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Drawing Production

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Revision Log
Date Revision Description of Revision Author Reviewed Approved
24/01/2008 0.1 Issued for Review IMP
01/02/2008 0.2 Reviewed IMP BG / ED
04/03/2008 1.0 Approved for Training IMP BG RP
04/01/2009 1.1 Issued for Review BT
04/01/2009 1.2 Reviewed BT BG
04/01/2009 2.0 Approved for Training 12.0.SP3 BT BG RP
20/072009 2.1 Issued for Review KMM
07/08/2009 2.2 Reviewed KMM KB
07/08/2009 3.0 Approved for Training 12.0.SP4 KMM KB RP

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AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

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1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 9
1.1 Aim................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Objectives ....................................................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Prerequisites................................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Course Structure ............................................................................................................................ 9
1.5 Using this guide ............................................................................................................................. 9
1.6 Training Setup .............................................................................................................................. 10
2 DRAFT features...................................................................................................................................... 11
3 Getting started ....................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Entering a DRAFT Session.......................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Current Element Definition.......................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Displaying the Explorer windows............................................................................................... 14
3.4 Displaying Toolbars ..................................................................................................................... 14
3.5 Displaying the Draft Drawing Sheet ........................................................................................... 15
3.6 Manipulating the Sheet View....................................................................................................... 16
3.6.1 Mouse buttons ........................................................................................................................... 16
3.6.2 Keyboard Commands ................................................................................................................ 17
3.7 Resetting the Draft View .............................................................................................................. 18
3.8 Grid ................................................................................................................................................ 18
3.8.1 Displaying and Hiding the Draft Grid ......................................................................................... 18
3.8.2 Changing the Grid Spacing........................................................................................................ 19
3.8.3 Positioning Elements on a Grid (Snap)...................................................................................... 19
3.9 Saving and Restoring Views ....................................................................................................... 19
3.10 Settings User Defaults ................................................................................................................. 19
Exercise 1 - Viewing Controls ...................................................................................................................... 21
4 The PDMS DRAFT Database Hierarchy ............................................................................................... 23
4.1 DRAFT Database Hierarchy Overview ....................................................................................... 23
4.2 The DRAFT Hierarchy - Department (DEPT).............................................................................. 24
4.3 Department Attributes ................................................................................................................. 24
4.3.1 Size and Units Tab..................................................................................................................... 25
4.3.2 Intelligent Text Tab .................................................................................................................... 26
4.3.3 Pens Tab.................................................................................................................................... 26
4.3.4 Miscellaneous Tab ..................................................................................................................... 28
4.4 The DRAFT Hierarchy - Registry (REGI) .................................................................................... 29
Exercise 2 - Create the DRAFT hierarchy ................................................................................................... 30
5 Creating Drawings and Sheets............................................................................................................. 31
5.1 Creating Drawings and Sheets ................................................................................................... 31
5.1.1 Creating Drawings from a Template .......................................................................................... 31
5.1.2 Creating Drawings from a Default Template.............................................................................. 33
5.1.3 Creating Drawings explicitly....................................................................................................... 34
5.1.4 Creating Drawing Sheets explicitly ............................................................................................ 35
Exercise 3 - Create a drawing from a template........................................................................................... 36
Exercise 4 - Create a drawing explicitly ...................................................................................................... 36
6 Creation and Modification of Views ..................................................................................................... 37
6.1 User Defined Views ...................................................................................................................... 37
6.2 Creation of User Defined Views.................................................................................................. 37
6.2.1 User-Defined View Form – The Frame Menu............................................................................ 37
6.2.2 User-Defined View Form – The View Menu .............................................................................. 39
6.2.3 User-Defined View Form – The Graphics Menu........................................................................ 40
6.2.4 User-Defined View Form – General Tab ................................................................................... 43
6.2.5 User-Defined View Form – Scale Tab ....................................................................................... 45
6.2.6 User-Defined View Form - Intelligent Text Tab.......................................................................... 45
6.2.7 User-Defined View Form – Attributes Button............................................................................. 46
6.2.8 User-Defined View Form - Change Highlighting........................................................................ 47
6.2.9 User-Defined View Form - Update Design on Apply ................................................................. 47
6.3 User Defined Views – A Worked Example ................................................................................. 48
6.3.1 Defining the Representation - General Tab ............................................................................... 48
6.3.2 Populating the Drawlist .............................................................................................................. 48
6.3.3 Setting a Scale........................................................................................................................... 49
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

6.3.4 Modifying the View Frame ......................................................................................................... 49

Exercise 5 – Creating a User Defined View (Equipment arrangement).................................................... 50
Exercise 6 – Creating a User Defined View (Piping arrangement) ........................................................... 51
6.4 Limits Defined View ..................................................................................................................... 52
6.5 Creating Limits Defined View...................................................................................................... 52
6.5.1 Limits-Defined View Form - Limits Menu ................................................................................... 52
6.5.2 Limits-Defined View Form – Limits Tab ..................................................................................... 53
6.5.3 Limits-Defined View Form – Scale Tab ..................................................................................... 53
6.5.4 Limits-Defined View Form – Matchlines Checkbox ................................................................... 53
6.5.5 User-Defined View Form - Update Design on Apply ................................................................. 54
6.6 Limits-Defined View – A Worked Example ................................................................................ 55
6.6.1 Defining the Representation - General Tab ............................................................................... 55
6.6.2 Populating the Drawlist .............................................................................................................. 55
6.6.3 Setting the View Limits............................................................................................................... 56
Exercise 7 – Creating a Limits Defined View (Equipment Arrangement) ................................................ 58
Exercise 8 - Creating a Limits Defined View (Structural Arrangement)................................................... 59
6.7 Creating Views with Predefined Frames.................................................................................... 61
Exercise 9 – Creating Predefined Views ..................................................................................................... 62
7 Dimensioning ......................................................................................................................................... 64
7.1 Dimension Hierarchy ................................................................................................................... 64
7.2 Dimension Types.......................................................................................................................... 64
7.3 Linear Dimensions ....................................................................................................................... 65
7.3.1 Creating Linear Dimensions....................................................................................................... 65
7.3.2 Deleting dimension points.......................................................................................................... 67
7.3.3 Modifying Linear Dimensions Graphically.................................................................................. 67
7.3.4 Modifying Linear Dimensions..................................................................................................... 68
7.4 Creating a Dimension – A Worked Example ............................................................................. 69
7.5 Intelligent Text .............................................................................................................................. 74
7.6 Positioning Dimensions using Modify Mode ............................................................................ 75
Exercise 10 – Dimensioning the drawing (Equipment Arrangement) ...................................................... 77
Exercise 11 – Dimensioning the drawing (Structural Arrangement)........................................................ 78
Exercise 12 – Dimensioning the drawing (Piping Arrangement).............................................................. 79
7.7 Angular dimensions..................................................................................................................... 80
7.7.1 Creating Angular Dimensions .................................................................................................... 80
7.7.2 Modifying angular dimensions graphically ................................................................................. 81
7.8 Radial dimensions........................................................................................................................ 81
7.8.1 Creating Radial Dimensions ...................................................................................................... 81
Exercise 13 – Creating Radial and Angular Dimensions........................................................................... 83
8 Labelling ................................................................................................................................................. 86
8.1 Labelling hierarchy ...................................................................................................................... 86
8.2 Creating / Modifying Layers ........................................................................................................ 86
8.3 Creating Labels ............................................................................................................................ 87
8.3.1 Creating General Labels ............................................................................................................ 87
8.3.2 Positioning General Labels using Modify Model........................................................................ 88
8.3.3 Creating Symbolic Labels .......................................................................................................... 90
8.4 Hide/Show Labels......................................................................................................................... 91
8.5 Label Blanking.............................................................................................................................. 91
8.6 Label Placement ........................................................................................................................... 91
8.6.1 Intelligent Label Placement Form - Select ................................................................................. 92
8.6.2 Intelligent Label Placement Form - Position .............................................................................. 92
8.7 Creating General Labels – A Worked Example ......................................................................... 94
8.8 Creating Symbolic Labels – A Worked Example ...................................................................... 96
Exercise 14 - Labelling .................................................................................................................................. 98
9 2D Drafting............................................................................................................................................ 100
9.1 2D Drafting Hierarchy ................................................................................................................ 100
9.2 Creating Sheet Note and View Note elements ........................................................................ 100
9.3 Creating primitives..................................................................................................................... 101
9.4 2D Primitives............................................................................................................................... 102
9.4.1 Lines......................................................................................................................................... 102
9.4.2 Shapes ..................................................................................................................................... 102
9.4.3 Symbols ................................................................................................................................... 103
Text .......................................................................................................................................... 103
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

9.5 Construct .................................................................................................................................... 103

9.5.1 Construct Group....................................................................................................................... 103
9.5.2 2D Copy ................................................................................................................................... 104
9.5.3 Repeat...................................................................................................................................... 104
9.5.4 Fillet Arc ................................................................................................................................... 105
9.5.5 Chamfers.................................................................................................................................. 105
9.5.6 Parallel Lines ........................................................................................................................... 105
9.5.7 Tangent Line ............................................................................................................................ 105
9.5.8 Ray Line ................................................................................................................................... 106
9.5.9 Constructed Line...................................................................................................................... 106
9.5.10 Bisector Line ........................................................................................................................ 106
9.5.11 Local Symbols ..................................................................................................................... 106
9.6 The Edit Menu............................................................................................................................. 107
9.6.1 Edit>Primitive ........................................................................................................................... 107
9.6.2 Edit>Move Primitive/Node To .................................................................................................. 107
9.6.3 Edit>Move Primitive By ............................................................................................................ 107
9.6.4 Edit>Move Node By ................................................................................................................. 107
9.6.5 Edit>Line Gap .......................................................................................................................... 107
9.6.6 Edit>Line Trim.......................................................................................................................... 107
9.6.7 Edit>Rotate .............................................................................................................................. 107
9.6.8 Edit>Demolish Symbol............................................................................................................. 107
9.6.9 Edit>Action Group.................................................................................................................... 107
9.7 Utilities (2D) ................................................................................................................................ 108
9.7.1 Load Text ................................................................................................................................. 108
9.7.2 Sketch Drafting ........................................................................................................................ 108
9.7.3 Dynamic Primitives .................................................................................................................. 108
9.8 Creating 2D Primitives – A Worked Example .......................................................................... 109
9.8.1 Creating a New Note................................................................................................................ 109
9.8.2 Added 2D Text to a View Note ................................................................................................ 109
9.8.3 Adding 2D Primitives to a Drawing Sheet Note ....................................................................... 111
Exercise 15 – 2D Draughting ...................................................................................................................... 113
10 Section Planes ................................................................................................................................ 114
10.1 Section Planes............................................................................................................................ 114
10.2 Creating Flat Planes................................................................................................................... 115
10.3 Modifying Flat Planes ................................................................................................................ 116
10.4 Flat Plane – A Worked Example................................................................................................ 116
Exercise 16 – Section Planes ..................................................................................................................... 118
Appendix A............................................................................................................................................... 119
Wireline .................................................................................................................................................. 119
Modelled Wireline .................................................................................................................................. 119
Local Hidden Line .................................................................................................................................. 120
Global Hidden Line ................................................................................................................................ 120
Universal Hidden Line............................................................................................................................ 120
Representation of Terminator End Types.............................................................................................. 122
Appendix B............................................................................................................................................... 123
Intelligent Text........................................................................................................................................ 123
Alternative Character Set....................................................................................................................... 124
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

1 Introduction
Draft is the AVEVA Plant Drawing Production and Annotation Module. The Drawing information is taken
directly from the Design or Draft Databases and is therefore intelligent so will update automatically to reflect
any Design Changes.

1.1 Aim

During the course participants will learn the basic functions required to produce, dimensioned and annotated

1.2 Objectives

ƒ To understand the DRAFT hierarchy.

ƒ Be able to create Drawings and Drawing Sheets.
ƒ Be able to create scaled and non scaled Views using various methods.
ƒ Dimension, Label and Annotate Drawings.
ƒ Understand the use of Section Planes and create a Flat Section Plane.

1.3 Prerequisites

Trainees should have attended “TM-1001 AVEVA Plant (12 Series) PDMS Foundations” and be familiar with
Microsoft Windows.

1.4 Course Structure

Training will consist of oral and visual presentations, demonstrations and set exercises. Each workstation
will have a training project, populated with model objects. This will be used by the trainees to practice their
methods, and complete the set exercises.

1.5 Using this guide

Certain text styles are used to indicate special situations throughout this document.

Menu pull downs and button press actions are indicated by bold dark turquoise text.
Information the user has to Key-in will be red and BOLD.

Supplementary information or guidance notes will be distinguished by a turquoise information symbol and
accompanying text.

Additional information

References to other training guides and documents will be distinguished by a book symbol and
accompanying text.

Refer to other documentation

System prompts will be displayed in inverted commas using italicised bold text e.g. 'Choose function'.

Example files or inputs will be in the courier new font, utilising colours and styles outlined above where

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

1.6 Training Setup

In order to set up the training environment and Design elements required for this course, select AVEVA >
PDMS 12.0 > Run PDMS

Enter the name of the project: Sample

Enter the Username: TRAINER
Enter the Password: T
Enter the MDB: A-PIPING
Select the module required: DESIGN
Click OK

Once in Design, select Utilities>Training Setup from the main menu.

From the Stabilizer panel, select Add Stabilizer and then click Apply. This adds the piping, equipment,
structural and civil zones which will be used for the basic drawing production training course.

Select Design>Exit from the main menu.

The PDMS databases required for this training course are created in ADMIN using the AVEVA Training
Setup Forms and Menus: Utilities>Training Setup.

2 DRAFT features

DRAFT is the drawing production module of AVEVA Plant PDMS. It allows the designer to generate fully
annotated engineering drawings directly from data in the PDMS Design model. Drawings can be easily
updated to reflect changes in the design model.

