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The Roadmap Report

B2 Unit 8:
1: The personal
potter’s wheel
trainer Corresponds with Lessons 8A,
& 8C


1 Work in pairs. Look at photos A–D. What do you think these things are
used for?

2 a Scan the article. Which of the things in Exercise 1 are mentioned?

Chado, which translates to ‘the way of tea’, is the
Japanese ritual of preparing and serving green
Matcha tea. Though ceremonies differ in length,

the principal remains the same – everything is
done for the enjoyment of the guests and the
appreciation of the tea.
When the guests arrive, they wash their hands to

symbolically cleanse themselves of dirt and dust
from the outside world, then enter the ceremony
room where they kneel on a cushion. The host,
who is kneeling opposite, then begins to clean
their tools for the guests to witness. The main
A Japanese tea components of the ritual include a silk cloth to
ceremony – handle the hot equipment, the green tea powder,
the ultimate in a large wooden spoon and hot water. Once the
Japanese hospitality. hot water has been poured into the tea, the first
guest takes a sip from a large, ceramic bowl.
By Leah Mavor, 12th September They must then rotate the bowl for the next guest
to take a sip from. This then continues until all
the guests have taken a drink.
There is a long history behind the tea bowls,
which were first imported from China. They
can be designed in various shapes that are easy
to cup your hands around and there is often a
decorative side, which should not be drunk from.

b Read the article again. Choose the correct alternatives.

1 A tea ceremony’s main aim is to please guests/please the host.
2 Guests wash to serve the tea/remove outdoor dirt.
3 The equipment must be cleaned in front of/by guests.
4 The guests drink from the same bowl/different bowls.
5 All Japanese tea bowls are the same shape/different shapes.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

The Roadmap Report
B2 Unit 8:
1: The personal
potter’s wheel
trainer Corresponds with Lessons 8A,
& 8C

3 a You are going to watch a video about the 5 a Work in pairs. Put the actions in the order they are performed in
bowls used in Japanese tea ceremonies. the video.
How do you think they are made? A You press your thumb on the top of the clay and slowly
press down.
b Watch the video to check your predictions.
B A large, heavy object is pressed into the middle of the pot
to create the shape at the bottom.
WHILE YOU WATCH C A metal stick is used to take the fallen parts away.
D The clay is thrown onto the spinning wheel.
4 Watch the video again. Choose the correct E A wire is used to remove the finished pot from the wheel.
options (a or b) to complete the sentences.
F The outer edge is formed by putting two fingers either
1 Martin started making tea bowls because … side of the top of the clay.
a he wanted a new hobby.
b he saw a tea ceremony and was amazed. b Watch the video again from 03:16–03:50 to check your
2 When Martin makes a bowl, he thinks predictions.
about …
6 a Work in pairs. Hannah says Martin helps her get back on the
a its appearance and how it’s held. right track when her bowl goes wrong. What do you think
b its beauty. this means?
3 Martin also needs to consider …
b Can you think of a situation where you or someone you know
a the amount the cup can hold.
has got back on track after a mistake or failure?
b the height and width of the cup.
4 Martin likes the bowls …
a to be simple. AFTER YOU WATCH
b to be uneven.
5 Hannah finds making her own bowl … 7 a Prepare three questions to ask your classmates about
a calming. ceremonies or rituals in their country. Think about:

b uncomplicated. • what happens

• what’s involved
6 By the end of the process, Hannah
• the purpose of it
feels …
a disappointed with herself. b Walk around the room and ask your questions to at least four
b pleased with herself. classmates. Share your findings in small groups.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

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