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화이트카드, 조종연습허가서, 무선통신허가서 꺼내서 앞에 깔아 두고

2. 플랜 승인 확인했습니다.

3. 점검사항, W&B 프린트

4. 비행일지 프린트

5. “금일 비행 브리핑 하겠습니다. 금일 비행 14시30분부터 16시까지 1시간30분 N3500 공역에서 비행 예정이며,

이용 항공기는 HL1260, 스팟은 4 입니다. 플랜 승인 확인하였습니다.”

6. “현재 울진비행장 METAR는 ~~~ SIGWX에서는 기호를 물어봄/ Turbulance icing haze mist
SIGMET에 보이는 건 없고, AIRMET은 moderate 기상표시 기상 ~~~”

7. IVIDEON 화면 보면서 ID: amos@amos.com / PW: amos “현재 바람이 ~~~해서 금일 비행은 가능

8. 교관님: 왜 가능해?

9. “저희 VFR 기상 기준치는 시정 3SM(4.8km)이상 실링 1,500ft이고(VMC), POH상 max x-wind 기준

치는 15kts 최대인데 Headwind 25kts, 현재 기상치에 충족하기 때문에 비행 가능합니다/불가능합니다.”

10. 애매한 날씨면 그냥 조금 판단하기 어렵다고 말씀드리면 됨

11. 예를 들어 바람이 33010kt 230v360 max 18 이렇게 분다. 그러면 이걸 평균치로 봐서 나가야하나, 순간
260 최대 18kt 분다고 가정해서 x-wind 초과라 봐야하나.

CROSS WIND 구하는 법 (30도 이상 = 0.5 // 45도 이상 = 0.7 // 60도 이상 = 0.9)

예) 320V350 12KT 일 때, CROSS WIND = 대략 6KT // 300V350 12KT 일 때, CROSS WIND = 대략


-RA : Light(-) Rain(RA)

OVC038/// : Overcast (OVC) 3,800ft AGL Cloud type not available

D등급 공역에서는 시정 5km 이상, 구름으로부터 수직 1000ft(300m) 수평 5000ft(1.5km) 확보

Flight Plan 해석

금일 브리핑하겠습니다.

KAG60을 / VFR 시계비행으로 / General Aviation

C172는 Light급이고(7000kg 미만) 표준장비와(VHF,RTF,ADF,VOR,ILS) GNSS 장비, Transponder

Charlie를 장착하고 있습니다.

울진에서 12:30분에 이륙한 뒤

100kts VFR Level 로 North Bound 2500ft 에서 기동 후

울진비행장으로 1시간30분 뒤 도착입니다.

REG/ 등록부호는 HL1260

SSR/ Transponder는 1260

기상과 노탐 확인했습니다.

비행 목적은 비행 훈련입니다.

Endurance time은 5시간30분, Persons on board는 2명, Radio는 VHF, ELT 장착 되어있습니다.

항공기 색깔은 하얀색입니다.

교관번호는 010-9666-7993 , PIC는 김도헌 입니다.

Master Switch ON / Flaps Extend 30° / Avionics Switch ON / COM1: Ground(121.775),
Tower(118.55) Volume80% COM2: Emergency(121.5), Arrival(120.875) Volume20% NAV1:
Localizer(108.1), VOR(115.3) / Avionics Switch OFF / Fuel Quantity (Left 26.5, Right 26.5 gal)
/ Pitot Heat ON / External Lights ON / Master Switch OFF / Fuel Selector Valve BOTH


