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B2 Answer key

Unit 1: Poplar Union 8 to start enjoying something 6 patience, good communication, get
or become enthusiastic about on well with people, make people
2 a something feel safe, take some courses
3 1 feel lonely  2 move away  7 a qualities that can be passed from
3 with new people  4 to spread  Unit 3: The toy shop one job to another
5 health problems
3 1 Various companies began making
4 b Mother and baby groups, a kid’s their own, such as Mickey Mouse.
Unit 5: Money management
drama club, a children’s choir,
2 You could share them with 2 1 low salaries, high rental costs
creative art classes, social dancing
friends and play together. and an unwillingness to reduce
3 He is now a character in spending
5 1 b  2 b  3 a  4 b  5 a  6 a multiple films. 2 Home ownership has fallen by
6 b 1 c  2 a  3 d  4 b 4 TV shows and films ten percent.
5 Family and friends were able to 3 breaking down what you spend
7 Suggested answers: relaxed, dance and play sports together
rested, accomplished, healthy, fit, then making small changes
in the living room.
active, social 3 1 T
4 b farms, castles, dolls houses, 2 T
8 a not especially impressive or folk toys, animals
noteworthy 3 T
5 1 with old-fashioned toys  4 F – many are not willing to
2 wooden  3 restores reduce their outgoings
Unit 2: Life on the farm 4 don’t have to compete with 5 F – between £5 and £35
2 b A growing population, 5 have remained popular. 4 1 broke  2 break down 
advancements in technology and 6 1 loved drama  2 dolls houses  3 to budget  4 spendthrifts 
equipment, motorised equipment, 3 old look  4 90  5 collects 5 set aside  6 outgoings
large commercial farms developing 7 b 1 e  2 a  3 c  4 b  5 f  6 d 5 b taxes, food, shopping, cabs (taxis)
3 1 The more the population grows, 8 a to strongly remind someone of a 6 1 b  2 a  3 a  4 c  5 c  6 c
the more farmers have to past time
produce, and faster.
7 b Monday: She made her packed
lunch, took coffee to work and
2 155
3 Motorised equipment such as Unit 4: Job skills walked home. This saved her £10.
Tuesday: She made her coffee and
tractors, improved housing,
2 1 T packed lunch, but this made her
time-and cost-efficient
2 T late for work so she had to take a
3 F – They are investing in taxi. She didn’t save money.
4 They are still often family-run,
housing and social programmes. Wednesday: She is going to get her
and farmers still have to wake
4 F – Unemployment, lack of quality bike fixed. This will cost about
up at dawn to feed and herd the
healthcare, crime and education £100 in the short term, but will
are the four central issues. save her about £800 a year on
5 Because of the growing
5 T travel and gym membership in the
competition from commercial
4 1 because of roads and railways long term. Thursday: She ordered a
taking over pizza. She didn’t save money.
4 b 1 Getting up at 5.30, when it’s still 2 People are moving back, Friday: She cooked dinner at home
dark, and doing the milking instead of eating out with friends.
factories are opening up, new
2 Milking cows, feeding the pigs, This saved her about £25.
jobs are being created.
feeding the chickens, cleaning
3 She likes being outdoors – it 8 a to stop doing something
the farm
makes her happy and healthy;
5 1 T she doesn’t like it when the
2 F – He has done it all his life. weather’s bad.
Unit 6: Honister Mine
3 F – It takes two hours. 4 She uses social media and the 2 b
4 F – She has been there for over internet.
a decade. 5 young people 3 1 coal, iron and limestone
5 T 6 at the weekends and in summer 2 rising costs and overseas
6 T 7 by doing monthly litter picks competition
7 T with volunteers 3 The last deep coal mine shut
8 F – She thinks she wouldn’t like 8 She created it after a down.
to get up at 5.30 every morning brainstorming session with 4 because of the development of
and that it probably isn’t her friends. new technologies
dream job. 5 copper, nickel, lithium, natural
5 1 vital transport network gases and tungsten
6 b 1 B  2 D  3 A  4 E  5 C 2 roads and railways 6 slate for roofs
7 1 lead themselves 3 warehouses and factories
2 are used to being 4 flats
3 one-by-one 5 new jobs
4 mature
5 less