Within DRAFT there a number of applications that are used for specific functions associated with the
production of drawings. These applications are:

ƒ General
ƒ Auto drawing production
ƒ Administration

The DRAFT GUI has been designed to allow the designer to generate and retrieve industry standard
engineering drawings efficiently.

The designer can add dimensioning and other annotations with information taken directly from the model.

The DRAFT drawing can be created with any view angle and the representation of the drawing graphics is
controlled by representation rules that are pre-defined by the project administrator.

Various levels of wireline and hidden line removal can be used. Sectional views can be generated by the
creation of flat or stepped section planes. The scale of the drawing can be selected from a set of Metric,
Architectural and Engineering values, with the option of an automatic scale selection to use the largest scale
possible for the given drawing.

Labels can be attached to any design element and used to display any attribute of the design element. The
format, content and appearance of the labels are controlled by the designer. Direct reference to the design
data, combined with a simple update operation, ensures that the annotation always reflects the current state
of the design model.

Autotagging is a quick solution for automatically generating labels that match a tagging rule. The rule
determines the type of label and which design items the labels will be applied to.

Dimensions are calculated directly from the design model, the designer can control the format, content and
appearance of the dimensions. As with labeling, direct reference to the design data ensures that the
annotation always reflects the current state of the design model with a simple update operation.

2D drafting allows the designer to generate additional 2D annotation on the drawing sheet. Also, like other
DRAFT data, 2D annotation can be linked to design data and can be updated to follow the changes that
occur in the design model.

Automatic drawing production is not covered in this training course. As the title of the application infers, this
application enables the designer to produce annotated drawings automatically. A set of rules determine how
the annotation is generated. The drawings can be edited, if necessary, using the normal editing options in
DRAFT. There are a number of ADP applications for different disciplines.

AutoDRAFT is not covered in the training course. This application imports drawings directly from DRAFT
into AutoCAD. However it should be noted that once this action is done, the drawing in AutoCAD has no
direct link to the design model, data and future updates of this AutoCAD drawing are not possible from the
model. Symbols and drawing frames can be exported from AutoCAD directly into DRAFT.

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Administration is not covered in this training course. Using this application, the project administrator is
responsible for the customization of the DRAFT environment. This includes setting default attribute values,
creating drawing frames, (commonly referred to as backing sheets), symbols and labels. The administrator
will also set the representation rules, labelling rules, naming conventions, lines styles, hatch patterns and
available symbols.

The Administration Option is only available to Free Users or Members of the DRAFTADMIN Team.

3 Getting started

3.1 Entering a DRAFT Session

To start AVEVA PDMS, Select AVEVA > PDMS 12.0 > Run PDMS

Enter the name of the project: Sample

Enter the Username: A.PIPER
Enter the Password: A
Enter the MDB: A-PIPING
Select the module required: Draft

When all the necessary details have been entered the

form will look like this. Ensure that the Read Only box is

Click the OK button.

When PDMS DRAFT has been loaded, the following default screen layout will be displayed:

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

3.2 Current Element Definition

When working in any database, PDMS is always located at a specific element in that database. This
element is known as the Current Element (CE). In Draft you are able to navigate to both the Draft and the
Design Database so the Current Element (CE) may be a Design Element.

3.3 Displaying the Explorer windows

To display the DRAFT and DESIGN Explorer windows

select Display>Explorers from the main pull down menu.

The Design Explorer is displayed using Display>Explorers>Design.

For information on the manipulation and docking of windows please refer to TM-1001 AVEVA Plant (12
Series) PDMS Foundations.

3.4 Displaying Toolbars

To display toolbars, click the right mouse button while the

cursor is located over the main bar menu and the
following pull down will be displayed. Click the relevant
toolbars for them to be displayed.

Display the Working Sheet toolbar if it is not displayed.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

3.5 Displaying the Draft Drawing Sheet

In the Draft Explorer, select the DEPT /Project_Libraries by clicking on the + sign next to it with the left-
hand mouse button. The hierarchy, shown in the Explorer, will then be expanded to show the REGIs owned
by the DEPT. Continue to work down the tree by selecting the following elements:


Using the Working Sheet toolbar, display Drawing Sheet /DRA/PRJ/TMP/PIPING/A0/S1 by clicking on the

button on the toolbar.

The Sheet displayed is a Draft backing Sheet containing one empty view.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

The sheet can also be displayed clicking the right mouse

button with the cursor positioned over the CE and selecting
Open Sheet from the displayed menu.

3.6 Manipulating the Sheet View

Both the keyboard and mouse buttons can be used to manipulate the view of the sheet. The commands
associated with view manipulation are described in the sections that follow.

3.6.1 Mouse buttons

The Left Mouse button.

Clicking the left mouse button with the pointer over an
element makes the element the CE. The element may be a
Design element (part of the engineering item displayed) or
a Draft element (for example, the outline of the drawing
sheet, a label, or a dimension). If a Draft element is
clicked, the Draft Explorer changes appropriately.
Similarly, if a Design element is clicked, the Design
Explorer display will change.
If slider controls are displayed, the mouse pointer can be
used to pan the drawing display.

Middle Mouse button.

The middle button allows the user to increase and decrease the scale of the displayed view, as follows:

Windowing in - using a rubber band technique, define the area to be zoomed into.

Zooming in - Position the pointer at the point you want to become the centre of the view. Hold down the
(shift) key and repeatedly click the middle button, as required. After each click, the display zooms in by a
factor of 1.5, centred on the current pointer position.

Zooming out - Position the pointer at the point you want to become the centre of view. Repeatedly click the
middle button, as required. After each click, the display zooms out by a factor of 1.5, centred on the current
pointer position.

If your mouse has a wheel, then rotating the wheel away from you will zoom in, towards you will zoom out.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Right-hand mouse button.

Clicking the right-hand button, when the pointer is in the main display, activates a shortcut
• Refresh – refreshes the graphics.
• Reset Limits – zoom out until the full extent of the sheet is displayed.
• View Frames on/off – turns the visibility of all view frames on the current sheet
on or off.
• Add CE – adds the current sheet to the display.
• Highlight CE – highlights the CE in the display by flashing.

• Goto – displays the following sub menu, select the element to navigate to.

• Colour Settings – displays the following sub menu, selection the option to
• 3D view – displays the 3D view.

For drawing production via the 3D View please refer to TM-1206 Drawing Production (Advanced).

3.6.2 Keyboard Commands

A number of keyboard commands exist that allow the user to zoom and pan in the graphical display. The
commands described below work for most computers, however some laptop computers do not support this


The Pg Up key can be used for zooming in.

The Pg Dn key can be used for zooming out.
Holding down the Ctrl key while zooming in or zooming out using the middle mouse button, doubles the
zoom factor. The numeric keypad odd-numbered keys can be used for zooming (see the diagram overleaf).


Panning (moving the displayed area across the overall drawing) can be achieved using the commands
below once the view has been suitably zoomed in.

Use the up/down, left/right arrow keyboard (see diagram below).

Holding down the Ctrl key will increase the step size by a factor of 10. Holding down the Shift key will
decrease the step size by a factor of 10. The even-numbered keys of the numeric keypad will also pan in the
directions shown in the diagram overleaf.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

7 8 9
In In

4 5 6

1 2 3
Out Out

Arrow keys pan in Numeric Keypad keys 2, 4, 6, 8 pan in

directions shown directions shown by half view width.
Keys 7 and 9 zoom in
Keys 1 and 3 zoom out

3.7 Resetting the Draft View

When the Draft Display has been zoomed or panned to a specific region it useful to reset the display back to
the full screen display.

This can be done by using the Right hand Mouse Button and selecting Reset
Limits as describe above or by using the Reset Limits Icon from the side of the
Drawing display window.

3.8 Grid

It is normal practice to position annotation on a grid so that elements are spaced evenly on the Drawing

3.8.1 Displaying and Hiding the Draft Grid

To display the Display Grid, clicking on the Grid Icon. This is on

the toolbar at the side of the Drawing display window.

The grid is hidden by re-selecting the Grid Icon.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

3.8.2 Changing the Grid Spacing

The Grid Spacing can be changed by selecting the Grid Icon

using the right hand mouse button and selecting Spacing.

The Grid Size and offset can be set as required. To

demonstrate, enter the following grid sizes then click the OK
Size X 10 Size Y 10
At X 0 At Y 0

3.8.3 Positioning Elements on a Grid (Snap)

Elements of a drawing can be positioned at grid points, by clicking on the SNAP to grid button. . This
feature will be discussed later in the course.

3.9 Saving and Restoring Views

Up to 4 views can be saved so that the designer can navigate quickly to a specific
area of the Drawing.

Clicking the right hand mouse button when positioned over the camera icon will
save the view.
Views are restored by clicking the left hand mouse button when positioned over
the camera icon.

3.10 Settings User Defaults

On entry into DRAFT the default libraries are set. These are predefined by the Administrator.

The Library Settings store the location of Symbols, Backing Sheets, Drawing Styles, etc, that Draft uses
during Drawing Production. The system settings defaults can be modified for the current session.

The user can modify the required libraries for the current session, by selecting Settings>User Defaults. The
User Defaults form will be displayed.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Exercise 1 - Viewing Controls

Using the above examples display the Design Explorer, and Sheet /DRA/PRJ/TMP/PIPING/A0/S1.

Now you can familiarise yourself with some of Draft’s viewing controls experiment by using the mouse and
keyboard, as described above zoom, pan and widow around the Drawing Sheet.

Change the Grid size to 10mm and display the Grid.

Do not close the Main Display window as it will be used in subsequent exercises.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

4 The PDMS DRAFT Database Hierarchy

4.1 DRAFT Database Hierarchy Overview






As with all database elements, the owning elements can contain any number of legal members, as shown in
the above hierarchy chart. The DEPT, REGI and DRWG elements can be viewed in the DRAFT explorer,
but cannot be displayed graphically.

The principal element is the Drawing (DRWG) element. All elements below the DRWG in the hierarchy are
used to store the information required to completely define the drawing. A drawing can contain one or more
Sheet (SHEE) elements. A Sheet is the highest level element that can be displayed in the graphical view. A
drawing can own one or more Sheet (SHEE) elements.

A sheet can own one or more VIEW elements. These views are projections of parts of the design database.
A view element has attributes that:

• Define the viewing parameters (view direction, through point and scale).
• Define the size, position and orientation of the region on the sheet.
• Refer to a draw list that contains a list of the DESIGN elements that are to be displayed in the
VIEW picture.

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

4.2 The DRAFT Hierarchy - Department (DEPT)

The sections that follow discuss the creation and attributes of the administrative hierarchy in the Draft
application. Before commencing, ensure that the mode selected in the DRAFT application is appropriate.
For this training guide the user should ensure that they have selected Draft>General… from the main
Draft menu.

Navigate to the World /* element using the Draft Explorer.

To create the DRAFT hierarchy select Create>Department from the

main menu bar. The Create DEPT form will be displayed.

The user should enter a suitable name for the Department then click the
OK button. For this example enter the following name:

The Department Information form will then be displayed. The name of

the department will be displayed within the form. If a Registry is to be
created, the Create Registry box should be checked.
Clicking on the Attributes button will display the Department Attributes
form, the values selected will be the default values used for the creation
of all elements in this DEPT.

4.3 Department Attributes

The attributes form is similar for both Department and Registry elements (discussed later in this chapter)
with one exception that will be noted. The name of the current DEPT (or REGI) will be displayed in the name
field of the form. Each of the main tabs will be considered in the sections that follow.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Changes to the Department (or Registry) Attribute form are confirmed by selecting the Apply button.
Clicking the Reset button on the form will reset all the attributes values back to the default settings. The
form will remain open until the Dismiss button is selected.

4.3.1 Size and Units Tab

This tab allows the user to define parameters associated with the drawing sheet. The Width and Height
values will define the default drawing size that will be used upon creation of a drawing.

The Backing Sheet selection is unset by default. Toggling the Radio button will set the default backing sheet
reference to be used on drawing creation.

• Unset – will leave the backing sheet reference unset.

• Reference – allows the user to set a default backing sheet from a list of available options.
• Filename – allows the user to set a reference to a PDMS plot file.

In the example below, the default Backing Sheet for the Department has been set to a standard A0 size.

The Units section of the tab sets the default units used for distance and bore size. Clicking on the Distance
option list displays the following options:

• Feet and Inches USA output of the form 5’-5 13/16”

• Feet and Inches output of the form 5’5.13/16
• Inches output of the form 0.5 or 1.5 or 24.0
• Inches USA output of the form ½” or 1 1/2” or 24
• Inches PDMS output of the form 0.1/2 or 1.1/2 or 24
• Millimetres distance in mm
• Centimetres distance in cm
• Metres distance in m.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Clicking on the Bore option list displays the following options:

• Inches output of the form 0.5 or 1.5 or 24.0

• Inches USA output of the form ½” or 1 1/2” or 24
• Inches PDMS output of the form 0.1/2 or 1.1/2 or 24
• Millimetres distance in mm
• Centimetres distance in cm
• Metres distance in m

The Final Designer Attributes… button is used in conjunction with the Final Designer application. The
interface between Final Designer and Draft is outside the scope of the Basic Drawing Production training

The Precision section of the tab sets the number of decimal places or fractions of an inch used as the
default standard.

4.3.2 Intelligent Text Tab

This tab allows the user to select the terms that will be displayed on the drawings for positional references.
For Plant drawings the positional code words and output format for will usually be toggled to ENU (East
North and Up).

4.3.3 Pens Tab

This tab allows the user to set default pen colours, line styles, and fonts for the noted objects in the form.
While styles and colours can be modified significantly, a range of prescribed styles is usually set by an

In the 12 Series release of AVEVA Plant Draft a significant change has been made to Fonts. In previous
releases Draft was limited to 4 built in fonts as specified by the Draft Administrator. In the current release
standard Windows True Type Fonts have been introduced.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

The default font is set to Standard Thin Upright which is a standard PDMS Font.
To view the available standard fonts the user must click on the Select a
PDMS Font option from the Font option list. The PDMS Text Font Selector
form will be displayed.
Three option lists allow the user to define the style, weight and slope of the text.

