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The Roadmap Report

B2 Unit 9:
1: The personal
mystery of
Long Meg Corresponds with Lessons 9A,
& 9C


1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo and

discuss the questions.
1 What do you think the photo shows?
2 Have you ever visited anywhere like
this? Where?
3 Why do you think the stones are there?
4 Why do you think people are interested
in places like these?

2 a Read the article and answer the

1 What else originated during the same
period as stone circles?

2 Why did the stones start to become

decorated? b Read the article again. Complete the definitions with the words
in bold.
1 (n) a very hard, grey rock, often used in building
3 What natural materials are the stones 2 (n) a line in the form of a curve that winds around a central
made from? point, moving further away from the centre all the time
3 (n) people who study ancient societies by examining what
remains of their buildings, tools, and graves
4 How do historians know one person 4 (n) the time when the sun is furthest north or south of
didn’t build each circle? the equator
5 (adj) changed in colour or shape because of the effect of
the sun, rain and wind
5 What has been found in the middle of 6 (n) a type of soft yellow or red rock, often used in buildings
some stone circles?
3 a You are going to watch a video about a stone circle called Long Meg
and Her Daughters. Why do you think it was given this name?

b Watch the video and check your predictions.

The story of the stone circles

The history behind the long-lasting stone circles scattered around the UK
By Harry Yates, 11th April

S tonehenge is known around the world for being one of

the must-see historical places when visiting the UK,
particularly during the summer solstice, but did you know
Well, made from sandstone or granite, many of the stones
are too heavy for one person to lift, so it would have taken a
considerable number of workers to move them into their final
there are actually an estimated 1300 other stone circles all positions. However, there are no buildings left from this period,
over the UK? so historians have wondered for some time if they were built
Stone circles are a tradition that developed in Britain at around around local settlements, or if people travelled to help build and
the same time as agriculture – between 2000 and 3000 BCE. appreciate these great monuments. Historians have, however,
Then, some of the more decorative circles such as those with been able to determine that many of the stones originated in the
spiral patterns, came in around 2400 BCE, when the first use areas local to where they stand in the present day, due to their
of metal tools began. The first is believed to have been in the weathered appearance.
Scottish Orkney Islands, with the trend then spreading further Many burial sites have been found within the stone circles by
south into England. So, how were they built? archaeologists, as well as numerous other historical objects
around them, such as a royal cup.

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The Roadmap Report
B2 Unit 9:
1: The personal
mystery of
Long Meg Corresponds with Lessons 9A,
& 9C

6 Watch the video again from 02:29–03:14. Tick the information

given about the stone circle.

4 Watch the video again. Choose the correct They are still a mystery.
alternatives. They have confirmed the theories.
1 Long Meg is a family of standing stones/ They connected places together.
stone circles. They boost sound.
2 The stones have been proven to date back They may have been used for shows.
hundreds/thousands of years. People come to drum there.
3 Long Meg is unique, because she is made They have records from when they were built.
from the same type/a different type of They are built facing West.
stone than her Daughters.
4 Long Meg’s Daughters are not decorated/ 7 a Work in pairs. Read the extract from the video. What do you
covered in spiral patterns. think retain a bit of her mystery means?
5 One of the theories behind the stone circle Dot: Sadly, we have no written records from the time. All that is
is that they were built to increase sound/ left is the stone circle and Long Meg.
drum on during performances. Hannah: Well, thank you so much for showing me around and, yeah,
6 The historian says they will probably never I think it’s quite nice Long Meg can retain a bit of her mystery.
work out the mystery of/be able to
accurately date Long Meg and Her b Can you think of another historical place that has retained its
Daughters. mystery? What do you know about it?

5 a Complete the sentences with no more

than two words or a number.
1 The archaeologist has had the stones dated
back years.
8 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1 What do you think these stones might have been built for? Why?
2 Long Meg is made from a rock.
2 Do you think we will ever be able to explain the mystery of Long
3 Long Meg’s design can often be found in
Meg and Her Daughters? Why/Why not?
and .
3 Are there any mysterious places like this in your country?
4 During the Winter Solstice, Long Meg casts
a straight directly to the centre 9 a Work in small groups. Research a mysterious place or event.
of the stones. Think about:
5 It has been suggested this wonder • where it is/happened
signalled a yearly event or . • the theories behind it
• why it is significant
b Watch the video from 01:12–2:21 and
check your answers. b Share your findings with the class.

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