It helped me to understand myself who and where am I and where I want to go. Mr Sushil: Within five days, I have learned counselling as an art, like any other arts which requires skills for effectiveness. These are human encounters which form the core of counselling and the basis of change and growth. I am inspired to be a skilful counsellor. Sushil Kumar Nayak
has shifted to Bhubaneswar as staff in UESI Training Dept. Bro. Samuel Spencer and family, who



the ex UESI AP State Secretary will be helping in the state min-

served the Lord in UESI TN as coordinator for 2 years and as staff worker for 14 years, have moved to Punjab with a great vision from God. The Lord is going to do marvellous things in Punjab through our brother and family. Pray for them as they settle down in their base Amritsar, Punjab. They have got a beautiful house. Their children - William, Emy, and Jason have got admissions in good schools. Pray also for their language learning and adjustments to the new cultural and climatic conditions. Let us continue to pray that the Lord will raise leaders from Punjab. They have a dream to see a Sardarji/Punjabi becoming a staffworker of UESI. we have to send out missionaries from among them to the nooks and corners of Punjab and India.

istry till September 2011. UESI appreciates his hard work put in the ministry in A.P. Mr B.J. Lazarus has taken over as State Secretary of UESI AP from May 2011. Mr J. Asir Thyagarajan will take over as from T. Athma Soruban in UESI TN from June 2011. Mr Sathish Joseph Simon will take over as State Secretary of UESI Delhi from July. He has completed his M.Th. and joined back.


Mr T. Athma Soruban will be


to Mr Thomas Abraham & Fly and Mr Jeremiah Duomai as they leave UESI in July. Mr Jeremiah is going to pursue higher studies. The Lord has burdened him for ministry in his state, Manipur. Mr Thomas Abraham will be doing church ministry. Thank God for their services in UESI. May God bless them



13-15 August 11

The Contemporary Gospel Band VERTICAL CONNECTION, comprising mainly of young grads from Hyderabad, performed on 14 May 2011.

will be the staff for Chhattisgarh.


Venue: AICUF Ashram, Bhopal Theme: Co-Heirs in the Kingdom of God Delegates: Final year students & graduates Director: Ms Corrie Susan

June 2011

UESI InTouch

HigHfield, Kotagiri, tN.
1 August -15 October 11 (10 Modules)

Brochures & registration forms are available with UESI Office / Staffworkers Contact: UESI Study Centre Director, Mr Isaac Thomas Highfield, UESI Conference Centre, Kotagiri, TN - 643 217 isaacthomasuesi@gmail. com, 0 94862 93919 REGISTER BEFORE 15 JULY 11

Nearly 1,600 delegates from various parts of the state, country and overseas gathered to celebrate the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of UESI AP.
taking over as UESI National Admn Secretary from Mr J. Selvaduarai from June. After the successful completion of a year-long staff training Mrs Rama & Mr Parveen Bharati and their son, Aman, have moved to their new base Sunder Nagar in Himachal Pradesh. They are the first Himachali staff joining UESI. Mr Rampal will be based at Hissar, Haryana. He is the first Hariyanvi staff joining UESI. Mr Baruna Collet will be based at Allahabad in UP. He is from Orissa.


Mr Jose Jacob and family, former staff of UESI Kerala, have been selected as national staff to help in the UESI Communications Dept.



Following the Master
Rs 75/- only The much-awaited autobiography of Prof. Enoch is available now. Order your copies with UESI Publication Trust, 19 Millers Road, Chennai 600 010 E-mail ID:

Mr Anando S Deori and his wife from Arunachal, Miss Poonam Sotra the first staff from J&K, Miss Nivediata, Mr.Benalin, Mr Anoop Jacob and Mrs Poonam Jacob from UP have been selected as new staffworkers in UESI. They will be under training for a year from August 2011. Continue to pray for more staff: Only 1 staff in MP and J&K, Punjab and Chatisgarh. No staff in Goa, We are in urgent need of staff for NEGF and Departments, Urban Students Dept and International Student Ministry. Some department staff are overloaded with additional responsibilities until new staff join the depts.