Once a suitable selection has been made the user can confirm the font choice
by selecting the OK button. Clicking the Cancel button will stop the selection
procedure and dismiss the form.

The Standard Thin Upright font will be used for the duration of the training course.
The use of True Type Fonts is covered in TM-1206 AVEVA Plant (12 Series) Drawing Production

If a True Type font is required, the user must select the True Type font option from the Font option list in
the Department (or Registry) Attributes form.

The True Type Font Selection form will be displayed. The

central selection grid will be populated with True Type fonts
specified by the AVEVA Plant (PDMS) Administrator for the
Two examples of True Type fonts are shown in the current
Example Symbols, Labels and Backing Sheets are included
in Draft Sample Project and are prefixed /TT. They can
be found in /TT/Master_Libraries and
If a true type font was required, the user must select the
font from the selection grid then click the OK button.
Selecting the Cancel button will stop the selection
procedure and return the user to the Department (or
Registry) Attributes form.

Draft and True Type Fonts can not be mixed on the same sheet. This includes any Symbols and
Backing sheets that may be used.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

4.3.4 Miscellaneous Tab

This tab allows the user to adjust the way a number of drawing details are formatted. In particular the
terminator details used for dimensions, representation rules, date format, and the default text returned when
intelligent text cannot be used.

If the Registry Attributes form is used the date format cannot be set from the Miscellaneous Tab.

The Null text value is used when it is not possible to extract data from an attribute and the intelligent text
system returns an error. Null Text may consist of up to 12 characters.

Clicking on the Date Format option list presents the following date presentation options to the user:

Clicking on the Dimension Terminator option list displays the following options to the user:
• Off no terminators shown on dimension lines.
• Arrows solid triangle arrows shown on dimension lines.
• Open Arrows outline triangle arrows shown on dimension lines.
• Dots solid dots shown on dimension lines.
• Open Dots outline dots shown on dimension lines.
• Narrow Darts acute two line arrow heads shown on dimension lines.
• Wide Darts obtuse two line arrow heads shown on dimension lines.
• Obliques oblique lines shown on dimension lines.
• Slashes slash lines shown on dimension lines.

See Appendix A for example representation.

Clicking on the Leader Terminator option list displays the following options to the user:
• Off no terminator shown on leader line.
• Arrows solid triangular arrow shown on leader line.
• Open Arrows outline triangular arrow shown on leader line.
• Dots solid dot shown on leader line.
• Open Dots outline dot shown on leader line.
• Narrow Darts acute two line arrow head shown on leader line.
• Wide Darts obtuse two line arrow head shown on leader line.
• Obliques oblique line shown on leader line.
• Slashes slash line shown on leader line.

Clicking on the Ruleset Reference option list displays the available rule sets.

Click on the Hatching Ruleset Ref option list displays the available hatching rules.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

4.4 The DRAFT Hierarchy - Registry (REGI)

If the Create Registry box was checked in the Create DEPT form, the Create REGI form will be displayed.
The Create REGI form can also be displayed by selecting Create>Registry from the main menu bar.

The user should enter a suitable name for the

Registry then click the OK button. For this example
enter the following name:
The Registry Information form will be displayed.

If a drawing is to be created immediately, check the Create DRAWING

box. The selection of Explicitly or From Template only applies if the
Create DRAWING box is checked.
The different methods of creating drawings explicitly or from templates
will be explained later in this manual.

Clicking on the Attributes button will display the Registry Attributes

form. The function of the attributes form is very similar to that outlined
for the Department Attributes form. Values selected during Registry
creation will cascade to all other elements contained in the REGI.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Exercise 2 - Create the DRAFT hierarchy

Create a DRAFT hierarchy using the methods described earlier in the chapter. Set the default size of the
drawing to A0, and add the Standard A0 Backing Sheet. Set leader line and dimension terminators to

Set the name of the new DEPT to TRAINING_DEPT and the name of the new REGI to TRAINING_REGI.

Uncheck the Create Drawing option on the Registry Information form, as drawing creation is covered in the
next chapter.

Ensure that the fonts are set to standard PDMS Fonts as the Backing Sheets and Symbols used later in the
course will be using standard PDMS font settings.

5 Creating Drawings and Sheets

5.1 Creating Drawings and Sheets

Drawings can be created either explicitly, or by using a template. Both methods are available, regardless
of whether the drawing is created by selecting the Create Drawing check box (on the Registry Information
form), or by selecting Create > Drawing from the main menu. If the user selects the create option from the
main menu two template options (From Template and From Default Template) and an explicit option
(Explicitly) are available.

5.1.1 Creating Drawings from a Template

If a drawing is created from a template, several other elements will be created automatically. The Drawing
will own a Sheet, which will own at least one View. The View will own several Layers, which are discussed
later. There may be other elements, such as Sheet Notes, which are used to store text and primitives for the
2D Drafting.

The Drawing will also own a Library. Draft makes extensive use of libraries, which are set up by the System
Administrator. Users can extract information from libraries but cannot change the information in a library.

Libraries are used to store things like symbols and Draw lists (used to define the contents of a View).
Libraries are accessed by the Application automatically; hence users will not access them directly.

Navigate to the Registry /TRAINING_REGI created earlier. Select Create > Drawing > From Template
from the Main Menu.

The Drawing and Sheet Templates form enables the user to select the source of the template and the
drawing size.

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

At the top of the form, the Create Mode is set to Drawing from Template. If the form is used for creating a
Sheet, the Create Mode is set to Sheet from Template, but otherwise the form is unchanged.

The From option list displays the available discipline registry

that contain the drawing templates, as set up by the System
PDMS is supplied with some example Registry’s and drawing
templates. Using the From option list select the Equipment
Registry option.
From the Template Drawing list select the A0 Equipment
Drawing template. If required, a particular template can be set
as the default template by selecting the Use as Default check

If the Use Default Naming is checked, then the default naming convention will be used, which is DR1, DR2
etc. If this option is not checked then a name form will be displayed after clicking on the OK button.

Unset the Use Default Naming check box and click the OK button. The Name form will be displayed,
prompting the user to provide a name for the new Drawing.

For this example enter the name DRWG_1 then click the OK
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

The drawing is displayed in the 2D graphical window automatically upon creation, and all administrative
elements will have been created.

5.1.2 Creating Drawings from a Default Template

A standard default template can be used by selecting

Create > Drawing > From Default Template from
the main menu. Alternatively, click the icon in the Create
From Default Template bar menu.
If the Use Default Naming is checked on the default
template, then the name form will be displayed, otherwise
the default naming convention will be used.
Select the Use Default Naming button.

Select the Create New From Default Template

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

5.1.3 Creating Drawings explicitly

If a drawing is to be created explicitly, the create options on the main bar menu will be used to create the
drawing and all of the member elements, such as sheets and views.

To create a drawing explicitly select Create>Drawing>Explicitly from

the main menu. The Create DRWG form will be displayed.
For this example enter the name /DRWG_2 then click the OK button.

The Drawing Definition form is displayed. Enter the following

information then click the OK button.
Title Training Drawing
Date 12 June 2020
Drawn By A. Piper

An actual drawing will not be displayed in the graphics window as it is the Sheet hierarchy element that
holds Draft geometry. The Drawing hierarchy element (DRWG) serves an administrative purpose in a
similar manner to Department or Registry hierarchy elements.

Selecting the Attributes button can be used to change the attributes of the Drawing. Its layout and function
is similar to the Department Attribute Form described previously.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

5.1.4 Creating Drawing Sheets explicitly

A drawing sheet can be created explicitly by selecting

Create>Sheet>Explicitly from the main menu. The Create SHEE form
will be displayed.
The user can enter a name for the sheet in this form or the default name
can be used if it is acceptable.
For this example select OK to accept the default name. The Sheet
Definition form will be displayed.

The sheet size and backing sheet have been cascaded

down from the owning hierarchy. If required, the Sheet Size
and Backing Sheet could be re-specified at sheet level.
For this example enter Training Sheet in the Title field then
select the Apply button.
Check the Intelligent Text tab and ensure the positional
output format is left in E N U co-ordinates. Dismiss the
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Exercise 3 - Create a drawing from a template

Create a drawing from a template using an A0 Equipment Drawing. Name the drawing DRWG_1.

When created note the LIBY elements owned by the DRWG element

Do not delete, rename or modify any LIBY elements or any of the owning members. They are controlled by
the application.

You will notice that the SHEE element also contains a VIEW element, which contains LAYE elements.

Create another drawing from the template A0 Piping Drawing. Name the drawing DRWG_3.

Exercise 4 - Create a drawing explicitly

Create a drawing and sheet element explicitly. Name the drawing DRWG_2. Give the drawing a title of
Equipment Arrangement and set the size to A0. Set the backing sheet reference to

When created note the LIBY elements owned by the DRWG element.

Do not delete, rename or modify any LIBY elements or any of the owning members. They are controlled by
the application.

Create another drawing and sheet explicitly. Name the drawing DRWG_4. Give the drawing a title of
Structural Arrangement and set the size to A0. Set the Backing sheet reference to

6 Creation and Modification of Views

This chapter covers the creation and modification of views. Views created by Drawing and Sheet templates
will require modification, whilst Drawing and Drawing Sheets created explicitly will need to have views

6.1 User Defined Views

User Defined Views are used to draw individual items or groups of items in the design model, when the
volume or limits of the items are not known. The size of the frame is independent of its contents. The scale
can be automatically set to fit the design elements into the available view frame area.

6.2 Creation of User Defined Views

A view is owned by a SHEE element, so before creation of a view

ensure that the correct SHEE element is selected.
For this example navigate to /DRWG_2/S1.
From the main menu select Create>View>User Defined. The
Create VIEW form will be displayed.

The user can enter a name for the view in this form or the default
name can be used if it is acceptable.
For this example select OK to accept the default name. The User-
Defined View form will be displayed.

6.2.1 User-Defined View Form – The Frame Menu

The Frame menu on the User-Defined View form enables the user you to switch the view frame on or off, to
control the size of the frame, its position on the Sheet and its alignment relative to any other view that may
be on the Sheet. The menu has the following options:

• On/Off – toggles the display of the view frame.

• Size
• Copy size
• Position
• Align
The menu options are discussed in the sections that follow.

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002 The Frame Menu - Size

This option has a sub-menu that allows the user to set the size of the view frame in different ways.

• Cursor – displays the Point Construction Option Form.

This enables the opposing corners of the view frame to
be selected graphically.
If a single View Frame is used it is normally sized to be a big as
possible within the allowable Backing Sheet Frame. This can be done
by selecting Frame > Size from the User Defined View form.

Selecting the 2D Cursor Hit option from the option list allows the
user to re-size the view window using a diagonal window.

• Explicit – displays the Explicit

Frame Size form. This resizes
the frame by defining its size in
terms of sheet co-ordinates or
proportions. The Frame Menu - Copy Size

This option has a sub-menu that allows the user to copy the Width, Height, or Width and Height, of another
view on the sheet by making a selection with the cursor.

• Width - will prompt the user to identify a view whose width is to be copied. The width of the
current view will then change to be the same as that of the identified view.
• Height - will prompt the user to identify a view whose height is to be copied. The height of the
current view will then change to be the same as that of the identified view.
• Width & Height - will prompt the user to identify a view whose width and height are to be
copied. The width and height of the current view will then change to be the same as that of the
identified view.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002 The Frame Menu - Position

This option has a sub-menu that allows the user to position the frame in different ways.

• Cursor - enables the user to use the cursor to move the view frame by nominating a point in the
view. The nominated point can represent a variety of positions in the view subject to the option
selected from the sub-menu. The nominated point will move to the cursor position when the left
hand mouse button is clicked.

• Explicit – displays the Explicit Frame Position form. This

enables the user to position the view frame by defining its
Sheet position in terms of sheet co-ordinates or proportions. The Frame Menu - Align

This option has a sub-menu that allows the user to align a specified axis or edge of the current view with the
same axis or edge of another selected view on the sheet by making a selection with the cursor.

• Centre Vert - will prompt the user to identify a view whose central vertical alignment is to be
used to align the current view. The position of the current view will then change to align the view
centres vertically.
• Centre Horiz - will prompt the user to identify a view whose central horizontal alignment is to be
used to align the current view. The position of the current view will then change to align the view
centres horizontally.
• Top - will prompt the user to identify a view whose top edge is to be used to align the current
view. The position of the current view will then change to align the views top edges.
• Bottom - will prompt the user to identify a view whose bottom edge is to be used to align the
current view. The position of the current view will then change to align the views bottom edges.
• Left - will prompt the user to identify a view whose left edge is to be used to align the current
view. The position of the current view will then change to align the views left edges.
• Right - will prompt the user to identify a view whose right edge is to be used to align the current
view. The position of the current view will then change to align the views right edges.

6.2.2 User-Defined View Form – The View Menu

The View menu on the User-Defined View form enables the user to toggle the display of the view on or off,
set the Design co-ordinates corresponding to the centre of interest of the view, and offset the Design
element graphics with respect to the centre of the view. The menu has the following options:
• On/Off – toggles the display of the view.
• Centre
• Offset

The menu options are discussed in the sections that follow.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002 The View Menu - Centre

This option has a sub-menu which allows the designer to select the centre of interest of the view in different
• Identify - will prompt the user to identify a design element to be the centre of interest of the

• Cursor - displays the Point Construction Option Form

and prompts the user to select a point with the cursor to
become the centre of interest.

• By Cursor – displays the Point Construction Option

Form and prompts the user to select a base point and
displacement with the cursor to move the centre of interest
of the view.

