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Exercise 1 – Personal Introductions

Carnegie Mellon
Software Engineering Institute ®

Participant Handout

Exercise Title Personal Introductions

Task Conduct an interview of another class member to be able to

introduce them to the class

Time 10 minutes of interviews (5 minutes per class member)

25 minutes of introductions
TOTAL: Approximately thirty-five (35) minutes

Objective Allow everyone in the SCAMPI Team Training class to learn about
the professional and personal backgrounds of the other class
members who will constitute the appraisal team.

Purpose Introduce and practice a number of key team member skills,

including interviewing, taking notes, summarizing the contents of
notes, and presenting material to a group.
Instructors gain insight about participants who may have unusually
good or unusually poor interviewing and presentation skills.

Inputs Handout “Personal Introduction Interview Form”

Output The personal introductions should largely follow the form’s outline,
but it is not necessary (or even desirable) to report out every detail
for every item on the form.

Instructions 1. Class members team up in pairs (preferably with people they

know the least).
2. Using interview form provided, one person interviews the other
and takes notes.
3. Interviewee/interviewer roles reverse, and another interview is
4. As a whole class, each interviewer introduces the person they
interviewed to the whole class based on the notes taken.
Person being introduced sits silently.
5. Debrief experiences of interviewing, giving introduction, and
being introduced as time permits.

Work Aids
• Handout “Personal Introduction Interview Form”

• None

© 2008 by Carnegie Mellon University SCAMPI Appraisal Team Training V1.2 Page 1 of 2
Exercise 1 – Personal Introductions

Personal Introduction Interview Form


*Current position/role description:

*Relevant background (education, previous position, etc.):

Special areas of professional interest:

*Hobbies/special interests outside work:

Family/spouse/children/significant others:

*One thing that no one in the room knows about you (but you would be willing to share):

© 2008 by Carnegie Mellon University SCAMPI Appraisal Team Training V1.2 Page 2 of 2

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