We praise God for His goodness and guidance through out many years, we as students of IIT, convey our special thanks to all those who worked for this campus right from 1970s. We thank all the graduates and senior students who worked sacrificially for building our lives. As we continue to grow as a group in this campus, we request all of you, to pray and to involve in building our lives. With regards


IIT-EU Members

God enabled us, the West Delhi Region, to have a short retreat on 25 April 2011 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Mr Stephen Victors Residence, Vikaspuri. The purpose was follow-up of students who recently attended the camp at Mount Carmel, Anand Niketan and other students who come to the two weekly Bible studies. Ten students (5 boys + 5 girls) besides graduates & families gathered for the meet. Mr Satish Simon encouraged with Assurance of Salvation. Dr Savita Duomai exhorted how to grow in faith with important things like Surrendering Self, Developing Christian Disciplines (Studying the Word of God, Prayer, etc.) and coming together as a Fellowship. Mr Prasanna Kumar shared the vision of UESI. Initiative & Involvement of Students were witnessed in discussions & throughout the programme. All have been encouraged & the programme concluded with a fellowship dinner. Praise God with us for this event. Please pray for spiritual growth & continuation of students with the fellowship, and for graduates to be in constant touch with the students.


Rajesh B. Gudipalle West Delhi EGF

Prayer Diary
June 2011 July 2011
Thank God for Easter programme at Jammu, 24 Apr. 11 with 15 students hearing the Gospel; for Ms Goyir Nyodu, a new coordinator for Srinagar, Kashmir. Pray that God would use her.



Thank God for the prayer day in Srinagar, 21 May 11; for J&K EGF committee, 21 May 11. Pray for 3 students to attend Ujjain CMTC 2011; and monthly need Rs 20,000.





Pray for the Fund Raising Seminar during June 3rd week to encourage students about how they can support their staff and activities.

Thank God for UESITN AGM, 11, 12 June 11; for new members and president in State Committee. Pray for the new State Secretary Mr J. Asir Thiyagarajan.



Thank God for the 6 new staff & 2 State coordinators; for the good response for the State level Summer programmes: Graduates Refresher Course, CMTC, Bible Seminar, & Mission Education and Exposure Training (MEET)



Thank God for the Koraput District Annual Conference, 16-18 May 11. Pray for all 110 students and graduates to abide by their decisions.



Thank God for EGF members who are recovering: Mr V. Franklin after a stroke, Mr Paramananda Samal after a bypass surgery, Mr Ragab Naik after a surgery to remove the prostate gland. Pray for the health of Dr Kispotta suffering from Parkinsons disease.





Pray for the urgent need of staff for NEGF Departments, Urban Students Ministry, & International Students Ministry.

Thank God for the excitement in the constituency about Vision 2020; for the P&E Cell Committee Meeting in April 11. Pray for further awareness & ownership of Vision 2020; for State P&E Cells to function well and support of the State leaders.





Pray for starting EU Ministry in MYANMAR; that the Myanmar Govt will open the way to the ministry; for need of 3 dedicated young men to go as missionaries.

Pray for AGM 2011, 11&12 June & its preparations; for the preparations for Fragrance 2011(State Women Conference) 4-6 Oct. 11., and Mission Education and Exposure Training, 1-10 June 11, Kolli Hills.



Thank God for Cross Roads Camp by South Delhi Region with 36 pre-college students attending; pray for Bible studies in IIT Delhi, RAK, Saheed Bhagat Singh College, and JMC in South Delhi region.





Pray for IFES General Secretary Daniel Bourdanne as he visits FES Singapore and speaks at their Staff retreat, 28th June and at the National Student Leaders Conf., 29th June

Pray for their Annual Meet on 2 July 11, at Middlesex. Pray for effective participation of all friends of UESI at United Kingdom.