• Explicit – displays the User Defined Centre

Position form which enables the user to
enter co-ordinates for the centre of the view. The View Menu - Offset

Displays the Design Graphics Offset Form.

This form enables the user to position the centre of the view
contents, relative to the view centre.

6.2.3 User-Defined View Form – The Graphics Menu

The Graphics menu on the User-Defined View form enables the user to create and modify Drawlists as
well as setting the Drawlist Reference for the view.

A Drawlist holds a list of Design elements that determine what will be displayed in the view. Drawlists are
independent of the views. A sheet may contain several views that refer to the same Drawlist, or several
views that refer to different Drawlists.

Drawlists (IDLI elements) are stored in Drawlist Libraries (DLLB elements). When a Drawing is created, a
library containing a default Drawlist Library is automatically created and may be used as the Drawlist for any
views created on Sheets owned by that Drawing. Specific Drawlists for specific views may also be created
and stored in the default Drawlist Library, or in another Drawlist Library located elsewhere in the project
subject to the set-up instigated by the Draft Administrator.

The menu has the following options:

• Drawlist
• Drawlist Ref

The menu options are discussed in the sections that follow.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002 The Graphics Menu - Drawlist

Selecting Graphics>Drawlist will display the

Drawlist Management form.

The Drawlist Library option list displays the

available Drawlist Libraries.

The Drawlists window is a scrollable list of all the Drawlists

available within the selected Drawlist Library. In the example
above only the default drawlist, created automatically during
Drawing creation is shown.
The Reference List Members window displays the Design
Members of the current MDB, if selected from the scrollable list.

If Drawlists is selected from the scrollable list, the available

Drawlists will be displayed.

If Lists have been previously defined, they will be available for

selection. If there are no Lists defined, or a list is required,
clicking the Lists button will display the List/Collection form.
Having defined a new List, clicking the Update button will display
all defined Lists in the scrollable list for selection.
For information on Lists please refer to TM-1001 AVEVA
Plant (12 Series) PDMS Foundations.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

The Drawlist Members window displays the Design elements or Drawlists that have been selected to be
members of the current Drawlist. In the previous example no members have been selected.

Items are added to the Drawlist by selecting them from the Reference Members List, or a List / Collection
name from the scrollable list, and clicking the Add button. This creates an Add Element (ADDE) in the
Drawlist Members window. Specific items may also be removed from the Drawlist by selecting them in the
Reference Members List, or a List/Collection name from the scrollable list, and clicking the Remove button.
This creates a Remove Element (REME) in the Drawlist Members window.

For example, all equipment except /E1301 may

be required to be displayed in the view. Rather
than adding each piece of equipment
separately, the zone /ZONE-EQUIPMENT-
AREA01 may be added and the specific piece
of equipment /E1301 subsequently removed
from the Drawlist.

The Navigation menu on the Drawlist Management form offers an alternative method of navigation. The
options are similar as those available from the Navigation pull down menu of the Members list.

If the Members list is displayed it will be removed while the Draw List Management form is displayed.

The buttons to the right of the Drawlists selection grid control the creation and deletion of Drawlists.

• Create – creates a new empty drawlist.

• Create Copy – creates a copy of the drawlist selected from the available
drawlist libraries.
• Delete – deletes the currently selected drawlist.
• Clean Up – removes any drawlist members with Null or Bad references.

The Delete Entry and Delete All buttons, delete the current highlighted
entry from the Drawlist or all Drawlist members respectively.
The Volume Defined and Limits buttons, enable the addition of all
elements that are positioned wholly within a defined volume. Clicking the
Limits button will display the Drawlist Limits form.

The limits are set by entering appropriate co-ordinates for opposing corners of the limits volume. After
setting the limits clicking the Volume Defined button adds all elements wholly within the entered co-
ordinates. If required, the Remove or Delete Entry buttons may be used to amend the Drawlist.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002 The Graphics Menu - Drawlist Ref

Selecting Graphics>Drawlist Ref… will display the

Drawlist Reference form. This form enables the user to
reference the current view to a Drawlist allowing the
Drawlist Members to be displayed in the view.
A view may only reference one Drawlist.

The Options scrollable list allows the Drawlist of the owning

Sheet, or the owning Drawing, to be used. The VIEW’s
current Drawlist may be used, or the Drawlist reference
may be unset.
The Drawlist Library scrollable list allows the user to choose
from a list of Drawlist Libraries, as set up by the Draft
Administrator. The ‘Drawing’ selection refers to the Drawlist
Library created automatically when the views owning
Drawing was created.

The Drawlist Contents window displays the contents of the selected Drawlist when the Display button is
clicked. This allows the user to check the contents of the Drawlist selected.

The Modify button displays the Drawlist Management form enabling the user to modify or create a new
Drawlist as described previously.

6.2.4 User-Defined View Form – General Tab

The General Tab of the User-Defined View form

allows the user to define representation styles, view
directions and the title associated with each view.

The various option lists and functions are described

in the sections that follow. Title

This field allows the user to enter a title (e.g. Plan North, Section A-A, Western Elevation) for the view being
created. To reduce the amount of free text used it is possible to use intelligent text (e.g. #NAME(C2:)) in the
title of views.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002 View Type

A view type must be selected. The View Type option list displays the following options:
• Universal Hidden Line – causes intersection lines between significant elements to be
• Global Hidden Line – gives a picture where all hidden lines are removed.
• Local Hidden Line – gives a picture where all hidden lines are removed from equipment
elements. Where two or more equipment elements overlap, the overlapping elements are shown
in Wireline.
• Modelled Wireline – blends the intersection of primitives.
• Wireline – Shows all elements and points.

For representation examples refer to Appendix A. Section Mode

A section mode must be selected. The Section Mode option list displays the following options:
• Standard – this option sections all Design elements where appropriate.
• Omit Fractional Pipe Components – this option removes any partial pipe components from
the display, where the P0 is outside the front and back sectioning planes. All lengths of implied
tube that are outside the front and back sectioning planes will be removed from the drawlist. Style

The Style option list shows the available Representation Ruleset (RRST) elements that are used to control
the display representation of the different types of Design elements within the view. Representation Rulesets
are created by the Draft Administrator. Hatching Rules

The Hatching Rules option list displays the available Hatching Rulessets that are used to control the
hatching of different types of Design elements that may be cut when a section is applied. Hatching Rulesets
are created by the Draft Administrator. Change Rules

The Change Rules option list shows the available Change Rulesets that are used to control the appearance
of changed Design elements and annotation on subsequent updates of the drawing.

For the use of Change Rulesets please refer to TM-1206 Drawing Production (Advanced). Direction

The required view direction may be selected from an option list of pre-defined directions. Alternatively, a
view direction, e.g. N 45 E, may be typed into the text box. The Derived button will prompt the user to
identify a design element in the Graphics area for setting the view direction.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

6.2.5 User-Defined View Form – Scale Tab

The Scale Tab allows users to set a scale type

(metric or imperial), apply a specific scale to the
Drawlist, or Auto Scale the Drawlist then apply the
nearest standard scale.
Three types of scale are available from the options
list; Metric, Architectural, and Engineering.

Metric – this option allows the user to apply a unit

less scale to the Drawlist. For example 1/10, 1/100,
Architectural – this is an imperial unit option that
expresses scales in terms of inches to the foot and is
generally used for buildings and structures. For
example ¼” = 1’ – 0”, 1” = 1’ – 0”, 1 ½ “ = 1’ - 0”.
Engineering – this is an imperial unit option that
expresses scales in terms of inches to the tens of
feet and is generally used where larger scales are
required (e.g. pipelines or topographical features).
For example 1” = 10’ -0”, 1” = 20’ – 0”, 1” = 100’ – 0”.

Once the type of scale has been set the user can select a scale from the option list to apply to the Drawlist.
Alternatively, the user can make use of the Auto Scale and Nearest buttons to set a suitable scale based
on the contents of the Drawlist and the size of the drawing selected.
For Draft to calculate a scale, the Drawlist must contain elements.

• Auto Scale – this sets the view scale such that all of the design elements in the Drawlist will fit
just within the view frame. The actual scale will be displayed in the Scale text box. The Auto
Scale operation also sets the through point to the Site coordinates corresponding to the centre
of interest of the view.

• Nearest – it is unlikely that Auto Scale will produce a standard scale for the view. Clicking the
Nearest button will select the nearest available standard scale, based on the metric,
architectural or engineering scale option selected, and set the view scale.

6.2.6 User-Defined View Form - Intelligent Text Tab

This tab contains the same parameters as those contained in the Department Attributes form. Please refer
to section 4.3.2 of the guide for further information.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

6.2.7 User-Defined View Form – Attributes Button

Clicking the Attributes button on the

User-Defined View form displays the User
Defined View Attributes form.

The following attributes of the view can be modified from this form:
• Graphics Angle – controls the angle of the design graphics within the view. A positive angle
gives an anti-clockwise rotation. The view direction remains the same.
• View orientation - controls the orientation of the view and its contents. The selectable
directions correspond to the direction of the ‘top’ of the view region relative to the top of the
screen, e.g. selection of Right will cause the view and its contents to be rotated through 270
• Arc Tolerance - controls the difference between the ‘true’ and the ‘facetted’ representation of
curves of the graphical output for the view. The representation is set in units of hundredths of a
millimetre on the drawing (default value 15). The actual value used by DRAFT depends on the
scale of the VIEW. The lowest value that it may be changed to is 1. Although lower values will
give a better representation, the time required to display the graphics is increased.
• Perspective - a value of 0 gives a parallel view. The value is related to the view angle.
• Gapping Controls - the gap (in mm) inserted in view lines crossed by other lines such as
centrelines, Plines, etc.

• Note Line Pen – this option controls the appearance of the view frame (assuming it is visible).
The value set will also be cascaded down to any Layers subsequently created as members of
the view. The Note line Pen may be one of the standard pens, or a user-defined pen set-up by
the Draft Administrator.

The colour assigned to the Note Line pen can be

selected from the pull down menu.
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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Alternatively, by clicking on the Pick button, a colour

can be selected from the palette displayed.

The line style and thickness can be

selected from the appropriate pull
down menus.

6.2.8 User-Defined View Form - Change Highlighting

Change highlighting and the associated rule sets are outside the scope of this training guide. Selecting the
Show Changes Since check box without a rule set in place will result in an error message and the check box
will automatically de-select.
For information on Change Rule sets and Change Highlighting please refer to TM-1206 Drawing
Production (Advanced).

6.2.9 User-Defined View Form - Update Design on Apply

Whenever any settings on the User-Defined View form are modified, the user must select Update Design
and click Apply (or select Graphics>Update>Design from the main menu).

Selecting Use Background Process will start a background process for updating design.

For Drawing Production using a Background Process please refer to TM-1206 Drawing Production
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

6.3 User Defined Views – A Worked Example

The following worked example outlines the key processes involved in creating a user defined view. It builds
on the hierarchy created in earlier chapters.

Navigate to the Sheet /DRWG_2/S1. Select Create>View>User-

defined from the main menu. The Create View form will be
displayed. Accept the suggested name for the view by clicking the
OK button. The User-Defined View form will be displayed.

6.3.1 Defining the Representation - General Tab

In the General tab, enter the following information in the appropriate fields.
Title PLAN
View Type Universal Hidden Line
Section Mode Standard
Hatch Rules unset
Change Rules unset
Direction Down

6.3.2 Populating the Drawlist

In the User-Defined View form select Graphics > Drawlist from the Graphics menu. The Drawlist
Management form will be displayed.

In the Reference List Members section of the form

navigate to the Site SITE-EQUIPMENT-AREA01.
Select Zone ZONE-EQUIPMENT-AREA01 then
click the Add Button.
The equipment zone will be added to Drawlist
Navigate to EQUI C1101 and click the Remove
button. Note that a Remove item has also been
added to the Drawlist Members.
Navigate back to the World level. Select the Site
STRUCTURAL-AREA01 and add the
Dismiss the form.
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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

6.3.3 Setting a Scale

Select the Scale Tab on the User-Defined View form. Click

the Auto Scale button. A value of 0.0195 is returned in
the text box.
Ensure the scale type is set to Metric then click the
Nearest Button. A scale of 1/75 should be displayed.
In the Update Design on Apply section of the form select
the Update Design radio button. Click the Apply button
on the User-Defined view form. The graphical display now
shows a scaled plan representation of the Drawlist
The scale used in the view accounts for the Drawlist
members and the size of the view frame. Changing the size
of the view frame will influence the range of scales that can
be used.

6.3.4 Modifying the View Frame

Select Frame>Size>Cursor from the User-Defined

View form. The Point Construction Option Form will be
displayed. Using the 2D Cursor Hit option select a point
near the top left corner of the drawing area, then select a
point near the bottom right corner of the drawing area.
The view frame will re-size to reflect the positions
selected. Select the Scale Tab on the User-Defined View
form and click the Auto Scale button. A value of
0.033275 is returned in the text box.
Ensure the scale type is set to Metric then click the
Nearest Button. A scale of 1/33 1/3 should be displayed.
Check that the Update Design radio button is selected.
Click the Apply button on the User-Defined view form
and then Dismiss the form. The graphical display will
update the drawing.

Using the Draft Explorer navigate to View DRWG_2/S1/V1 and delete it. Sheet DRWG_2/S1 will be used to
create a limit defined view in the sections that follow.
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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Exercise 5 – Creating a User Defined View (Equipment arrangement)

Navigate to the sheet DRWG_1/S1, which is the template created sheet and display the sheet.

Navigate to the view /DRWG_1/S1/V1

Note: that the view has already been created.

The view should be modified using the Modify>View>User Defined option.

Add the zone /ZONE-EQUIPMENT-AREA01 and the STRU elements /EQUIP-SUPPORT and /PIPERACK
to the Drawlist.

Set the view frame size as big as possible, the view direction to Down and the scale to suit.