Preflight Inspection Complete : 연료 R26.5 L26.5 Total 53gal보유 중이고, Oil 7Quarts 보유하고 있습니
다. 항공기 외부 점검 시 특이사항 없었습니다. / Crew and Passenger Briefing : 현재시간 13:30 Local Time,
RWY35, ALT 30.15, North 3500에서 공역훈련 후 울진비행장에 Full Stop하겠습니다. There is a fire
extinguisher under the front seat. Exit door on your left & right side. Smoking is Prohibited.
Fasten your Seatbelt & Shoulder Harness. Crew & Passenger Briefing Complete / Seat and
Seat Belt Adjust and Fasten / Parking Brake SET / Fuel Selector Valve BOTH / Fuel Shutoff
valve FULLY IN / Mixture IDLE Cut-off / Throttle 1/4 inch OPEN / Stand-By Battery TEST /
(Engine Indicating System NO Red Sign / Essential Volts More than 24V / Main Volts Less
than 1.5V / Stand-By Battery Discharging / Stand-By Battery Annunciator SHOWN) / Panel
Lights OFF / Circuit Breakers Upper In, Middle In Except ADS-B, Lower In / BEFORE START


Master Switch ON / Avionic Switch ON / Inter-Com Check : How do you hear me Sir? /
Contact Ground : Uljin Ground, Curly60 at spot 5 Request Start-Up / Rwy35, ALT 30.15,
Start-Up approved Curly60 / (Avionic Switch OFF / Beacon Light ON) / Prime : Fuel Pump
on→ Mixture full(3~5초)→ Fuel flow check→ Mixture Idle Cut-Off→ Fuel Pump Off→ PRIME
COMPLETE / Ignition Switch Key IN & OFF Position / Left, Forward, Right, Rear Side
Clear“Clear Prop”/ Start : Brake Apply→ Right, Left, Both, Start→ Mixture Full / Throttle
1000Rpm / (Oil Pressure Green Arc / Ampere Both Charging / Low Volts Annunciator NOT
SHOWN / Avionics Switch ON) / Leaning : Mixture Full→ Throttle 1200Rpm→ Counter
Clockwise Pick Rpm Drop Check→ Back to 1000Rpm→ Leaning COMPLETE / ENGINE START

Flight Instrument: A/S Zero, ATT Erect Normal, ALT 30.15 within 75ft, Target Altitude Set
3500ft, VSI Zero, H/D Bug Set 351° H/I 000°Magnetic Compass 000°within 5°, Turn and
Slip/Skid Indicator Center / Avionics : Com1 Com2 Com1 Mic Check / Com1, Ground Active
Tower Stand-By Com2, Emergency Active Arrival Stand-By Nav1, Uljin VOR Active Uljin
Localizer Stand-By Nav2, Same as Nav1 / Check Identifying NAV1 & 2 / VOR Test 'R/L 10
degree full deflection' / PFD→ BRG1(NAV1)BRG2(GPS) / Transponder Check / NRST DCT to
RKTL / Fuel Set 51 gal / Terrain mode set / AUX RAIM Test / LRU Check All Lights ON /
Stand-By Instrument : A/S 0, ATT Erect Normal, ALT 30.15 within 75ft / Flaps UP &
Indicator UP / Contact Ground : Uljin Ground, Curly 60 at Spot5, Request Taxi to North

Brake Apply / NAV Lights ON / Parking Brake Release / my brake first and then your brake→
Power apply→ Power Idle→ Brake apply→ Tension good→ Back to 1000Rpm→ my brake
operation good, you have control X 2

Taxi Briefing: 금일 RWY35 Left Turn하겠습니다. / Magnetic Compass Swing Freely No Crack No


(Brake Apply / Power back to 1000Rpm / Parking Brake Set / Frequency change to Tower / York
Neutral) / Flight Control : Yoke Left Left up Right down→ Yoke Right Right up Left down→
Yoke Forward Elevator down→ Yoke Pull Elevator up→ Right rudder Left rudder→ Flight
Control Free and Correct / (Fuel Selector Valve BOTH / TRIM Set T/O Position / Oil
Temperature Check / Mixture Full Forward) / Left, Forward, Right, Rear Side Clear 1800Rpm /
Magnetos : Turn to Right, drop 50 in Limits→ Turn to Both, 1800Rpm Check→ Turn to Left,
drop 50 in Limits→ Turn to Both, 1800Rpm, Dual difference within 50 Normal / (Engine
Instrument NO Red Shown, All Green Arc, Annunciator NOT Shown) / Throttle Idle(3초)→
Engine Still Alive→ Back to 1000Rpm→ Idle Rpm between 600~1000Rpm / RUN-UP