Thank God for new staff couple Mrs Gethsy & Mr DSP Raja; for state leaders meet, 16-17 April; for state AGM, 21-22 May 11. Pray for the implementation of Vision 2020; for need of staff and coordinators in 3 regions.



Thank God for DTC in Raichur, 23- 27 May 11; for Hospet EU/EGF to be revived with local graduates initiative; for establishing prayer cells in Koppal, Gangavathi, Sirguppa, and Sindhanur.


Thank God for DT Camps held in Gulbarga & Bidar; for North Regional Council, 14 April 11; for Parents Day programme at Mysore, 8 May 11; for the fruitful Vision 2020 meeting in Hubli, 23 April 11.


Thank God for contacts from Thaper university, Patiala, and GND university, Khalsa College of Engineering & Tech, Amritsar. Pray for starting EU and EGF groups in Amirtsar.


Pray for state committee members; for Ludhiana: ICEU Committee members, two EU cells, & one EGF cell; for Jalandhar: 3 EU cells and 1 EGF cell.


UESI Kerala

Thank God for providing suitable venue for Missions Conf., 2-5 Dec 11. Pray for the Conf. arrangements; for the Publication Trust; for Mr Renjith and family in charge for PT; for magazine, Our Contact.

UESI Kerala

North Central Region: Thank God for the new local group started at West Fort; pray for an effective system to monitor the mentoring ; for the proposed SHOP (Sweet Hour Of Prayer) in Thrissur

Madhya Pradesh

Thank God for Leadership Training Camp, 6-11 May 11 with 8 students; for GTP 14-21 May with 8 delegates; for Western Region Prayer Conference with 33 participating. Pray for new EGF Committee in Bhopal.

Pray for preparation for the UESI AGM cum Annual Conf. 15-17 July 11, Nambur, A.P; pray for monthly need Rs 14 lakhs; for the preparation of Finance and Administrative Manuals; for redesigning of the UESI website.



Thank God for revised edition of Let the Bible Speak; for UESI print of Following the Mater. Pray for the reprint of Discovering Gods Will, This Morning With God under process; for printing of new books- 2 Bible Study Guides & Bible Crossword Puzzle.

Thank God for the new website for Campus Link; for the EGF members who developed it. Pray for more features to be added as planned; for UESI Creative Writers Workshop 28-31 July 11, Highfield , Kotagiri, to have wide representation.



Pray for the Consolidation of Annual Reports from all the States; for the blessings of the 7 CMTCs this summer; for representation of delegates from all over the country and adequate Student participation. 6





Pray for National Graduates Conf. 29 Dec. 11-1 Jan. 12, Nagpur: for effective mobilization, resource persons, Rev. Dr Malsawma and Dr Idichria Ninan, Conf. Committee, finance.



Pray for the formation of Maram EGF; for lecturers from UESI background to join Don Bosco College, Maram; for more strengthening of Senapati EGF; for the newly formed Mao EGF.



Pray for the efforts to redesign the website to make it easier to update, maintain, and stateof-the-art for receiving contributions online.

Pray for the first Conf. in Canada: Speaker Arthur Hopes Travel visa to Canada Organizing team, a suitable site near Toronto; for the Lord to bring many graduates and students from various parts of Canada. UESI InTouch



June 2011

thE UrbAn StUdEntS dEPArtmEnt

Connect with Students from Hyderabad

he Urban Student Department of UESI Hyderabad had organized a Discipleship Training Camp at OM Retreat Centre, Jeedimetla Village, Secunderabad, from 11-15 May 2011. The camp was attended by 13 fresher students, 8 senior students and 2 families. Sabina & Frankie Fernandes an EGF family from Kukatpally Zone Hyderabad, Bro. Rajnikant - Teacher at AP Bible College, Hyderabad, Sajeev Immanuel, Sandeep Samuel,

and Andrew Lazarus were the resource people. The Camp was co-ordinated by Nehemiah, John Ephaphras, Sunil Lawrence. Sunny was the Camp Director. The doctrine sessions taken by Frankie Fernandes were enlightening. His sessions helped the delegates to look at and understand their position in Christ in a new light. The devotions by Bro. Rajnikant were simple, lucid, and inspiring. The delegates were made to

look at relationships in the Biblical perspective after a challenging session by Sis.Sabina. The thought provoking Practical Talk sessions on Music, Priorities and Excellence in studies have challenged the delegates to set high standards. The Contemporary Gospel Band VERTICAL CONNECTION, comprising mainly of young grads from Hyderabad, performed on 14 May 2011.