Use the style /DRA/PRJ/REPRE/GEN/BASIC and the view type Universal Hidden Line.

The resulting drawing is as follows:

Experiment with changing the frame size and recalculating the scale of the drawing.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Exercise 6 – Creating a User Defined View (Piping arrangement)

Navigate to the sheet DRWG_3/S1, which is the template created sheet and display the sheet.

Navigate to the view /DRWG_3/S1/V1

Note: that the view has already been created

The user will have to use the Modify>View>User Defined option.

Add the zone /ZONE-EQUIPMENT-AREA01, the zone /ZONE-PIPING-AREA01, the zone /ZONE-CIVIL-
AREA01 and the structural elements /EQUIP-SUPPORT and /PIPERACK to the Drawlist.

Set the view frame size as big as possible, the view direction to Down and the scale to suit.

Use the style /DRA/PRJ/REPRE/GEN/BASIC and the view type Universal Hidden Line.

The resulting drawing is as follows:
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6.4 Limits Defined View

Limits-Defined Views are used to draw the contents of a specified volume of the model. The Limits, are
defined in project co-ordinates, and are represented by the size of the View frame at the selected scale.

The View frame can include match lines with text showing the co-ordinates of the View limits.

6.5 Creating Limits Defined View

A view is owned by a SHEE element, so before creation of a view ensure

that the correct SHEE element is selected. For this example select Sheet
DRWG_2/S1. From the main menu select Create>View>Limits
Defined, the Create VIEW form is displayed. The name is derived from
the owning element and can be accepted. Select OK.
The Limits-Defined View form will then be displayed. The
Limits-Defined View form is similar to the User-Defined
View form, however some differences are apparent.

An additional Limits tab and menu allows the user to set

the limits of the view. The Matchlines check box has a
toggle function determining whether or not matchlines will
be displayed. Scale options are also different in the Limits-
Defined View form.

6.5.1 Limits-Defined View Form - Limits Menu

The Limits menu on the Limits-Defined View form displays the following sub menus:

• From Element
• From Design Point
• From Pline Any End
• From Pline Prop’n
• From 3D Cursor
• From
• To
• Copy From View
• Drawlist Members

The limits can be set using the sub menus from under the above options, by using the cursor and identifying
the pick points as selected.

The limits can also be copied from another view using the Copy From View option, or calculated by the
application using the Drawlist Members option.
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6.5.2 Limits-Defined View Form – Limits Tab

The limits can be set explicitly using project co-

ordinates, which will define the area of the model to be
displayed in the view. Checking the box next to the co-
ordinate value, will create a section plane at that

Section planes are considered in Chapter 10.

6.5.3 Limits-Defined View Form – Scale Tab

The scale of the view can be automatically calculated by

clicking the following:

• Set Scale – this calculates the scale of the

view based on the View Frame Limits and
the Limits of the view. The value in the %
gadget is used when using this option. The
scale displayed is actual scale value
calculated * %.

• Nearest – it is unlikely that Set Scale will

produce a standard scale for the view.
Clicking the Nearest button will select the
nearest available standard scale, based on
the metric, architectural or engineering scale
option selected, and set the view scale. The
standard scales can also be selected from
the scrollable list next to the Nearest button.

6.5.4 Limits-Defined View Form – Matchlines Checkbox

If the Matchlines box is checked and the Update Graphical Aids button
is clicked, matchlines will be displayed around the limits of the view with
the respective co-ordinates.
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6.5.5 User-Defined View Form - Update Design on Apply

Whenever any settings on the Limits-Defined View form are modified, the user must select Update Design
then click Apply (or select Graphics>Update>Design from the main menu).

Selecting Use Background Process will start a background process for updating design.

For drawing production using a Background Process please refer to TM-1206 Drawing Production
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

6.6 Limits-Defined View – A Worked Example

The following worked example outlines the key processes involved in creating a limit defined view. It builds
on the hierarchy created in earlier chapters.

Navigate to the Sheet /DRWG_2/S1. Select

Create>View>Limits-defined… from the main menu. The
Create View form will be displayed. Accept the suggested name for
the view by clicking the OK button. The Limits-Defined View form
will be displayed.

6.6.1 Defining the Representation - General Tab

In the General tab, enter the following information in the appropriate fields.

Title PLAN
View Type Universal Hidden Line
Section Mode Standard
Hatching Rules unset
Change Rules unset
Direction Down

6.6.2 Populating the Drawlist

Select Graphics > Drawlist from the

Graphics menu of the Limits-Defined View
form. The Drawlist Management form will be

From the Reference List Members area of the

form navigate to Site SITE-
EQUIPMENT-AREA01 and then click the
Add button.
In a similar manner add the EQUIP-
SUPPORT and PIPERACK elements found
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

6.6.3 Setting the View Limits

The limits will be initially calculated based on the Drawlist Items. Select
Limits > Drawlist Members from the Limits-Defined View form.

The Limits will be set based on the view content and

could be changed as appropriate. Navigating to the
Limits Tab displays the co-ordinates that represent the
section planes that enclose the Drawlist Members.

For this example set the percentage to 50%. Select the Set Scale button then select the Nearest button.
Note the size of the View.

Change the percentage to 80% and select Set Scale and Nearest buttons again. Note the size of the
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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Draft calculates the size of the view based on the available drawing region and the scale.
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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Exercise 7 – Creating a Limits Defined View (Equipment Arrangement)

Navigate to the sheet DRWG_2/S1, which is the explicitly created sheet, and create 2 views using the
Create>View>Limits Defined option.

Add the zone /ZONE-EQUIPMENT-AREA01and the STRU elements /EQUIP-SUPPORT and /PIPERACK to
the drawlist, set the view frame size. Set the limits using Limits>Drawlist Members , the scale and the view
direction. The view directions will be D and E respectively for the views.

Make the views as big a possible.

Use the style /DRA/PRJ/REPRE/GEN/BASIC and the view type Universal Hidden Line
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Exercise 8 - Creating a Limits Defined View (Structural Arrangement)

Navigate to the sheet DRWG_4/S1, create 3 views using the Create>View>Limits Defined option.

Add the STRU element /EQUIP-SUPPORT and

Set the view frame size. Set the limits using Limits>Drawlist Members , the scale and the view direction.
The view directions will be D.

Use the style /DRA/PRJ/REPRE/GEN/BASIC and the view type Universal Hidden Line

Modify the elevation of the view limits to the elevations shown

• View 1 – Elevation from U 100000 to U 100450

• View 2 – Elevation from U 104000 to U 105000
• View 3 – Elevation from U 107000 to U 108000

Remember views can be copied and aligned.

The Section Plane Button also will need setting on the limits form.
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AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

6.7 Creating Views with Predefined Frames

Selecting Create>View>Predefined Frame will display the View

Configuration form. This form allows the user to create a number of views
for the current sheet based on the pre-defined configurations available.

The view directions for the views can be selected from the option lists
adjacent to the selected view option.

The view spacing value is the distance between the limits of the views.

A typical sheet layout using predefined views is shown below.
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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Exercise 9 – Creating Predefined Views

Create a drawing explicitly, set the backing sheet to /DRA/MAS/BACKS/MET/A2. The drawing name will be
DRWG_5 and the size will be A2.

Create 4 views with predefined frames, using the option Create>View>Predefined Frame with the view
direction set to Down for all the views. Using the option Modify>View>Limits Defined, add equipment
/C1101 to the drawlist, set the limits using Limits>Drawlist Members, and the scale. Then modify the
elevation of the view limits to the elevations shown.

• View 1 – Elevation from U 101300 to U 106975

• View 2 – Elevation from U 106975 to U 112650
• View 3 – Elevation from U 112650 to U 118325
• View 4 – Elevation from U 118325 to U 124000

Ensure that the box next to the

elevations is checked

Use the style /DRA/PRJ/REPRE/GEN/EQUIP and the view type Universal Hidden Line.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

7 Dimensioning

Dimensions are calculated directly from the design model. The user can control the format, content and
appearance of the dimensions. The administrator can define suitable project defaults.

Direct reference to the design data means that the annotation always reflects the current state of the design
model, with a simple update annotation operation. Once the dimensions have been created, the position and
orientation of dimensions can be adjusted graphically.

7.1 Dimension Hierarchy

Dimensioning elements are created under Layers owned by Views, as shown in the following diagram.
Different types of dimension are created on different layers. All these elements will be created automatically
as the view is dimensioned.






7.2 Dimension Types

There are four generic dimension types available in DRAFT, namely, Linear, Angular, Radial, and Pitch
Circle Diameter. These allow intelligent dimensions to be created to dimensioning standards.

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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

7.3 Linear Dimensions

Linear dimension elements are created under Layers owned by Views, as shown in section 7.1. Linear
dimensions can contain the following dimension points, DPOI, DPPT or DPBA elements. The dimension
element and the dimensions are automatically created by the application.

} Dimension Line

Terminator Dimension Direction

Projection Line
Projection Line



Dimension Points

The diagram illustrates the following features that comprise a linear dimension

• Dimension Point - A LDIM (linear dimension) must contain at least 2 dimension points (DPPT).
• Projection Line – a projection line will be drawn from each dimension point in a direction
specified by the user. A projection line can have intelligent text.
• Dimension Line – a dimension line will be drawn between all projection lines, these have
• Dimension Direction – this direction is defined by the user.
• Offset – the distance of the dimension line from the dimension point.
• Clearance – distance of start of projection line from dimension point.
• Overshoot – distance of end of projection line from dimension line.

The values shown in the dimension text are taken directly from the 3D Design model. If the elements
associated with the dimension points are moved in DESIGN, the dimension can be updated
automatically by selecting Graphics>Update>Annotation.

7.3.1 Creating Linear Dimensions

Linear Dimensions can be created by selecting Create>Dimension>Dimension

Linear or by clicking on the required style from the Linear Dimension Toolbar.

If the SHEE has multiple views ensure that the correct LAYE is selected from the Layers toolbar pull-down.

The dimensions that are members of the displayed LAYE can also have their display turned off.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Creating Linear dimensions using Create>Dimension>Dimension Linear will display the Create Linear
Dimension form.

The name of the View and the View Direction are shown at the top of the form.

The following can be set via this form:

• Type– gives the following options:




• Direction – the dimension line direction is the direction with respect to the world.
• Terminators – can be one of the following:

ƒ Arrows
ƒ Open Arrows
ƒ Dots
ƒ Open Dots
ƒ Obliques
ƒ Slashes
ƒ Narrow Darts
ƒ Wide Darts
ƒ Off.

• Projection Line Text – can be selected from the pull down.

• Projection Line Text Angle – allows the text to be orientated from the projection line.
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Click on the Derived button and the user will be prompted to identify a design element to derive the direction
of the dimension.

Click OK and the following form will be displayed. This form is used to
create the points that define the Dimensions and form the link with the 3D
Model element.

The list on the left of the form sets how Dimension Points are created. The
user must ensure that the correct option is selected in the list.

The default is that the Create button must be used for each point, but you
can click on the symbol (to the right of the Create button) so the
adjacent checkbox displays a tick. This allows you to create several points
of the same type one after the other.

Note: The symbol must be off if you want to create Dimension Points in different ways, or if you want
to use the 3D Pos, Cursor or Match line positioning options.

The user needs to click on Create and identify the elements to be dimensioned. This can be done in the 2D
View by holding down the left mouse button (the pointer shape changes to a square) moving the pointer
over the item and releasing the button. Note that when the pointer passes over a suitable item, that element
is highlighted and its name is displayed in the Status Bar.

Once the dimension string is completed, press the Escape key on the keyboard.

7.3.2 Deleting dimension points

To delete a dimension point, identify it in the 2D view, to make it the CE.

(It is advisable to check in the Draft Explorer that the element is

Either select Delete from the shortcut menu over the DPPT (Dimension
Point) element in the Draft Explorer or select Delete>CE (Current
Element) from the main menu.

An alert box will displayed regardless of the method used. Click the Yes
button to confirm the action.

7.3.3 Modifying Linear Dimensions Graphically

To modify linear dimensions graphically select modify mode from the icon on the 2D view. This mode is
limited to changing the length of the projection lines, moving and rotating projection line text, moving and
rotating dimension text.

When in modify mode, the mode will be displayed as shown and the icon will change colour.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

7.3.4 Modifying Linear Dimensions

From the main menu select Modify>Dimension and a sub menu will be displayed with the following options:
• Dimension Definition.
• Dimension Colour & Font.
• Dimension Line.
• Projection Line.
• Dimension Points.
• Dimension Blanking.
• Dimension Text.
• Projection Text.
• Sort Dimension Points.

Selecting Dimension Definition from the sub menu will display

the Modify Linear Dimension form.

This form is similar to the Create form however an additional

section controlling blanking is included. Blanking allows
annotation to be shown clearly in crowded parts of a drawing,
by removing an area of graphics.

The Blanking checkbox allows the user to choose whether or

not blanking will be used on the drawing. The user can also set
a margin to which the blanking will be extended around the
specified dimension. The default setting for Blanking is off.

Selecting Dimension Points will display the Linear/Angular Dimensions


The dimension point can be deleted, re-attached to a new design element,

or additional dimension points can be created with the linear dimension.

Selecting the POS menu on the Linear/Angular Dimension form displays a

sub-menu that allows the user to position the various parts of the
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Selecting the PROJ menu on the Linear/Angular Dimension form displays a

sub-menu that allows the user to change the justification of the projection
line text, change the projection line text and change the angle of the
projection line text.
Selecting the DIM menu on the Linear/Angular Dimension form displays a sub-menu
that allows the user to change the angle of the dimension text.
Selecting the ATTS menu on the Linear/Angular Dimension form displays a sub-menu
that allows the user to change the attributes of the dimension.

Selecting the DIR menu on the Linear/Angular dimension

form displays a sub-menu that allows the user to change
the direction of the dimension.