Trim T/O Position / Flaps Retracted / Flight Instrument : A/S 0, ATT Erect normal, ALT
30.15 within 75ft, H/I 351° Magnetic compass difference within 5° / Stand-By Instrument :
A/S 0, ATT Erect normal, ALT 30.15 Set difference within 75ft / Avionics : Frequency re-
check, Transponder re-check / Flight Instrument & Avionics CHECK COMPLETE / Cabin Doors
& Window : my side locked, and your side? / Departure and Emergency Briefing : Any
malfunction before Vr, STOP. engine failure or fire after rotate, below 500ft AGL land
straight ahead, Turns only to clear obstacles. Above 500ft AGL, If time permits and realistic
chance of restart, Attempt restart. If time does not permit and engine failure or fire,
Perform engine failure or fire checklist and execute emergency landing. Other Consideration

Base Clear, Final Clear / Contact Tower : Uljin Tower, Curly60 Ready for Departure North
Bound / Clear for T/O RWY 35, Curly60 / (Parking Brake Release / Fuel Selector Valve Both /
Mixture Full Forward / Transponder ALT position AUTO / All Lights ON / Autopilot OFF) /
Runway Designated Sign 35 Check / Clearance Obtain / Foot on the Floor / Parking Brake
Release recheck / Gradually Power Full 1-2-3 / Annunciator NOT Shown / Engine
Instrument All in Green Arc / Airspeed Alive 40-45-50-55 Rotate / Medium Pitch Hold /
70kts Vy Pitch / 자세-파워-Trim Set

Above 70kts ⇒ Vy pitch hold(10 ~ 12 도) ­ “자세-파워-Trim Set”(74kts)
400ft ⇒ Runway Check
700ft ⇒ Traffic Check “Left, Forward, Right Clear”

1,000ft ⇒ Tower Contact (Uljin Tower, Curly60 Request Right Turn) /

(Right Turn Approved, Curly60) ⇒ “Left, Forward, Right Clear” ⇒ Right Turn 15 도

1,500ft ⇒ Climb Checklist : Flaps Up - Mixture Full Forward - Climb Power Set, 85kts - Lights
Off (LND, TAXI) - Climb Checklist Complete

2000ft ⇒ (Uljin Tower, Curly 60 Request Frequency Change) /

(Frequency Change Approved Contact Arrival, Curly60)

주파수 변경 후 ⇒ (Uljin Arrival, Curly60, 3miles East of Uljin, Passing 2200ft Climb to 3500ft
North Bound) / (Maintain VFR, Curly60)

(Uljin Arrival, Curly60 Leaving 3,500ft Descent 2,500ft Heading to November) /
(Report November, Curly60)

Descent Checklist : Seatbelts Fasten - Fuel Selector Valve Both - Mixture Rich ­
1800rpm(100kts) Set - Decent Checklist Complete

해안가, (Uljin Arrival, Curly60 Approaching November, Request Frequency Change) /

(Maintain VFR, Frequency Change Approved, Curly60)

주파수 변경 후 ⇒ (Uljin Tower, Curly60 Approaching November for Full Stop) /

(RWY35, Altimeter29.92, Report Alpha, Curly60)

"인바운드 브리핑하겠습니다. 금일 RWY35, ALT29.92, 리폿오버 알파 받았습니다.

Left Downwind 장주 타고 RWY35 로 랜딩 하겠습니다."

