QM Tutorial-4

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uantum-Mechniy (T-4)

a)+Tno he momentum Space wave fun¬Hon (Prt forn the nith

StoHonurty state of the inAnite squce
fnd e probabiuly dentíky/ ,cpiJ| n space
monentum E:

h funcHon fort n=l,n=2

A 4tme t=o a
pourthcle tn he thherval v) =mw22 descrubeo
by the savefunCHon

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Whee y,: arte eigen states of t h nengy with eigen vues

find he nomcilzukon conttant4.

Wrute e prteon forn tnut)fr to.
funcHon of tme auno ielicate
() showhat nutf s a periodie
he ongest perlo T.
) Finel he exrectatonal valu of entng%at time t=0,

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s a densiky maurrux
hrueievel System repeen téd byhe
HamilHonicun on a cuntan

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Supose thaSyttem
wth C t t e 2 = P h d te expectaHencul
s co)= C
valul o H,A anol B.

t g t 2 f you maosureod the enengt o+h Stehe ac tmat

Wha is the robabltly o oach?
hlhot valut mient yoy get an
obiervebles t andl B.
mswenhe Some quetton on

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