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ddd 4‘ tale ELASTIC ANALYSIS OF BOLTS PROBLEM] DETERMINE THE Most STRESSED BOLT INTHE Geoup USING ELASTIC ANALYSS METHOD - e 35 150 | S00 FN i . 0g ' w -@ fii 4 # Sy +O 4+-Q— —P p--- + Wha 5 iowa eT STEP ot] _vetrmine the anlar of bolts. A-eccentriaty Ab- area of _ bolt Gk (X) = SAb(0) + 3a (75). Y= 375mm CX= 187-500 GabT) = 2ab(6) 5 2Ab (79) +7 Ab(150) Lt mm Cy= 135 me STEP 02} oN ex TM =) @ Ci-C2 ~T=0 f— Qe 100 (ie#.50) TG-Cr 9 [font 5H o00, oben T= 37900-40520 = - 3 O00 hen srg lsce i! Cox S00 (135) TF 9000 mm GF = 40500 kN-mm SEP 03] Fe pipe SHEAR H= J00KN if Pou, Po foi=Poin =H = > SO RNVbwlt fos {Po wate Pow Pod > 2 “® Pee ee Pove | Pog Pov Povas f = Tg = 32.9? A felt PB Pr feore {Pow 2 = = 2 2 2 2 2 me STEP 08] RF pesiGw : ir AWSx or! _& USED wel Pris ON LTO! = Pwiba pu = 075(%°) (SEP) {o8us)(o)= 075(48)(% GO Mt dbz FD nm = Wenn 9 ASX pars Wana 390; y= Fv Aon as = a qRoueaTON 827 eh veyed b nboid oF Ta ey RC i upslope) = CLE ET 1 [esto | 98 fers s Oe Rte SE b= I9.2¢mm = 0mm O_AASH Pas E > [ss |e TES 0083.5 mar ‘I ° -poeLeM | Smeal —_DsrkeMiNe one rerat_ peace mye Mest STRESSED ast : oF THE Gtou SHOWN ust MUALYSIS METHOD. ule | 2 SING ELASTE. USE PN 200 od 5 2 arene sre? of) yest smmeseep pop $e Sa = je Shim (gp5mn yz JeBe EN ah ee a soli Ab- orca of bolt T= 49 (250) pT nis Pad + (Pons Pro [8043 8) 4 (ona oe = Te 68500 paren C 2 C2 = BT ane) ae nl] pon Yon Sdn Cx =300-S0 = 4nm Sut e22 __ BAR (GD = (4 26), A(t) 4 4blG) aa ay {= Benn a a ee : * = of + & a RESULTANT PURCES IN EACH BOLT oar r i (UP. \"4(ZP9) = of (Povw « Pra)’ + ( Povs + Pry): Yi 2 "38.200 10 Pos 16.550 40 > 4.68) 1H Ro bE ne Pa BY tne 550 hd pene oe 6 pp el et _PReeLEM| DETEWING THE TOTAL fetes oF eva) ayy 37" Py= Gp Aware: aoe Vt a rat as Peas Tats fro Pre 2 -50_| 150 > *|-s0 | -s0 a [50 | 50 = rd* = 129000 wae? s | -50 v so 50 ed war) | se [0 a abo _ancl ceca ° Pigs CUT gps io Le a 4ab(R)= tel) Ta 8 pate) Tieeoo — Ts Setin eee Wb. mm _ Pye Weis) a-wonm et) te) Ci T= sae + A (8), anlns) ——__ mor Pieg 2 e + a onat ot eat Prine = Be. o¥2 we = moan Se PT aed et OPTET as a ta) mi eee Bg Pots = =2. 042 bad Pre Wee TOG Tihs ton ew = 16.08 eras 24-01m (oox we] [eon] part) Te t5 mien oa wi casnnen Se = 1,00 Pos WS rape te 9 A ma LEM: WELDED _CounjECTIONS fis te te eet AD and en = Ww os chown lee B92 steel Gr 50 [f= BA Si 8 ye 86 pa ran He z O_o Pax OM ue freer ANGLE PROPERTIES - oa ee Ps SO = ib = ae Beamon oe = Tp em wy Ey cores 1 nas = Te ae le a ca Gress Secret YeLONG Po Fy A ‘Pr= 0.4 (2144 205) = 24 (4209) /p? = 1952.75 nly = Med 705.) BR > 20h. Te5 Brat HSb25)%s I, 95" 326) 475% 25™ With 10316. 