(Curly60, Over Whiskey)

2000ft Alpha ⇒ (Curly60, Approaching Alpha) // (Report Left Downwind, Curly60)

Descent Checklist : Seat Belts Fasten - Fuel Selector Both - Mixture Rich - 1800rpm(100kts)
Set ­ Descent Checklist Complete

(Curly60, Entering Early/On/Late Left Downwind) / (Report Base, Curly60)

맹목방송 ⇒ (Curly 60, on Downwind)

Before Landing Checklist : Seat Belts Fasten - Fuel Selector Both - Mixture forward ­
All Lights On - Before Landing Checklist Complete

ABEAM ⇒ Below 110, Flap 10 ⇒ Descend Pitch

1200ft ⇒ (Uljin Tower, Curly60 Turning Base for Full Stop)

(Curly60, Vacating E3)

E3 정지 ⇒ After Landing Checklist : Lights L,T,S Off (야간 ON) ­

Transponder Standby Mode ­ Frequency Change to Ground - Mixture Lean - Flaps Retract -
Trim Take/Off Position - After Landing Checklist Complete

Contact Ground ⇒ (Uljin Ground, Curly60 at E3, Request Taxi to Apron) /

(Taxi to Apron, Curly60)

기동 후 *A.P.E.

1. After Maneuvering Checklist : Fuel Quantity Check - Engine Indicating Check -

Voltage / Ammeter Check - Landing / Taxi Lights Off

2. Position : “at oo Miles East of Uljin”

3. ETCR : 자세 ­ 파워 ­ Trim Set

기동시작 전 *C.E.B.S.
1. Clearing Turn : Left 90° (Lower/Upper Clear) → Right 90° (Lower/Upper Clear)

2. ETCR : 자세 ­ 파워 ­ 트림 Set

3. Before Maneuvering Checklist : Fuel Selector Both ­ Mixture Full ­ All Lights ON

4. Select Reference Point : 산,구름 ­ H/D Bug on Top

Steep Turn

1. Roll In ­ Rudder Aileron ­ 가늠좌 그대로

2. Passing 30°­ Back Pressure ­ Power Add(100rpm)

3. 45°Bank Hold ­ Back Pressure

4. (피치­뱅크) ­ 속도 // (피치­뱅크) ­ 고도 // (피치­뱅크) ­ 헤딩

5. Roll Out Point Coming ­ Roll Out ­ Rudder Aileron ­ 가늠좌 그대로

Slow Flight

1. Power Reduce 1500 ­ Left Rudder ­ Pith Hold ­ Power Recheck

2. Below 110, Flap 10 ­ Pith Hold / Power recheck / Below 85, Flap 20 Flap 30 ­ Pitch Hold

3. 70kts ­ Medium Pitch ­ Right Rudder

4. 55kts ­ Power Increase 2000(1800 6Pack) ­ Right Rudder ­ Pitch Hold ⇒ 50kts Target

5. Left 10°Bank ­ Left Rudder // Right 10°Bank ­ Right Rudder

Slow Flight Recovery

1. Power Full ­ Right Rudder ­ Pitch Hold

2. Speed Increase - Flap 20 // 60kts - Flap 10 // 70kts ­ Flap Up ­ Pitch Hold ­ 고도/헤딩

3. 97kts ­ Power Decrease to 기준파워

Off Stall

1. Power Reduce 1500 ­ Left Rudder ­ Pitch Hold

2. Below 110, Flap 10 ­ Pith Hold / Power recheck / Below 85, Flap 20 Flap 30 ­ Pitch Hold

3. 65kts ­ Power Idle ­ Left Rudder - Vy Pitch Hold ­ Right Rudder

4. Wing Level ­ Ball Center ­ Warning Horn ­ Wing Buff ­ STALL !!

Off Stall Recovery

1. Pitch Down - Power Full ­ Descent Pitch ­ A/S Increase - Medium Pitch - Right Rudder

2. VSI Positive - Flap 20 // 60kts ­ Flap 10 // 70kts ­ Flap Up ­ Pitch Hold

3. 97kts ­ Power Decrease to 기준파워

On Stall

1. Power Reduce 1300 ­ Left Rudder ­ Pitch Hold

2. Trim ­ UP Trim 2번

3. 85kts ­ Medium Pitch

4. 70kts ­ Vy Pitch

5. 55kts ­ Power Increase 1800 ­ Right Rudder ­ Pitch Up(20°More)

