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The Roadmap
B2 Unit 3:
1: The Personal
toy shop Trainer 1C A new lifestyle
Corresponds with Lesson 3A


1 Work in groups. Discuss the

questions. POPULAR TOYS
1 What toys did you use to play
with when you were younger?
2 How do you think the way
children play has changed over
the last 50 years?
From board games to figurines,
3 Do you think there is still a place
for old-fashioned toys? every child has a different
Why/Why not? taste in toys, but are the kids of
today still playing with teddy
2 Work in pairs. Read the article
and discuss the questions. bears and yo-yos? Recently,
1 Did you have any of these toys a list of the best-selling toys
when you were younger? through the decades has been
2 Do you think any of these toys put together by a number of
would still be popular now?
Why/Why not?
toy makers and sellers.

3 Read the article again and

answer the questions.
1 What happened thanks to the
success of teddy bears? 1900s In 1906, a US manufacturer began to make teddy
bears, which have remained popular with young
children to this day. A few decades later, due to
2 What was different about toys in their long-lasting popularity, various companies
the 50s? decided to make their own versions, with the
very first Mickey Mouse teddies launched in
the 1930s.
3 How has Mr Potato Head evolved
from being just a toy?
1950s The 1950s came and toys began to change. They
became something you could share with friends
and play with together. Mr Potato Head – a soft
4 What were many toys based on
‘potato’ with 28 plastic facial and body parts –
in the 60s and 70s?
was first sold in 1952. Since then, it has generated
more than $4 million in sales and even features
in multiple films as a walking, talking character.
5 What was different about the
Nintendo Wii from the other toys
in the article?
1960s In the 60s and 70s, TV shows and films
influenced toys, as action figures became
increasingly popular. Some had the ability to
speak, while others were simply designed for
4 a You are going to watch a video
about a traditional toy maker.
children to create their own stories with.
What kinds of toys do you think
he makes? Fast forward to the 00s and the Nintendo Wii –
b Watch the video and check your
one of the most popular games consoles of all
time. With more than 100 million sold in just
seven years, it allowed family and friends to
dance around the TV and ‘play sports’ all from
their living room.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

The Roadmap
B2 Unit 3:
1: The Personal
toy shop Trainer 1C A new lifestyle
Corresponds with Lesson 3A

8 a Work in pairs. Read the extract from

the video. What do you think takes me
back means?
5 Watch the video again. Choose the correct alternatives.
Paul: Bet you haven’t seen one of
1 Hannah wants to know if people still play
these before!
with old-fashioned toys/board games with their families.
Hannah: Oh, yes, I have! I remember
2 The shop sells recycled/wooden toys.
those when I was little. Now
3 As well as making toys, Paul also invents/restores them. that takes me back. Very
4 Paul thinks old toys are much better than/ nostalgic. Very simple.
don’t have to compete with video games.
5 Hannah thinks shops like this prove traditional toys b Work in groups. Which toy, game or
are increasing in popularity/have remained popular. hobby takes you back? Why?

6 Watch the video again from 00:44–03:11. Complete the sentences

with no more than three words or a number. AFTER YOU WATCH
1 Hannah is excited about the wooden theatre as she
when she was younger. 9 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

2 Paul tends to focus on larger toy sets such as toy farms, castles and 1 Do you think there is still a place for
. traditional wooden toys like these?

3 When people have their toys restored, they want to maintain their 2 Do you think shops like this will survive
. in the future? Why/Why not?

4 Paul is working on a toy that was made 3 What current toys or objects do you
years ago. think may become collectable in the
future? Why?
5 Paul also toys. He has some toys that
were designed over 150 years ago. 10 a Work in small groups. Imagine you
open a shop 50 years from now, that
7 a Work in pairs. Match numbers 1–6 with sentences a–f.
sells old things. Think about:
1 90 2 14 3 30 4 150 5 1900–1920 6 100
• five products you would sell and why
a The toy house owner’s father was this age when he built them. • what things people might want
b The Russian toys are made to a design created this many years ago. restored in the future
c The age of the Russian folk toys • things that your shop collects, that are
d How old some of his collectible toys are now rare and valuable
e The houses he is restoring now were built this many years ago.
b Present your ideas to the class.
f When the wooden leopard was made

b Watch the video again from 02:20–03:20 and check your answers.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020

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