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C15: When a customer uses a product, there will be two possibilities.

+ As a general rule, when user start to get familiar with the product, they will be more likely to recall
information, messages about it. This is also consider as a basic goal of marketers who try to create and
maintain awareness of their products. The more experience a consumer has with a product, the better
use they make of product information. This is called enhancing recall.

+ Extreme familiarity can result in inferior learning and recall. When consumers are highly familiar with a
brand or an advertisement, they may not pay much attention to the product’ message because they
might unconsciously believe that they will no longer receive any new information about this product.
This is diminishing recall

=> This is why advertising for a specific product work by either enhancing or diminishing recall. In other
words, we can say advertising will work depending on the brand recall.


Originally, Nike products from the early days were almost exclusively for marathon runners? But then
came the “fitness” craze – and those in Nike's Marketing department knew they needed to take
advantage of their inherent advantage to get ahead of their biggest competitor, Reebok. (At the time,
Reebok was selling more shoes than Nike.) So, in the late 1980s, Nike created a fever with a campaign
called "Just Do It". It was a really big hit. “Just Do it” – a short and sweet message that encapsulates all
the emotions users feel when they exercise. But for ones, who are too familiar with products from Nike,
they might probably do not pay attention to the message of this brand, or in simpler words, they buy
these products just because they are beautiful.

C16: Retro is Retrospective……..

Retro brand is an updated version of brand from prior historical period, or the product return people to
old memories they had either in their childhood or young adult years. All things retro are new, but they
hold characters of things from the past. For instance, a dish can remind us of a warm meal with our
family. The reason why it popular in recent years is the linking of the brand and the customer to
moments in their lives.

To make it easier to understand about retro, let I give you a short video.

The voice “Hello Moto” at the beginning of the video, it brings back good old memories.the customer
will be woow “this was so popular when I was a kid”. References to “the good old days” are increasingly
common, as advertisers call up memories and hope that these feelings will translate to what they’re
selling today.

One study reported that people who were asked to think about the past were willing to pay more for
products than those who were asked to think about future memories. Based on this, In 2019 Motorola
launched a smartphone product in the form of a foldable Android phone. The company is not leaving
the classic design of the original behind,

emphasizing the iconic flip-flop image, the company for the new model appears as a spectacular
makeover of the old version in 2004. And while the entire 2019 is a giant touchscreen, Motorola made
the retro product as authentic as possible. The new version has new functions suitable for modern time,
but the same design as the old version will bring old feeling to users . With this advertising as we watch,
the company remind customer about original product, at the same time they stimulate curiosity and
excitement for new version of Motorola Razr 2019. new version is lanched it is a clever way for Motorola
to pay homage to the orginal product.

Looking back is a way to move towards new and creative futures. So, The retro theme will continue to
be on the rise.

C17: a schema is a cognitive framework we develop through experience. We encode information more
readily when that information is consistent with an existing schema.86 The ability to move up and down
among levels of abstraction greatly increases processing flexibility and efficiency. For this reason, young
children who do not yet have well-developed schemas are not able to make as efficient use of purchase
information as are older children

Before going to a party, say a birthday party, we have a preconceived idea about what is going to
happen at that party which includes cake, food, and dance. We dont know what exactly is going to
happen. But we form preconceived schemas about the party that we had gained through past

Other types of schemas that people often possess include:1

Person schemas are focused on specific individuals. For example, your schema for your friend might
include information about her appearance, her behaviors, her personality, and her preferences.

Social schemas include general knowledge about how people behave in certain social situations.

Self-schemas are focused on your knowledge about yourself. This can include both what you know
about your current self as well as ideas about your idealized or future self.

Event schemas are focused on patterns of behavior that should be followed for certain events. This acts
much like a script informing you of what you should do, how you should act, and what you should say in
a particular situation.

Before going to a party, say a birthday party, we have a preconceived idea about what is going to
happen at that party which includes cake, food, and dance. We dont know what exactly is going to
happen. But we form preconceived schemas about the party that we had gained through past

Event schemas let you know what you should do in a certain situation. For example, when a fire alarm
goes off, you should leave the building. This might seem like common sense, but at one point, you didn't
know what such a signal meant. You learned through experience and retained the information through

C18: What is Brand salience ?


Brand salience is a marketing KPI that tells you how well people recognize, notice, or think about your
brand when they're making purchasing decisions.
This means that you have to capture people's attention and be memorable enough for consumers to
recall your brand when they're purchasing something.

Example : when someone wants to get a cup of coffee and is driving around, what's the first brand they
think of? Probably Starbucks. When they want to search for something online, they Google it.For
instance, what tone of voice, logo, color, or slogan comes to mind when users think of soda. They might
say red, because they've associated Coca-Cola branding with soda in general.

So now we come to the next point. WHAT IS BRAND RECALL ?

Definition :

Brand Recall is the likelihood of instant recollection of the name of a brand by a consumer when
prompted with a product or service or any other association with it.

In simple terms, brand recall is a qualitative measure of the consumer’s ability to remember the name of
a brand. It is a component of brand awareness which measures the spontaneous recall of the brand
from memory when the customer is prompted by the product category.

Example : For example, A researcher might prompt a respondent with a question like “Are you familiar
with Heineken (or any other beer brand or a list of beer brands)?” If the respondent professes familiarity
with the brand, it is a result of aided brand recall. The name of the brand or any cue linked to the same
is given to the respondent for enhancing or aiding the consumer’s memory

C19: Operant conditioning is a learning process in which new behaviors are acquired and modified
through their association with consequences. Reinforcing a behavior increases the likelihood it will occur
again in the future while punishing a behavior decreases the likelihood that it will be repeated.

examples: The teacher gives you homework if you do it well the teacher will give you a good score or
praise this will reinforce the homework behavior so that the students repeat the action in the future.
And vice versa, if students do not complete the task, the teacher will give penalties such as giving low
grades, criticizing parents ... here the teacher's punishment is to eliminate the behavior of not doing the
test and avoid repeating the behavior in the future.

Condition doesn't happen the first time, it is a process that happens over time.

examples: Currently, advertising products we can see them appearing a lot through media such as TV,
radio, youtube.... to reach customers as much as possible.

C20: How does learning new information make it more likely that we’ll forget things we’ve already

Learning happens because of repetition.

Information is stored in the brain in networks of cells called neurons. When you think about an item, the
neurons associated with that item are excited.
When certain neurons get activated simultaneously, they connect with one another to form stronger

The more you think about something, the more connections can be formed - those connections allow
easier and faster access to the information and can create associations between different pieces of
information, enhancing understanding.

Think about something often enough and its recall can become automatic.

But when we don't use information and we don't have well defined pathways to that information, those
information decay. The information is not necessarily lost, but it is harder to find.

When information is not repeated often, or new information is updated, old connections will decay and
form new links. That is why when we absorb new information, the old information will be forgotten or
no longer enough information.

Example: từ chính bản thân

For example, in grade 12 math, because we study for the exam, the formulas are used often and
continuously, we will remember and master the knowledge in the meantime. However, after the
university entrance exam, the formulas are no longer used frequently, with students learning other
knowledge, leading to the math formulas, because they are not used much, they will gradually be

Advertisment can be worked depends on either enhancing recall or diminishing recall because if
consumers are in the period of enhancing recall, the advertisment can greatly affect them and in
contrast, if it is in” diminishing recall”, advertisment will have less impact on customers.

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