6. Wing Level ­ Ball Center ­ Warning Horn ­ Wing Buff ­ STALL !!

On Stall Recovery

1. Pitch Down ­ Power Full ­ Right Rudder ­ Level Pitch Hold

2. 70kts ­ Vy Pitch

3. 임무고도 회복 ­ Pitch Down to Cruise

4. 97kts ­ Power Reduce to 기준파워

Final Approach 상황 별 판단

속도 굿, 고도 높음 ⇒ 피치 down, 파워 down / 리드 잡고 피치 up, 파워 up

속도 낮음, 고도 높음 ⇒ 피치 down / 리드 잡고 피치 up, 파워 up

속도 높음, 고도 높음 ⇒ 피치 down, 파워 down / 리드 잡고 피치 up, 파워 up

속도 굿, 고도 낮음 ⇒ 피치 up, 파워 up / 리드 잡고 피치 down, 파워 down

속도 낮음, 고도 낮음 ⇒ 피치 up 파워 up / 리드 잡고 피치 down, 파워 down

속도 높음, 고도 높음 ⇒ 피치 down 파워 down / 리드 잡고 피치 up , 파워 up

속도 굿, 고도 굿 ⇒ 제원 cross check 후, up down draft 대비할 것

속도 낮음, 고도 굿 ⇒ 파워 up, 피치 hold

속도 높음, 고도 굿 ⇒ 파워 down, 피치 hold

Call out : 축선 ­ 에이밍 ­ 속도 / 축선 ­ 에이밍 ­ 목측

No Flap: Power reduce 13, left rudder pitch hold, below 85 pitch down to 80 (downwind) / 75
(base) 70 (final)

Short Field Landing: Power reduce 13, left rudder pitch hold, Below 110 flap10, below 85 pitch
down to 75(downwind) / Below 85 flap20 70kts(base) / below 85 flap30 61kts(final)

*No need 1st and 2nd flare. 3rd flare required.

영해 Flow

Contact Tower: Uljin Tower Request right turn (Heading 150) / Climb checklist: Flaps up→
Mixture rich→ Power full→ Land Taxi lights off→ Pitch down to 85kts / Emergency Briefing :
Set Vg 68kt Flaps up, Trims up(크게 세 바퀴). Best landing spot is 고래불해변 or Southeast of 영해
Trouble shoot checklist 실시하겠습니다. Fuel select v/v both, fuel shut off v/v fully in, Mixture
full rich, Power set, Fuel pump on, Master switch on, Ignition s/w both. Attempt restart. Fail.
(해변 위)바로 Forced Landing 실시하겠습니다. 121.5(Com2 마이크 눌러주고), Transponder 7700 set.
Mayday mayday mayday, 울진ARR, collie00, declaring emergency due to engine failure, Landing
spot is southeast of 영해 white 2 persons on board, Mayday Mayday Mayday. Fuel shut off v/v
off, Mixture idle cut off, standby battery off, Master s/w는 flap 사용 후 off하겠습니다. Ignition
s/w off. 선박 따라가면서 파도물결 확인하며 최대한 해안가 가까이 Ditching 실시하겠습니다. Ditching시 파도
와 평행하게, 레벨자세 유지한 채로 수평 꼬리날개부터 닿을 수 있도록 하겠습니다. (공통)Seat belt fasten, doors
unlatch. ELT on / Descent checklist: Target altitude set→ Seatbelt fasten→ Fuel selector
both→ Mixture rich→ Power 1,800rpm→ Pitch down to 100kts / 영해 Briefing : 1800에 90kts 유지
하겠습니다. 자세 파워 트림 set. 상대산 H/D 유지하고 카울 살짝 가려지면 H/D 330로 턴하겠습니다. Before
maneuver checklist 실시, Outside reference 국민야영장. H/D bug on top 바람부는쪽으로 set. 국민야영
장 Abeam 되서 240로 turn하겠습니다. 국민야영장과 Abeam 되면 Turn around Point 하겠습니다./ Turns
around point / S turn /