75 mm? 7 — Wes Bb ge wit Ps Bard <= tty Pra ei) TOSHTR fins BRSRI Ppa > FR Pra es am erea Pa 274474 KN Pvp = LIEN Pte Pay = = = me sd — oes es 2uym <3 wee, BB coge Sem eee et set pat era eae tei gent pe — oe — = he 0958140) gee era he be fee mer? wd ee Boe 19-405 pl 2 fre pas 1 pal 4 fv — i pa os 3 PLO SHEAR 2 BLO0K SHEAR, Aagv> Arve (25004), ane i = itn? : ye) — - a 5 = — al Ant> es Ant (209)(n) T ~ ae x = 8800 nin hes Funes UsFuint © OWFYAy gibeFi at B= oli) (Sto) + 10(4H8)0%) = 0234.80 IN P= o1o(248)(5%) 41 (we) (Oreo) = Feet wx] cewens PP OUFuhnw a Ula Funk _& Ov Fyigy ss Fu Fee HUY RERD eRe” = apo 4 Fr 2 (IED 1 DLS. B99 RT] > eaeas Wy i [owns lw 8 renga e a : ~#ine evs(eena) fee BBB Bele %) ne ae = ul 725 #N Sieasel Fs = 85.2 56.8 Ww En SUMMARY | GSY CONTROLS f= Nouo2my Phe 705.307 a WELDED CONNECTION: __DETERHINE NE Ler oTENGMH ano ASD ameNGTH or ep SECTIONS GIVEN: USE Ate STEEL Fy <8 Mia Fu= S00HPa | mmere* eA Cal ar —— =e et 5 is { on tesa Ts - a fee a ce Fe Fy ype RM ye ry ayia = 10. 138 os aN GRE) > sare = igo nl Poe 090(078) ps tol) = baths 2a ip Ee Fe ga ne oa tt ____ 238%, SO SSCS~C~“*S*S*S*S*SSCSSST Ge oe ee aL, x _ 7 re ised a8 EGOXXETOX, te In this lssifiation, the letter E represents an electrode, while the fist st of dit- {ts (60,70, 80.90 100, oF 110) indicates the minima tensile strength of the wedi ‘The remaining digs may be used to specify the type of coating. Recause ngth i the moa mportant factor tothe structural designer, we usally speci clectrodes as ETIXX, ESOXX, o simply E70, EAD, and soon, For the usual situation, EMO electrodes ae ued for soe with F, vlues fom 3610.60 ksi, while EAD s used ~ when Fs 65 Ei 1. ‘The minimum tength ofa filet weld may not he les than four times the nominal Jeg size ofthe weld Should its ength actualy be les than this value, the weld size considered eflective mint he reduced to one-quarter ofthe weld length 2. The maximum sizeof a Gillet weld along edges of matril less than 1/4 i thick ‘equals the material thickness For thicker material it may not be larger than the ‘material thickness less 1/16 i, unless the weld is specially built out 1 give a fll throat thickness Fora plate with a thickness of 1 in or more itis desirable to keep {he weld back at least 1/16 from the edge so that the inspector can clearly se the ‘edge of the plate and thus accurately determine the dimensions of the weld throat. cy} == i L Longitudinal Filet Welds | are motes Wer: Li a= Faswhon Fane= nominal sess of he bare metck Fi2'Snoming! shoe ofthe wold mete! Wt ott dou ellectize area ol the base meal ae = Fachen Anvcotectve