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The Roadmap Report

B2 Unit 1: Poplar
The personal
Union trainer Corresponds with Lesson

3 Read the infographic again. Complete the sentences

with no more than three words or a number.
1 A significant number of adults in the UK
1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1 What are some of the benefits of socialising?
2 Because people start their own families and
2 Do you think it becomes more difficult to meet new
, people tend to have
people as you get older? Why/Why not?
fewer friends as they get older.
3 Do you think it’s easy to make friends in a big city?
3 A lot of adults admit they have limited time to commit to
Why/Why not?
the effort of socialising .
4 How can adults make new friends?
4 If one of your close friends is happy, it is likely
2 Scan the infographic and choose the best summary and make you happy.
(a, b or c). 5 You are less likely to have
a People have fewer friends as they get older, but if you are more social.
friendship provides physical and mental benefits.
4 a Work in pairs. You’re going to watch a video about an
b Many people in the UK suffer from loneliness if they innovative social club in London. What activities do
don’t make many friends as teenagers. you think it provides to help people make friends?
c People should make more friends as they get older to
give them more emotional support. b Watch the video and check your predictions.

The power of friendship

According to a recent study, more
than nine million adults in the UK
often feel lonely. As time goes by and
friends begin to start their own families
or move away, it’s likely that the
number of close friends an adult has
is significantly lower than it was when
they were a teenager.

A survey in the US recently showed

2 3
that 45% of adults find it But, according to
difficult to make new friends, research, strong
and with it taking an social support
average of around 50 hours 45% systems can have
to even become slightly a profound effect
close to someone, some on our happiness
adults say they simply don’t and even our
have time to commit to the health.
effort of socialising with new people.

4 5
A Harvard Medical
The Harvard study found
School study of 5,000
that those who hold back
people over 20 years
from social situations are
showed that if one
likely to have more health
person in a social circle
problems than someone
is happy, it is likely to
social, such as memory
spread throughout the
decline and high blood
friendship group, leaving
pressure from stress.
them feeling happy, too.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

The Roadmap Report
B2 Unit 1: Poplar Union Corresponds with Lesson 1A

7 Work in pairs. Read the extract from the video. How

does the dance class make these ladies feel?
Hannah: So how do you feel after an afternoon of
5 Watch the video again. Choose the correct
options (a or b) to complete the sentences.
Speaker 1: You unwind when you come here.
1 Hannah wants to learn if …
Speaker 2: Yeah, you do. And you feel as though you’ve
a it is hard to meet people living in a large city.
achieved something. Like not just sitting
b people really have benefited from the group.
around and that, you’ve seen your friends,
2 The centre was opened to help people … you’ve chatted, exercised so …
a be creative and do art.
b meet other people in the area. 8 a Hannah says her dancing is nothing to boast about.
3 The third lady interviewed says that … What do you think this means?
a someone recommended the place to her.
b Work in pairs. What skill of yours is nothing to boast
b she doesn’t like trying new things.
about? What could you do to improve it?
4 Doreen says …
a don’t come if you can’t enjoy yourself.
b it doesn’t matter if you can’t dance. AFTER YOU WATCH
5 One of the ladies in the dance class says …
a there is a spirit of friendship and community in 9 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
the class. 1 Would you go to a centre like this? Why/Why not?
b people judge each other. 2 Do you think somewhere like this would work well in
6 Hannah says … your area? Why/Why not?
a the class has made her feel happy. 3 What other activities do you think would be a good
b she’d like to join the class. addition to the centre? Why?
6 a Match people 1–4 with their reasons for going to the 4 Do you think this sort of place will become more
centre a–d. common in the future? Why/Why not?
1 Beth says that at Poplar Union,people … 10 a Think about your own relationships. Make notes
2 The man says he likes going there because he can … about one of the following options:
3 The lady says it’s nice with her first baby to … • an old friend and what you like to do together
4 The final lady says she wanted to … • a friend you met in an unusual situation
• a more recent friend and how you met them
a spend some time with people.
• a friend you’ve lost contact with
b come and try new things.
• a place you like to go out and about with your friends
c explore new ideas, skills and get to know new people. • a way you might make friends in the future
d socialise with others in a similar situation.
b Work in small groups. Tell your group about your
b Watch the video from 01:02–01:56 to check your relationship.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

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