Normal Situation

Normal Emergency

No Flap Emergency
영해 Flow
Call: Uljin ARR, passing 2,000ft climb to 2,500ft heading to South Bound. Heading 080, 5miles East of Uljin 임무고도 도달 후,
Heading 140 / Clearing turn(Upper clear, Lower clear), Before maneuver checklist:
Call : Uljin ARR, Curly60 leaving 2500 descent 1800 heading to 영해.

Emergency Briefing : Set Vg 68kt Flaps up, Trims up(크게 세 바퀴). Best landing spot is 고래불해변 or Southeast of 영해 Turn to
landing Spot 고래불해변. Time enough Altitude enough. Trouble shoot checklist : Fuel select v/v both, fuel shut off v/v fully in,
Mixture full , Power set, Fuel pump on, Master switch on, Ignition s/w both. Attempt restart. Fail
Com2 Mic 121.5 check, Transponder 7700 set. Mayday mayday mayday, 울진ARR, Curly60, Declaring emergency due to engine
failure, Landing spot is southeast of 영해 white 2 persons on board, Mayday Mayday Mayday.

Time enough, ALT enough, Force Landing Checklist: Fuel shut off v/v off, Mixture idle cut off, standby battery off, Master
s/w는 flap 사용 후 off. Ignition s/w off. Doors unlatch, ELT on

Time not enough ALT not enough, Ditching Checklist: Seatbelt fasten, Heavy object secure or jettison. High Wind heavy sea,
into the wind. Light wind heavy swells parallel swells. Doors unlatch, ELT on 선박 따라가면서 파도물결 확인하며 최대한 해안가 가까이
Ditching 실시 혹은 선박 근처에 ditching 실시. Ditching시 파도와 평행하게, 레벨자세 유지한 채로 수평 꼬리날개부터 닿을 수 있도록 하겠습니다.

영해 Briefing : 1800ft, 90kts 상대산 바라보고 가까워지면 turn H/D 330 / Before maneuver checklist : Fuel Selector valve both,
mixture full, all lights on, outside reference 국민야영장, CDI on Wind option 3 set. 국민야영장 abeam turn H/D 240 / 자세 속도 고도
레퍼런스, medium to steep, steep to medium, medium to shallow, shallow to medium. Crab to left line of sight 앞, crab to right
line of sight 뒤. 060 reverse to reverse. 다음 Ref 대진항. H/D 240 S turn complete. / After maneuver checklist : 060로 나가면서 바
닷가로 충분히 상승하겠습니다. After Maneuver Checklist: land taxi lights off, engine instrument all green arc, Fuel quantity check,
현재위치 VOR.

Call: Uljin ARR, Curly60 leaving 영해 1800, climb to 2500 heading to 'Sierra'. / Climb Checklist: Target ALT set, Flaps up,
mixture full, Power full, LND TAXI light off, pitch up to 85.
Call: Uljin ARR, Curly60 approaching 'Sierra' request frequency change
Call: Uljin Tower, Curly60 approaching 'Sierra' for Touch and go or Full stop / altimeter and RWY report over ‘Bravo’
인바운드 브리핑: 리폿 오버 브라보 받았습니다. 브라보 진입 후 헤딩을 타워 쪽으로 한 뒤, RWY 17 Right downwind join 해서 touch and go 진행하겠습니
Sierra 지나면 / Descent Checklist : Target ALT set 2,000, Seatbelt fasten, Fuel selector valve both, mixture full, power 1,800
set, All lights on.
Bravo 지나면서 : Curly60 On Bravo. / Decent checklist: Target ALT set 1,500

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