7.4 Creating a Dimension – A Worked Example

Display Drawing /DRWG_1/S1.

Window to a small area of the drawing as shown:
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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Set the layer to Dimensions.

Select Create > Dimension > Dimension Toolbar.

Select the Linear Tab.

Select Orthogonal Continual/Chained Dimension.

In this example the Dimensions will be created between

Equipment items.

Set Attachment to Owner so that the Dimension Point will be

attached to the owner of the item identified.

Tick the box next to Create Button so the Draft will remain in
create mode until the Escape key is pressed.

Select Create.

Identify an Equipment Primitive in each Equipment.
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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Once all the items have been selected press the Escape key.

Select Pos > Dimension > Cursor from the Dimension Point Form. Reposition the Dimension using the

Navigate to the Dimension Point on Equipment C1101 using the Cursor on the Graphics View.

Select Pos > Clearance > Cursor from the Dimension Point Form. Reposition the Dimension Clearance
using the Cursor.
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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Select Att > Projection from the Dimension Point Form. Change the Line Style to Chained then select
Apply and Dismiss.
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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Select Proj > Line Text > CL Item Name from the
Dimension Point Form.
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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

7.5 Intelligent Text

It is very important that the use of “Free Text” is minimised in Draft Drawings. Wherever possible, text should
be derived from the Database. In the previous example the Equipment Name has been automatically set
from the database.

Typically any attribute can be placed on the drawing by preceding it with a # symbol for example: -


#NAME(c2:) means Name starting at Character 2.

Navigate to the Dimension Point on equipment C1101 created previously.

Select Modify > Dimension > Projection Text.

The Text is set to ~C #NAME(C2:). This annotation will draw a

Centre Line symbol followed by the name of the element
(starting at character 2) that the dimension is attached to. In
this case an equipment item.

Select the Intelligent Texts button. From the displayed intelligent text references select #POSE followed by
the Append and Dismiss buttons. Select the Apply button on the Projection Text form then Dismiss the
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

The Projection Line Text now shows the Centre Line Name and West position.

Appendix B gives more information on Intelligent Text, Text Symbols and Text Substrings.

7.6 Positioning Dimensions using Modify Mode

Dimensions, Dimension text and Projection Text can be positioned using Modify Mode.

Select the Modify Mode button from the left hand side
of the graphical display.
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Identify a Dimension and Drag it to a new location in the view. Once the dimension is in the desired location,
click away from the Dimension. Dimension Text can be repositioned in the same manner.

Remember to exit the Modify mode.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Exercise 10 – Dimensioning the drawing (Equipment Arrangement)

Navigate to the sheet DRWG_1/S1 and dimension the drawing, similarly dimension both views on drawing

Create a set of dimensions across the centreline of all columns, and then dimension the equipment, locating
from a column. Set the projection line style to Centre line representation and the projection line text on
the equipment dimensions to CL Equip Name. The name of the equipment will then be shown on the
projection line. Modify the clearance and overshoot of the dimensions.

The resulting drawing should look similar to the picture below.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Exercise 11 – Dimensioning the drawing (Structural Arrangement)

Navigate to the sheet DRWG_4/S1 and dimension the drawing.

Create a set of dimensions across the centreline of all columns.

Modify the clearance and overshoot of the dimensions.

The resulting drawing should look similar to the picture below.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Exercise 12 – Dimensioning the drawing (Piping Arrangement)

Navigate to the sheet DRWG_3/S1 and dimension the drawing.

Create a set of dimensions across the centreline of all columns, and then dimension the equipment and
piping, locating from a column. Set the projection line text on the equipment dimensions to CL Equip Name
and the projection line text on the piping dimensions to Pipe Name.

Modify the clearance and overshoot of the dimensions.

The resulting drawing should look similar to the picture below.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

7.7 Angular dimensions

7.7.1 Creating Angular Dimensions

Select Create>Dimension>Dimension Angular from the main toolbar and the following form is displayed.
The user must ensure that the correct dimension layer is the CE.

The default values are OK on the Create Angular Dimension

form. Draft will prompt the user to identify the item that the
angular dimension is to be attached to. For example DISH 1 of
EQUIP C1101, as shown below.

1. Pick this Dish

The origin will be here

2. Pick this Nozzle

3. Pick this Nozzle

The dimension will have its origin that is the point from which the angular dimension directions will radiate, at
the origin of the element picked. The Linear/Angular Dimensions form is then displayed. This is the same
form as displayed for Linear Dimensions, and it is used in the same way. Switch on the symbol, and
click on Create.

The user will be prompted to pick the items to be dimensioned. The Nozzles are identified in the order
shown in the above illustration. (Selection is clockwise, because the setting is Clockwise in the Create
Angular Dimension form.) On completion the user should click on the background or press the Escape key.

The dimension will be drawn as shown below.
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7.7.2 Modifying angular dimensions graphically

Modifying angular dimensions graphically is limited to changing the offset and standout distances. The offset
of the dimension on C1101, so that the projection lines pass through the nozzles in question is done as
before in Modify Mode.

The dimension line is dragged to the required position and then fixed with a Click on the background or by
pressing the Escape key. The dimension will then be drawn like this:

Remember to exit Modify mode.

7.8 Radial dimensions

7.8.1 Creating Radial Dimensions

Radial dimensions are created in a similar manner. The Dimension Toolbar is displayed by selecting
Create>Dimension>Dimension Toolbar from the main menu bar and the following form is displayed.
Select the Radial tab.

Check that On Item (not On Point) is displayed. This is be done by right-

clicking on the 6symbol. A tick mark is placed against the current setting.
To change the setting left click on the desired option.

Select the required radius style. Refer to the Tooltips for the description of
the available Radial dimensions. Once the required dimension style is
selected a user prompt will be displayed:
‘Identify item to be dimensioned’.
The dimensions will be created as shown in the following diagram.
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After the dimension is created the Radial Dimension form is displayed. This form can
be used to modify the dimension.

The user can also modify Radial Dimensions graphically in a similar way to modifying
other dimension types.
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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Exercise 13 – Creating Radial and Angular Dimensions

Navigate to the sheet DRWG_5/S1 and dimension the drawing, using linear, angular and radial dimensions
on all 4 views.

Ensure that the correct layer is selected when dimensioning the views.

Modify the dimensions to use different dimensions types. Modify the projection line styles and colours.

The resulting drawing should look similar to the picture overleaf.
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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

8 Labelling

Labels are a form of drawing annotation, comprising text and/or graphics, associated with Design items.

There are two types of Label, General Labels (GLAB) and Symbolic Labels (SLAB). The characteristics of
these are as follows:

• General Labels – consist of text derived from the design model.

• Symbolic labels – based on a template containing a symbol and intelligent text

8.1 Labelling hierarchy





Labels (GLAB and SLAB) elements are owned by Layers. Whenever a view is created a number of layers
are created. Additional layers can be created as required. A GLAB has a DDNM attribute which will contain
the design element being referenced. A SLAB has a DDNM attribute and a TMRF attribute which references

8.2 Creating / Modifying Layers

If additional layers are required select Create>Layer from the main

menu and the following form will be displayed. A default name will be
given and the user must select the correct Layer Type.

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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

To modify the Layer definition select Modify>Layer>Definition and

the Layer Definitions form will be displayed.

Select the layer to modify from the displayed layers. The name, the
Purpose and visibility can be modified.

Select the Attributes button. The MAT Layer Attributes form will be

On the Text tab, the text height and

definition can be modified.

On the Note tab, the note line and

hatch pattern can be modified.

8.3 Creating Labels

8.3.1 Creating General Labels

Select Create>Label>General/Symbolic from the main bar

menu and the Labels form is displayed.
Firstly select the Attach to options list. There are a number of
menus and types to select from. The option selected will then be
the only type for the current creation that a label can be attached
The Create New button will create a new GLAB that will be
connected to the element type selected in the Attached to
options list.
The Create Copy button will create a new GLAB, and the user
will be prompted to identify an existing GLAB.
If the element being identified has ppoints, the ppoint number to
be attached to on the element can be entered in the PPOINT box,
or clicking on Cursor, will prompt the user to identify a ppoint.

If the element being identified has plines, the pline name to be attached to on the element can be entered in
the PLINE box, or clicking on Cursor, will prompt the user to identify a pline. The distance along the section
is defined as a proportion of the length, and any value less than 1 can be entered in the Proportion field.

The rotation of the label can be specified. Blanking can either be on or off, by placing a check mark in the
Blanking box. The margin around the blanking can also be specified.
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The attributes pull down has the following options:

• Text Settings – displays the Label Text Attributes

form, where the text attributes can be modified.

• Text Contents – by default the contents of the

label are set to the name of the labelled element.
The contents can be changed and the Modify Text
form is displayed. The position, alignment and
justification can all be modified from this form. The
text contents can be changed to any intelligent text
by typing in the text into the form. Alternatively,
clicking on the Intelligent Texts button will open a
form with examples of intelligent text that can be
• Frame – displays the Label
Frame Attributes form. The
frame visibility can be turned
off. The Label frame pen
colour and style can be

• Leader Line – displays the

Label Leader Attributes form.
A number of options are
available for inserting bends
and gaps in the leader line.
The Connection option allows
the user to define the position
of the leader line to the GLAB.
The Attachment option allows
the user to position the leader
line away from the referenced
design element. The Leader
Line Colour and Style can also
be modified.

8.3.2 Positioning General Labels using Modify Model

Modify mode is used to modify Dimensions, Labels and 2D Geometry by graphical interaction. There are
many other non-geometrical modifications, such as changing the appearance of the text and line styles that
can only be carried out using the main menu Modify option.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002 Entering and Exiting Modify Mode

To enter Modify mode the user must click on the icon in the Drawing Display Window toolbar.

Draft will exit from Modify mode when the Modify Mode button is selected again, a new Sheet or Library is
loaded, or the design, model, picture or annotation is updated.

While in Modify mode the user can control the view by zooming and panning as normal.

The label for modification is selected by left-clicking on it. It is then displayed in the current highlight colour.
The user can then modify the item selected, or select another item for modification.

When you select the label, several hotspots are displayed. Initially the Attachment and Connection point
hotspots for the leader line (if leader lines have been selected for the label) are on a single point, adjacent to
the label. The display is like this:

One of two arrows

pointing to hotspots


The arrangement of the hotspots becomes apparent when the label is moved from its initial position. The
following illustration shows the label moved upwards and to the right:

Arrow pointing to Attachment

attachment hotspot hotspot


Connection Label
hotspot outline

Arrow pointing to
connection hotspot Bend point

The position of the label can be moved by left-clicking and dragging its outline. By left-clicking and dragging
a hotspot the user can modify the angle of the label or the geometry of the leader line.

Once an item or hotspot has been selected in Modify mode, the Modify Mode shortcut menu can be
displayed by clicking the right-hand mouse button. Options on this menu (see overleaf), apart from the
default 2D Cursor hit option, allow the user to choose a position for a leader line hotspot with relation to an
existing line, or lines, of the displayed engineering drawing.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Menu options that are not applicable to the CE are greyed out.

8.3.3 Creating Symbolic Labels

DRAFT is supplied with a comprehensive set of libraries of

standard Symbolic Labels which can be picked and added to
a drawing. (Your Draft Administrator may have changed the
supplied Libraries to company–specific ones.) The Labels can
include intelligent text. For example, a Symbolic Label used
on a Nozzle could display the Nozzle name and other
information automatically.
A Symbolic Label can only be added to a Layer. To add a
Symbolic Label you must have a 2D Area view on display
which includes the relevant VIEW containing a Design
Select Create > Label >General/Symbolic from the main
menu. The Labels form will be displayed. Select the Symbolic
Label Tab. The Library form will also be displayed.
The Library form is used to display the standard Symbolic
Labels supplied with DRAFT. Different Libraries may be
specified, each of which contains a selection of Label
The Library form will display those Symbolic Labels present
in the Label Library whose name appears on the option
button at the bottom of the form. Different libraries can be
selected from the option lists.
From the Label form select the Attach to option list. There
are a number of menus and types to select from. The option
selected will then be the only type for the current creation that
a label can be attached to.
Selecting the Create New button will create a new SLAB that
will be connected to the element type selected in the
Attached to option list. The user will be prompted to identify
a label from the library first, then to identify the design
element in the view to which the label will be attached.
Selecting the Create Copy button will create a new SLAB,
and the user will be prompted to identify a SLAB that exists
on the drawing.

If the element being identified has ppoints, the ppoint number to be attached to on the element can be
entered in the PPOINT box, or clicking on Cursor, will prompt the user to identify a ppoint.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

If the element being identified has plines, the pline name to be attached to on the element can be entered in
the PLINE box, or clicking on Cursor, will prompt the user to identify a pline. The distance along the section
is defined as a proportion of the length, and any value less than 1 can be entered in the Proportion field.

The rotation of the label can be specified. The Blanking can either be on or off, by placing a check mark in
the Blanking box. The margin around the blanking can be specified.

The symbolic label can be scaled by entering values in the x and y scale text boxes.

8.4 Hide/Show Labels

Label visibility can be toggled on/off. To hide a Label, select Modify>Label>Label

Visibility from the main menu. The Label Visibility form will be displayed.

Selecting the Scope button will allow the user to select labels for the whole sheet, a
selected view or a selected layer.

The Hide and Show options allow the user to select All for all the labels, or
Identified allows the user to select the label(s) by identifying them with the cursor in
the view. The Display Hidden Labels button will show all hidden labels in a
different colour to displayed labels.

8.5 Label Blanking

The geometry for the blanked area is determined by the geometry of the annotation element: For example, a
circular label will define a circular area where no 3D graphics will appear. Overlapping 2D graphics, text and
other annotation graphics will not be hidden.

If Blanking is switched off, operations such as zooming and panning will be quicker.

Select Modify>Label>Label Blanking and the Blank Labs form is displayed.

