MGN006 Ca3

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Academic Task – 3


Mittal School of Business Name of Faculty: Ms. Shilpa Sewak

Course Code: MGN006 Course Title: Workshop on Life Skills

Class: DBA Section: Q2101

Max. Marks: 30 Date of Allotment: 18-10-2022

Date of submission: (write-up): 31-10-2022.

S. Roll No Objectives of Topic Details Marks Expected outcomes

No Academic

1 Individual To simulate 1. Students need to find out the Evaluation Students will be aware of
methods stressors they are currently facing. the stress they are facing
and techniques 2. Then they need to develop an action Content: 30 marks and learn how to manage
for managing plan to improve their own stress that stress.
stress in their management skills by either Identification of
own life eliminating a cause of stress or stress - 5
reducing its effects on them. Formulation of the
Incorporate two/ three techniques. action plan with
3. Share the expected results. techniques and
timelines – 20
Expected Results - 5
Instructions for the written Essay:

1. The essay will be prepared in an MS-Word format and uploaded as a PDF file on UMS or in the given
story writing template.

2. Font: Times New Roman, font size 12 for the body and 14 for the headings.

3. Do not try to copy any other student’s/group’s work or cut copy paste from the internet and present it as
your original work, if found guilty, zero marks will be awarded.

4. The assignment will be uploaded in your individual UMS accounts.

5. No assignment will be accepted after the due date.

6. The first page of the document to be attached is present in the annexure. That should be kept as the first
page of your essay.

(Kindly note that no change in dates of the presentation will be entertained, if you miss the date of the presentation, you will
be awarded zero for the same)

School of Faculty of

Name of the faculty member

Course Code: Course Title:

Academic Task No: Academic Task Title:
Date of Allotment: Date of Submission:
Student Roll No: Student Reg. No:
Term: Section:
Max. Marks Marks. Obtained:
Evaluation Parameters

Learning Outcomes: (Student to write briefly about learnings obtained from the academic tasks)


I declare that this Assignment is my individual work. I have not copied it f rom any other students’
work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text, nor
has any part been written for me by any other person.

Evaluation Criterion: Rubrics on different parameters

Student’ Signature:

Evaluator’s Comments (For Instructor’s use only)

General Observations Suggestions for Improvement Best part of assignment

Evaluator’s Signature and Date:

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