ove9 othe weld a Rast lolol nominal strength of the wu ? —_TTenateaalend Rorsvene Tat wai |" ongtucinas free wel wing the Raa Race a formula Ry = Fwhen — 71] lz “Lc! | pant total noting! Srergth of the Fhe 0.85 hae | ‘rorsverely loaded tetweldk nats La computed using te formda Ra = L_ + Fae es @-77 —! Firimam engin of a filet weld may nol be ess than Tour Times The nominal sae othe oe ee f The maximum size of @ file! weld olong the edges of materia less thon % inchéenm) | {hick equals the material thickness. For thicker materal. It may not be larger thon Nomiea | Eicire = oe | ema i Oe a RR aN oo [ee eemfaon | |e = [eee | eee TABLE 142 Minimum Sze of Fillet Welds Material Tstncs of ‘Thinner Pat Joined, nm) ‘Minimo Se of in ra) Hine 10) over} (6.103) ho a ve }13) 109 16) he material ticknesvos los 1/16 isch (1.eenl on PROBLEM, OBTERMINE THE DESIGN STRENGTH AND ALLOWABLE STRENGTH CTABERE Wa pools Paw whe cost )(G0)/10" Over 09) Sceyts 6 r PROBLEM ISTHE OBSIGN STRENGTH AND ALLOWABLE. OESGN STRENGTH OF THE TENG MEMOER AND COMMECTION SHOWN, USE 7X ELECTRODE, 3 eS Pele 115 Jam _ Putts) Pogeries —_ 2 945 rene” rus oa me aoat Ge So oe WED STRENGTH conTROLS ‘4 a Ger 190.531 sat or Qo bb ee = “PROBLEM: DESIGN oF ymDED _comiccnad ein — Ron Commit) = ee a Dest! AotW _FuLeT wets wo fESigT A PULL GaReTY a Br ane ge) nes LEAD ON THE ommylis0nm ENDED svownl. USS ABW TEL OED Ste eenende fe fp _ ie AND E70 ELECTRODES: USE ASO ANO LeFD ‘= Sam ae aint sO s Bren J gem ty rh ae Puexie L2GTH of wen — ein tv da = HCG) Bln Cm oy pene Eee rH To WELD sme PATIO: fae} ttn co we emer pare Tg 2: ate wad srecNeTH - cs = PETURNS AT CORNERSIDE * e ser ol Jar MU)= ftmn Ser @] Swat or TE WED vero ay or Pow AC fewlacogd5)(05) Dene 05 (oF 7) . fro e—® STEP of] else (ears 45)(t5)(2) De® eos a B vie Fl aor ae eIaeaii Poe PYAg PeFude | Ani An ie. F 2505 (@omP) Paix STEP ob] TENSILE STPENGTH oF TE WOHOER areal Tat et ent nt = — te = 0a(65) 095 (2) Ey ‘ar FyAg Done 0%0(945) Ee ez fin os(608) ‘Oe 26 2 = oa { )) 30.5 Wy 2 £00 FOB Hy TI ro = 3 = 09. B80 She HH PloBLEM | DESGN erRENGTH DETERMINE THE DESIGN STRENGTH (carb 1g S60) oF THe COuIESTION SHOWN IF THE PLATES GNSIST OF _AI2 GRADE SO STEP 08] DESIGN oF WELD + GF Gnm Fras ou (HOS) = 10.0 He Bot Fw Ac Rex awiis (Le) Posy By= aus. 9500 Pas 34 60 HL STEEL THE SMAW PSOOSS Was USED USING Bex ELEC 720065 Pus gen fas AND ME SIZE oF THE FLLET WELD 15 Il MM- UUs. o-e0(0e0) O68) bo Dharwad: CAPE) iv i use 315-03 & £300 om Lar 3607 a Sto on a A moe niaso = a : 7: ; J Ee ee STEP off) PE CHECK oy % ABL.U5SMP © 483 HP (a fe Wal a Ey 262 f y Vw = v= 0.97 Ca ano cece 15w> £Yw--yr0.99 15 (ihe) 7 oY 150, MS 7 WY 150. 