The Modify Blanking is similar to the Label Visibility form. On the Blank Labs form,
there is an option to define the margin around selected labels.

8.6 Label Placement

This facility helps to ‘tidy up’ crowded areas of labelling, minimising Label overlap and leader-line crossing.
As well as changing label positions this facility may also be used to change Label orientations, text
justification, alignments, and the definition of leader-line shapes.

Select Modify>Label>Label Placement. The Intelligent Label Placement form will be displayed. The form is
divided into two sections, Select and Position. These areas of the form are considered in the sections that
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

8.6.1 Intelligent Label Placement Form - Select

This area of the form allows the user to Add or Remove Labels to be
spread over the drawing using a spreading list.
• CE’s Labels – selects an individual label or all the Labels in
the current view or layer.
• Owner’s Labels – selects all the labels of the owner of the
• Clear – clears the current selection.
• ID Label – allows the user to select a series of labels.
• ID Design – allows the user to select a series of labels
attached to the identified design element.
• 2D Window – allows the user to select all the labels within a
cursor defined window.
• List – displays the Select List form. The user can select a predefined
list or create a list for this activity.

8.6.2 Intelligent Label Placement Form - Position

Two positioning options are available for Labels; Remote or Local. The user must select the appropriate
checkbox then click the Definition button adjacent to the checkbox options. A label definition form will be
displayed. Remote Label Placement

Using this option will place labels around the view border. The Remote Label Placement form allows the
user to set the positioning parameters for remote Label spreading.

• Region - the Labels may be spread around a rectangular

region defined by the Cursor. The coordinates of the region
will appear in the X Y boxes, from where they may be
• View Margin - the Labels may be spread around a given
margin of the current VIEW boundary.
• Minimum gap between labels - defines the minimum gap
between the labels.
• Use - by default, all four sides of the VIEW border will be
used to spread the Labels along, but one or more sides may
be omitted if required.
• Automatic Orientation - allows or suppresses automatic
rotation of the Labels along the top and bottom sides of the
view boundary.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

An example of remote placement of labels is shown

here. Local

Using this option will place labels around significant design elements. The
Local Label Placement form allows the user to define offsets that will be
applied to the label with respect to the design elements.
Selecting the Same checkbox will cause the entered value to be copied into
the other window, e.g. In the drawing below the X offset has been set to 25.
This will be copied to the Y offset text box when the Enter button on the
keyboard is used to confirm the X offset. Selecting the OK button will also
have the same effect.

The spread offset of the Labels from their attachment points

can be specified directly using the X Offset, Y Offset boxes or
indirectly using a Radius and an Angle.

An example of local placement of labels is shown here.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

8.7 Creating General Labels – A Worked Example

Display Drawing Sheet /DRWG_1/S1.

Select the Labels Layer.

Select Create > Label > General / Symbolic from the main menu.

Select the General Labels Tab from the Labels form.

Select Equipments from the Attach to option list.

Select the Create New button.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Identify several items of Equipment in the


The Label will be located at the Origin.

Press the Escape key when finished.

Reposition the label using modify mode. The Attachment Point

can also be modified.

Select Text Contents from the Attributes option list.

Add the Intelligent Text #POSE, #POSN and


Select Apply then Dismiss the Modify Text form.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

8.8 Creating Symbolic Labels – A Worked Example

Select the Symbolic Labels Tab from the Labels


From the Attach to option list select Nozzles.

The Library Form will automatically be displayed.

Select the following options:

Select the Create New button from the Labels form.

Identify the Library Symbol with the Cursor.

Identify Several Nozzles with the Cursor.

Press the Escape key when finished.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Reposition the Symbols using Modify mode.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Exercise 14 - Labelling

Create a new DRWG_6. Create a single, user-defined view and add the structural element /PIPERACK to
the drawlist. Set the view up to be Universal Hidden Lines with representation DRA/PRJ/REPR/GEN/BASIC.
Scale the drawing.

Dimension and label all steel sections with the size of the steel profile using GLABs.

Turn the default USER_Labs layer OFF.

The text string to be entered in the text contents is:

#:mdssizetag<from spref catref>

The tag will take the value from the UDA of the catref of the component.

Turn off the leader line and frame, create the first label and select Relative in the Offset pull down, then use
the Create Copy option.

Ensure that the correct layer is selected when labelling the views.

Create a new layer called SYMB_Labs and add some Symbolic Labels for the for the column lines.
Create SLABs for the column lines on the equipment arrangement and piping drawings.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

9 2D Drafting

The 2D drafting facility within DRAFT is used for adding manually-drafted graphic and text details to
drawings that have been generated from the Design database. The facility is not intended to be a used as a
drafting package.

There are three sets of menu options specific to 2D Drafting:

• Draw – enables the user to draw 2D Primitives and Local Symbols.

• Construct – enables the user to construct lines and other primitives using existing primitives.
• Edit - enables the user to change the attributes of a primitive, move primitives and nodes, insert
gaps in lines, trim lines and arcs, rotate primitives, reduce a symbol to its basic components.

The basic geometric shapes and text that can be drawn are called Primitives. The primitives exist in the
Draft hierarchy as members of Sheet Notes (NOTE), View Notes (VNOT) elements, or Symbol Templates

By default, the NOTE and VNOT elements will be created automatically whenever a Sheet or Layer element
is created, but the user can create additional NOTE and VNOT elements if required.

Primitives that exist as members of a VNOT may have their dimensions and positions defined in terms of 3D
Design values.

9.1 2D Drafting Hierarchy

The following diagram shows the 2D drafting part of the Draft hierarchy. It shows the related elements and at
what level in the hierarchy they may be created. All of these elements, with the exception of extra Layers,
can be created as extra 2D elements are added to the Sheet or View.


VIEW NOTE Sheet Note


View Note VNOT



9.2 Creating Sheet Note and View Note elements

A Drawing Sheet will have been created with a number of Views and Layers. The Notes layer used for 2D
drafting will own a View Note. 2D Primitives associated with a view will be added to the View Note. 2D
Graphics and text associated with the main Sheet should be placed in a Sheet Note.

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Select Create>Note from the main menu. The Create NOTE form will be
displayed if the user is at a View element or above. The name can be left
as default or changed as required.

Depending where the user is positioned in the hierarchy, a Sheet Note (NOTE element) will be created if at
a View element or higher, a Layer Note (VNOT element) will then be created if at a Layer element or lower.

As each Note is created, they are added to the

list of Notes in the Layers toolbar. The
displayed VNOT will indicate where primitives
are to be subsequently created.

9.3 Creating primitives

To create primitives, first ensure that the required NOTE (or VNOT) is displayed.
Select Draw>Primitives from the main menu and the 2D Draughting form will be

For all primitives except Symbols, the Point Construction Option Form
will be displayed.

The prompt text displayed in this form instructs the user to the next step of action. The text will vary
according to the type of primitive being created.

Use the default option which is 2D cursor hit. This enables the user to position the selected primitive free-
hand. Pick the point(s) requested, by left-clicking the mouse with the pointer in the appropriate position(s) on
the drawing.

If the primitive is a graphic, it is drawn as the points are selected. Depending on the type of graphic, it may
be necessary to click on Cancel on the Point Construction Option Form when the final point has been
selected, in order to complete the graphic.

If the primitive is Text, only one point is selected and the Modify
Text form is then displayed.

The required text can be entered in this form. The font

definition, colour etc. can be defined also.

Click on Apply to insert the text on the drawing, and then

Dismiss the form.

Enter Modify mode using the icon on the left hand side of
the graphical display window.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

The general action is to select the primitive and then select and drag one of the hotspots until the required
result is achieved. Click on the background to de-select.

The hotspots available, and the operations the user can carry out, depend on the type of primitive and are
described below under the names of the graphics.

9.4 2D Primitives

9.4.1 Lines

From the Lines Tab on the 2D Draughting form the following options are available:

• - creates a single straight line.

• - creates multiple straight lines.

• - creates multiple orthogonal straight lines.

• - creates sketch straight lines.

• - creates a closed outline with straight lines.

• - creates a closed outline with curved segments.

• - creates an outline with curved segments.

• - allows the user to insert vertices by defining through points for


• - creates an arc with the user defining the start, end and through

• - creates an arc with the user defining the centre, start and angle.

9.4.2 Shapes

From the Shapes Tab on the 2D Draughting form the following options are available:

• - creates a circle with the user defining the centre and radius.

• - creates a circle with the user defining the diameter.

• - creates an ellipse with the user creating the left, right and top points.

• - creates a hexagon with the user defining the centre and radius.

• - creates a hexagon with the user defining the diameter.

• - creates a triangle with the user defining the corners.

• - creates a diamond with the user defining the left, right and top

• - creates a rectangle with the user defining opposite corners.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

9.4.3 Symbols

From the Symbols Tab on the 2D Draughting form the following options are available:

• – displays the 2D symbol and library form. The use of these is similar
to the creation of symbolic labels. 2D symbols are attached to design

• - creates a table with the user defining the corner to corner.

• - creates a marker point.

9.4.4 Text

From the Text Tab on the 2D Draughting form the following options are available:

• - creates text with the justification top left.

• - creates text with the justification bottom left.

• - creates text with the justification bottom centre.

• - creates text with the justification bottom right.

9.5 Construct

9.5.1 Construct Group

Select Construct>Group from the main menu. The Group form will be

This selection links all the selected elements together in such a way that Draft
can track all the items owned by a group. Using groups allows the user to carry
out the same operation on a number of elements simultaneously.

The selection of primitives to be included in the group may be carried out by any one of three methods:

• Identified – allows the selection of individual elements.

• Crossing – allows the user to define a region selecting all elements that are either totally or
partially within a defined area.
• Window – allows the user to define a region selecting all elements that are totally within a
defined area.

After choosing the required method of element selection, click the Add button. A prompt will be displayed
informing the user to identify the element to be added to the group. After completion of the selection, all
group members will change colour.

The Clear button will remove all elements from the group and return them back to their original colour.

The Remove button allows individual elements to be removed from the group and returned to the original

The Perform Action On Group button displays the Perform Actions on Group form, which is used to enter
the syntax required for the operation to be actioned.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Examples of typical syntax are:

• nlpn 6 this will change the note line pen to 6.

• by y20 moves all group elements 20 units in the +Y direction.

The Filter button allows the setting up of selection criteria to help select the required elements more
efficiently. The user may not wish to select any arcs that are green from a particular NOTE/VNOT so by
setting the Filter these items can be excluded.

9.5.2 2D Copy

Select Construct>2D Copy from the main menu.

After choosing this option the user is prompted to identify the 2D primitives. To finish the selection click the
Cancel button. The user will then be prompted to identify an origin point and then to position the copy.

9.5.3 Repeat

Select Construct>Repeat from the main menu. The following options are available:

• Offset – the user will be prompted to identify the

2D primitives. The Point Construction Option
form will be displayed and the user will be
prompted to identify the base point for
displacement and the Offset Copy form will be
• Rows and Columns – the user will be prompted to identify
the 2D primitives. The Rows and Columns will then be
displayed for the spacing, number of rows and columns

• Polar – the user will be prompted to identify the

2D primitives. The user will be prompted to
identify the centre of rotation point. The Polar
Copy form will then be displayed.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

• Mirror - the user will be prompted to identify the

2D primitives. The Mirror form will then be
displayed. To define the Mirror Axis the user may
use one of three methods.

• Cursor – define two points to generate a temporary line which will be used as the axis
Identified Line – select a 2D primitive line that will be used as the axis X and Y co-ordinates –
Enter the X and Y co-ordinates.

9.5.4 Fillet Arc

Select Construct>Fillet Arc from the main menu. The user will be prompted to
identify the two joined lines to which the fillet is to be applied. The Fillet form
will then be displayed. Enter the Radius then select whether the fillet is to be
convex or concave and whether the lines are to be trimmed.

9.5.5 Chamfers

Select Construct>Chamfer Line from the main menu. The user will be
prompted to identify the two joined lines to which the chamfer is to be applied.
The Chamfer form will then be displayed. Enter the chamfer offsets and select
whether the lines are to be trimmed.

9.5.6 Parallel Lines

Select Construct>Parallel Line from the main menu. The user will be
prompted to identify the line to be parallel copied. The Parallel Line form will
then be displayed. Enter the value of the offset. Clicking the Invert button will
change the direction of the copy.

9.5.7 Tangent Line

Select Construct>Tangent Line from the main menu. The user will
be prompted to identify the arcs or circles for the tangent line.

This will draw a line tangent with two circles or arcs. The tangent
will be drawn depending on where you select the circle. A form will
be displayed that will allow you to reselect either points on the
circles to define a different tangent. When the tangent line is
between arcs the user will also have the option to trim the arc to the
connection point of the tangent line.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

9.5.8 Ray Line

A Ray Line is a form of construction line.

Select Construct>Ray Line from the main menu, and the Point Construction Option form will be displayed.
The user will be prompted for two points, the first will be the start point and the second will be the through
point. The line will continue to the edge of the sheet.

The Ray Line form will then be displayed which allows the user to
change the X and Y values of the through point and the angle of the
line. The Edit>Line Trim can be used to cut the line back from the
sheet edge.

9.5.9 Constructed Line

Select Construct>Constructed Line from the main menu. The Point Construction Option form will be
displayed. This option allows the user to draw an infinite line through two given points. It is also possible to
use the Edit>Line Trim option to cut the line back from the sheet edge.

9.5.10 Bisector Line

This option will construct a line that bisects the angle formed by two selected lines. The bisector will start at
the intersection of the two selected lines and continue to the sheet edge.

Select Construct>Bisector Line from the main menu. The user will be prompted to identify two bisected
lines. The Bisector Line form will be displayed. The user can modify the Length of the line, the X and Y
values of the through point.