The young graduates and the students are excited and are looking forward to reach out to Urban Students in the campuses with the saving knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
D.M. Bhagyaraj Chairman, UESI Urban Students Dept


HigHfield, Kotagiri, tN.
28-31 July 11 (Thursday - Sunday)

Mark these dates for inspiration! Encourage your state, area newsletter i/c persons, literature secretaries to attend and be blessed. Fee: Rs. 1000 for Graduates, Rs. 500 for Students/Staffworkers Contact: Mr John Jebaraj James, 0 98848 97673
UESI InTouch June 2011 7

Finance Focus
Beloved in Christ,
Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! In I Thessalonians, Paul thanks the Lord for seeing the evidences of the essentials of Christian Life Faith, Love, and Hope - among the believers in Thessalonica. We could see the work out of faith, labour out of love, and endurance out of hope. As we start yet another academic year, may the faithful, loving, and hope-giving God enable us to reach out to more students with the Gospel and strengthen many in His faith. From April 11, we have increased Staff Future Benefit Scheme Contribution from 10% to 12%, started implementing revised House Rent Allowance, and continue to pay 5% of basic towards Pension Scheme. These three items will mean an increase of about Rs 1.25 lakhs every month. Work on Highfield Book Room and Seminar Hall

Published on 6th of every month. Regd with Registrar of Newspapers for India No: 69823/98. Postal Regn No: TN/CCN/483/09-11 & WPP No. TN /CCN /19 / 09-11

Contributions received from 1 Apr- 27 May Expenses Apr-May 2011 June 11: Monthly Need Overall need in June Highfield - Book Room & Seminar Hall Construction + other works Pension Fund: To deposit in pension accounts of senior staff Construction is in progress Work is in progress in defining the Admn and Finance Operating Manual, re-implementation of accounting package, & redesign of UESI website. I request all the contributors to inform UESI Office by e-mailing to ID: uesi54@ as it is important that we account for each contribution received and acknowledged Do pray for the preparations for AGM-2011 in Nambur, AP (financials audit completion, budget collation, and incorporation of state accounts) In Christ, Ashok Palukurthi

Rs 17.39 lakhs Rs 24.87 lakhs Rs 14 lakhs Rs 21.5 lakhs Rs 25 lakhs Rs 76 lakhs

Please note the bank account details to send your contributions through online transfer / NEFT / EFT or write your cheques in favour of UESI and deposit locally. You can continue to use our HDFC account also to send your contributions. Bank : State Bank of India A/c Name: UESI A/c No. : 10332929906 Branch : Purasawalkam, Chennai - 600 007, TN NEFT Code No : SBIN0001515

Bank : HDFC Bank A/c Name : UESI A/c No : 01241000018374 Branch : Kilpauk, Chennai - 600 010, TN NEFT Code No : HDFC0000124 UESI is required to maintain the details of all contributions. May we request you to send your details such as name, place, date of remittance, purpose, amount (and address if contributing for the first time) thru an e-mail to uesi54@ or SMS details to 0 92834 29232.

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EDITOR: Dr David Jayakumar PRINTED BY: Mr Devavaram on behalf of Meipporul Achagam 278 Konnur High Road, Ayanavaram, Chennai - 600 023

Campus Link!

PUBLISHED BY: Dr A. Samuel Richard On behalf of: UESI Publication Trust 19/10 Millers Road Chennai - 600 010

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