4 nin = nm font ¥ 2 Us OF: — Aeag= 19-2 Firm lenis 407 40) + Him C25 ok © L 1 mae Leo; gato ROE 3S — fas FuAe Ae? u An; pnvAy Gens 0.25(504) Te. leo 2 Ca = 418 (078)[150«10) jo? o = Ree eB 4 as or = sot 6 TAS commols ALeesOT 3 ee name) SEPT ae = os a (ie) > 2. 67S A 2a wesoive tu, fy Os e009 Dus 390 Pa=252 — Pus g Pn fas aes set)'= 9 3 loos *5) (co) PETSESECET DCO / eo? __fe Fue} kee uh fly Lae 209. SB Lp 2 204-44 = 00m fe Luz 2 = 155mm beth Ae> 31°» 155mm both ee Ly y ; 180 > 2(080) Xue 1 2 ees = es 2 _ Ba YL 15; 150) y 250 15) KUT OT 2 _ Dy 1-5 [7 190 $50 Vn, UOT SieNGTH To wep Site ward — v 3 fe. 05. 89 Se, Bato 2 te ROAD (eoMD Spe ors(en) ES ho a8 at wt = 107 Ww = Fb % Suwtt = use [enn Joule] of filet wld cach side ££. £ a LIVE, 2 WELD STRENGTH Ay ceo gene a Bee Foo ees REO Ow Ope 0.15(inp 08?) Fee MF o Ade Amin» S00 Joedatam ope Bel) = 5 a SE at Ft = 168-8 = For 2846 ('! a %5)(250)H) 0? =n? OFF SUMMARY WELD STRENGTH conrPoLg fas OWUD wl, EE = 5up.504 IN Ae Rett Oy me ee “Le z DeSGN TA @MAW PuteT weds TO FESIGT THE LeAD) APPLIED ¢ Sie Gaae Tok OWN ie Fn SUEE TIDE ASHE ey ® es FOR _eoTH MEMBERS AND ASME THE GUSET PLATE B < erp ASEGUATE Poe THE yond AMLIED. OETEEMINE LAO Le oe oe £ tee A rs = 246H a 2) (26.43) Pula) =O rictaoiian se amen Pa ll wo Pie O Pn pe, Wr Os (Os oma) femeeyOy Ses ey ee 5 ——em > oe “1 &t b+ fr fel Fy Ope catmnst) ‘eae t tw abe Las Gas toto = 1) POY 7 ee we Bl Fs tse Pt al F — 175 — foe Fu Ae, ke 15005 )+ dole) —?_SWWAARY | LIF ome ue — Lys ten fro E1682) (250) — _ - ye te Perot UE) a £ = us «Wb 2 Gnd — - « 4 — as GY_ wats te = = an oi z rosy Fe 05. Fe OL el 5 Pur Pa tae : han ni) r5liee omc) Tc nema — al SHE SIE FILLET weios roe THE FULL Se Le 419.095 mm CAPACTY THe 15 17SI2mm ANGLE TENSEN MEMBER AS GHC, ASW DAT TE NevRer Kk SURIETED To pePEATeD STFESS. VARIATIONS MAKING ANY COMECTION EQENTEICTY UNCESIRAPLE, MEE THE GLK SHEAR SENGTA oF THE wiouRER, ASUME THAT JE WT GED WS _GUFCENT STHEGTH 7 PEVELOP THE wap STENTS AP Me TCHS OF mS weEB 1 HO, Iss Ur0.0F ae o Se ae ans (54.494 (185- 43.5t0) ~p, ()=O Aut (125-450) - P= Log Pe 428.20 Tae Te ota ® ASI -Seel cp — fete ___ [- Se ame LiTeies alas (> oAS(M ONL) FORT (ead a > Rae ay TF Stem Lf nn a se Lat HA.554 yam LE= 19. 554 mm 0 ro E a =e. 000 Nees tng iE or hgh — e—P __PaeO.¢FuAnv’ Dis Fu Ak COGApy « Us Fadat _Anve( oa )E) > Some a Ant = 15(0) * 15tone? 9 Fro (aie) Buy LORY) AYA stnn® oP = WOR. c08 oO) rT) = [240-F N —* Govepas 3 | Wk A VED_ GENET —— ae 45 (eR) = 5 AN fe fio = Wp. wl Gaol arma 1m uA TAA CRON > PANT EN Tow eke er aout ( Lu)

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