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

Roadmap Video
B2 Answer key

5 1 F – The landscape shows scars Unit 8: The potter’s wheel Unit 10: An eco village
of the industry.
2 T 2 a A the tea ladle  B the tea bowl  2 a Suggested answers: energy
3 F – Slate was extracted from C green tea powder consumption, heating, lighting,
the main cavern. electricity usage, insulation,
b 1 please guests
4 F – It was done by manual water usage and the amount of
2 remove outdoor dirt
labour. waste we produce
3 in front of
5 T
4 the same bowl 3 1 There are a lot of energy-
6 F – ‘It might look a bit scary, but
5 different shapes inefficient houses.
can you imagine climbing up a
3 b With clay dug from a quarry. They 2 They reduce energy
mountain every day to go to
are made on a rotating wheel consumption and provide space
work, in the mines in the dark for
(a pottery wheel). for nature
12 hours? Now that’s terrifying.’
3 water is not recycled, they are
6 b 1 cavern  2 drill  3 slate  4 1 b  2 a  3 b  4 a  5 a  6 b not well insulated, they produce
4 mine  5 ventilation 5 b D, A, F, B, C, E carbon emissions
7 1 12 hours  2 eight/8  6 a to return to the right path or 4 It releases carbon emissions.
3 60/80 cm  4 hit  4 gunpowder direction after a period or 5 by building at least 300,000
disruption or distraction new homes and improving
8 1 A a high-vis jacket resource efficiency by 25%
B a hard hat
C a pole/manual drill Unit 9: T
 he mystery of 4 1 a village designed to be
D a mallet/hammer completely zero carbon
Long Meg
2 C, D 2 wind-cowls to bring in fresh air,
3 A, B 2 a 1 agriculture steel frames sourced locally to
2 because of the introduction of reduce carbon emissions, no
9 a to put yourself in a position you are energy needed to heat them,
metal tools
not used to, or comfortable with
3 sandstone or granite thick walls, triple-glazing, low-
4 because the stones are too energy appliances, sun spaces,
Unit 7: Cooking up a small heavy for one person to lift solar panels, greenery to absorb
business 5 burial sites and other historical rain water
objects 3 get inspired and create their
2 1 T own developments
2 F – More than 400,000 b 1 granite  2 spiral 
companies were registered in 3 archaeologists  4 solstice  5 1 help people in years to come
5 weathered  6 sandstone 2 the town it is in
various fields.
3 eye-catching
3 T 3 b Because Long Meg is the big 4 sourced from local suppliers
4 T ‘parent’ stone surrounded by
5 good insulation
5 F – It is growing at a rapid pace. smaller ‘family’ stones – her
6 help sustain local wildlife
4 1 not sticking with the same job daughters.
6 1 eco village  2 future generations 
2 vegan 4 1 standing stones 3 sustainable  4 energy-saving 
3 difficult 2 thousands
5 environmentally-friendly
4 his cousin 3 a different type
5 online and in store 4 not decorated 7 b A They provide more insulation
6 something people recognise 5 increase sound than a normal home.
and are attracted to 6 work out the mystery of B Energy-efficient lightbulbs use
less power but generate the
5 1 food-related  2 fast-growing  5 b 1 5000  same brightness.
3 business side  4 homemade  2 sandstone 
C They convert sunlight into
5 festivals 3 Ireland, (North) Wales 
6 a 1 F  2 E  3 A  4 D  5 B  6 C 4 shadow 
D They take in fresh air but keep
5 celebration
b A Sides in  B Tuck it in  C Flip it  the heat in.
D Fold over  E Three drops  6 They are still a mystery; 8 a to contribute towards something
F Add the filling They connected places together;
They boost sound;
7 a to pursue something They may have been used for
7 a that it can keep its mystery and we
Image Credit(s):
will never know
Getty Images: 10’000 Hours,
Ansonmiao, Cavan Images, DAJ,
Flashpop, Halfpoint, Kumikomini,
Mariusz Malinowski, Mihajlo Maricic /
EyeEm, Monty Rakusen, Narintorn
Pornsuknimitkul / EyeEm, Nick Daly,
Nick David, Paula Daniëlse, RgStudio,
Theasis, Westend61, Yagi Studio

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