A Bisector may also be trimmed by using the Edit>Line Trim


9.5.11 Local Symbols

Select Construct>Local Symbol from the main menu. The user will be
prompted to Select the 2D primitives for the local symbol. The Point
Construction Option form will be displayed. The user will be prompted to
identify the origin for the local symbol.

The Create SYTM form will then be displayed. Click on OK and the
Local Symbols form is displayed.

Local Symbols are created in the hierarchy of the current drawing and
are not available outside of this drawing.
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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

9.6 The Edit Menu

The Edit menu allows users to modify 2D Draughting elements. A range of modification options area
available under this menu and they are discussed in the sections that follow.

9.6.1 Edit>Primitive

This option allows the user to alter the attribute settings for the selected primitive. Before selection of this
option the user must have already selected the primitive to be edited. Once selected the Modify ‘Primitive
Type’ Attributes form will be displayed. Attribute values can be reset using this form. When the required
changes have been made the user must click the Apply button. The Reset button will reset the values in
the form to the last saved settings.

9.6.2 Edit>Move Primitive/Node To

When Edit>Move Primitive/Node To is selected from the main menu, all nodes on all primitives will be
shown to aid selection. Once selected, depending on the option selected from the submenu, a form will be
displayed that allows the user to position the node.

Centres of arcs, circles, etc, are not moved.

9.6.3 Edit>Move Primitive By

This option allows the user to move the whole primitive by a distance which is either calculated by the
entering of two cursor points or entering the amount to move in the X and Y directions.

9.6.4 Edit>Move Node By

This option allows the user to reposition a Node on a primitive thereby changing the shape of the primitive.

9.6.5 Edit>Line Gap

This option allows the creation of a Gap. Gaps can be created with a length of Zero, Default, or defined by
its Start and Finish points.

9.6.6 Edit>Line Trim

The Line Trim option is used to Trim a line or arc to another arc or line.

9.6.7 Edit>Rotate

This option allows element(s) to be rotated about a selected point by a user defined angle.

9.6.8 Edit>Demolish Symbol

This option will break the links created when a Local Symbol is defined.

9.6.9 Edit>Action Group

This option will call up the Perform Action on Group form where the user can enter syntax to perform a
particular action on the whole group.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

9.7 Utilities (2D)

9.7.1 Load Text

Select Utilities>Load Text from the main menu and the

Load Text From File form will be displayed. If the text file to
be loaded is not in the ‘Local’ (i.e. current) directory, type the
appropriate directory path name into the Directory text box
and press Enter.
The file must be a text file.

The scrollable list displays all the files in the current directory.
Select the required file. The name of the selected file will
appear next to Text File. If the user wants to position the
(origin of the) text using the pointer, select the Cursor button
to the right of the Position fields, then click on the desired
Sheet position in the display. The Sheet co-ordinates of the
chosen point will be displayed in the Position text boxes. If the
user wants to position the (origin of the) text using Sheet co-
ordinates, type the required co-ordinates into the Position text
boxes. If required, use the controls at the bottom of the form to
vary the text Colour, Font, Justification, Character Height,
Spacing or Line Spacing.

9.7.2 Sketch Drafting

Select Utilities > Sketch Drafting from the main menu. The Sketch Drafting 2D Attributes form will be

This form will allow the setting of default

pens, text justification, character height,
alignment, character spacing, and line
spacing. The user can also set the Fill
pen to be On allowing cross hatching to
be used. The settings on this form can be
set to be used Automatically, or On
Request. To activate the Automatic setting
ensure that the icon is checked.

9.7.3 Dynamic Primitives

Select Utilities > Dynamic Primitives from the main menu. The Modify Primitives form will be displayed.

This form will display the attributes of the selected primitive. To change any of the settings simply enter the
required value into the correct field and after the Enter key has been pressed the primitive will change to
reflect the new values entered.
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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

9.8 Creating 2D Primitives – A Worked Example

Display Drawing Sheet /DRWG_1/S1.

If the 2D Annotation is associated with a View it should be placed on a View Note (VNOT) but if the 2D
Annotation is general text it should be created in a Sheet Note.

9.8.1 Creating a New Note

Navigate to Sheet /DRWG_1/S1.

Select Create > Note from the main menu.
Accept the default Name.

The Drawing Sheet will now have two 2D Layers one for the Sheet and one for the View.

9.8.2 Added 2D Text to a View Note

Select the Layer /DRWG_1/S1/V1/USER_Notes and 2D Draughting from the Layers Toolbar.
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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Select Draw > Primitives from the main menu.

Select the Text Tab from the 2D Draughting form.

Choose the Bottom Centre Justified Text option.

Position the Text towards the Bottom of the View Using the Cursor.

From the Colour option list select black (15).

Enter a height of 20 in the Height text box.

Select the Intelligent Texts… button. The Intelligent

Text form will be displayed.

Select Drawing from the option list at the top of the


From the Sheet & View section of the form select the
VTitle #VTITL option.

Select the Append button.
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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Select the Apply button then Dismiss the form.

The view title will be displayed as shown below.

9.8.3 Adding 2D Primitives to a Drawing Sheet Note

Display Drawing Sheet /DRWG_1/S1 and window to a suitable area. Select the Layer /DRWG_1/S1/SN1
and 2D Draughting from the Layers Toolbar.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Select Draw > Primitives from the main menu.

Select the Lines Tab from the 2D Draughting form.

Select the Single Straight line option.

Draw Lines and text as shown below.

2D Primitive Attributes can be changed by Selecting Edit > Primitive from the main menu.

A form relative to the primitive type will be displayed.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Exercise 15 – 2D Draughting

Navigate to the sheet DRWG_5/S1, create a title for each view, ensuring that each text element is on the
correct VNOT.

Create 2D primitives using all of the options on the Draw toolbar. Experiment with the different options on
the Point Construction Option Form.

Click on the different types of primitives you created in 2 and edit them in turn by selecting
Edit>Primitives… from the main toolbar. Note how the edit form changes to suit the primitive being

Experiment with the construction options, e.g. 2D Copy, Mirror…, Chamfer Line…, etc. in the Construct
pull-down on the main menu.

Delete all the primitives on the views.

Add some section marks using 2D symbols.

Create a text file containing some general notes using TextPad or WordPad. Create a Sheet NOTE and
import the text file as General Notes using Utilities>Load Text… from the main menu, positioning the
notes at the top of the Notes column on the right-hand side of the drawing.

Create a revision triangle, containing a suitable revision identifier, as a Local Symbol. Create a revision
‘cloud’ around some Design elements in the views and add the revision Local Symbol to each cloud.

10 Section Planes

10.1 Section Planes

DRAFT gives you the ability to construct sections through specified Design items, the results of which can
be displayed at VIEW level. All Planes are database items and can therefore be used with more than one

There are three types of section planes:

• Flat Planes.
• Perpendicular Planes.
• Stepped Planes.

This module covers Flat Planes only.

For information on Perpendicular and Stepped Planes Please refer to TM-1206 Drawing Production

When views are defined or modified the Section

Mode option list allows users to Omit Fractional
Components. If this option is selected, any
component which is not completely inside the
sectioned View will be omitted.

On the Limits tab, if the check boxes (adjacent to the

co-ordinate text boxes) are checked, section planes
will be created automatically.

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

All Planes are created and held within a Library structure and are owned by a Planes Library (PLLB). To
use a plane to produce a sectioned view of part of the Design, a View Section (VSEC) element which refers
to the appropriate plane element in the Planes Library must be created.

A Planes Library is always created automatically (if the Drawing does not already have one) whenever the
user makes a selection from the Create>View>Section menu. The appropriate type of Plane is then
created as a member of the Planes Library, being referred to by the VIEW Section.

If the view type is wireline, the view will not be sectioned.

10.2 Creating Flat Planes

Starting at VIEW level, select Create>View>Section Flat from the main menu. A View Section element will
be created automatically and the Create a Flat Plane form will be displayed.

The Name text box will contain the automatically assigned Plane
name, which can be changed if required.

Select the required Plane positioning method from the option list
located to the right of the Position button, then click on the
Position button. The positioning options available are:

• Explicit – the Explicit Plane form is displayed. Enter the

required co-ordinates.
• ID Cursor – an appropriate message will be displayed. Click
on the required Design item.
• ID P-Point – an appropriate message will be displayed. Click
on the required p-point.
• Cursor – an appropriate message will be displayed, identify a
3D point as required.

The Cutting option list details the available Drawlists. The items to be cut by the plane will be those
referred to by the selected list. If World is selected, all items in the owning VIEW’s Drawlist will be cut.

The Direction text box allows the user to define a vector normal to the plane (set to the current VIEW
direction by default). A new direction can be entered by typing a value into the text box.

If the Centerline Mode checkbox is active then everything included on the Drawlist except the Center-Line
of pipes (if displayed) will be Cut.

The Retain Data option lists displays the available options for defining which side of the cut line will be
discarded from the display. The default In front of Plane means that everything on the observer’s side of
the plane will be discarded.

Having clicked on OK, select Graphics>Update>Design from the main menu in order to update the VIEW
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

10.3 Modifying Flat Planes

Flat Planes can only be modified if the user navigates to view level (or below) in the Draft hierarchy. Select
Modify>View>Section Flat from the main menu. The Modify a Flat Plane form is displayed.

This form is very similar to the creation form. The difference is that
there are two extra buttons on this form; the Sketch button and the
Erase button.

The Sketch button will draw the profile of the cutting plane being
used. The Erase button will remove from the screen the drawing
aids representing the cutting plane.

Having clicked on Apply, select Graphics>Update Design from

the main menu in order to update the VIEW contents.

10.4 Flat Plane – A Worked Example

For the purposes of the training a Drawing Sheet has been created with one view having /ZONE-
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Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

The Section Plane is created as follows:

Select Create > View > Section > Flat from the main menu. Populate the form with the following

Cutting World

Direction –Z

Retain Data In front of Plane

Select the Position button with the position option

list set to Explicit… Set the following co-ordinate:

West 312660

North 303544

Up 107100

Select the Apply button then Dismiss the form.

Select the OK button on the Create a Flat Plane form.

Select Graphics > Update Design from the main menu.

The above drawing shows the top level equipment removed.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Exercise 16 – Section Planes

Create a sheet of any size that contains four views. The views should have viewing directions of North,
East, Down and Iso3 respectively.

Create a Drawlist that contains the equipment element P1501A from SITE-EQUIPMENT_AREA01 and the
site /WALLSITE. Set the Drawlist Ref… for each view to this Drawlist.

Create Flat Planes in each view with a direction of your choice. Retain the data In Front of Plane in all
cases and note the effect on the Design elements in the views.

Modify all planes to retain data Behind Plane and note the effect on the Design elements in the views.

Modify the Direction of each plane in turn and note the effect on the Design elements in the view.

Create two separate Drawlists, one containing /P1501A and the other containing the WALLSITE.

The following example shows a Flat Plane cutting Drawlist that contains the WALLSITE Only.

In one of the orthogonal views delete the existing Flat Plane and create two new Flat Planes with directions
perpendicular to each other, e.g. one North and one East. Set one plane to cut the Drawlist containing
/P1501A and the other plane to cut the Drawlist containing the WALLSITE. Update the view graphics and
note the effect of the two planes.
Appendix A

Appendix A


Modelled Wireline

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Local Hidden Line

Global Hidden Line

Universal Hidden Line

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Representation of Terminator End Types

Arrows Open Arrows

Narrow Darts Wide Darts

Dots Open Dots

Oblique’s Slashes
Appendix B

Appendix B

Intelligent Text

Intelligent Text can be automatically extracted from the Design, Catalogue or Drawing databases to replace
the Drawing Intelligent text code words, which begin with a # character. See below for examples.

For this we will use as an example a pipe name of /ZONE-4/BRANCH-6

Text / Z O N E - 4 / B R A N C H - 6

Character No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Intelligent Text Format Result



#NAME(C2:7) ZONE-4

#NAME(P-2:) -6



#NAME(P/2:)(C2:) BRANCH-6

#< Starts underline

#> Ends underline

#<#NAME(P/2:)(C2:) BRANCH-6

#<#NAME(P/2:)(C2:)#> #POSU BRANCH-6 U3000

#POSU<WRT ZONE> Returns the position using zone co-ordinates

#POS<WRT /1501A-N1> Returns the position relative to named item.

#P1POS<WRT /1501A-N1> Returns the position of P1 relative to named item.

Navigates to the catalogue element and returns
the value of parameter 3.
Navigates to the named element and returns
parameter 3.
This will output the HBORE (head bore) referred
to by the DDNM attribute.
This will output the value of the specified User
Definable Attribute.

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Drawing Production (Basic) TM-1002

Alternative Character Set

The Alternative Character set provides useful symbols for the users. To use these the tilde character (~)
must precede the required code for the symbol required.
Symbol Code Meaning Symbol Code Meaning

B Footnote symbol W Omega

C Centreline symbol X Superscript `1'

D Diameter symbol Y Superscript `2'

E Z Superscript `3'

F Steelwork Channel 0 Degrees symbol or

superscript 0
G Steelwork Angle 1

H Steelwork H-Section 2

I Steelwork I-Section 3

J Steelwork T-Section 4
K Steelwork Double Angle 5

L Steelwork L-Section 6

M Mu 7

N Yen sign *

O Steelwork hollow circular Section +

P Plate symbol - Line

Q Copyright symbol /

R Registered trademark symbol < Left arrow

S Steelwork hollow rectangular Section = Hash

T Trademark symbol > Right arrow

U [ Much less than

] Much greater than

V Down arrow
^ Up arrow
Alternative Characters can be used on their own or combined with Intelligent Text:
~C produces a Centerline symbol.
~C#POSU produces the Centreline symbol followed by the Up position.

Normal text may be used in combination with Alternative characters and Intelligent text:

#<~C#NAME(C2:)#> POSITION IS #POSU returns the Centerline symbol and name of the
attached element, all underlined, followed by a normal text message (i.e. POSITION IS) followed by its Up

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